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Alterations Page 12

by Lucretia Stanhope

  Gwen felt him nearing as she walked toward the fortress. “Will you give me a moment to breathe? I thought you wanted me as some challenge to you. How can I be anything like that, if you watch my every step?” She turned to him, frustration in her voice.

  “You need to be cunning, Gwen. If you can't outmaneuver me, you have no hope of outmaneuvering Timofei.” He stepped closer and twirled her hair around his finger. “Make some of that powder for me to study.”

  “I told you, I have no idea what it was. Can you really not see that in my thoughts?”

  “No, I gave you the ability to deceive. Though you have been a disappointment so far.”

  “Well, you haven't given me the time to deceive. You are driving me insane.”

  He smiled and walked with her toward the fortress. “What would you do with the time? Waste it looking in files and locked drawers? Meeting Mikhail?”

  “When do I get to meet with him?” She paused at the entrance, and looked at him.

  He shook his head and pursed his lips. “Not this time. He said there was no news.”

  “He was here? Timofei said you would arrange a meeting.”

  “Mikhail had no news. I did inform him that he is to return and meet with you when he does.”

  Her face reflected her frustration again. “I wish to meet with him next time he is here. Timofei said you would arrange that.”

  He snatched her wrist and dragged her inside. “You disappoint me, Gwen. I gave you a gift. I assumed you would use it with some degree of guile. What point is it to hide thoughts if your actions and impatience give your motives away?”

  “What are you so angry about?” She felt the coldness radiate off of him in waves.

  “Finesse, dear, I assumed you had some. You have persevered due to your bravery and willingness to suffer what was needed. Why, after you have waited so long, endured so much, and now have means, are you going to rush forward to failure?”

  She snatched her wrist free. “What have I done?”

  “Why do you want to see Mikhail?”

  “The demon.”

  “No.” He slammed her into the wall. “Try again. I told you he had no news. How foolish do you think I am? Do you think Timofei is more perceptive than me? Practice patience. Don't maneuver in front of us.”

  She let out a gasp as his teeth sank into her neck. “Please, not so fast.” She felt the room start to spin and shoved him as hard as she could. “Stop it.”

  “Work on your expressions. Disappointment was etched on your face. Fix it. Watch what you say. Watch your aura. I will not be teaching you anything else, until I can see you are worthy.” His nostrils flared as he leaned in, smelling her. “Nothing is so timely that you need to rush.”

  She took a few steps forward, throwing some shots of cold magic at him, and pummeled him with her fists. “Something is. Brac is. Brac is, and I can't have another baby. I won't do that for you. Why have you pushed him to make me do that?”

  He let her beat on him, his stance and expression looking subdued. His cold presence eased. “Brac is mine already. You will do whatever it takes, that includes making me another powerful elemental.”

  “Don't you feel anything? Anything at all? Brac loves you. He loves you, and he thinks you are some savior.” She stepped back from him.

  He leaned down and took another bite, this one not as rough. “Brac will always be safe with me. You are safe with me.”

  “Safe? This is safe? Is he safe when you go gallivanting around vampire realms?”

  “You may hate me more than any creature you've encountered, but stop and think rationally. You will see we are natural allies.”

  She felt him relaxing and saw his eyes looked peaceful. “Tell me what is in the files room.”

  “No. It is not relevant to you.” He smiled. “In fact, you figure out how to get in and out, while under my guard. Don't linger in there more than a few minutes at a time. Tell me what you discover, and I will know you have craftiness after all. Then we can talk more about veils, Brac, and Mikhail.”

  “It is relevant to me, everything here is. These are my people.”

  “Who did Kyna leave with?” He cocked his head and watched her face. “She is not wise enough or resourceful enough to do it on her own. Do you know who helped?”

  She backed away. “That civil moment didn't last long.”

  “It doesn't when you annoy me. What do you want with Mikhail?” He stepped into her space and shoved her back.

  She caught herself and stood as tall as she could, regardless of always being little compared to him. “Why did you allow me my own thoughts, if you were going to try and batter them out of me?”

  He laughed. “You don't know what battering is, sweetheart. He is afraid to break you, because try as he might, no pairing has made anything quite like you. That will change.” He backed her up against the wall. He held both of her hands up, pinned beside her head, and leaned in, kissing her. His fangs biting into her lower lip.

  She made a soft groan at the pain.

  He sucked her lip into his mouth and pulled back, smiling at her. He ran his tongue over his lips, licking off her blood and pressed his tongue against his fang, pulling up his lip in a snarl. “I'm not so afraid to break you. I want to explore your weak spots. All of them. I'm an experienced explorer. You'll like the expedition.”

  She stepped into his space, watching as he pulled the snarl back into a dimpled smile. She reached up and used the back of her hand to smack him as hard as she could. “I like nothing about you. Not a single thing. There is a reason he is gentle. Love. I love your father.”

  He shook his head no and placed his hand on his face where she had just hit him. “Your involuntary responses say otherwise. Do you think of me while he touches you?”

