Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 24

by Kelly Fleming

That lounge was not a place one left an attractive female alone for very long, the crowd tended to be younger and on the aggressive side.

  Once Cary had come back from the bar with a couple of beers and some guy had solidly planted himself in his chair.

  "Excuse me." He told the guy.

  "Hey, I don't need your help." The guy said.

  "My wife, OK? Take off." Cary told him, the guy gave up and left after giving Cary a sour look.

  "What's up with that?" He asked her, sitting down.

  "Oh, just some fellow being nice. He was telling me about his racing boats, he is a lawyer." She smiled.

  Cary sighed, the guy looked like he was probably a logger.

  Now Sally was sitting in that lounge wearing that red dress, all fixed up and no Cary.

  Lord! He knew damn good and well the sharks would line up the moment she sat down.

  "naked no bra lol" She had texted. Obviously drinking by now, too! Glancing at his watch, he was fairly sure she would be well into the second one.

  He ran down the hallway, down the stairs three at a time, hopped into the spiffy brand new Camaro he had recently bought and took off for the lounge.

  He lit the tires nicely on the way out of the parking lot, hung second gear without taking his foot off the floor, spotted the motorcycle cop sitting there along side the road just as he hit third.

  "License and registration, proof of insurance please." The cop stood there waiting, his expression stone faced.

  Just shit!

  Cary handed it to him.

  "Please Officer, my wife is waiting for me, I am in a hurry and need to meet her at the lounge." Cary said.


  The cop took a long look at him, his face never changed expression.

  "Oh....I see... You...ummm...are in a...hurry then, sir? It's to not...RUSH, especially when you are..uhhh...on a public highway, sir."

  He looked at Cary with no expression, then smiled slightly. Cary opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it.

  "Going a not a good idea, Sir. You will be driving later and...uhhh...someone could... be hurt. It's never a good idea to, sir."

  A larger slow smile crossed his face.

  He didn't appear to be in any hurry at all.

  Cary sighed as the cop walked back to his bike. It took him a solid 15 minutes as Cary sat there fuming.

  What the fuck was the jerk doing, changing the damned oil?

  "Here you go, sir. Now keep it...down, the speed limit through here is...just 45, I clocked you at ...uhhh..65 but I am writing it for 64. 20 miles over and it's another...$150.00...OK?"

  "OK, thank you."

  "Plus I want you to understand that...driving like that, ...uhhh...spinning your tires...could cause you to lose control." The policeman added.

  Carry nodded, saying he was sorry.

  "I COULD have written you up...for reckless driving, you know."

  "Yes, I know. I am really sorry, I will be extra careful." Cary smiled at the man, doing his best to appear totally ashamed of himself.

  Fucking prick!

  "All right then, have a pleasant evening." The asshole grinned at him.

  Cary drove off, 45 miles per hour.

  "where the hell r u?" The phone went off.

  "cop. ticket. on the way."

  "no hurry, got company lol" came back.

  Damn it! Company? Cary resisted the urge to put his foot back on the floor.

  He saw the little white Kia sitting in the parking lot, pulled up and parked next to it. He glanced at his watch, 7:10. Jumping out, he dashed for the door.

  It was darker than the ace of spades in the club, Cary stood there for a moment letting his eyes adjust. Finally he spotted Sally sitting at the bar. Next to her on one side was a tall man wearing a cowboy hat, on the other side was a shorter man about the same age. Sally had her elbow on the bar, a tall drink clutched in one hand, the tiny little phone in the other.

  The tall man was leaned over towards her looking down. She was turned his way, listening to something he was saying.

  It hit him that the way she was sitting slightly sideways to where he stood, that with the lights behind the bar her left breast appeared to be hanging there in space, naked.

  She had on that tiny red dress.

  Cary started across the room, just then his phone went off.

  "guy cute, u better hurry lol"

  Cary looked up from the phone just in time to see the tall man say something again, then reach out and put his hand on Sally's bare upper arm. She turned slightly more, he saw she still had the phone in one hand. She reached over and pushed his hand away, her usual smile on her face. She said something to him, he stepped closer and slid his arm across her shoulders.

  Sally leaned forward and slightly away, obviously resisting that but the other man was standing right there, and close. She turned her head to say something to him, Cary realized the man's right hand was on her right leg. She set the phone down and pushed at his hand but the man was insistent.

  Cary was across the room in seconds.

  "Sally!" He said, she turned to look at him with a smile.

  "Hey, bud, we saw her first." The tall man said to him, turning his way and giving him a glare.

  "I don't think so, take your hands off of her. Come on Sally, let's go."

  The tall man stood up straight, reached out and pushed on Cary's chest with his left hand. Cary reached up with his own right and trapped two fingers, rotated them counter clockwise and planted the man face first against the bar. He used his weight to press his elbow forward.

  "This is my wife, bud." He told the man, as the guy struggled to no avail.

  "Yea, yea, all right. Let go of me!" He said.

  Cary let go, the man turned and looked at him, thought about it for a moment and walked away. The other man had already backed off.

  Cary took Sally's hand and led her over to a table.

  "Where have you been?" She asked. Cary realized she had a trace of a slur in her voice.

