My right hand once again began its motion inside her pussy. She instantly noticed and closed her eyes regaining her erotic sensations in her lower region. I grabbed her left breast with my left hand. Oooh it felt good, soft, firm, full. I felt the knob of her nipple. Rubbery, pliable, erect, wonderful, and she responded in kind with intense excitement to my light pinching. Nice.
Sam couldn't resist any longer. He grabbed hold of her right tit with abandon, squeezing it with both hands. She glanced up at him, but decided to accept his presence, as she again closed her eyes and reacted only to the various pleasures happening to her body. She was truly in the zone.
Mindy moaned freely at the movements of my finger on her clit, flailing with even the smallest movements. I fondled her generous tit until I couldn't resist putting her nipple in my mouth. I leaned over and put my tongue around her areola, then swallowed her nipple with my lips and teased her with my tongue on the tip of her nipple. I ventured to lightly bite her, which caused another moan that sounded like she enjoyed it. So, I nibbled some more.
She suddenly changed to short breaths and then clamped her hand over mine that was feeling up her pussy. Her knees locked together, clenching my hand so I could only move my middle finger. "Ah! Ah!! Oh!" Shorter breaths. "Aaaaah!" Her screams were exciting all of us, as Sam and I both looked upon her facial expressions of open mouth contortions and loud moans of intense gasps. Just as suddenly when she started...a few short moments passed...she stopped. Her body went limp. She released her hand grip on mine and her legs relaxed and opened wide.
I withdrew from her breast, but maintained my hand on her pussy, holding my middle finger still upon her clit. Sam slowed his fondling of right breast, but kept his hands in contact.
"Well, that was fun," I commented. "I think it's time to call it a night Sam. I'll see you tomorrow."
Reluctantly, Sam released Mindy's breast and sat back. "Alright. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at work," expecting to hear about my ride home later.
Mindy's breathing normalized and her eyes opened slightly in a somewhat dazed condition.
Sam slid over to the right door and opened it. I had a sinister thought.
I slid my middle finger into Mindy's pussy as far as it would go, hooking my finger in her deep nether region. "Oooh," she gasped. I savagely jerked my hand up and down in and over her pussy until her breathing exploded into another rapid display of reaching for another orgasm. "Ah..ahh, ahhh."
Sam froze, with one foot out the door and looking back.
"One thing Sam."
"Ah, ahh, ahhh!"
" None of this goes anywhere except between us."
Sam stared at me, then at Mindy, and back at me.
"I mean it."
Ah, ahh, ahhh."
"If word gets out, you may miss out on any future adventures," I stared back at Sam meaningfully. I continued to frantically torture poor Mindy who was wriggling at the touch of my hand.
"Ah, ahh, oh God!" She released another massive orgasm with a scream that could have woken up the neighborhood. Again, she collapsed as all the muscles of her body went limp. Her rapid breathing slowed to a pant.
I withdrew my hand, held up my middle finger and licked the tip. "Mmm," I exaggerated as if I had just tasted a delightful dessert.
"Do you get my meaning"? I looked at Sam.
"Ok. Goodnight."
"Yeah. Goodnight." Sam looked lustful at Mindy, wishing he could hang out and play some more. He eventually got out and closed the door, no doubt heading to go whack himself off. I, on the other hand, had other ideas.
I put the gear in drive and slowly exited the neighborhood.
"Wow," Mindy said snuggling up to my side and wrapping her hands around my upper arm. "That was...amazing".
"You were amazing. Did you have fun?"
"Fun? Yeah, I guess. That was the most...intensive orgasm I've ever had...both of them," she let out a short giggle.
"Are you ready to repay the favor?"
"Huh? What do you want me to do?" She asked apprehensively, but with an anxious tone of not wanting to end the night.
"Have you ever sucked a guy off?"
"Um, no," she meekly squeaked out.
"Well to start, unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants and pull out my cock." There was no way I was taking her home without some relief first. I headed down a side road on the outskirts of town where I could drive at a slow pace.
