When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I

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When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I Page 17

by Mallory Anderson

  She came around the end of the couch and straddled his lap, and he brushed her robe aside, kissing her shoulder. As soon as she got him sufficiently stirred up, she jumped up with a grin and went into the kitchen.

  She was reaching up for a glass when she felt his hands grab her and spin her around. He tore open her robe, and she stood there gaping when he saw her in his other present. He was only still for a second or two, then he crushed his mouth to hers, pressing himself hard against her. She pushed his shirt off, then he turned her around, bending her over the counter, and he wasted no time taking his own pants off, then getting rid of the g-string. His hands were still tight around her waist, bringing her back to meet him, but she was pushing back on her own, her hands flat against the wall.

  Eventually, they made it back to the living room, and she laid back on the couch, Sathe hovering over her. “You’re so beautiful, and so bloody strong. I can’t imagine living my life without you,” he whispered.

  She smiled up at him, the diamonds and sapphires casting small rainbows on the walls and ceilings created by the light from the fireplace. “I have no intention of living without you, so I know exactly how you feel.”

  It was early morning before they gave out, and he covered them with a thin blanket after they had cleaned up and Angel traded the corset set for a pale blue silk nightgown. When he laid down, he cradled her against his chest, absently running his fingers through her hair as they both stared deep into the flickering flames, in total content.

  One the Edge of a Knife

  The next few weeks passed quickly, and Ari went back to England, and he promised to be back for Christmas and Thanksgiving, and she held both celebrations at her house. She was thankful for the many years she’d helped her mother cook. She, Sathe, Diamonique, and Adea all hit up the Black Friday sales, shopping until well beyond dawn and until they almost literally dropped. Two weeks before Christmas, she decorated, and depression tried to sink in again, but just like on her birthday, she looked at everyone smiling and laughing, and she pushed it back.

  School had let out for the holidays, and it would snow at least once a week. Ari flew in three days before Christmas, and they had a gigantic party at Angel’s. Malik being around no longer seemed odd, and Sathe appeared to have been right. Whenever Ari was in town, he and Malik spent most of their time together, playing video games or just talking. Sathe also seemed to spend more time with her than at his own house, but Angel wasn’t complaining, and Michael didn’t seem to have expected anything else.

  After the holidays, school started back, but it also marked the beginning of the racing showing seasons, and Angel couldn’t remember when she’d ever felt so busy. Sepherino ran his first two races, and he won them by at least fifteen lengths, adding to his undefeated record. She had every intention of taking the Delling colt to the Triple Crown. Along with Sepherino’s three-year-old campaign, they also had three two-year-old colts and a filly who were just beginning their own racing careers, and so far, they were all doing well for themselves. The show horses never did worse than third, and the stable was more than taking care of itself.

  On top of all that, she still had her schoolwork, and the time for prom season came around. Of course, Sathe and Angel were going together, but they were both astounded to see Malik there with Adea, dancing and laughing. She also had her sports teams, along with her regular classes, and then she had to get ready for graduation and applying for colleges.

  Every day, she thanked God for Damian. She lost count of how many times he took over for her when she had too many things happening at once. He just laughed after one such crisis. “That’s what I’m here for, Angel. Not just to be by your side in a battle of life and death, but also for the regular, day-to-day struggles.”

  She smiled up at him. “It’s almost funny. In one life, you’re the top officer of a vast army of warriors, and now? You’re an assistant to a teenager.”

  He chuckled. “I’ve always been your assistant, Angel.” He glanced at his watch, a stunning Rolex she’d gotten him as a ‘thank you’ gift. “Speaking of knowing your schedule better than you do, your Majesty, don’t you have dinner with the prince to get ready for?”

  She glanced at her own watch, then swore in Solarian. “Thanks, Damian!” She kissed his cheek affectionately before bolting from the office.

  * * *

  It was late April, and she was watching Sepherino’s workout. The Kentucky Derby was just a week and a half away. He was struggling more to stay down to a regular horse’s pace than anything else, and she knew he could easily lap the exercise horses he was running against. After they wrapped up, Angel spent a few minutes in the field before heading back up to the house.

