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Alterations Page 15

by Lucretia Stanhope

  She wrapped her arms around him, even though what she wanted to do was set the whole place on fire, starting with him. “I'm glad you made it home for the celebrations. Did you and Matvei need more time?”

  He kissed her again and pulled her arm to his mouth, kissing her wrist. “I will be with you in a few more minutes.”

  She agreed and left them to find something for herself to eat. She still felt uneasy and his touch was harder than ever to tolerate. Could he have ever loved her and still call for the head of Kyna, while telling her he was looking to bring her home?

  She was still working on her coffee when Timofei came in. He kissed her as if nothing changed. She wondered if all his visits since Kyna disappeared had meetings with Matvei discussing her head, before he came to her arms.

  “What time are we due at the colony, my treasure?” He stood beside her, stroking her hair.

  She reached up and held his hand. “Any time now. The younger children will already be celebrating.”

  He stayed with her while she ate, and then they walked together to the colony grounds. He spoke with such love to every witch that greeted them. Gwen tried to smile and not think about how ridiculous he found them all.

  Each time they neared Lucian, she noticed he guided them away. Nothing made sense. He did not love her, what did he feel? Did he feel at all aside from rage?

  She lost count of how many times someone came and held both her and Timofei's hands together. It was an odd greeting they never received before. He didn't appear to notice, or care. A huge fire roared as the day wore into night. It wasn't cold but no one seemed to be too hot. Most of them, like her, wore free flowing, light clothes. In a few more hours they would shed those as well.

  A small group of witches approached them. Gwen recognized them as healers and earth witches from the school. They circled them and started walking toward the fire. Timofei smiled and walked with her hand in his. Gwen looked at him, puzzled, but he kept his eyes forward, his face was relaxed.

  “We are all so glad to celebrate this season of life with our blessed high priestess and her chosen mate,” the head healer said. When she paused, there were loud murmurs of agreement.

  Gwen still held a look of puzzlement. This was not part of any events she planned. Her eyes scanned the crowd as it seemed to encircle them. The combined magic was powerful and soothing.

  “We are all so excited you plan to expand your family.” The woman reached toward Gwen, not touching her but Gwen felt her scanning her. She shook her head slowly and had a sad look. “Let us join our intentions with theirs and change their outcome this blessed night.

  Gwen felt his arm tighten around her waist as she felt herself drain of energy. The sounds of chanting fertility spells filled the night. She fought hard not to sob and run. The magic that was called on filled the air and surrounded her.

  When the potions teacher stepped forward with a small metal goblet, Gwen wanted to send a wave of magic to knock it from their hand. Panic washed over her. What could she do that wouldn't enrage Timofei or make the whole colony feel like she was an awful, ungrateful witch.

  She looked to Timofei. Happy and gracious, that was what he looked like. She took the cup and drank. It was pleasant enough, but she felt each swallow hit her stomach like acid. Her mind started to go blurry as she listened to Timofei make some ‘thank you’ speech. Something about everyone being family. Words came and went.

  A warmth wrapped around her and she looked out, locking eyes with Lucian. They were the only eyes in the crowd that reflected what she felt. Hopeless despair. He cried for her and she managed to keep herself upright and smiling.

  Before the group dance and ritual started, they were stopped by everyone. Touched, blessed, more spells.

  “Timofei, I'm tired, can we go now? It's time for the dancing, you never stay for that.” She held his hand tight and felt him squeeze hers.

  “Of course, you need to see me off.”

  “You're leaving? Tonight? You just arrived. Don't leave.” She hated him, but to be alone with Matvei was much worse. At least Timofei pretended. She could have some space. Get to her potion. Skip a night with Lucian. Matvei would never let any of that happen.

  They walked together, away from the crowd, receiving a few more blessings as they did.

  “We both have things to do. I will be back soon. I wanted to be here for you tonight, but I am in the middle of a close chase. If I let up, they will flee again and I will be gone even longer.”

  “But, please. Spend the night with me. I miss you.”

