Redemption's Edge

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Redemption's Edge Page 21

by Shirleen Davies

Chapter Eighteen

  “Whiskey.” Cash took off his gloves and laid them on the bar before turning to survey the other occupants of the Wild Rose. He’d gotten an early start. By midafternoon, he’d spotted a camp south of Splendor and gotten close enough to identify Duff and Whitey Mayes. He didn’t recognize the third man. He’d accounted for three of the five men Sheriff Sterling had seen leaving town early one morning a couple of days before Cash arrived in Big Pine. Now he had to find the other two. He’d ridden around to the north end of Splendor, hoping to avoid running into the two outlaws who weren’t in camp with the others.

  “Here you are.” Al set the whiskey down and picked up the coins Cash handed him. “You’re new in Splendor.”

  “That’s right.” He took a sip of whiskey, looking over the rim of the glass at the bartender. “I’m trying to locate Dax and Luke Pelletier. Do you know them?”

  Al eyed the stranger. This was the second gunman to ask for the Pelletiers in as many days. “What do you want with them?”

  “That’s my business.”

  Al glanced up as another man joined them at the bar. “Sheriff. What can I get you?”


  Gabe turned toward the stranger and extended his hand. “Gabe Evans.”

  “Cash Coulter.”

  “You just get into town?” Gabe picked up the whiskey Al placed in front of him and tossed it back.


  “Staying or passing through?”

  “Don’t know yet. Depends if I find the men I’m looking for.”

  “And who would that be?” Based on the man’s distinct southern accent, Gabe thought he already knew.

  “Dax and Luke Pelletier. Do you know them?”

  “I do.”

  The two men fell silent, each waiting out the other.

  “He’s looking for the Pelletiers,” Al said as he topped off each whiskey glass.

  “I heard.” Gabe turned his attention back to Cash. “Have you known them long?”

  “We grew up together in Savannah, but I lost track of them after the war. It’s important I find them.”

  Gabe finished his whiskey and clasped Cash on the shoulder. “Finish up. I’ll take you to them.”

  “I thought it best to get this to you right away.” Bernie Griggs, the Western Union and mail proprietor, had ridden to Tolbert’s ranch to deliver the telegram. He’d known the rancher had sent urgent messages to several contacts in the east. Tolbert had received his first response.

  King opened the message and read it, his brows furrowed, exposing deep creases between his eyes. “Of course, you know what it says.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Have you heard any of this before?”

  “No. Most of us have had a bad feeling about the man ever since he arrived.”

  “I see.” King set the message on his desk and walked to the window.

  “Do you need to send a response?”

  “No. Thank you for bringing it to me,” King said over his shoulder, never turning his gaze away from the circle of men standing by the barn, his foreman one of them. He’d sent the messages a few days before, hoping for a quick response. He now understood the motivation Drake had for creating a war with the Pelletiers. The problem would be deciding what to do with the information.

  He picked up his gun belt, strapping it around his waist before grabbing his hat and walking outside. Abigail sat on the porch in one of the rocking chairs, engrossed in a book. She looked up at his approach and set the book down.

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  “I need to go to the Pelletier ranch. Would you like to ride along?”

  She saw as well as heard the concern in his voice. “That would be lovely. I’ll be right back.” Abby hurried into the house while King continued toward the barn, motioning for one of the men.


  “Saddle my horse and Abigail’s.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you going somewhere?” Drake asked as he walked up beside Tolbert.

  “Abigail and I are taking a ride. I doubt we’ll be gone long.”

  Drake had seen Bernie Griggs go into the house, then leave about ten minutes later. He wondered if Tolbert leaving had to do with Griggs’ visit, or if it was a coincidence. He didn’t put much stock in coincidences.

  “I’m ready, Father.” Abby strolled past Drake and straight into the barn. Within minutes, she and Tolbert were riding out.

  “I’ll watch the place while you’re gone.”

  “You do that, Drake,” Tolbert said, glad to get Abby away from the ranch and the menace he unwittingly welcomed into their lives.

  Cash followed Gabe out of town, heading northwest on an old rutted road.

  “You’re now on Pelletier land.” Gabe pointed to a whitewashed post to the side of the road. “It won’t be much longer to the ranch.”

  “How long have you been in town, Sheriff?”

  “Not long. I stopped by to visit a friend.”

  “And they persuaded you to take the sheriff position?”

  Gabe eyed Cash. “Something like that.”

  “Sheriff Sterling in Big Pine said they’d been looking for a sheriff for some time.”

  “You interested?”

  “Why? The job doesn’t suit you?”

  “Suits me fine, but I told them I’d take it on only until they found a replacement who wanted to settle in Splendor permanently.”

  “Sounds like you don’t.”


  They rode in silence a while longer before coming in sight of the ranch house. A group of men were pulling saddles off their horses when Gabe and Cash stopped and dismounted.

  “Hey, Gabe. What brings you out this way?” Bull walked up to the sheriff, eyeing the other man.

  “Brought a friend of Dax’s and Luke’s. Are they around?”