  Suddenly, a shooting pain in her head caused her to cry out, and the world began spinning, and she blacked out. The very last thing she remembered as the ground rushed up to meet her was an echoing roar of rage deep inside her mind. Vaguely, she remembered thinking, God help us. Ciera’s remembered.

  When she came to, she was on the couch in the living room, surrounded by what seemed like everyone, and Sathe was gripping her hands. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she replied, sitting up. “How long have I been out?”

  “A couple of hours,” he replied.

  Her head was still aching furiously. “So now it begins,” she said in a whisper, closing her eyes tightly. She saw the others nodding. “You all felt it?”

  Everyone’s face was grim. “Of course. Nothing’s happened, yet,” Damian whispered. “But we all know it’s only a matter of time.”

  It only took two days. Angel was in the office with Damien, and she was addressing envelopes for her graduation invitations, and he was double checking the paperwork for the Derby the next week.

  Hello, your Majesty, a sly whisper came into her mind.

  Angel’s pen froze, and Damien looked up at the sudden cessation of movement. Hello, Ciera.

  Well, look. I don’t know about you, but I truly have no desire and see no benefit in trading useless insults and threats. You already know what I want, and that’s you, your prince, and this entire world obliterated. And I know you lot are going to try and stop me. I see my sister took care of your mother, Ciera said almost conversationally, as if they were talking about the weather.

  She did, but then she met her own end. Along with Kane, Angel replied, ignoring Damien’s attempts to get her attention.

  Yes, yes. And then, my little baby brother goes and turns traitor, along with getting himself a pretty little pony, she said in a soft sneer. But, like I said, I don’t want to draw this out any longer than I need to. I have no use in this life for dramatics. Meet me tomorrow at Baldwin Park, at five p.m. We can finish everything once and for all.

  Angel’s eyes narrowed. Don’t worry. I’ll be there. Are you really in such a hurry to die again?

  Ciera laughed. I guess we’ll see, won’t we?

  Her mental presence faded, and she grabbed her phone, calling Sathe, Michael, and Diamonique, and Sathe said he would call Neo. Malik was already in the living room. It only took ten minutes to get everyone together, and she explained the exchange between her and Ciera. Sathe sighed. “Tomorrow?” Angel nodded. “Well, at least we don’t have long to wait.”

  “Right. For good, or for bad, after tomorrow, everything will be over with,” she whispered thoughtfully.

  * * *

  Later that night, everyone left, and even Malik went to bed. For Angel, however, sleep was impossible, and she was sitting on the padded bench of her window, looking out when she saw a familiar pair of headlights. Sathe? What are you doing here?

  I couldn’t go to sleep without seeing you again, he said simply.

  Angel grabbed her robe, tying it around her, but the gusting wind whipped it around her slender form. She jumped in the car on the passenger side, and he pulled her to him fiercely, almost angrily. After a minute, she pulled back slightly. “There’s not enough room in here,” she whispered.

sp; Wordlessly, they got out, and the rain was falling. He headed toward the house, but she caught his hand with a shake of her head. “In the rain?” he asked, and she nodded.

  He pinned her to the roof of the car, untying the belt to her robe, and it fell from her shoulders to the ground, getting soaked in seconds. The storm that had been brewing all afternoon finally broke, and lightning split the sky above him, and the booming thunder almost completely drowned out her screams, her eyes closed against the rain. The entire car rocked back and forth from his force as she locked her legs around his waist, clinging to him.

  He slowly detangled himself from her, but instead of letting her go, he pulled her tightly to his chest. Her whisper barely reached his ears over the rain, wind, and thunder. “Don’t do this, Sathe. Stop acting like this is going to be the last time we’re going to be together.”

  “I can’t help it,” he replied. “We have no time, Angel. No time to train, no time to prepare, strategize or anything.”