  She closed her eyes in shock, and reacted with a strong pulse of magic that sent him back a few steps. “You know what I can do. Don't push me.”

  “I like it rough. So do you.” He shoved her back. “Tell me you don't.”

  “I don't.” She flung another wave of magic at him.

  “Careful, careful. You don't want me too excited. You may not survive my appetite.” He growled, snatched her arm, and pulled her to him. “Do you really want me to stop?”

  She swallowed and pushed away from him, walking away as quickly as she could. The sound of him chuckling filled the hall.

  While she would never admit it to him, his advice was useful again. She needed to make sure she was inline emotionally and in every way with what she projected to them. Brac was counting on her, and things with Lucian would eventually work, she knew that. She needed to get this right. They could not have control of her, or any witches like her.

  Lucian. He was like her.

  The night was growing late and she needed to meet with him anyway. As she walked, she felt Matvei giving her space, but not a big amount of a leash. She kept her thoughts in her safe place as she wondered about what she needed to do first. Matvei said he would teach her the veil, when she could give him proof that she sneaked away long enough to get in the file room. Did she even want to ask him for anything?

  She would need to know the veil eventually. Patience. What was most important? Kyna escaped because she couldn't be tracked. That was vital. She needed to know how they tracked, and then she could decide how to mask herself. Mikhail. She would need to talk to him. He would also have answers about Malvina and what that meant for Brac.

  As she neared the clearing, the hardest part for her to come to terms with was that she couldn't save everyone. She wondered what Kyna had in mind when she said she would be back for everyone.

  Lucian was waiting in the clearing; he was always there.

  “Did you sense me coming?” She walked toward him.

  He looked at her with what she guessed to be shock at her talking to him. They were the first words she said to him since the first night.

  “I did,” he said.

  She wanted to see the files, looking for
information on him. It would be better to get it straight from him. That should have been her first attempt. She had to start thinking more clearly. He was in their employ though, and could not be trusted. “I hope you will pardon the intrusion.” She stepped up, locked eyes with him, and placed a hand in his hair and rubbed his temple. While she did, she held him, in case Matvei was watching.

  She tried to only look at important things, and not stay too long. His thoughts felt wrong in places. She had to guess they had been manipulated. He held no intentions of helping them. He held no loyalties. He left a peaceful life to come here. Coming here felt forced. Being with her stuck out like a forced idea as well. He was a genuinely good witch from what she could see.

  “I'm sorry.” She discretely wiped his nose. “I had to know more about you.”

  “That was pretty painful. You could have asked me.” He smiled in a way that said he forgave her for the intrusion. “I understand this is hard. I don't find it easy.”

  “I don't even know what to say to you. I can’t treat this as a piece of business. I just can't. We need to fail.” She hugged him to her and whispered in his ear. “Please, fail.”

  “I have to do as I was asked. You are a skilled witch. Make us fail.”

  She searched his eyes. He was right, she was in a much better position to be the disobedient one.

  After she left him, she went to the school to gather some supplies. While she knew hundreds of fertility rituals, and the season was much more suited to that sort of magic, she could make up an infertility spell. It wouldn't be unusual for her to have her own fireside ritual at the fortress. Timofei preferred she did it that way.

  While she was fishing around for supplies, she paced, thinking about tracking. What did they track? Was it her roses or some subtle scent she put off? It could be her peace, her aura, like she used when she tracked Lucian?

  She tapped her fingers together. It was best to try something while she waited for Mikhail. She had the impression Matvei was going to drag his feet on that one. She decided to make a variegated yarn, to cover all the bases. One color could mask her scent, the other her aura, and the last could carry its own neutral scent. She grabbed a few more things and some yarn before she started home.

  She had barely started out of the building when she was stopped.

  “Gwen, I'm so glad to see you feeling better,” Henry said as he approached. “Do you need help with all that?”

  “No, I'm fine, thank you.”

  He nodded to her armload of supplies. “Planning something for the festival?”

  “Personal spell.” She tried for a friendly smile. “Did you get the final schedule pinned down for the meeting tomorrow?”

  “I did. Shirley has the food all planned now and Lucian has been a lifesaver with the activities for the children. I'd say we are ready.”

  The mention of Lucian gave her practice at keeping her aura steady, when she felt herself bristling. “Wonderful. I will see you tomorrow.”

  They said goodbye and she made her way off the grounds without any more stops.

  She expected to see Matvei along the way, but he was at the fortress with Brac when she arrived. She put her things down and walked over to give Brac a hug and kiss.

  “Playing favorites?” Matvei laughed and walked toward the exit.

  She held Brac a second longer, ignoring Matvei, glad he left. “What are you doing home? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, sure. I just wanted to check in before I go out again.” He looked her over. “You really doing better, or are you just putting on a brave face?”

  “Timofei will find her.” She smiled at him, still guilty she had to lie. “How are you holding up?”

  “Good, I guess. There are some pre-festival parties to go to. That should be fun.”

  She sat down and put her feet up. “Have fun, sweetheart. Try to behave.”