  "The damned job. One of the crew messed up an order, I went as fast as I could. Then on the way I got a ticket, $199.00 for speeding."

  "I was getting mad at you, then that man bought me a drink. He is a lawyer and his friend owns a big corporation."

  Cary managed to keep a straight face. The closest that guy ever got to a lawyer was hiring one to get him out of jail. The other one was in blue jeans and a K mart shirt, not likely a corporate executive.

  "I wanna dance!" Sally said, standing up. She did not appear to be bashful at all with the way she was dressed, he glanced down at her drink, it was half gone.

  Cary realized the band was playing, he hadn't even noticed up until then. He got up, it was a soft slow tune. He held Sally close, covering her breasts since he realized that the back lights in the club made them even more obvious than he had thought they would be.

  As they slid across the dance floor, he spotted the tall man in the cowboy hat watching them intently. He held Sally even closer, she was slightly unsteady.

  "How did you manage to get drunk so fast?" He asked her.

  "I'm not drunk." She said.

  "You look drunk to me!"

  "Maybe a little bit, but I am all right." Sally pressed in close, Cary was almost holding her up. The song ended and he steered her back to their table, putting her in the chair that had her back to the tall man. He was watching them closely.

  For the first time in his life he felt mildly jealous, he didn't want that guy to see her.

  She plopped down, in a little bit of an unladylike manner, put her elbow on the table to support her chin. Then she reached for her drink but Cary was faster.

  "Whoa, babe! You need to ease up a little now." He told her.

  Signaling the waitress, he ordered a cup of coffee over her protests. He noticed that cowboy hat was still keeping a close eye on them. The other man was nowhere to be

  "What was the deal with those two guys?" He asked her.

  "Oh, nothing. They bought me a drink and we were talking, is all." She took a sip of the coffee, made a face.

  "They looked to me like they were getting pretty grabby." Cary said.

  "They weren't really, not at first. We just danced is all. But then at the bar the one man kept putting his hand on my leg. I didn't like him very much, he tried to put his hand on my boobies when we were dancing. Then at the bar he really turned into a jerk. I told him to stop that but then you finally showed up."

  "Good thing, I guess. Sorry I was late, the boss had me go fix a problem."

  "Your boss always has you fixing problems." She pouted.

  "Well, I am here now. Let's go get something to eat." Cary got her up, Sally was still unsteady on her feet. He glanced again at cowboy hat, the man was sitting at a table by himself, still watching them intently.

  He figured that this club was a good place not to be at the moment.

  Cary got his wife loaded into the Camaro, drove across town to a different club. The restaurant there was well known for steaks and seafood, once he got some food into Sally she appeared to straighten up.

  "Where are we going to go, Honey?" She asked him.

  "Where would you like to go?" He said.

  "I want to go dancing, someplace with a good band. How about that club we were just at, they are pretty good?"

  "I don't think that is a good idea, that guy looked to be unhappy with me man handling him." Cary said.

  "I doubt he would try anything." She said.

  "There isn't any point in pressing the issue, I want to have some fun."

  "Well, there are lots of places downtown, let's try one we haven't been to before."

  "OK." They got back in the car and drove downtown. Cary actually hated to go downtown, there were lots of dance clubs but also several strip clubs that were on the seedy side. He never went to any of those, but he knew of one club on 17th avenue that had a nice dance floor and usually good swing time bands. He had gone there many times when he was single and looking for action but it had been years.

  He even found a place to park without having to circle the blocks a few dozen times.

  He held the door for Sally as she got out, noticing just how good she looked. They were going to get a lot of attention, he figured, and he could hardly wait to do some dancing, they both enjoyed the swing time type clubs. Sally looked beautiful and far naughtier than she every had when they went out.

  "Ten bucks for you, the chick is free." A monstrous black guy stood at the door as they walked up. His head was bald, and he had a large ear ring in one ear. He looked Sally up and down carefully, then grinned.

  That was new, they didn't have a cover charge or even a door man when he was there before. He peeled off a bill and handed it to the man, the guy reached out and stamped his wrist.

  "This is so if you go outside to smoke you can get back in." The guy told him.

  "Aren't you going to stamp Sally?" Cary asked, stupidly.

  "Naw. She can come in any time she wants to!" Then he laughed, looking her up and down carefully again. Sally giggled at that, which made her breasts jiggle. Cary suddenly wanted to get her inside, out of this man's gaze.

  That damn flash of jealousy again wafted over him, but he kept a straight face.

  The man reached out and held the door open, instantly they were blasted with loud music.

  Inside, it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, the last time he had been in this club it had been much lighter. Even the bar had been moved, now it was over against the wall where before it had been curved outwards into the room.

  A waitress in a very skimpy costume came by and led them to some seats, they were overly large and very soft, once they sat down Cary felt almost like he was leaned back in a recliner.

  "Wow, this is pretty fancy!" Sally said.

  "It's been a long time since I was here, the place looks completely different." Cary said, looking around. They ordered some drinks, the woman was back in moments with them.

  Cary reached for his credit card to start a tab, she looked at him oddly.

  "Cash only here, honey." She smiled. He dug out some bills and paid her. Then he looked around.

