Unmemorable (Unmemorable Series)

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Unmemorable (Unmemorable Series) Page 13

by A. P. Jensen

  His mouth curved. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  Cain wrapped his arms around her, stood and bounced her against him teasingly. She pulled his hair and he grinned and pulled off her shirt and bra before they reached the bed. He put her on her feet and undressed, tossing his clothes to the side while Raven stared dazedly at his body. Cain pushed her backwards on the bed, which he wouldn’t have been able to do if she’d been in her right mind. When she yelped indignantly, he pulled off her pants and put on a condom. Before she could sit up, he was on the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard and pulling her over him to straddle his cock. His large hands settled on either side of her hips and the heat in his eyes made her burn.

  “I don’t know what to do with a virgin, so I’m going to let you set the pace,” he growled.


  She could feel his erection against her inner thigh and she eased down slowly. Cain watched her from beneath heavy lids as she positioned herself awkwardly. She tried to take him inside of her, paused and looked at him a little desperately. He grabbed her face again with both of his hands and thrust his tongue in her mouth. She groaned and moved against him. One of his hands slid between them and he slipped his finger inside of her. She gasped and jerked as he played with her and when she was trembling, she slapped his hand away, grabbed his erection and slid easily onto him.

  Her eyes were as wide as they could go. The blue of Cain’s eyes was nearly blinding. The afternoon sun highlighted every plane of his face and illuminated the desire and impatience etched on his face.

  “Have mercy,” he whispered and tilted his head back against the headboard.

  To give herself time to adjust, she kissed the corded lines on his neck and nibbled on his collarbone. His hands moved down to her waist and in a wordless plea, squeezed. She rocked and froze. His head came up and she saw the sweat dripping from his temple.

  “What?” he said.


  She couldn’t describe the feelings and saw an almost frantic look on his face. She rocked again and he moved her hands to his shoulders.

  “Leverage,” he groaned.

  She found out what he meant immediately. Her body bowed and rocked and jerked and he thrust upward helplessly. They moved together, bodies slick and reaching for a climax that seemed just out of reach.


  One moment she was above him and the next she was flat on her back with her legs in the air. He leaned over her, breath billowing out of him. His whole body shook and his hands ran all over her, piling sensation on top of sensation.


  She nodded and he didn’t need any more confirmation. He thrust into her hard and it was the best thing she experienced in her life. Desperation and lust filled the room and their bodies writhed together in a dance she waited almost three decades for. When she climaxed, she went wild. She bit his shoulder and raked her nails across his back. Cain gripped her hips with bruising hands as he came. He fell over her as they gasped for breath.

  A minute later, Cain slid out of her and she moaned a little since she was still sensitive. He staggered away, placed a trashcan beside the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. He came out a moment later with a box of condoms and put them on the nightstand. He grabbed two bottles of water and handed one to Raven who was sprawled boneless on the bed.

  “Okay?” he asked and lay beside her again, eyes moving over her body.

  Raven turned to him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Thanks.”

  “My pleasure. Seriously.”

  He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her up beside him.

  “Now it’s time to play,” he growled and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  Raven screeched and tried to push his head away. “My breasts are super sensitive!”

  “Good to know,” he mumbled around her nipple.

  Raven’s wish to have sex came true- multiple times. Cain’s appetite didn’t run down and he spent hours making her climax with his mouth and hands. Neither of them were shy or inhibited. She told him what she wanted to try and he complied. Any embarrassment at ordering him around rolled off of her when she saw how willing he was.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, face down on the bed with Cain plastered over her.

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Stop saying that.”

  “I think waiting this long has been worth it. You’re great.”

  He laughed and rolled to the side, pulling her up against him and kissing her swollen lips. “All the practice I’ve had has been used up in one day. If I stay with you any longer, you’ll be teaching me things.”

  She smiled lazily. “That sounds nice.”



  He tucked her up against him and she drifted off to sleep.

  She moaned before her eyes opened. The lights from the Paris hotel across from the Bellagio tossed a yellow glow into the dark bedroom. She looked down and saw a large male between her legs.

  “Cain, get up here!” she snapped.

  Laughing darkly, he crawled up her body until they were face to face and then he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him as he positioned himself and she felt the condom he already put on. His hands stroked over her breasts and belly and he slid into her easily. He bent his head and bit her breasts as he thrust into her. She gasped and maneuvered so she was on top. She braced her hands on his chest and his eyes gleamed.

  “I really like your breasts,” he said conversationally.

  “I noticed,” she said tartly.

  “We’ve marked each other up a bit.”

  He grinned devilishly and pointed at a bite on his neck and shoulder. She would’ve felt bad except she had the urge to do so again. He didn’t seem bothered by the marks, on the contrary, he looked proud and she knew her body was equally covered with love bites. Her ride was fast and powerful and it left them both drained and glued to each other with sweat. She shivered and Cain roused himself and carried her into the shower and sat her on the ledge. She revived a little when the water poured over a body that was wearier than if she’d done a ten-mile run. She watched Cain soap himself and was dumbfounded by the hunger in her belly. What the hell! Cain caught her look and raised his brows.