  He kissed her. “I miss you too. Soon. I am handling things as quickly as is prudent to do.”

  “Have you found anything yet?” She hated to ask, but knew if she didn't, he might gather she knew something.

  He frowned. “I'm sorry. Not yet. I have all of the resources I can spare on finding her for you.”

  She swallowed a dry lump. He lied with such ease it was startling. She allowed her anger to produce a few tears. “Do you think she is okay?”

  “I will find her.” He kissed her again and planted a trail of kisses, lingering at her neck. “Soon. I will be back soon.”

  As soon as she was alone, she hurried to her altar room. It was time for her own ritual. She hoped her magic was strong enough to counteract the intentions of the entire colony. With the potion tucked in her waistband, she used her shadow stone to appear in the courtyard of the abandoned section of the fortress.

  She pushed away her worry and fears. Pushed away all of the shock and horror of the night, and started to sway and chant. After she relaxed she started to chant louder and dance around the burned out fire pit.

  “What are you doing, Gwen?” Matvei snatched her wrist and pulled her to him.

  She wrestled her arm away and stepped back. “I always have my own ritual. Timofei doesn't like me to take part in the group one.”

  “Skip it.”

  “No. Go away.”

  “You look shaken. Did you like my surprise? You should give me a spot on the planning committee.”

  She refused to let tears come to her eyes, even though she could feel them trying. “I'm not surprised that it was your doing.”

  The finality of his tone chilled her. “Go see Lucian.”

  She took a few steps back. “When I am done.”

  He grabbed her arm again and tugged her to him.

  She screamed when his teeth sank into her shoulder. She pushed him back. “You didn't even drink. That was spiteful. I hate you.” Sparks of lightening flashed from her hands and snapped him.

  He laughed and stepped closer, hitting her with enough force to send her to the ground.

  She held her face and watched in horror as her potion rolled away. It was still sealed and she reached for it.

  He stepped on her hand with the heel of his boot. “What do we have here?” He held the bottle and gave it a sniff. “It smells a bit risky. I'll keep it.”

  “Please.” She dug at his boot with her free hand. When she gained no leverage, she summoned a root to wrap his leg and tug it away.

  As soon as it was free she pulled her hand to her chest.

  He lifted his leg and the root gave. “That can't be all you have, Gwen. Your effort makes me sad.”

  She stood, ignored the pain and called a fire where he stood. Before the fire could even catch he was gone. A breeze blew behind her. There was a sting when his teeth sank in and a drain as he fed, that weakened her concentration before she could react. Once she had her focus she summoned the sun inside herself.

  “That's not very nice.” His voice filled the air but she couldn't see him.

  “Show yourself. Are you afraid of me?” She felt the wind knocked out of her as she fell to the ground again. “You better hope I never lay eyes on you again.” She got to her feet and tried to focus on where he was. The breeze only blew when he wanted her attention, just before another hit.

  “Get up.” He yanked her up.

  She pulled as quickl
y as she could, but she was already flying through the air and crashed into the ground again. The fire she called caught nothing and vanished. “Timofei will destroy you for this.”

  He laughed. “You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.” He picked her up again and slammed her back down. “Are you ready to behave now?”

  She spat out some blood onto the ground and scanned. Another fire started, but didn't connect. She started to encircle herself in fire, but before the circle was complete he snatched her again.

  “Why are you so angry?” She was fast becoming too weak to concentrate on any more magic. The sun inside of her burned out.

  Feeling her magic dissipate, he seized her and drank deeply. She went limp in his arms. “I did tell you this is how we express frustration. You are supremely frustrating.” He dropped her to the ground and turned around, smiling. “Your hero is late.”

  She rested on her elbow, trying to focus. “Lucian, no.”

  “Tsk, tsk. I think she might like you. Of course she might like you better if you had turned up before the beating.”

  Lucian stepped into the courtyard and looked from Matvei to Gwen on the ground. Her cuts and bruises still not healed.