Mindy looked down, deep in thought for a moment, and reached over to my belt buckle. Ahhh! My semi-hard cock started to grow harder. This is gonna be good.
She fumbled about, but got my belt, button and zipper free. I held the steering wheel steady with my left leg while I scooted up and pulled my jeans and boxers down enough to free my hardening cock. Mindy just stared at it, seemingly getting ready to pounce on it.
"Ok". She held still. "If you want to please a man, you must learn to be a great cock-sucker. First, NO TEETH! Kiss the head, lick the head, swirl your tongue up and down the under-side of my shaft, and hold the lower base with your hand stroking in an up and down motion." This would be my first blow-job, and even though I was no expert, I knew want I liked and I knew what I wanted her to do.
Keeping her eyes on my erect cock the whole time, she proceeded to do just as I told her to do. Her naked body was perched on her lower legs with her head lower that her ass that showed fine curvy cheeks sticking up in the dim light of my car. I couldn't help but reach over the curvature of her ass, rubbing and squeezing her butt cheeks.
Ooh, she reached my cock with her tongue and it felt sooo good. I wanted more...I wanted it to last...I wanted it faster.
"Now put your mouth around my cock. Stroke up and down and see how much you can put in your mouth. Good cock-suckers can swallow a cock all the way down to the base. Let's see if you are a good cock-sucker." Dam I was crude. I don't usually act or talk like that, but I had a naive and willing naked girl going down on my cock and I was enjoying the hell out of it.
As could be expected, she went down about four inches before she had a gag reflex and pulled back a couple of inches. "Ooh, looks like you're not a good cock-sucker yet. Keep your up and down motion and try to go further down each time." I could only grin and enjoy the moment. I looked over and lightly slapped an ass cheek.
"Umnf," she responded and continued to stretch her limits before she gagged again. But to give her credit, I think she was reaching five inches. She only had one more inch to go.
I looked at the road and concentrated as a car passed going in the other direction. I smiled wondering if that driver was as lucky as I, probably not.
Mindy was getting more and more into her task and I was beginning to think that I may be exploding in her mouth before too long. So I turned and headed in a more direct route to her house.
"You are doing good. Now when the time comes, a great cock-sucker will keep her mouth around the cock she's sucking and swallow when a man orgasms and cums in her mouth. When I orgasm, I'll shoot my cum around 4 or 5 times, so in order to swallow you will probably need to back off a couple of inches until you have enough room to accept my sperm in your mouth and swallow every drop. It is very important that once I start to orgasm, you continue to suck until I'm done. In the meantime, use more tongue action and remember to suck while you are doing it. One more thing, after I've stopped, be sure to lick every drop off my cock until it's good and clean. You should feel when I'm getting close. If not, you may be surprised when I start shooting off in your mouth. Are you woman enough to swallow my cum?" Wow. You'd think I knew what I was talking about.
"Mm hmm," she indicated as a yes. We'll soon see.
Her dedication increased again with more intensity, and my cock was loving it. I came up to a public park and decided to pull over, with the driver's side next to the curb of a small parking area. I could feel I was getting closer and wanted full attention to this incredible blow-job I was getting. I picked a location in a quiet spot of th
e park, with no known human presence in view and only a few nearby street lights.
Her focus became frantic, as if she really wanted to show me she could do this as a woman, as a good cock-sucker.
My cock was engorged and getting even harder, if that was possible. I could feel my balls tense up. "Oh yes!" Building, building. "Oh, oh, yes!" Oh yes this is it. My mind was losing focus and all thoughts turned to my balls and cock until..."Yes!" My first spurt erupted from the bottom of my balls, up through the inside shaft of my cock and shot a huge load deep in the back of Mindy's throat.
She gagged, but kept on sucking and she tried to swallow when the next load followed. She panicked, as some of my cum oozed out the sides of her mouth. "Aahhhh yes!" She swallowed again. Spurt! "Yesss!" Another swallow. Another spurt! "Yesss!" Swallow. Spurt! "Ahhh!" Swallow. Spurt. "Ah..."