  “What’s up?” he growled.

  “Am I going to be a nympho now? I just had you and I want you again! Is there something wrong with me?” she said, irritated with her body.

  Cain leaned over her and kissed her deeply. His hand slid between her legs and she grabbed his wrist to pull him away, but she didn’t try very hard.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you,” he drawled and pulled her into the middle of the spray from the shower. “I still want you, so there’s no problem.”

  “I guess not,” she mumbled as she washed the sweat from her hair and tried to ignore Cain’s big body surrounding hers.

  They managed to have their shower without having sex and Cain put in a call to room service for food and pulled Scrabble out of his suitcase. They sat at the table and played Scrabble while they waited for their food to arrive. They kept the mood light but banked desire filled the room. She saw the way he watched her. He claimed every inch of her body and she knew she would never have to ask him to have sex with her again- he would jump her at every opportunity. Their food arrived and they both found themselves eating quicker than they had to because they had sex on the brain. Raven glanced at the clock and saw that it was three in the morning and she smiled. Cain distracted her completely. She hadn’t thought about anything but sex all day- a major improvement. When she finished her food, she sat in his lap and his hand immediately brushed over her breasts. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him while his hands got busy trying to tug her sweater over her head.

  The doorbell rang.

  They both froze. She eased off of him and he pulled a gun out from behind a couch cushion and tossed her one he taped beneath a stool. Desire turned into a cold, hard ball of dread in her
stomach. She aimed the gun as Cain peered through the peephole. His head dropped and he turned to her, his expression unreadable.

  “It’s my parents.”


  The gun she held so steady wavered. She quickly put the safety on, walked into the bedroom and closed the door before Cain let his parents into the suite. Reality hit her like a ton of bricks and she quickly tugged on jeans and went into the bathroom and brushed her hair and braided it quickly. She put lip balm on her swollen lips, walked out of the bedroom and stopped dead.

  She knew Cain came from money, but when she took in the woman in the lux fur coat, pearls and stilettos she felt as though she was standing before royalty. Cain’s mother was gorgeous- the most beautiful woman Raven had ever seen. Her eyes were as blue as Cain’s and she didn’t look older than thirty. She was dignified, tall and intimidating. The man beside her looked like Cain, if a bit thinner and older. He wore a charcoal gray suit with a matching trench coat that stopped at his knees. His hair was long on top, shaved on the sides and slicked back. His back was ramrod straight and his eyes were black and unreadable when he turned to her.

  “This is Raven,” Cain said.

  Cain’s mother walked forward, pink mouth pursed as she studied Raven like an assistant she wasn’t sure she wanted to hire. She towered over Raven and her eyes were startlingly clear and piercing, like Cain’s.

  “I’m not sure what I expected, but you’re definitely not it,” she said.

  “This is my mom, Pris and my dad, Bernt.”

  “Let’s see how this works,” Bernt said.

  Raven stiffened when Pris passed her and walked into the bedroom. Raven tried to remember which side the trashcan was on. Were there ripped wrappers everywhere? Could Pris smell sex? Raven looked a little desperately at Cain who stood behind his dad. He obviously caught onto her agitation but he shrugged as if it didn’t matter.

  Pris came out of the bedroom and Raven turned to see her reaction. Pris looked around the room, dismissing Raven and looked at the closed front door.

  “Where did the Unmemorable go?” Pris demanded.

  “I’m not sure. What did she look like?” Bernt asked curiously.

  “She was Jamaican with her braids gathered in the back. She was as tall as me with dark brown eyes,” Pris said.

  More confirmation if she needed any, Raven thought grimly.

  Bernt stared at Raven. “Extraordinary. I feel this overwhelming impulse to look away from you. Are you controlling it?”

  Raven crossed her arms over her chest and tried to shrug away the feeling that she was in a zoo with rich kids slamming their hands on the bars of her cage. She clenched her teeth and shook her head.

  “I’m not doing anything,” she said coolly.

  “What’s going on?” Pris demanded imperiously. “Aren’t you going to look for her, Bernt? We can’t let her get away and who is she?”

  “I’m the Unmemorable,” Raven snapped at her.

  Pris frowned. “No. I just saw her and she was Jamaican.”

  Raven ignored Pris and looked at Bernt. “Now what happens?”

  Before he could answer, the hotel room door opened and a man dressed in a Cowboys sweatshirt, jeans, a Stetson hat and shiny black boots swaggered in. He had a long, scraggly white ponytail down his back and his eyes were the same pitch black as Bernt’s. His eyes went straight to Raven and he smiled as if he recognized her, which she now knew was impossible.

  “Jesus! We have a real, live Unmemorable!” the old man said and clapped Cain on the shoulder. “Taking care of her, aren’t ya, Champ?”

  Raven’s eyes narrowed as Cain shrugged and put an arm around the burly old man. “Sure grandpa. Glad you’re here.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I just won fifty large at the poker table. I love Las Vegas!”

  “This is my grandpa, the Seer,” Cain said.

  The old man walked forward and held out a hand. “Rich.”