  Matvei stepped into his space. “What's it going to be, hero? You going to save the day or shall I carry on? I'm hungry still.”

  Gwen felt the wind picking up.

  Matvei laughed. “You going to blow me over?”

  Lucian stepped closer to him.

  Gwen stood up and started toward them. Her first steps were stumbles as she found her strength to stand. “Lucian, go home.”

  He shook his head no.

  “Please. Matvei won't hurt me.” She stood between them.

  “Won't I?” Matvei snatched her and tossed her out of the way.

  She let out a loud groan as she hit the ground hard.

  The heat in the air was intensifying and the fire pit blazed as Lucian's anger boiled over. Matvei filled the night with a deep laugh.

  “Good, hero. I expect results tomorrow, Lucian, or you will suffer your own beating, and I won't pull punches with you.” He looked back to Gwen. “Goodnight, mommy.”

  As soon as he was gone, Lucian knelt beside her and started healing her. “I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I didn't know. I…”

  She sobbed. It was the worst possible results. A colony of good intentions. No potion. Lucian called fire. “Help me up.”

  With his hand in hers, she stepped with him into a shadow. They stepped out at the trees across from his house. He carried her inside and sat her on the couch.

  “I'm better. Really, you don't have to take care of me. I told you he wouldn't really hurt me. He was baiting you.”

  Lucian sat beside her. “I don't care why he was doing it. No way do I stand by and let that happen. I knew what he was trying to do. I was angry. It was the only way to make him stop.”

  “You need to go. Get out of the tear, please, we can't do this. You can't not try.” She wanted to cry again, but that wasn't going to solve anything.

  He held her in his arms. “I won't let you face it alone. The options are limited now, but they won’t always be. We are strong. Together, we are a force they should be afraid of. Now that I can call fire, you can show me how to use it better against them. I have to live to help you. To live, we have to do this. Just one more time. I will never touch you like that again.”

  She shook her head no. “I can't. I just can't. I'd rather we suffer their wrath. They are chasing Kyna. They are training my sweet Brac to kill for them. What do you imagine they would do with our child? Can you even guess how powerful, and how malleable he would be? Brac thinks they love him.”

  “But we can stop that.”

  She interrupted him. “No, Sebastian and I said the same thing. We would never let darkness touch the twins. Darkness has them. I need to get Brac away. I can't do this.”

  “You need time. You can't just take Brac and go. How would you get away? Let me help you.”

  She closed her eyes. She did need time. “I can't do this, not knowing we will succeed tonight. I can't.”

  He let her walk out.

  She barely crossed the street when she felt Matvei. He didn't near her, he walked casually toward Lucian's house. Gwen turned on her heels and ran toward the house. “Stop it.” She shoved him into the wall. “Leave him alone. If you are frustrated with me, then feed.” She held out her arm to him.

  “That's not what I want from you tonight.” He shoved her away. “I did warn him about results.”

  “You can't force me. Beat me all you want. Beat him. Neither of us will do this for you.”

  He smiled. “No, Lucian is not that important to you, I see. I know who is.”

  Matvei brushed past Gwen and she gave chase.

  “Leave him alone. If you touch Brac, I will burn you slowly.” She snatched his arm, the heat inside of her started to grow unstable.

  He took her hand, removed it from his arm and bent it, forcing her to her knees. “Would you like to try fighting me head on again? Perhaps I should show what it feels like when I don't play nice. You have two choices, Gwen. Do what I say, or wake up in a daze with the head of Brac in bed beside you.”

  Gwen closed her eyes as a wave of sick washed over her.

  “Tick-tock, the night wears on while you ponder the options you don't have. You will do this. You can either do it to add to your brood, or to replace Brac. What will it be?”

  The heat started to soften as her anger turned to despair. The tears of sadness put out the last bit of her flame.

  He helped her to her feet. “Good. It will be so much easier on you, when you accept we are working together. Don't disappoint me again.”

  Each step Gwen took away from him was fueled only by a desire to save Brac. She knew Matvei would slip, he would slip and she would personally see to his demise when he did.