  “Both are in the bunkhouse, checking on Tat and Johnny. I’ll take care of your horses while you go inside.” Bull reached for the reins, not taking his gaze from the tall, blond man who accompanied Gabe.

  Dax stood over Rachel, watching her change Johnny’s bandages. She’d ridden Old Pete to the ranch earlier to keep watch on the two injured cowboys while everyone except Bull, Hank, and Bernice were out with the herd.

  “The swelling is almost gone and your cuts and bruises are healing. You’ll need to relax and let the broken bones heal.” Her words were gentle and encouraging.

  “I’m already tired of laying around.” He fumbled with the blanket and tried to sit up, then fell back on the bunk.

  “I understand.” She smiled at Johnny. “Be glad you were hurt and not killed. You’re a lucky man.” Rachel had yet to look at Dax, although she could feel his presence and knew he stood close behind her. “I’m going to check on Tat. Let me know if you need anything.”

  She stood and turned, facing the man she’d most wanted to avoid today. Her hope had been to check on the two ranch hands, then ride back to town without coming into contact with the older Pelletier. After their conversation the other night, she realized he needed space, time to figure out what troubled him. And she needed space, as well.

  “Hello, Rachel.”

  She raised her eyes to meet his. “Hello, Dax.” She tried to move around him, but he didn’t budge. “Excuse me,” she said and tried again.

  “How about some coffee after you’ve seen to the men?” His gaze locked on hers in almost a silent plea.


  Both turned at the sound of the door opening, and Dax’s jaw dropped at the sight of the man accompanying Gabe inside.

  “I’ll be damned. Cash Coulter. How are you?” He walked up to his old friend and took his hand, drawing him into a hug and slapping him on the back, causing Luke to look up from where he sat next to Tat.

  “I’m doing fine, Dax.” Cash looked around the bunkhouse and spotting Luke, held his hand out to him. Seemed his friends had a pretty prosperous ranch going.

“How did you find us?” Luke asked as a broad grin split his face.

  “It wasn’t easy.”

  Rachel stared at the man she’d shared a meal with on her trip out to Montana, surprised to have run into him again in such a remote location. She took a step forward when his gaze landed on her.

  “Cash, this is­—”

  “Miss Davenport, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” Cash removed his hat and made a slight bow.

  Surprise crossed Rachel’s face. “Hello, Mr. Coulter. It’s good to see you.”

  Dax and Luke exchanged looks, wondering when and how the two knew each other.

  “I see you’ve already met.” Dax’s eyes narrowed, his voice low and guarded.

  Cash glanced at him. “We shared a train ride on our way out west. Miss Davenport left for Montana, while I rode to Denver.” He looked back at Rachel. “I never thought we’d run into each other again.”

  “Neither did I, Mr. Coulter. My uncle’s clinic, the one I mentioned to you, is located here. What brings you to Splendor?”

  His face took on a grave expression as he turned toward Dax and Luke. “The Mayes brothers.”

  “So you believe Whitey and Duff rode all the way from Texas to hunt Luke and me down?” Dax asked.

  “I’m certain of it. From what I heard, they have three other men with them. Might be their cousins, the Olin brothers, but I’m not sure. I haven’t been able to find any wanted posters on those three.”

  “They’re rumored to be the men helping the Mayes boys with their robberies. Could’ve been part of the group Luke, Pat, and I chased out of Red Gulch when Pat was killed.” Dax folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.

  “And you say they’re camped south of town?” Gabe asked.

  “I got close enough to see Duff and Whitey. I didn’t recognize the third one. Sheriff Sterling said five rode out of Big Pine a few mornings ago, so there’s no telling where the other two are.”

  “We hired two men, boss, but Olin isn’t the last name they used.” Hank stood at the sound of pounding on the front door, returning a moment later. “Bull wanted us to know King Tolbert and his daughter are riding in.”

  Dax looked at Luke. “I guess we’d better find out what they want.”

  King spotted the sheriff’s horse as he dismounted. At least he wouldn’t need to make the trip to town like he’d planned.

  “Tolbert.” Dax nodded at King and his daughter.

  “We need to talk.” Tolbert glanced at Gabe, who’d joined Dax and Luke on the front porch with a fourth man he didn’t recognize.

  “Come inside.” Dax followed, asking Hank to take Abigail into the kitchen so she could visit with Bernice before he joined the other men in the study.

  King hesitated when Cash took a seat next to Luke.

  “Cash, this is King Tolbert. He owns the ranch on our eastern border,” Dax said. “Tolbert, Cash Coulter. He’s a longtime friend of ours. You already know Gabe and Hank.”

  The introduction seemed to put Tolbert at ease.

  “What’s on your mind?” Luke asked, puzzled as to what would bring Tolbert to them.

  “I’ve gotten some disturbing news about one of my men. I need to know if it’s accurate.”

  “Go on.” Dax sat back, already knowing the man Tolbert wanted to discuss.

  “Did you know my foreman, Parnell Drake, during the war?”

