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Page 17

by A. J. Markam

  I started rubbing hard and fast, my hand a blur.

  At the same time, I’m still rocking in and out of her, my cock massaging her pussy from the inside.


  That’s what I began to feel the contractions around my shaft.

  Light gripping at first, fluttering then releasing.

  Ten seconds later, her pussy gripped me again, harder.

  Grip, flutter, release.

  Eight seconds later the same thing, again and again, with the time between contractions getting shorter and shorter.

  “God DAMN, Hunter,” she gasped, and began riding me harder. “Oh God – I’m coming over and OVER – little ones – but I can’t tell where one stops – and the next begins – OH FUCK – ”

  Time for the next trick in my bag.

  I pushed against her ass and slid her forward a little so that the angle changed. I was no longer all the way inside her. Instead, because of the angle of my cock inside her body, I knew I was rubbing directly against her g-spot.

  I could still feel her pussy fluttering around my shaft, though. She was in the middle of her multiple orgasms.

  “OH HUNTER,” she gasped –

  And then I brought her down hard on my cock, as deep as I could plunge.

  “AAAH!” she screamed in pleasure, and I felt the contractions tighten harder around my base.

  I raised her up so that I was only halfway inside her, pressing against her g-spot – still rubbing her clit as fast as I could –

  And then I let her plunge down HARD on my cock.

  “OH FUCK!” she screamed.

  I kept that teasing up for about 45 seconds, at which point she was almost weeping with pleasure.

  Then I went for the piece de resistance.

  I stood up without coming out of her or moving my hand from her crotch, flipped her facedown on the couch, and began to fuck her mercilessly, my cock stroking up and down her g-spot without pause.

  “HUNTERRRRR!” she screamed into the sofa as my hand kept rubbing her clit in a blur. “HUNTERRRR – ”

  And then I felt her squirt.

  Hot liquid sprayed against my balls and thighs, pooling on the sofa beneath her.

  She screamed for five seconds straight. Her pussy gripped my cock so hard I thought she might break it off.

  Then her hand grabbed onto mine and halted it.

  “STOP,” she gasped, then moaned. “Stop… just… stop…”

  I stopped and lay there breathing heavily on top of her.

  Nova looked around at me through her tangled blonde hair, with eyes half-lidded and dilated with pleasure. She looked stoned.

  “Did you… did you come?” she whispered.

  I grinned. “You’ll know when I come, baby.”

  She pushed at me gently, and I pulled out of her and sat back on the sofa.

  She stood up, and I could see her legs were still trembling as she knelt down between my open thighs. She looked at my cock longingly, then she looked up at me. Her lips were full and pouty, flushed deep red with orgasm.

  She put one soft, feminine hand on my raging cock and began to stroke it up and down.

  “I want you to come,” she whispered.

  I watched her kneeling there in front of me, supplicating to me, submissive. Her breasts jiggled back and forth with the motion of her arm.

  “I want you to come,” she whispered again – and then she leaned over and licked me from balls to crown.

  I groaned in pleasure as she wrapped those pouty lips around my head and slowly began to suck.

  “Oh God,” I moaned as she went down on me as far as she could. What she couldn’t fit in her mouth, she stroked up and down with her hands.

  Every so often she would peek at me with those emerald green eyes. Even though her mouth was otherwise occupied, I could see the smile in her face as her eyes squinted merrily, pleased with the pleasure she was giving me.

  She slurped and sucked and stroked. I was getting close – very close – when she pulled away.

  Damn it…

  Even though she kept stroking my cock, it wasn’t half as good as her lips and tongue.

  She looked me in the eye and whispered, “Do you want to come in my mouth?”

  “Yes… but I’d rather come inside you,” I rasped, my mouth dry with desire.

  She broke into a huge grin, then her expression went back to pure lust.

  “Me, too,” she whispered as she stood up and straddled my body.

  I watched in awe as her perfect breasts swayed back and forth, those hard pink nipples getting closer to my face as she leaned over.

  She reached down, grabbed my cock, positioned it right at her pussy – and then plunged down on me with one perfect, gorgeous stroke.

  I swear to God, she was even wetter than before.

  “OH HUNTER,” she cried out, and her face contorted in bliss. She was coming. I knew; I’d seen that expression a lot over the last 30 minutes.

  She kept bobbing up and down on me, fast as she could, crying out every time – and suddenly I was up over the edge, too far to come back.

  “OH FUCK,” I cried out, and brought her mouth down to mine and kissed her savagely as I came.

  I gushed inside her. I could tell she loved it by the way her screams intensified in my mouth.

  As my contractions finally ebbed and she stopped grinding her body into mine, she collapsed. Her head lolled onto my shoulder, and she looped her arms around my neck.

  I didn’t slide out of her, though. I was still inside her, almost as hard as before I came.

  I just caressed her naked back, squeezed her perfect ass, and kissed her face through the tangle of her hair.

  “Yuki was right,” she mumbled.

  “How’s that?” I asked.

  She pulled her head back up, smiled at me with that dopey stoner’s grin, and said, “I have been missing out.”

  Then she leaned over and kissed me softly.