  She took his face in her hands, her dark blue eyes burning as they looked up at him. “We can do this,” she said intently. “It will be. Have faith that our strength, our love for each other, will be enough to oversee anything, and anyone that comes our way.”

  “Do you?”

  She smiled faintly, brushing his dripping hair back. “Absolutely. If I have faith in nothing else on this planet, I have faith in that.”

  She could still feel him shaking, and she knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the chill from the rain. He knew her as well, if not better, than she knew herself. He knew he had every intention of fighting Ciera alone, to give the others a chance to live, and that terrified him.

  He picked her robe up, wringing most of the water out of it, then held it out to her. She put it on, but the silk from the robe and from her gown molded to her body. She saw the look in his eyes, and she held his hand to his chest. “Sathe, so long as I continue to draw breath, as long as my heart continues to beat, it will be over my dead body before I let Ciera take this away from me again.”

  They went into the house, and she could barely get the door closed before he had her pinned against it, his warm hands scorching against her damp skin. It surprised her how strongly her own body responded, every nerve ending electric in its own urgency.

  The sun was rising as they finally gave out, shaking violently from their efforts, and they took a long shower, just holding each other until the water ran cold. When they looked at each other, they knew they wouldn’t be able to sleep. Not with this battle so close on the horizon. Once they got dressed, they found Malik was already in the barn, and they went for a ride on the Dellings, Donay unburdened at their side, and they were all silent.

  When they got back, it was almost three, and the others were waiting for them in the living room, their voices a soft murmur. Angel stood, staring out the windows, her arms folded at her waist. Her eyes were far away, forcing herself to go through the only training tactic she possessed, the last battle on Solaris, remembering every move Ciera made. She made herself relive it again and again, until finally, Damien laid a hand on her shoulder gently.

  She focused herself back to the present, and he was staring at her. “We’re not stupid, Angel. I know you’re planning on fighting alone, but we can’t let you. We’re all here for you, and with you.”

  Blood and Stars

  She sighed. “I know you are,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry about this, Damian.” She began muttering a spell in Solarian, and it froze everyone. Damian’s eyes held a look of utter surprise. “Truly, Damian, I’m sorry, but she’d going to use you to get to me, and I can’t risk that happening.” She touched his cheek gently. “I hope one day, you’ll be able to forgive me.”

  Only Sathe was unaffected by the spell, and she took his hand and raced out the door. Sepherino and Freya were already there, pawing the ground and tossing their heads. The pair vaulted onto the bare backs, and the Dellings took off. “They will forgive you, Angel,” he called to her.

  “I hope so,” she said. “I just want to keep them safe. You can feel Ciera’s power, just like I can, and she’s stronger than she was on Solaris.” She could feel Ciera’s mental call to battle even now, and a large, white wolf raced from the side to bound in between them. The Dellings’ massive strides ate up the ground, and almost too soon, they were slowing to a trot as they reached the empty park, and they both saw a lone figure under the pavilion.

  Sepherino and Freya came to a stop, and Ciera began coming toward them as they dismounted. “You didn’t bring your fan club?” she asked jokingly. “I so wanted to see Malik.”

  “They aren’t coming, Ciera.”

  “Such a pity, but at least, I still get to kill his Highness and her Majesty. The rest will die eventually,” she replied with a shrug.

  Angel raised an eyebrow. “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself, aren’t you?” The star blazed with a fire Sathe had never seen before, and she appeared in her dress and armor as he appeared in his.

  “Hmph, not by much!” Ciera yelled, flinging an energy ball at Angel, and she wrenched her body out of the way with barely an inch to spare. In response, Sathe threw one of his own. It hit her, but she got to her feet with a smirk on her face. “Oh, my, my. If that’s all you’re capable of, Prince Sathe, then you’re in for a world of trouble.”

  * * *

  The battle began, their blasts demolishing the enormous park. Ciera was much, much more powerful than she’d been in her past life. She drove Angel to one knee, firing another fireball at her. She raised her arm as if to ward it off, but there was a sudden flash of white that filled her vision. Taylon had jumped in between them, saving her life, but he laid on the ground, whining, his beautiful fur singed black.