Wow. What a trip. My head was dizzy. My body exhausted. My balls empty. I laid there with my head back, arms limp, and eyes closed, while slowly recovering my breath.
Mindy, meanwhile, was trying to lap up all the sperm that escaped her mouth. And from the explosive orgasm I felt, it must have been a load.
I was still for a few moments regaining my consciousness, when I noticed Mindy was still going at it and my cock was feeling too sensitive to take any more. "Ok. That's enough. You can come up now." Whew. That was something I've never felt before. Air. I need more air.
I rolled down the window to catch my breath. I looked out to see the stillness of the park, trees scattered all around, a playground in the distance and the beating of my heart. Whew. That was amazing. Who would have thought...Mindy.
Mindy snuggled up to my arm and sat quietly.
"That was pretty good for your first time. Did you enjoy it?"
"Ugh huh," indicating a yes.
"Did you have a good time tonight?"
"Would you like to do it again sometime?" I asked her while staring at a large tree about 50 yards away. Another sinister thought was brewing in my head. Why is it, I keep wanting to take things further. After an incredible orgasm, I still wanted more.
"Yes," she said with more enthusiasm.
"Ok then. I promise we'll do this again, if you do one more thing." I paused for a response.
"Ok. Anything. What?"
"Do you see that big tree over there?" It was hard to miss as it was easily twice the size as any in the park.
"I want you to get out of the car, run around that tree, and come back. I'll wait here while you do it." What is wrong with me? Do I get off on embarrassing this girl, risking her getting seen by a passer-by? Yes. I think I really do.
"What? Without my clothes on?" She seemed a little excited and not in a good way. Even better, I thought.
"Bare ass, swinging tits, buck naked." She looked at me with unbelieving eyes. "Yes, without your clothes on."
She thought for a moment. "What if I don't?" she asked sadly already knowing the answer.
"Well, I'll take you home and we will both have a good memory of tonight. I promise I won't say a word to anyone about what happened between us. We'll see each other at work and think back at what we did together. That's about it. Nothing more."
"Can I at least wear my blouse?"
"Nope. Completely in the buff."
" wouldn't leave me would you?" She had a defeated yet pleading look on her sweet face.
"No! Of course not. I would never do that to you. This is just for fun. I don't want to put you in any danger. Well, other than maybe being seen running naked through the park. I agreed to give you a ride home and I will." I may be an ass, but I'm not an ass-hole.
"Ok, I'll do it," she spoke in a low monotone voice. She stared at the distance to the tree, thinking of the time it would take her to get back to the safety of the car I guess. "Can I get out on your side? And get back in on your side?" she added.
"Absolutely." I pulled up my pants and opened the door to get out. I stood parallel to the door, buckling my pants, while blocking any view of her exit.
She crawled on all fours across my seat and sat at the edge with her feet just outside on the curb. She stared at the tree, trying to build up her courage.
"Save some strength for the way back," I offered as advice.
She glanced up at me and thought about what I said. She crouched up and looked around. Seeing no signs of anyone, she slowly crept away from my car, crossed the cement sidewalk and started running.
She was no athlete, but the sight of her naked body and her large butt cheeks shaking up, down, and all around was a thing of beauty. The half-moon-lit sky along with the scattered street lights around the park were plenty enough to see Mindy's pale white skin flashing along the grass. My intuition was right. This was worth pushing the envelope to experience this spectacular viewing. Never in her wildest imagination could she have expected to be running stark naked and alone in a park when she left work tonight. Yet here she was, just as bare and free as she could be. I was getting another hard-on watching her run.
She was approaching the tree and slowed her pace. Eyeing around the corner cautiously, she disappeared from my line of sight. Her head poked out around the other side of the tree while she looked back at her return run and took the time to catch her breath no doubt. A moment later, she sprang forth and here she was facing me with her full frontal nudity in my sight. And what a sight it was too. Her large and heavy breasts were my main focal point. Her tits moved in accentuated fashion with each step she took. She wasn't running fast, but just enough to get a full gravitational exhibit of her swaying tits in a most excellent display. I had to adjust my pants. Where was my camera when I needed it? Maybe next time, I smiled to myself.
