The Legendary Civilization

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The Legendary Civilization Page 4

by Ali Yazan

  “These building that you see were made partly for work and research and partly for habitation,” explained Jorgensen. “Now we're heading to see the President of the Council of Masters. Please listen carefully and try to understand him as much as you can.” They arrived at the entrance of the building. The crew watched the people passing by, but the Nibiruians simply greeted them, “Hello, welcome,” when they passed by.

  They took a transparent lift in front of the main entrance. “Master,” Jorgensen announced, and the lift went up for a few seconds before opening unto a great hall. They were greeted by a tall, blonde person with a warm smile, “Welcome, gentlemen. I am Ulrik. I will take over from here and accompany you.”

  Jorgensen respectfully withdrew and sat on one of the seats in the hall. “I will wait here for the result of your meeting, Commander,” he said.

  “As you wish,” said Carpenter and followed Ulrik who led them onward, saying, “This way, please.”

  Ulrik stopped in front of a big door and as he raised his hand a little bit, the door opened wide. “Please.” He stepped aside for the guests to go in. Then he left.

  There was another tall blonde person waiting for them at a long table in the room. They had a beautiful view of the city and a marvelous green forest in the distance. The crew felt an aura of happiness as they shook hands with the stranger.

  “Welcome. My name is Stian, the President of the Council of Masters. I hope you were pleased with the companionship of our friend Jorgensen throughout your journey.”

  Verhoeven replied, “The journey was so quick we didn’t even have time to enjoy his companionship along the way.”

  Stian smiled, “So you had a chance to experience a fraction of how vast our science and technology is. I am sure you have a lot of questions. When the time comes, all of them will be answered. But now we have more important matters to talk about.” He pointed at the seats. “Our seats will analyze the user and automatically change their shapes for the best position,” he said. “So I believe you'll be in comfortable hands.”

  After everyone was comfortably seated, Stian stood up and started roaming in the room. “Gentlemen, as you know, we're on the planet known as Nibiru. This is our home. We have been here for a very long time. We had guests before. One of them was Admiral Byrd in a place you call Agartha on your planet.” The crew stared at each other. “I understand that you're confused. You thought the published logs were fake and never expected that I would confirm them?”

  Anderson cut in. “Forgive me, but you wouldn't expect us to believe without any solid proof, right?”

  “Of course. It was our previous master that spoke with the Admiral in Agartha. He gave him some messages to deliver. But as the time passed, we've seen that these messages were never understood or brought to life and your leader did the exact opposite.”

  Carpenter said, “So you've been observing us for a long time?”

  “We don’t only observe, but also intervene in very extraordinary situations,” replied Stian.

  “Can you go into detail?” said Phil.

  “I'm sorry,” replied Stian. “You shouldn't learn some things before the right time comes.”

  “All right, why did you bring us here? Just to meet each other can't be the only reason. As far as I can tell, something extraordinary happened after our first encounter.”

  The Master made a face and sighed, “Unfortunately, yes. We thought we had time, but after the things happened, we had to act quickly.” He raised his hand, “Von system.” In between him and the crew, a three-dimensional hologram of a solar system appeared. In the center of the hologram, there was a binary star system and a rocky planet floating around it.

  Stian continued, “You call this an M-class planet, which is habitable for humans. The Von civilization began on this planet. The solar system they're in is what you call a twin cluster, 16.539 light years away from Earth. Unfortunately, this civilization doesn't have peaceful intentions. They have destroyed and invaded many peaceful planets near them. Now they are heading this way. It didn’t take long for them to notice you because of your planet’s electronic signals.”

  Carpenter cut in. “I assume that you have known this for quite a long time? Is this the reason you brought us here today so suddenly?”

  Stian scratched his head gently. “After our first encounter with you, our listening unit brought us an intelligence report. They caught one of your introductory messages that you sent via Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence program. They still haven’t figured out why and where the message was sent, but with their technology it won’t take long. When they figure out the message, they will send expedition units first. And when they realize how important the Earth is, they will begin invading and exploiting your sources. That is their standard procedure.”

  “All right, but why are you meeting with us and not with our country leaders?” asked Verhoeven. “We can only report this to our superiors.”

  “That is exactly what we want from you,” Stian replied. “It is important for them to realize this danger and put an end to the unnecessary conflict. If your countries don’t stop fighting each other, it may lead to a nuclear disaster. At the same time, you'll give the Von civilization a perfect chance for invasion.”

  “Can't you intervene in this situation?” asked Anderson. “To prevent nuclear war or alien invasion? Agartha is at the stake and it’s your home isn't it?”

  “Yes, Agartha is our home too. But the fate of the Earth depends on your actions. We can only observe. We do not interfere unless we have to, even in your bloodiest wars. However, having a nuclear arsenal in your inventory made us very nervous. Because of that, we increased the number of flights in your civilization and we indirectly approached your leaders. We planned to contact you in the upcoming months. But we wanted to contact you before the news of the Von civilization.”

