Firestorm Mountain

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Firestorm Mountain Page 12

by Raymond L. Weil

  “How often will there be a sacrifice to Gilmreth?” asked Baelen. “The dragon has an appetite for young women.”

  Joshua frowned. “It’s going to be hard to increase our population if we keep feeding the breeding population to the dragon.”

  “The dragons were not bred to feed on humans,” pointed out Gail, recalling several of her conversations with the geneticists who created the dragons. “Gilmreth could survive on cattle or other animals just as well.”

  “Are you suggesting we convince Gilmreth to change his preference in what he eats?”

  Gail nodded. “You can still have an occasional sacrifice if someone has committed a serious crime against our rule. However, in order to preserve our population I would suggest limiting the number of humans the dragon consumes.”

  “That won’t be easy,” commented Karl, frowning at Sikes who was getting a second glass of whiskey. “The dragon seems to enjoy feeding on humans.”

  “We have no choice,” said Joshua, knowing it would be no easy chore getting the dragon to change its eating habits. “Perhaps we can make Gilmreth realize if he continues to feed this way soon there will be no humans left. The dragons are supposed to be semi-intelligent so there is a possibility we can make him understand.”

  Sikes looked doubtful. “No one can control the dragon. And even if you can, when Lynol Sylvar hears about Gilmreth being here she will come for you. I’ve seen what that woman can do. I warn you, don’t underestimate her or you will end up like Jalene and Daes.”

  “We can handle the dragon and the Sylvar woman,” replied Joshua. “Just make sure you get your part in all of this taken care of. I will warn you now. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Sikes’ eyes met Joshua’s, then he looked away. “I’ll get my part done. We’ll see tomorrow night how you do against the dragon.”

  Joshua didn’t reply as Sikes left the room preparing to go to where the rest of the former temple guards were camped outside of town. They would come into Draydon tomorrow in groups of two or three. Joshua had set a spell around the temple so no one would notice the former guards entering. If all went as planned, tomorrow night would begin their rule of Draydon and eventually this entire side of the mountains.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ashley drew in a breath of the cold air. It seemed unusually chilly for this time of day. Snowden seemed to be in more of a hurry and flying faster toward Firestorm Mountain. “What is it Snowden? You seem worried.”

  “It’s Gilmreth, he’s growing stronger every day. He’s been feeding on people every night since he woke up. We must get there so Cathy will not have to face the dragon alone.”

  “How much longer?”

  “Tonight, it will be after dark. I sense Cathy and Gilmreth coming closer to each other. I think Cathy is going after Gilmreth.”

  Ashley’s hand reached up to touch her amulet. The light blue amulet flared up briefly from her touch. “Snowden, if we’re going to be facing Gilmreth soon both you and Braxam need to be at the top of your strength. Keep an eye out below for any green areas where the two of you can hunt.”

  “I will,” replied Snowden. “Both of us are hungry.”

  Looking downward Ashley was surprised to see how high they were. They must be over a mile up in the sky. She wondered what her father would think if he could see her now. Looking over at Braxam, she saw Todd wrapped up in his coat with a scarf over his face. Ashley had to smile. She was in love with Todd and knew he felt the same way about her. Once they returned home they would have to do something about that. Todd hadn’t mentioned marriage but Ashley had no problem being the one to bring up the subject. She suspected Todd was just too nervous to actually ask her.

  Smiling to herself she thought about what her life with Todd would be like. Both of them had sorcery powers so it was highly likely their children would too. With the Sorensons and the Andrews families finally being joined by marriage it might bring a more everlasting peace to the valley and the two families.


  For several hours they flew. The ground below was like a desert with towering sand dunes and ruins from the Golden Age. Occasional clouds of dust were visible sweeping across the land. In some regions, the dust was so thick the ground could not be seen.

  “I see green up ahead,” sent Snowden. “There may be a river as I can see water.”

  Ashley looked ahead but could see nothing. She knew both Snowden and Braxam had far better eyesight than a human. “Land there. You and Braxam can hunt while I fix Todd and myself some food.”

  A few minutes later the green area came into view. There was a river which ran for several miles before vanishing beneath the sand. A lush green area ran on both sides of the river where there might be some game. Ashley hoped so; the dragons would need their strength for what lay ahead.

  “Land next to the river,” said Ashley. “I might take a dip if the water is clean enough.” Ashley was ready to get some of the sand and dirt out of her clothes and her hair.

  The two dragons swooped downward and landed in a small clear area close to the water. As soon as they were down Todd hurriedly unloaded the packs off the dragons and took off their harnesses. Then both dragons leaped back into the air to see what they could find to eat.

  “This must be an underground river that only surfaces for a few miles,” said Todd as he walked over to the water’s edge. “The water seems to be pretty clear and I can see some small fish. I might try to catch a few. Fish would make a great change to our food.”

  Ashley nodded. “There’s a line and some hooks in one of the packs.”

  “I know which one,” replied Todd as he began digging around in one. “I saw your father put them in.” Todd soon found the line and quickly attached one of the hooks. Walking around he found a few grasshoppers which he could use for bait.

  “I’ll get a fire started.” Ashley began gathering firewood with which to cook. She knew their time here would be limited; just long enough for the dragons to hunt and for her to cook a meal.

