by Vadim Zeland
If you have not yet transformed into fireflies, then, you are at least close to it and are currently somewhere in the transitionary phase of a lizard, an elusive, curious lizard!
You will bask in the rays of my glory, narrow your eyes, wag your tails, open your mouths wide, and make zoological sounds hissing: “Tufti-Tufti-i-i! Priestess-Priestess-ah,ah!” and then, gather in a flock and whisper to each other, whilst glancing back at me: “How can we use her in our own interests?!”
The most important thing is that you use the knowledge you have received. Most people (almost all) live without ever waking up. They go through life as if not of sound mind, without looking up or looking about them. They never try to create their own reality and just drift through the existing motion picture like a fish drifts around an aquarium.
Do you understand now how strikingly you differ? Don’t forget though, that this does not give you the right to look down on others, or worse, behave towards them with contempt. Don’t be sleeping characters. It is a worthless task. Let other people live as they want to and as they are able. Those who are capable of awakening will find me, just like you did. Remember me and don’t forget yourself.
The knowledge described here is given in a very concentrated form and, what is more, it is the kind of knowledge that may appear too vague and elusive. You could let it wash over you without understanding it at all. The reason it is elusive is that it concerns an illusion, in which you are constantly immersed — the illusion of action which consists, if I may remind you, in that you think you live an independent life and are in complete control of your actions.
At the same time, nothing works out the way you want it to. Herein lie the contradiction and the paradox. If you act according to your will, why is it that everything turns out differently to how you would like it to? You think the reason things aren’t working out is simply that they aren’t working out, and that’s it. In fact, the reason things aren’t working out is that you are not in fact acting according to your will — you are being led by the script.
When you are taken over by anxiety, fear, dislike and other emotions, you are plunged into a dream, into a trance and are not yourself. You might think that it is these emotions that have taken control over you, but that is not the case. Emotions immerse you in sleep and then the script owns you.
The other reason that things are not working out is that you don’t know how to act so that they do. Instead of composing your future reality, you fight with your current reality. The aim of this book is to drag you out of the illusion. There is not an awful lot that needs to be said on the matter; it is better that you first understand, become aware and see wherein your illusion lies. This of itself will not be enough to radically change your life, but in the forthcoming books, you will be able to learn much more about it.
Every day there is something that bothers you, that makes you feel disheartened or oppressed. You have to catch yourself when these moments occur and redirect the vector of change instead of giving in to them: ‘I can create reality, and it is up to me to decide what the reality will look like’. Remember that you are composing an end result, the goal frame, and not a specific course of events. Develop this habit.
Remember I said that power is a reality driver? This is what turns the film roll. If you start to compose reality, power will notice you. Power always focuses its attention on those who help turn the film roll. Power lifts them up and begins to help them. Power is not interested in empty dream mannequins, who play roles in films unawakened. Adopt the following motto: ‘I look for power, I find power, and do everything with power’. That is, I do everything powerfully, brilliantly and with soul. Do this, and then power will walk with you.
Be careful not to fall into a state of childish glee as you delight in your own miracles. Rejoice to yourself quietly, or reality might be tempted to take revenge (reality can be like that sometimes, a tad malicious), and even more importantly, avoid bragging about it to your friends.
Don’t talk to your friends in conversation about the methods for creating your own reality and mannequins. They may not understand and then you will be laughed at. These techniques should not be looked at out of context. It is better to recommend that your friends read the book for themselves if they are curious about what you say. Do not lend your own copy as a book like this is a kind of talisman. This book is more than a collection of texts; it is a thing that has power. Hold it in your hands, feel its weight, and the overall sense of it. It is yours.
And I am Tufti! Farewell snails! Until we meet again in the following volumes!
Why is it so important to carry out the methods described here? Because methods release you from the script, bring you to life in the film, and instil helpful automatic responses.
Awakening Method
You wake up, the moment something happens.
Before doing anything, you wake up.
Focus your attention on your awareness centre, on the point between the inner and outer screens. From here you can simultaneously observe your thoughts and what is happening around you. You can see your surrounding reality and yourself within that reality. Nothing prevents you from watching both screens at the same time. You can do this.
Examples of external triggers: you met with someone, someone asked you something, something happened close by; it doesn’t matter what, any sound or movement — anything at all that would have attracted and involved you previously. As soon as something happens, focus your attention on it immediately, but do not lose control of your focus, hold it at the centre.
Examples of inner triggers: you are planning to go somewhere, do something or talk to someone. Before you act, bring your attention to the awareness centre. It is important to do this beforehand because after you have taken action, it will be too late. You will simply discover that first you fell asleep, then woke up and realised that you were sleeping.