She slowed as she approached me, clearly winded from the run. Her boobs swung as if they were swinging in slow motion. "That was quite a show." I said when she was near enough to hear me. She didn't bother to acknowledge my comment as she was gasping for air. She made a bee-line back into the car. I caught another fine view of her ass and gave her a little swat as she passed by.
Hmmm. I guess I'm committed to my word. I'll have to do this again someday soon. I laughed to myself with a wide smile and got back into the car.
She was still breathing hard, sitting on her side of the seat. "Well? How was it?"
She looked up at me with a look of exhausted accomplishment. "I can't believe I did it." Her voice was alive with exuberance. She smiled as though she actually enjoyed it. Strange, I thought.
"I guess we'll have to think up something more exciting for next time." I gave her a big appreciative smile.
She smiled back and just looked at me wondering what could top this night.
"You can put your clothes back on. I'll take you home." I started up the car and drove off. Five minutes later we pulled up to her house, just as she was putting on her last shoe.
"That was a fun evening. I guess I'll be seeing you again soon." I told her meaning was I said.
"Thanks for taking Sam home first. I can't wait 'till after work tomorrow." She smiled and leaned over for a kiss, which I happily reciprocated. Our kiss turned in to a three minute make-out session.
I pulled back. "Goodnight and sweet dreams."
"I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight." She gave me one last kiss and got out of the car.
I watched her walk up to her house and go inside. That was an interesting evening. What would happen tomorrow, I wondered. Hmmm, Maybe I should get some condoms. I smiled all the way home.
The End.
Power and Pleasure
Carol Jordan struggled to remain at attention as she waited to receive her decoration. The courtyard of the imperial palace was filled with over ten thousand potentates from all over the galactic Dynasty that was about to honor her with the highest award for bravery and dedication that the Dynastic government had to offer. It was not the crowd that caused her nervousness. It was the fact that she was about to meet the Emperor, the Dynasty's ruler.<
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Nathaniel Trent had been an officer in the Old Federation before it had fallen due to its own bureaucratic excesses and complacency. It had become too sure of itself and was slow to adapt to change. Faced with external pressure and internal decay, it had fallen ten years ago. Trent had rallied the remnants of the Old Federation's military and police forces, formed an alliance with the powerful Andrian Confederacy, and fought to stem the chaos that had filled the power vacuum that followed the Old Federation's fall. He had been twenty-three years old at the time. After years of fighting the Dynasty had one quarter of the galaxy under firm control, approximately one quarter belonged to the Andrian Confederacy; the rest was held by enemy governments or was unexplored.
Emperor Trent governed from the solar system he had dubbed "Triumph." Each solar system that was part of the confederacy elected its own leaders, and made its own laws, but each paid taxes to the Emperor, submitted to certain laws concerning commerce and extradition for crimes, agreed to the abolition of slavery, and contributed to the general defense. Dynastic territory was divided into twelve sectors each protected and administered in the Emperor's name by one of the Dynastic Archdukes. The Archdukes were all comrades from the Emperor's War Against Chaos and answered only to him.
The Emperor's title was hereditary, meaning it would be passed to one of Trent's children. (This was also true of the archdukes.) Each system elected its own officials, but the Royal family would assure a political continuity the Old Federation lacked. Jordan forced her hands not to shake. The Emperor himself would be decorating her in a few minutes.
She was to be the first person awarded the Emperor's medal of Valor. The honor had been earned through pain. She had been hospitalized for three months and undergone six operations recovering from her last battle. She still had nightmares about the fire engulfing her. She remembered the heat itself searing her flesh even through her fire -resistant space fleet uniform. She remembered dragging three injured crewmen from the flame-filled bridge. She could still see the crewmen she could not save. She remembered the burns that covered her from head to toe. She remembered endless hours in regeneration tanks and the how the itching of the skin grafts had nearly driven her man. And, of course, there was the pain; the incessant, relentless pain that no drug could moderate.
Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 92