  I cupped her perfect breasts… she began to grind her pelvis into me… and we went at it all over again.


  After another half hour of multiple orgasms, we lay on the couch with her head on my chest.

  “Is Yuki going to be pissed?” Nova asked nervously.

  I looked around at the lamps and pictures we’d knocked over. “What, that we broke some of her stuff?”

  “No – that I slept with you.”

  I laughed. “Yuki’ll be fine. The only thing she might be pissed about is we didn’t invite her to join in.”

  Nova giggled – something I’d never heard from her before. “There’s always next time.”


  THAT sounded ripe with possibilities.

  “You know, we are on the Most Wanted List of a superpowered warlord,” Nova said. “Maybe we should, I don’t know, get dressed and come up with a plan?”

  “Or we could fuck some more,” I suggested.

  She giggled again. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I. Look, they’re licking their wounds right now. We’re licking… each other. It’s fine. We’re safe in a bunker 20 feet underground and they don’t know where we are. We’ll get up and charge back into battle in a little bit. For right now, just enjoy the calm before the storm.”

  Nova was quiet for a second. “You did all that to snap me out of it, didn’t you.”

  I knew exactly what she meant, but I played dumb for fun. “What, the great sex?”

  She laughed and propped herself up on her elbow so she could look me in the eye. “No. Telling me that I wasn’t cut out for this.”

  “Being nice to you didn’t work, so I figured being an asshole might do the trick.”

  “I guess you were right,” she said as she lay her head back down on my chest.

  “Some people just prefer drill sergeants over the soft touch.”

  “That would be me.”

  I grinned. “That would most definitely be you.”

nbsp; There was silence for a moment, and I could feel her building up the courage to say the next sentence.

  “I… I’ve never killed anybody before the last couple of days. The Yakuza that first night were one thing… but a defenseless old woman…”

  “She was the leader of a branch of a crime syndicate,” I said firmly. “She tried to have me killed. She picked the wrong people to do business with, and one of them used her as a human shield. She wasn’t exactly a ‘defenseless old woman.’ More like a treacherous old bitch who got what she deserved.”

  Nova let my words sink in, then asked, “Have you ever killed anybody you regretted?”

  “…yeah. A lot of ‘em.”


  “Freedom fighters in other countries, mostly.”

  “Back when you were in the SPCC?”


  She lifted her head to look at me. “Is that what made you go AWOL?”

  “No… it was the ones I didn’t kill, strangely enough, that did that.”

  Nova sat up all the way and looked at me intently. “What happened?”

  I lay there for a long moment, considering if I wanted to go back down that alleyway of bad memories.

  In the end, if it would help Nova to hear it, I decided it was worth it.

  “One of the reasons they recruited me into the SPCC was because I was a Ranger. They knew they could trust me on black bag operations… and once I got my powers, that’s basically what they sent me on. Lots and lots of black bag operations.”

  “If this is classified,” Nova said slowly, “then I probably shouldn’t hear it.”

  “The world as we knew it ended two weeks ago. All I’ve got is dead and ancient history. But if you don’t want to hear it, that’s fine.”

  Nova was silent for a while. Then she whispered, “Okay.”

  “I can’t tell you how many warlords and tribal leaders and banana republics I helped put down while I was in the SPCC, but I do know how many democratically elected governments we overthrew: three. Thailand, Kenya, and Chile. Because their interests weren’t ‘aligned’ with America’s and the rest of the S7.

  “Unfortunately, there were a lot of other people whose interests didn’t ‘align’ with the S7’s, either. Mostly rebel groups trying to fight back. People who were pissed that the S7 protected multinational corporations who stole all their national resources. People who were pissed that their own governments sold ‘em out so the plutocrats could live in palaces, and everybody else died in slums. People who were tired of living in shitholes that had been turned into shitholes by a bunch of rich bullies. All they wanted was their countries back. That, and a chance for their kids not to work as slaves for the rest of their lives. And maybe a little dignity in the bargain.

  “Smaller rebel groups started turning to the black market. They got raw Ephemera – the unprocessed stuff, like back in the early, early days – which meant half of the test subjects died right out of the gate. And the rest of them died over the next several years from cancer. But the people who volunteered were willing to risk it, because they were tired of being screwed, and shit on, and held down in the mud.

  “Of course, whenever you have a black market, quality control starts to become a problem. Adulterated Ephemera began to show up… a lot. Which meant that people were dying by the thousands… all because they wanted to live free.

  “Things came to a head in Thailand. I was on a joint S7 operation, one of two US guys in the group. There was a Russian, an Indian, a German… one from every nation. The head asshole in charge was an Englishman. Not a hoity-toity, pinky-finger in the air type. More like a soccer hooligan with a shaved head and a broken nose.

  “We were standing in a freedom-fighter’s camp in Thailand. It was a bunch of people who’d taken their families and gone off to live in the jungle because the S7’s puppets had taken over Bangkok and the smaller cities.

  “The freedom fighters had pooled all their money and paid every penny they had for black-market Ephemera – but it was contaminated. Worse than toxic. When they tried to use it, the radiation hadn’t just killed the people who volunteered, but every single person in the camp. Children, too.