Frame Illumination Method
Catch yourself being affected by one of the triggers.
Wake up: I see myself and I see reality.
Activate the plait, without releasing the sensation of it, compose the reality you desire.
Drop the sensation of the plait.
If the event is significant, repeat the illumination several times.
In the same way that you tracked your attention, now keep track of the impending frame. Here there are three triggers:
Expectation — something is likely to happen, you are waiting, hoping for something.
Intention — you intend to go somewhere or do something.
Problem — something has happened that needs dealing with.
Whenever you are expecting something, don’t wait or hope — compose your own reality. Whenever you intend doing something, do not hurry to start; first compose the reality you wish to see. Every time a problem arises, once again, don’t wait, don’t hope, don’t fuss, compose the reality you wish to experience.
The frame illumination method is an exercise in developing meta-power and, at the same time, a means of composing the reality you want. Follow the illumination method calmly and naturally. Use thoughts, words, visualisation — whatever works best for you. The most effective type of illumination is visualisation.
Plait With Flow Method
1. Take an in-breath, and on the out-breath, imagine the arrow moving at an angle away from your back. Now the plait is activated.
2. Without letting go of the sensation of the plait, compose a picture of your reality. At the same time, make sure that you are breathing freely.
3. Without losing the sense of the plait (the arrow), take an in-breath and on the out-breath sharply send the arrow into a vertical downward position, triggering both energy flows.
4. Staying aware of the movement of the rising and descending energy flows, say the following thought form qu
ietly to yourself or aloud: My intention is being realised.
5. Then let go of all the sensations you have been working with.
What is happening when you do this? You are not only composing your own reality with the help of the plait, you are putting out (sending) your intention as a ‘message’ to the universe. In this way, the energy flow strengthens the work of the plait. If this technique works for you and you enjoy it, you can use this variation of the exercise all the time. But if not, then the basic method will be sufficient.
Advantage Method
1. Catch yourself at the non-acceptance trigger.
2. Wake up: I see myself and I see reality.
3. Ask yourself: what is the advantage in this?
4. If an answer comes to you, accept it and take the advantage.
5. If no answer comes to you, try to accept the idea of advantage anyway.
Every event or situation, whatever its nature, has a positive side and a negative side.
The script is not trying to cause you harm at all because inflicting harm takes energy. The script always takes the path of least resistance. But you give a knee-jerk, non-accepting reaction either due to your nasty character, your propensity for negativity, your habit of self-protection, your high opinion of yourself, or even just because ‘nothing is going your way’! As a result, as usual, you spoil your own life and the life of those around you.
More than this, the script works to achieve your goal if you set a goal. When you compose your own reality, the script aligns itself according to your composition even if it does not appear to you that this is the case. But you always insist that everything should go exactly according to your plan, and thereby obstruct the implementation of the plan.
Adopt and integrate one simple principle: seek out the advantage in everything. Literally, seek and draw out the advantage in any annoying situation, and in any event that causes you to respond even a little bit negatively. Set yourself this goal: draw out the advantage.
But in order for this to work, you need to wake up and shift your attention to the centre. The triggers in this case are mostly external: someone says something to you, does something, or around you something is going on — anything that causes your non-acceptance, from slight dissatisfaction to absolute fury. Trigger emotions may also include irritation, depression, anxiety, aggression, and fear.
To make the right choice, you only need to stop and think for a moment: what might the advantage be in this? And then, do not resist the script, try and follow it. Literally, follow advice given to you, heed opinions expressed, agree, go to something, and accept things you would have previously rejected or caused you to enter into a possible confrontation.
As a result, you are transported to an alternative film roll, where, in contrast, everything works to your advantage, because you stopped at the right moment and chose to benefit from the advantage of the situation. It is all very simple: what you choose is what you receive.
In reality there is one immutable law. The law is this: the more you allow yourself to be guided by the principle of advantage, the fewer events life will throw at you that are harmful.
The Following Method
1. Catch the moment of the control trigger.
2. Wake up: I see myself and I see reality.
3. Ask yourself, sense, what is the first dictate telling you?
4. If an answer comes to you, follow the dictate.
5. If no answer comes to you, compose the goal frame and try following again.
Being endowed with self-awareness, you are constantly asking the question ‘how?’ and then you conjure up a whole strategy for achieving what you desire. Yes, in the moments that you ask yourself this question, your self-awareness awakens, but it hinders you because in your mind, rather than holding sight of the goal, you focus on your own silly ideas of how to achieve it. You spoil everything by insisting on having things your own way.
What you must keep in mind is not a specific course of events or people’s behaviour (actions) but the end result — the goal frame. You should observe yourself, and where you place your attention, to prevent it from fabricating its own plan and, instead, follow the subtle nudges of the script taking them to be the dictates of Power.