  The crew sat in contemplative silence. Finally, Richard suggested, “If our leaders don’t listen to what you say and a great war waged between our countries, what your reaction will be?”

  “In that case, our council would gather and make the necessary decision. But I am not in a position to argue with you about what such a decision might be.” Stian walked to the door and opened it. “It’s here that my comradeship with you ends. Jorgensen will accompany you again after this conversation. With a short and quick expedition, you will become acquainted with Nibiru from the air. We will also allow you to shoot photographs or videos in the places we have identified.” He bowed as they walked through the door and he followed them out. After they had said goodbye to Stian, uunder the guidance of Jorgensen, they once again boarded the vehicle that carried them to the city, and quickly began to move towards the ship.

  Richard said, “Why won’t you give us a chance to see your planet in more detail? After all, our leaders will not decide immediately. It will take a long time on Earth.”

  Jorgensen replied, “You are right, but you are going to visit Agartha on Earth before we put you in space.”

  Carpenter, sitting in the back seat, sat up, “Is this a new decision? Stian did not tell us.”

  Jorgensen smiled. “Yes, the Master Stian just told me telepathically.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to read each other’s thoughts?

  “Reading thoughts is one thing, communicating via telepathy is something else, Commander. We can telepathically send and receive messages, but that's all. Reading thoughts is our power, and we have no desire to do that.”

  Verhoeven asked, “Are you born with telepathy or do you develop it later on?”

  “This talent is inaccessible to us when we are born. However, we can open up to it with proper mind training.”

  “Does this talent exist in humans too?”

  Jorgensen smiled “Yes, but with this level of knowledge, it is not possible for you to achieve this talent in the near future. But as technology progresses, you can achieve some success. But we do not want yo
u to learn this.”

  “Why?” Carpenter asked.

  “Because you’re spiritual development is not ready. You tend to use every success for something bad. This is a spiritual disease, and as long as you cannot get rid of this disease, there is no difference in making scientific achievements and serving your evil one.”

  Carpenter asked, “Do you believe in the devil or in God?”

  Jorgensen turned to Carpenter, “Dear Commander, do not you realize that all of your spiritual diseases are due to God's disbelief? Why do you endlessly inflict your hatred and brutality, your insatiable killing instinct against your own soul, your mercy your unscrupulousness, and your devilish slave?”

  Carpenter nodded. “You are right,” he said as they reached the ship.

  Carpenter said, “I noticed something. As far as I can tell you have a hierarchical order. What is the reason of this?”

  Jorgensen replied, “A hierarchical structuring makes for smooth management, Commander Carpenter. However, ours does not contain strict rules like yours does. No rigid rules are required for a Nibiru or Agarthan, as he knows very well what he has to do. There will never be a deliberate delay or dismissal of a task for our people.”

  Carpenter sighed, “I wish it were the same in our world.”

  “We hope you will be more civilized soon,” Jorgensen said. “Anyway, we are now passing through our capital.”

  The crystal city sparkled in the light. Phil said, “Why do you prefer crystal? Do these crystals consist of material we know?”

  “This is a kind of element not found in your world. It shows its structural properties best when crystallized. It is extremely robust and efficient in terms of energy conservation. We use this crystal in all our processes.”

  “This is an ocean we named Honka,” Jorgensen explained as they passed over a mass of water. “It is about five times the size of your Pacific Ocean. There are three major continents on our planet, and we have around three billion people living there. Almost all of them live in the cities. Buildings are often used for business purposes. Home range from five hundred to seven hundred square meters depending on whether you are a single or a double-decker,” he continued.

  They landed in a field with uniformly planted fields. They spotted some machines working in the fields that resembled tractors, but they had no drivers.

  “Are these tools equipped with artificial intelligence?” Carpenter guessed.

  Jorgensen said, “That is a very accurate determination, Commander.”

  “So, how do you keep your physical condition?”

  “We are interested in various sports. Since we do not spend time in jobs that require physical strength, we have much free time doing sports or cultural activities. This includes mental development activities.”

  The ship accelerated, making a sharp left turn over the piece of land and within a few minutes, reached another continent. The woodland here had a variety of animals similar to Earth. The crew recorded everything they saw.

  Jorgensen said, “Unfortunately, the trip ends here. In the future, you can stay longer in order to get to know us better. But now, we have to go to Agartha.” He made a motion with his hand, and the ship took off. A few minutes later, the world was standing across from them.

  “The speed and technology of your ship have really impressed me,” Carpenter said. “What kind of technology are you using for this?”

  Jorgensen replied, “I can give you some information. Our vessel is using the energy-generating particles you call dark energy. That's why there's a plasma flow around our ship. However, you are wrong about getting ahead by bending space. The technique that our ship uses is different and allows us to travel at much higher speeds. We have the ability to move ten thousand times faster than the speed of light with our present technology.”

  Anderson let out a long whistle. “Oh my God, this is a speed beyond our imagination.”

  Jorgensen smiled. “We are a civilization in the middle. However, much more advanced civilizations can move at much greater speeds. We will soon be able to bring this number to about ten. It's just a technical problem,” he said.