  “You sure are,” Raven muttered.

  He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder too. “I like you, Raven. You’ve had a hard life and it’s not about to get easier. First things first. You need to make a declaration. Whose side are you on?”

  Tension invaded the room. Raven didn’t look at Cain though she wanted to. This had nothing to do with him. This was what she wanted to forget about and Cain succeeded so well in distracting her that the direct line of attack took her by surprise. She stared into Rich’s discerning eyes and felt his strength and if possible, his power. It radiated around him, raising the hairs on her neck.

  “I know I don’t want to be cut to pieces or beaten into submission by Angel,” Raven said flatly.

  Was it her imagination or did everyone look a bit grimmer when she mentioned their nemesis? She tried to ignore the other three Henson’s watching and listening. Did they have to be here right now?

  “What do you want?” Rich asked.

  Raven considered and answered truthfully. “I want to know if there’s others like me.”

  Rich smiled and put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his boot heels. “So do we, darling. So do we. So, if you don’t want to go to Angel, by default, your allegiance is with us.”

  Raven shrugged. “More or less.”

  “In that case, we’re your sponsors. I don’t want you working at that housekeeping job. It’s too much trouble. We can front you whatever money you need.”

  She stiffened. “I’m not giving up my job.”

  “What’s this?” Bernt snapped.

  Raven tilted her chin up. “I like my job and I like earning my own money.”

  “You can earn your money by working for us,” Rich said. “We want the same thing you do- we want to know if there’s more Unmemorables.”

  She eyed him. “Why?”

  “Well, darling, we’re hoping they’ll ally themselves with us too,” Rich said.

  “If there are other Unmemorables, they could’ve joined with you a long time ago,” she pointed out.

  “True. But I wouldn’t remember that, right?”

  He had a point.

  “What am I supposed to do now?” Raven asked and stopped herself from shifting from foot to foot like a little girl with all of them staring at her.

  “You’re supposed to stay right here in Vegas. I’m sure they’ll find you,” Rich said.

  “Find me? I’ve lived in Vegas for months and no one but the Battalion and Cain found me.”

  “They’ll come. Like calls to like and now that you’re aware of what you are, they’ll be drawn to you.”

  Raven stared at him and heard the absolute certainty in his words and suddenly understood why Cain followed his grandpa’s commands without question. There was something about Rich that made his predictions seem more like concrete events.

  “Cain?” Rich rapped out and Cain walked over. “I need you to stay with Raven until the others show up, got it?”

  Cain’s face was expressionless as he answered. “Yes sir.”

  “You keep my darling safe and give her what she wants.” Rich smirked and slapped Cain on the back. “Not that that’ll be hard for you, heh, boy?”

  Raven bit her lip to keep from giggling when Cain flushed. Pris and Bernt looked between Cain and Raven and their looks were blatantly disapproving. Raven ignored them and focused on the crazy old cowboy who was clicking his snakeskin boots together like Dorothy.

  “I need to win me some money,” Rich announced and winked at Raven. “There are a lot of other things you can do besides cleaning. Think about it.”

  With that, Rich walked out of the room with Cain’s parents throwing suspicious glances back at Raven. Cain closed the door behind them, leaned back against the door and looked at her.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  “Fine. I’m tired,” she said.

  She went into the bedroom and looked around. The trashcan was on the opposite side of the bed, thank God but there were three empty wrappers tossed on the ground. She started
to straighten the bed sheets because she couldn’t help herself. The desire that had dogged her all day was gone, kicked out of her mind by Cain’s family and the reality of her situation. What if she’d told Rich she didn’t want to join their side, then what? She had a feeling she was getting knee deep in shit but she didn’t see another option. She couldn’t strike out on her own- it was suicidal. Sticking with the Council AKA the Henson’s was the only choice she had- for now.


  She looked up and saw Cain leaning against the doorjamb. She didn’t meet his eyes as she did hospital corners and shook out the duvet.

  “I just want to clean up.”

  She forced herself to stop her restless hands and the stupid urge she felt to start cleaning like a crazy person. She went into the bathroom and locked the door though she knew it was stupid and got ready for bed. When she came out, Cain was dressed in his boxers and sat up in bed, waiting for her.

  “You’re bothered by something,” he said.

  She hesitated. He was one of them and…

  “Tell me,” he ordered.

  “It’s just that… I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s the Council or Angel. That’s it.”

  “I told you we’re the good guys,” Cain said.

  She rounded the bed and got in on the other side. Cain immediately turned to her.

  “I don’t want to have sex again,” she said irritably.

  Cain shrugged and pulled her up against him. “Fine.”

  His hand rested on her stomach and though she waited for that sneaky hand to trail up or down, it behaved and stayed still. She refused to regret sleeping with Cain. She still trusted him and though she was uneasy, she liked Rich. He was blunt and didn’t sound like a liar. She could handle that, but was he right? Would other Unmemorables come and find her? Only time would tell. She tossed and turned for over an hour and Cain shifted with her. Around five in the morning, Cain finally spoke.

  “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “Sure,” she muttered.

  “Fucking will put you to sleep.”



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