  “I always try, there are usually too many options that are infinitely more fun.”

  “Well, have fun then.”

  He kissed her goodbye and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being alone. After a few minutes, she decided it was time to get started and she gathered her things and made a start for the attic.

  “You need help with your bad juju supplies?” Matvei asked as she climbed the last set of stairs.

  She pursed her lips. “You could have asked that a few steps ago. Your chivalry needs work.”

  “What sort of magic are we working tonight?” He followed her to her altar room.

  After she set everything down she turned and gave him a harsh look. “I'd like to be alone, please.”

  “I'm peckish.” He stepped closer.

  She sighed and shook her head. “Take some and then leave.”

  He took her arm and pulled it to his mouth, kissing her gently before he bit down, his fangs scraping the bone.

  She screamed and shoved him away.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Thank you. I look forward to seeing the results of your devilry. I do adore mischief makers.”

  Chapter Twelve

  G wen smiled as she felt Timofei's presence. She decided on a long, flowing, white skirt and tight, low-cut, blue blouse for work. She knew his preferences and wanted the day to be perfect. After puzzling over how to get her way with Mikhail, it was time to see if she was in fact cunning enough to manipulate him discreetly.

  He needed to think it was his idea. That and she wanted to try and steer him back to a time before Matvei manipulated him, a time when he wanted her for himself. She added a little makeup and a choker of pearls to draw his eyes to her neck.

  On the way to his office, she went over things in her head, and as she neared and felt he wasn't alone, she tried to diffuse the disappointment. Matvei would usually leave them alone.

  “Isn't our queen the most ravishing beauty you have ever laid eyes on?” Timofei said, and took a few long strides to greet Gwen.

  She stepped on her tip-toes and kissed him. “I'm so glad you are home, my love.”

  “You are excused, son. I'll be at the compound later.” Timofei nodded to Matvei, who left. “Is this all for me?” His hand ran along her shirt edge and up her neck.

  “Always for you. I missed you so much. Did he tell you about the scare we had?” She reached her hand up and placed it over his.

  He smiled at her and kissed her deeply. “He tells me you handled yourself brilliantly. I'm proud of you. I am sure it was unnerving.”

  “It was not so bad, nice to see Sergei again.”

  “Sergei?” He kissed her again and looked at her puzzled. “Why was that nice, precious?”

  “I miss my friends from earth. He reminded me of home.”

  He shook his head. “You are too nostalgic. I should be here long enough, if you want to go to start sorting your affairs this time. I will take you.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Who will replace me at council? Can Kelly come here?”

  “Kelly, here? No.”

  She gave him her best disappointed face. “Why? Don't we usually have one of us there and one of them here? It's always worked that way.”

  “Not for this realm. I don't want the gene pool here muddied with a regular witch.”

  She took in a breath and maintained her expression. “I understand. Who will represent us there, have you decided?”

  “I see no need. I don't want one of our witches at risk. Council is filled with treachery. It seems once you root it out, more starts growing.”

  “No need? Why?” She kissed him as sweet as she could manage.

  “My home realm is more than enough of a connection to maintain my supplies there. I will leave this tear closed, once you are done.”

  “Closed. Forever? It's my home.” All of her plans to shift him to Mikhail from Kelly were derailed as her heart felt the weight of what he was suggesting instead.

  “I will take you there whenever you wish, and the time is available. You know I will always do what is needed to make you safe and happy.”r />
  Gwen kissed him deeply at that. When they broke the kiss, she brushed her hair aside. “I know you will.”

  “Good. I will make time to allow you a fast visit while I'm here, since it is so troubling to you. Better?”

  “Yes, thank you.” She kissed his jaw. “I have missed you so much. Will you be here long?”

  “Not long, long enough for a trip to start your estate affairs before I need to be back on colony with Matvei for some realm issues.”


  “Minor, whenever Konstantin is involved, there are always issues.”

  “I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Is there anything I can do?”

  “You have already. Do you have pressing things at colony?”

  “Not until lunch, why?”

  “Let me take you to the falls, and after to your office.”

  In spite of being repulsed by his touch still, she smiled and tried her best to play happy all morning. While they sat at the falls, kissing and bonding, he seemed to teeter between peace and distraction.

  She continued to struggle with her sadness at the realms closing as he sat with her while she had lunch.

  He seemed to enjoy all of the attention and side conversations from other witches that spotted them. After she ate, he walked with her to her office to gather her things for the meeting.

  When they walked in the meeting room, Henry, Shirley, and Lucian all looked up from their papers.

  “Hello, Gwen. Timofei, will you be joining us today?” Henry asked.

  Timofei smiled and kissed Gwen on the top of the head. “I am sad to report I have business that requires my attention. I leave you in the capable hands of my wife.”

  After he walked out, Gwen sat down and they started to finalize the plans. She managed to keep a smile and treat them all with the same attention. She felt ashamed at how easily her and Lucian behaved as if they were nothing more than work associates, but it also gave her hope that she was getting better at faking emotions. She needed to be better at that.


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