  Cash’s eyes locked on King’s at the mention of the man suspected of killing his kin. He considered speaking up, then decided it would be best to see how the rest of the conversion played out.

  Dax exchanged a look with Luke. “I did.” His voice held a tightness which signaled his opinion of the man.

  “Tell me about him.”

  “It’s simple. He was a sergeant under my command. Had a history of being brutal in combat, as well as with his men. He deserted the night before a big battle. I never laid eyes on him again until we arrived in Splendor.”

  “You never saw fit to inform me of his background?”

  “Wasn’t my business. I figured you’d already checked him out.”

  King paced to the window and shot a look at Gabe. “Is the man wanted?”

  “Other than being a deserter? No, not that I’ve seen. I can check in Big Pine and elsewhere, see if I can find out anything more.”

  Cash continued to sit in silence. Although he believed Drake to be the man who’d murdered his uncle, aunt, and cousins on their Louisiana farm, he had no proof other than the word of a former slave who’d worked the farm with his uncle after the war. The cold truth was, no one would take the word of an ex-slave. Cash needed more proof, or the man to confess.

  “What are you thinking?” Dax asked King.

  “I believe the man wants to run you and your brother out, or kill you. Get rid of anyone who knows of his past.”

  “So you’re saying he’s the one behind the assaults on the ranch and our men?” As Dax considered it, it made sense Drake would be the man behind the attacks. More so than Tolbert instigating what amounted to a range war on his neighbors.

  “I don’t have proof but, yes, that’s my guess.”

  “What do you plan do with him?” Hank asked.

  King looked at Gabe. “The men who were with Drake the night of the stampede are back. I think it’s a good time for you to speak with them.”

  “I agree. No better time than now.” Gabe stood. “Cash, I’d like to meet with you tomorrow about the location of the Mayes’ camp. You’ve got wanted posters on the two brothers. I want them behind bars before there’s any trouble in Splendor.”

  “We’re going with you,” Luke said, including Dax in his comment.

  Gabe eyed the two men. “I don’t want this to turn into a slaughter. They’re to be arrested and stand trial.”

  “We’re still Texas Rangers. We don’t need your permission to go after them.” Dax folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the desk.

  “True,” Gabe relented. “But we do it together, my way.”

  Dax glanced at Luke. “Agreed. We’ll meet you tomorrow morning at the jail.”

  “Who are you talking about?” King asked.

  “I’ll explain on the way to your place,” Gabe answered.

  The men turned as Rachel opened the study door. Dax pushed away from the desk, taking a couple of steps toward her.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.” Her eyes met Dax’s. “I’m leaving now. I’ll be back in a couple of days to check on the men again.”

  “Wait up a minute. I’d like a word with you.” Dax followed her outside with Gabe, Hank, and Tolbert right behind them, leaving Luke and Cash alone.

  Cash crooked a brow. “Is there something going on between Dax and Miss Davenport?”

  Luke placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Darned if I know.”

  “Thank you for coming out.” Dax stood beside Rachel and Old Pete, wishing they had time for coffee and conversation. “How about staying for supper? I’ll ride back to town with you afterwards.”

  “I don’t know, Dax. It seems it would be best to start back now.”

  “Best for whom?”

  She gazed up at him, seeing the turbulence in his gray eyes. “For both of us.” She pressed her lips together and wished she knew another answer. “I’m going to ask Uncle Charles to come out to check on Tat and Johnny. Perhaps being away from me will help you decide what you want.” Rachel reached out to lay a hand on his arm. “I can’t be around you and pretend I don’t love you, Dax.” She waited, praying he’d say something to give her hope they might have a future.

  Dax pursed his lips, not able to say the words she wanted to hear. He loved her, but acknowledging it now would be the same as saying he’d stay and he wasn’t ready to make that commitment—at least not yet.

  “Rachel, I ...” His voice faded, a look of resigned acceptance clear on his face.

  Rachel nodded in an attempt to hide the heart-breaking disappointment that gripped her. “Well, I�
�d better go.” She pulled herself up onto the saddle, adjusted her split skirt and focused straight ahead, then turned Old Pete toward Splendor.

  Dax kept his eyes trained on her until she disappeared. He knew something he cherished was about to slip away. He wanted to reach out, grab it, stop it from disappearing, but he didn’t know quite how to do it—or if he should.

  He no longer had to wonder how she felt. She loved him and he hadn’t responded. Dax accepted if anything more were to happen between them, it would be up to him. She’d left the decision in his hands.

  He took off his hat and wiped an arm across his brow, wishing he understood what drove him to want to ride hundreds of miles south to a place not truly his home, leaving behind a flourishing ranch, his brother, and a woman he loved. He feared the answer had nothing to do with Texas, but with his own need to be free of commitment. And he knew, to Rachel, it wasn’t just a commitment.

  Dax inhaled a deep breath, letting it out in a slow stream. He had to focus on the threats coming from Drake and the Mayes brothers. Once those were settled, he’d redirect his attention to his future, and a life with or without Rachel.



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