  Lucian opened the door before she knocked. His eyes held a sadness laced with anger. They changed him. His sweet, gentle nature was in danger as much as he was.

  Together, they made storms rage. After, the storms settled to a slow drizzle while they lay in silence.

  “It's too late now,” she finally said and sat up. “We have to get away.”

  He held her in his arms. “I'm so sorry. Find Brac and we will go. I will help.”

  “It's not simple. It's never been simple. When I carried the twins, the buzz from them as they grew drew the attention of everything, Timofei. I'm not even sure what I was planning will work now. I am going to hum like a beacon of peace. Like a dinner bell for them.”

  “Maybe it didn't work. We both wished with all our intentions it wouldn't.”

  She took his hand in hers and squeezed. “It's too late. It's done. I will finish my cloak tonight and let you know tomorrow how effective it is. If it works, I will start one for you and Brac. I could be ready for us to go in a week or so.”

  “Cloak?” He looked at her, puzzled. “Wait, it's done?”

  She frowned. “Didn't you feel it?”

  “No, I was focused on failure.”

  “I don't blame you.” She watched as his face melted into sadness. “Focus on success now. We must not dally. Come to my office first thing.” She stood, gave him a forced smile, and walked out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  B y lunch, Gwen had a sick feeling in her stomach. She took a few walks in the morning and never sensed Lucian. She wanted to try the cloak with him, since he felt her presence strong like vampires would. Something felt wrong. He said he would be at her office in the morning. He would have, if he could. That thought ate away at her.

  She started out for another walk. They wouldn't have hurt him, not if he was only one of two. It took them twenty years to get him. They wouldn't hurt him, not mortally. She repeated the thought as she walked. She walked to his house and felt nothing as she approached.

  Her hand twisted the knob, locked. She looked around before she unlocked it and went inside. She barely s
tepped over the threshold when panic gripped her. The house was empty. All of his things gone. Even his scent and the trail of magic he left were gone. The house felt as if no one had ever lived there.

  A lifetime ago, Gwen might have slid down the wall and sobbed, but that was not her anymore. It could never be her again. Time to adapt. She had the cloak. She needed to test it. Lucian would not be there to help her with that. Who could? Mikhail. She needed to see him. The reasons were mounting. The tears were closed. She had to get Timofei to take her.

  Gwen started back to the offices. She decided to take the long way through the woods to allow herself time to think.

  By the time she neared the colony she was relaxed, plan in mind, and felt somewhat better.

  That ended when she felt a strong pulsing of fire magic in the air. She recalled Timofei telling Matvei to train Brac there. Her pace quickened. She stood still when she entered a courtyard behind the fire school. Both Gina and Matvei had all of the fire witches in a circle. Brac stood in the center.

  Gwen watched quietly, tucking herself in and using the magic in the air to hide her own.

  Matvei's voice boomed in the air. “Again. All of you.”

  The witches around Brac at varying intervals shot fireballs at him. Brac pulled the energy from the air, broke their control, and sent the balls into the sky, where they dissipated. He did it with a speed that even Gwen was shocked to see. It appeared to her that he could anticipate the magic coming, and yanked it away from even the older witches with ease.

  “Gina, you too.” Matvei paced and watched.

  Brac struggled to pull the magic from Gina's hands and the fireball stood between them as they yo-yoed control. Sweat formed on Gina's brow and Brac smiled a smile that froze Gwen to the core. The ball neared him and there was a static pop. Brac yanked it, sending her to the ground when he did.

  The other witches murmured and cheered with approval.

  “Again, everyone all at once.” Matvei looked to Gwen, grinned, and added. “Brac, offensive this time.”

  Brac nodded.

  Gwen held her breath, anticipating the worse and ready to act.

  She watched as the same happened, but rather than dissipating Brac gathered the energy above him. When he had it all, Gwen could feel him winding it up and taking full command of it. It grew into a blazing cloud above him and realization mixed with horror as he started to lower his hand.


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