  The dance floor was far smaller than he remembered, and it was elevated by about three feet with a small railing around it and steps leading up on both sides. There was still rather loud music playing in the background but it was a sound system, there was no band.

  "Are we supposed to go up there if we want to dance?" Sally asked.

  "I don't know. This place is nothing like I remember." Cary felt confused.

  Just then a light over the middle of the stage came on, it was a bright light that flashed. Seconds later some curtains opened up and a young woman came out.

  She was stark naked.

  "OH OH!" Cary said.

  "Oh my God! You took me to a strip club!" Sally giggled.

  "OOPS! That doesn't look like much of a strip tease. I'm sorry, honey. I didn't realize, come on, let's go." He told her, completely embarrassed. He started to get up, which wasn't easy they way the silly chair was designed.

  "No, wait. We are here now, let's watch and see what she does. I never saw anything like this before. Besides, these two drinks cost almost twenty bucks." She had a smirk on her face.

  The woman began to do some gyrations that could not be described as dancing, she was bending over, spreading her legs, clearly doing nothing more than demonstrating all parts of her sex. With the lights from the stage making it much brighter, Cary could see several men in the audience, there was just one other couple in the place. They were over in a far corner, pressed very close to each other.

  The woman up on the stage had very large breasts, obviously store bought, her waist was very thin and muscular, there was no sign of hair anywhere on her body.

  He watched as she finished her act, then she was replaced by another woman, also naked. She was smaller, and began the same motions, opening her legs wide as a customer slid a bill up in front of her. There were no costumes at all. This woman even used her fingers to open herself up as wide as she could as she lay on her back. Several bills appeared on the stage as she lay there squirming.

  Cary felt his face flush, he didn't want to subject Sally to that.

  "I think we should get out of here." He whispered to her.

  "No, I want to watch this." She repeated.

  Just then the waitress came by, Sally asked for another drink. Cary had a concern about that but she did seem to be all right so he nodded. He had noticed his own drink wasn't exactly the strongest he had ever had, anyway.

  Moments after the drinks arrived the first dancer they had seen came over to their table.

  "Want a private dance, handsome?" She asked. She now had on what looked to be a negligee with sheer panties and nothing else. Her breasts were the size and shape of half a cantaloupe, her nipples a reddish color like they had been painted.

  "I don't think so....." He started to say.

  "Sure!" Sally said, grinning.

  "What? Sally, I...." Cary said.

  "Oh, hush! It will be fun, I want to see what they do." He noticed half of her drink was gone already.

  "Twenty bucks out here, fifty bucks in the back." The woman said.

  "Let's go into the back!" Sally said, getting up. The flashing lights from the nearby stage made Sally's upper body look naked, he saw that several guy's heads turned to look.

  He resisted the sudden urge to cover her up.

  Cary got up and the woman led them to a side door, it opened into a room with a couple more of the same big soft chairs. Cary noticed that she turned and locked the door. Sally plopped down in one of the chairs, her drink still in her hand.

  "I'm Tara, sweetie. Fifty, please." The woman repeated, Cary peeled off two twenties and a ten, then sat down. He had no idea at all what the woman was going to do, but he figured she wouldn't do too much
, not with Sally sitting right there.

  He glanced over at sally, she was staring at the woman with an interested look on her face.

  Cary would have thought that Sally would throw a fit at the idea of this.

  The woman had short cropped hair, she was full busted, her nipples were pink and he was now sure she had some kind of coloring on them. The short outfit she had on did nothing at all to hide them. He also saw quickly that the bottoms she had on hid nothing either, as she began to move to the music.

  She was totally naked within sixty seconds of the music starting. Cary glanced with worry over at Sally several times, but she was just watching in fascination. Tara opened her legs right in front of him, placed one foot up on the arm rest of his chair. This caused her outer lips to curl open, forming a small flatter area at the very center of her pussy, he could clearly see her clitoris poking out. Then she turned and bent completely over, reaching back to spread her cheeks. Her brown puckered anus came into view.

  He couldn't help himself, he felt his erection begin to grow.

  Tara moved forward, put both of her knees up on the huge soft arm rests, her pelvis thrust almost into his face. She used her inner muscles to cause her vagina to expand and contract, her head thrown back like she was in ecstasy. Her fat lips looked shiny, like she had some kind of lubricant on them.

  "God. That is amazing! How in the world do you do that?" He heard Sally say. Cary blinked again at that, here he sat with some strange woman's bare pussy almost shoved in his face and his wife sat there asking questions?

  "It's pretty easy, I could teach you. You are gorgeous, honey, you could make a fortune in this place." The dancer looked over at Sally, then down at her breasts and smiled.

  Sally beamed, she was staring, a fascinated look on her face.

  Cary had never seen her like that. He would have expected her to freak out, instead she just sat there grinning.

  Tara now had one foot on each side of his legs, actually standing on the chair seat with her knees blatantly spread, resting them on the armrest on each side of him. The soft chair kept him from sitting upright, he was nearly flat on his back. If he leaned forward just six inches, he would have his face in her pussy. She ran her hands up and down his thighs, then Cary felt his zipper slide down.


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