  Angel, Sathe, she’s far too strong. Even if the others were here, I don’t know if you could win this on your own. I can help you, make you much more powerful. I can give you my life energy.

  No! Angel said, tears falling from her eyes as she stroked his head gently.

  I’m dying anyway, Angel. If I can give you my energy, at least I won’t have died for naught. You’ll change, with a few wolfish characteristics, but when you want to appear as you are now, just will them away. Hurry, put your hands on me. We only have a little time left.

  They did as he instructed, and the wolf closed his blue eyes. A white light surrounded them, protecting them from Ciera’s incoming blasts. Both Angel and Sathe could feel their bodies changing, the bones shifting as they grew taller, their hair and nails longer, then a very peculiar tingling from the base of their spines. When they opened their eyes, they stared at each other in shock.

  Both had wolf-like ears and long, silky tails. Angel’s were white and Sathe’s were black, and they both had amber-colored eyes. Taylon’s form shimmered, then vanished, and they both could feel their powers skyrockets. They could wonder about their alternative forms later, and they turned as one to Ciera, renewing their attacks in unison.

  Her snide comments about their looks faded, and she cowered beneath their onslaught, their strength having increased several-fold. In a state of panicked desperation, Ciera grabbed a piece of metal pipe from a demolished swing set and swung blindly. With a sickening thud, it crashed into Sathe’s temple, and he crumpled to the ground, his skull crushed.

  Angel screamed his name, dropping to her knees beside him. Blood ran from the corner of his mouth. Clouds formed overhead, blocking the previously blinding sun behind a thick, dangerous black curtain. The wind whipped violently around them, moaning eerily through the structures. Back in his home, Michael felt the fall of his son as he would a knife through the chest. Even across the ocean, Ari’s pencil fell from his hand as it grabbed his chest, his eyes closed tightly.

  Freya reared, lashing out with her hooves, her ears flat against her skull. She raced to stand over his body, still as a statue, her mane and tail blowing out like a banner in the sudden, gusting wind, her blue eyes staring Ciera down.

ning struck all around them, thunder roaring in Angel’s much more sensitive ears as tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly, they began glowing silver, and the blue light burst anew from her star. Massive wings unfurled from Angel’s back, loose feathers spiraling up in the wind. She stood, her unsettling eyes on Ciera as she drew her sword from her waist, and it emitted a powerful white glow.

  She moved so fast; she seemed to disappear, but a deep slice appeared in Ciera’s side. Angel vanished again as she screamed in pain, then turned around, but the princess moved so fast, Ciera couldn’t see her. Angel toyed with her for several minutes, covering her body with deep and shallow cuts as the storm continued to rage around them.

  * * *

  Suddenly, Angel appeared just inches from her face, and Ciera jumped back with a yell. About twenty miles away, a tornado descended from the sky and touched down, and it quickly grew to a massive wedge, a sight almost unheard of for the Northeast. It began destroying everything in sight, matching the grief that was tearing at Angel’s heart, threatening to swallow her whole, but there was only a cold age in her eyes. She knew she had to finish this once and for all, and then she could be able to grieve.

  Her hand shot out, grabbing Ciera by the throat. A new, incredibly powerful strength flowed from her limbs, and she easily lifted her off the ground, barely straining. Ciera’s eyes went wide, and Angel snarled, a throaty sound she never imagined herself being able to make. “This is my world, my life, you bitch. And this time? I can look for myself as the life fades from your eyes.”

  Ciera tried to struggle, but Angel simply tightened her grip, and the girl’s words cut off, along with her air supply. “As I said, you were in such an awful rush to die again. I hope you enjoyed this life, Ciera, because you’ve come to the end, and you damn sure won’t be getting a third one.” Without another word, she ran her sword through her stomach, and the blade emerged, coated and dripping from her back. True to her word, she didn’t loosen her grip until Ciera’s eyes had gone dull, and she couldn’t hear or feel a pulse.


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