  Carpenter raised an eyebrow, “You just mentioned my guess. But I had done this to my own crew after you left our ship. How could you have such a knowledge base? That must mean you were listening to us in some way. I think your ethics are a little questionable,” he said.

  “Alas, you are right, Commander,” Jorgensen sighed. “But we needed to understand how our presence had affected you and whether the choice we made was right. Thank goodness we were not mistaken.”

  As they spoke, the ship descended at a great speed towards the Earth, but the ship did not slow down. While Jorgensen sat comfortably on the floor, the Carpenter and the crew silently gripped the arms of their chairs. They suddenly found themselves inside, thinking they were going to hit it. They all sighed in union.

  Jorgensen said, “Our ship has the ability to adjust its vibration level at the atomic level, and because it can do this automatically, it can change the level of oscillation in close encounters, so it can easily reach its destination by passing through it.”

  Carpenter's jaw dropped. “What happens to the crew of the ship in the meantime?”

  “Their level of their vibration also changes, of course.”

  “So you're telling us that we have temporarily changed in atomic level?”


  They looked at each other. “But we did not feel anything,” said Gauger.

  “It is normal that you do not feel anything because you are at the same vibration level as the ship,” Jorgensen replied. “If this happened at different levels, we would have found ourselves separated into subatomic particles in space. In short, we would have died.”

  Carpenter said, “This vibration reminds me string theory. Am I wrong?”

  “We can say that this theory is partly contained, but not in its entirety. There are thousands of details involved. So it takes more time to reach our technology. As I said, if you pass this transitional period, you will be able to overcome the problem of speed of light in another way, and this will allow you to travel tremendous distances in your galaxy in a very short time. So do not worry,” Jorgensen said.

  Behind Jorgensen, the hatch door opened and the automatic ladder extended to the ground. “Come on, gentlemen,” Jorgensen said. There was a vehicle with a person standing in front waiting for them, similar to that in Nibiru.

  “You and your guests are welcome, Mr. Jorgensen. We were waiting for you,” he said as he shook Jorgensen's hand. “This way, please, the Master is waiting for you.”

  Carpenter whispered in Jorgensen's ear, “Is the Master in Nibiru now?”

  “Stian is the President of the Council of Masters, who dominates both Nibiru and Agartha. Master Grimshaw, who we will now visit, is the regional manager in Agartha.”

  During the twenty second journey, the crew tried to examine the highly advanced tunnel system that connected the various caverns. It was very bright inside, but it was not clear where the light came from. It was nearly impossible to get everything recorded.

  At the end of the journey, they descended from the car and stood on a walkway similar to the one they had encountered in Nibiru. The journey to the elevator lasted only a few seconds. After the elevator had stopped, the door opened, and the person who met them said, “This way.”

  After a short walk, they came to a door, which slid open sideways. “All of you are welcome, dear friends,” boomed Grimshaw’s voice. “Please come in, please come in.” The room was simply furnished with a long table and seats like the Master's room on Nibiru.

  When they sat down, Grimshaw said, “I will not waste your time, Gentlemen. There is a serious and important task that is requested from you. You can help us begin a peaceful and highly productive relationship between our civilizations. You can ensure your own civilizations can be brought to the forefront of a confrontation, and f
or the first time in your history, against your common enemy, you can ensure that the entire world's vicious strife ends.”

  Carpenter cleared his throat, “Well, let's suppose we have fulfilled this task and that we transmit your messages to our leaders. If we know them well, this message, unfortunately, will keep secret from the public. Since this is the case, why not go directly to the leaders of our countries yourself? One of your representatives can return to Earth with us, and in this way, you will have the opportunity to meet with our leader.”

  Grimshaw shook his head, “Commander Carpenter, it is no problem for us to visit the world leaders. We can force them to meet with us by appearing suddenly in their offices. However, such an interview will be both far from our guidelines and be far from satisfactory. On the other hand, if one of us came with you, it seems they will consider allowing him a visit to a leader’s office. I will forward this proposal to the other Masters. If approved, we can apply for it. In the meantime, you can visit Agartha for a while. Apart from some strategic departments, we will also allow you to record your explorations. Mikkel's brother will give you all the necessary help.”

  Carpenter stood, “Master, I hope everything goes well.”

  After leaving the penthouse, Mikkel took them back in the direction they had come from. “If you want, I can take you to the inner city of Inner World first.” The elevator moved up again and when the door opened it revealed a crystal-clear city that shone brightly under the blue sky, reminiscent of Nibiru. Mikkel smiled at the amazed look on their faces.

  Gauger was the first to recover. “Are we still in Agartha?”

  Mikkel said, “You are still in Agartha, Mr. Gauger. This is the inside of our planet. We live here as just like we would on the surface of the Earth. You can see we have a sun and clouds.”

  “How did you manage to do that? Are they artificial?”

  “No, your sun and clouds the same as ours. Our superior science makes the piece of Earth above us invisible.”


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