By consciously allowing the script to lead you, you are in fact leading yourself, using the Power and Wisdom of the script. And then everything goes smoothly and well. It’s when you don’t allow it to lead you that you end up spoiling everything. It turns out that ‘nothing is going my way’ in part because you are not allowing it to.
Here you can use all the triggers which we included in the attention tracking method, frame illumination and advantage methods. You should make regular use of all the triggers until it becomes habit. This is the only way to learn to wake up at the right moment. If you don’t adopt this habit, nothing will happen. The ability to wake up at the right moment is essential.
In addition to the above, I’ll mention the control triggers. Your most harmful habit is your desire to control everything: the script, events, other people.
1. I want something from people and events.
2. I want everything to go according to my plan.
3. Something is not turning out the way I wanted it to.
The habit of ‘controlling’ must be replaced with a new habit of letting go and following.
The Image Method
As soon as you find yourself wanting something from someone, wake up and stand in front of the mirror. What do you need to do for the reflection to meet you half way? Take the first step. Give to others, what you would like to receive.
1. Catch yourself thinking: I want other people to give me something.
2. Be fully present: wanting is futile, you have to give.
3. Ask yourself: what can I give that is the same?
4. If you find something similar, give it now and give upfront.
5. If you don’t find something similar, then just give anyway.
Use the following table to compose the image you want:
Simply line up all your thoughts and actions with a plus sign after them. All your ‘give me’s’ have a minus sign after them and either don’t work or create the opposite effect. Similarly, all your negative thoughts and actions come back to you like a boomerang.
There is a general principle for composing the image: rather than complaining to the world, love it. In reality, all you need is love. It’s just that you don’t always understand these words in the right context. You want people to love you. You think that first people will love you and then you will love the world. But it should be the other way round: you love, you radiate love, without demanding anything in return, and only then can love come to you.
The Reflection Method
In a three-dimensional mirror, the subject and the reflection are connected. So what does that give us? It means that the image you create can become a reflection, and the reflection can flow into the subject. In other words, you can turn a reflection into a subject pretending you have something you don’t, or that you are someone, you have not yet become.
For example, you want to have your own home. You wander round the shops looking at furniture and items to decorate the interior as if you already had a home. Or you might want to be wealthy. You look at expensive things, cars, yachts, spa resorts. Allow wealth into your life. Or you want to become a star in some area or another. Behave as if you were already a star; live that life, for now at least, in your imagination.
Don’t worry that it might feel like a game or self-deception. If you are serious in your approach to the game, reality will be forced to take you seriously. It is a mirror after all! Your task is to be present and feel now how you would feel if you already had what you want, or already were the person you’d like to be. Fake it and live out the faking of it. It’s make-believe, b
ut it’s no joke. No joke, you see?
Gradually, the picture of reality will attune itself to your make-believe. Reality loves to create illusions, but it can’t stand being fed them. It will find a way of turning the illusion you have created into reality.
1. Catch yourself thinking: I want something or to be someone.
2. Become fully present: wanting is futile, you have to start composing.
3. Fake it and behave as if you had already achieved what you desire.
What you imitate is what you get; who you pretend to be is who you will become. Live it in your thoughts, in virtual space, and where possible, in your actions, in reality, until you totally believe in the illusion you have created. As soon as you believe in it, reality will believe in it too.
There are just two necessary conditions: the first is to take the game seriously; the second is to play the game consistently.
Design Synchronisation Method
You are created according to your DNA pattern and the design, which, being located in the information space, you can adjust. The design can change for the better or the worse, depending on your condition. Condition refers to your sense of self, who you really are, warts and all. Your condition is more than a passing mood, it’s your sense of self.
So, regardless of the initial parameters of the design, you can turn from a darling of fate into a very unattractive brat, or, the opposite, transform from an ugly duckling into everyone’s favourite. If you drift, weak-willed, along with the script, like the incompetent characters of a film, you will fly, if you are fortunate and you will fall, if something goes wrong.
The fact is, that you either control your condition, or it is controlled for you. You should intentionally choose your condition. You shift into a new condition by carrying out the three types of movement (propel reality, propel yourself, propel yourself from within).
But for now, this new condition is nothing more than imitation. You will shift into a genuine (rather than an imitated) condition when you start to see confirmation that the technique really works. This is why I so strongly recommend that you always pay special attention to any shifts you notice taking place. As soon as you spot a change, immediately activate the plait and savour your achievements, taking pleasure in all the details. In this moment, your condition synchronises with design and the design is adjusted. This means, that you are occupying a new mannequin.