  “I remember standing there looking at a field of dead bodies. Women. Little kids. Fuckin’ babies. Hundreds of them. Maybe over a thousand.

  “I was… Christ, I was fucked in the head looking at all of that. It fucked me up.

  “The soccer hooligan was standing right there next to me looking at it, too. So I asked him, ‘Do you ever wonder sometimes if we’re actually doing the right thing?’

  “I’ll always remember his answer.

  “He paused for a second, then spat on the nearest dead body. It was a woman, probably seven or eight months pregnant.

  “‘Fuck ‘em,’ he said. ‘If they hadn’t crossed us, they wouldn’t be fuckin’ dead.’ And then he laughed and walked away.

  “I think that was when I snapped.”

  Nova stared at me. I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Did you kill him?” she asked.

  “No. I wish to God I had, but I didn’t. I was still a ‘good soldier’ back then. Instead, I went back to the states… wrote a letter… put it on Harding’s desk… and then I walked off base and never came back.”

  A single tear rolled down her face. “I didn’t sign up to be like that English asshole.”

  I stroked her hair. “I know you didn’t.”

  “I’ve never heard any stories like that before.”

  I smiled grimly. “That’s because they’re ‘classified.’”

  She shuddered, then turned and looked into the darkness. “So you actually had a really good reason for leaving.”

  “What is this?” I asked as I kissed her arm. “Is Lt. Angelica Smith, renowned hard-ass, suddenly saying I’m not a lowdown, dirty traitor?”

  She looked at me, rolled her eyes, then smiled. “I’m not saying it wasn’t a court-martiable offense, and I’m not saying it justified what you did after you walked away. But it was a good reason.”

  “Harding doesn’t see it that way.”

  She peered at me intently. “Why did you become a smuggler?”

  “To help all those people I’d been killing. Help ‘em fight back. Maybe balance the scales a little for everything I’ve done. That’s why I smuggled Ephemera free of charge to Thailand, Kenya, and Chile – to make up for all the damage I’d done.” I grimaced. “And I made damn sure I never dealt in anything less than pure Ephemera. Anybody I came across who did – anybody who sold the fake shit or smuggled it – I fucking killed them.”

  Nova stared at me.

  I wondered if maybe admitting to cold-blooded murder, no matter how justified, had been a bridge too far.

  “What?” I asked.

  She leaned over and kiss me passionately. After five or six seconds, she leaned back, her hand still on my face. “Maybe I have been wrong about you,” she said with a suppressed smile.

  “Can I get that in writing?”

  “No, but you can get something else,” she murmured, and leaned in.

  I cupped one of her breasts and was about to kiss her back when an alarm started blaring.



  Nova looked around wildly as the alarm nearly burst our eardrums. “What the fuck is that?!”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. Yuki?!” I yelled out.

  No answer.

  I leapt up from the couch, naked, and ran into the office area with its bank of monitors. Nothing unusual – except for the knife embedded in the desk, and the piece of paper with a short phrase written in Japanese.

  Nova rushed in behind me and saw the note. “What does it say?!”

  “It says, ‘I came up with something.’”

  “What does that mean?”

  It was an obvious callback to our earlier conversation –

  What’s the reason I’m supposed to give for doing what you say? Why would th
ey buy it?

  I don’t know. Come up with something.

  – but I had no idea what it meant.

  “I’m not sure,” I said.

  “Hunter!” Nova cried out as she pointed at the monitors.

  The screens were suddenly flooded with dozens of Yakuza streaming through the alleyways around our warehouse. The alarm sensors had apparently picked them up before the cameras had.

  The thugs were dressed in body armor and helmets and carried automatic rifles. The only way you could tell they were Yakuza and not cops was by the full sleeves of tattoos running up their bare forearms.

  Spike was with them, a huge grin on his evil face as he raced along with his foot soldiers.

  “They found us,” Nova said, her voice trembling.

  “Shit…” I muttered.

  There was a beeping on one of the touchscreen monitors, along with an ‘Accept Call?’ icon. I hit the button and found myself looking at Antimatter.

  He was dressed in his full battle suit but without the helmet. I could see some butterfly bandages on the side of his face, along with some blistering from one of Nova’s attacks.

  He appeared to be in the back of a limousine. “Hunter. Long time no see.”

  “Not nearly long enough. How’d you find us?”

  “Your associate decided to be reasonable when you would not.”

  “Yuki BETRAYED us?!” Nova cried out.

  “In a manner of speaking. Actually, I’ll let HER do the talking.”

  He pressed a button on a keypad near him, and his image was replaced with a video.

  It was Yuki, staring angrily into the camera. She started speaking rapidly in Japanese.

  “Antimatter-san, I want to make a deal. I’ll give you Hunter, the American bitch, and the Ephemera. All I want is everything to be even between you and me. I didn’t know I was stealing from you when all this started! Plus I want two million for my place, since I’m pretty sure it’s not going to survive whatever you do to it. Two million is nothing compared to what the Ephemera’s worth, but I don’t want to live my life looking over my shoulder.”

  “What’s she saying?” Nova asked me.

  “Nothing good.”


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