  “Got one!” yelled Todd as he pulled in a ten inch long catfish. He quickly unhooked the fish and put another grasshopper on the hook. It didn’t take him long before he had four fish lying on the bank. “I’ll get these cleaned and we can cook them over the fire.”

  “I have some cheese and bread to eat with them.” Ashley was glad Todd had caught some fish. It had been awhile since she had eaten any and catfish were one of her favorites. She got out a frying pan and soon had the fish sizzling. In the distance, she saw Snowden suddenly dart downward and moments later roar in triumph. Soon afterward Braxam did the same thing. Ashley was relieved knowing both dragons were feeding.

  “I wonder what they caught?” said Todd, sitting down near Ashley.

  “I hope whatever it was it’s big enough to satisfy them. They’re going to need their strength.”

  Shortly their food was ready and after filling their plates the two of them began to eat. Snowden took to the air and quickly made another kill. Braxam followed suit and made another kill as well.

  Ashley finished eating and then stripped and took a quick dip in the river. The water was pleasantly cool and she spent a good minute just scrubbing the dirt out of her hair. Todd joined her and soon both were taking a relaxing dip in the water. Both tried to ignore the others nudity but Todd found his eyes continuing to stray toward Ashley. She was very beautiful.

  “We’d better get out,” said Ashley as she waded back to the shore. She didn’t want Todd to get any wrong ideas. “The dragons will be back shortly.”

  Todd followed her and both of them were soon dressed and getting everything ready to put back on the dragons.

  Snowden and Braxam suddenly appeared and landed nearby.

  “What did you find to eat?” asked Ashley, feeling curious.

  “Goats,” replied Snowden, sounding pleased. “There was a large herd of them and we both took two of the older ones.”

  Todd began putting the harnesses back on as well as the pa
cks. When he was finished they climbed back on the dragons and were soon back up in the air.

  “Don’t fly so high,” said Ashley. “It’s cold the higher up you go.”

  “We will stay lower,” promised Snowden. “We only went that high so we could see far ahead.”

  Ashley wiggled around a little until she felt comfortable. “Let’s go find your Cathy and see what’s going on at Firestorm Mountain.” Ashley knew from the prophecy what was ahead of them was not going to be easy. She just hoped they all survived the coming ordeal.


  Joshua Grimes was pleased with the progress being made. Already the city was alive with the news of the massive feast and celebration to be held that night to celebrate the years of peace since Gilmreth had been driven away and Storn Daes and Jalene Leyne had been killed.

  “The fools,” said Karl. “They are so easy to manipulate.”

  They were standing on top of the large sacrificial platform that overlooked the city. A spell prevented any of the populace from seeing them. Below the pyramid, tables were being set up and a number of fire pits were burning. Young boys were roasting pigs, fowl, and other meats.

  “I like the smell of the food,” said Gail. She was wearing a bright red dress that did a very good job of displaying her figure.

  Karl looked at Gail and smirked. “Maybe I’ve been looking for women in the wrong places.”

  Gail frowned at Karl. “Don’t get any ideas. I can defend myself if necessary. She raised her dress up slightly, showing a small holster with a 9mm pistol.

  “Where did you get that?” asked Joshua, his eyes widening. They didn’t bring any weapons from the complex as they were sealed off in one of the lower sections.

  Gail smiled. “I’m always armed. I took this into stasis with me.”

  “Figures,” muttered Karl, turning his attention back to what was going on in front of the temple. “It looks as if we’re going to eat well tonight.”


  Behind them Baelen and Sikes stepped out onto the platform. Baelen shuddered slightly. The last time he had been up here was when Daes sacrificed Jalene to the dragon and then the Sylvar woman killed Daes. It was a night he would never forget.

  “Everything is going as planned,” reported Baelen. “I have fourteen former priests inside the temple putting on their uniforms.

  “I have eighty-six temple guards getting dressed as well,” added Sikes. “We’ll be ready to do our part.”

  “Excellent,” said Joshua. “When the ceremony starts I want most of the temple guards out amongst the crowd. The priests will be on the temple platform. Just before the ceremony begins I will summon the dragon. We’ll make a single sacrifice tonight for all of the populace to see and then I’ll send the dragon away.” Joshua had modified the dragon summoning spell. With his powers he didn’t need to use a potion formed from his own blood.

  Baelen nodded. “Let’s hope it works that way or all of our lives will be forfeit.” Baelen had already chosen a suitable candidate for the sacrifice. She was currently being bathed and given the drug which would make her go willingly to the dragon.


  Lynol breathed out a long sigh of relief as they cleared the last pass and reached the main road that led into Draydon.

  “We’ll get there just as the sun is going down,” said Damon. “We’ll find a nice inn to stay at and then tomorrow we can begin our search for the three people you’re hunting for.”

  “Joshua and Karl are dangerous,” said Cathy. “Particularly Joshua. He’s very calculating and similar to Adam in many ways. Karl just enjoys using his powers and will do whatever Joshua suggests.”

  “If I know Joshua he’ll try to negotiate first in order to avoid conflict,” said Kristi. “However, if we refuse to accept his offer he won’t hesitate to use force.”

  “It’s pretty green on this side of the mountains as well,” said Cathy, looking at Lynol for an explanation.

  “Adam removed much of the Worldfire poison so the farmers in this region could grow healthier crops for the people he was bringing into Draydon. Since that time I’ve made sure it rains often enough to keep everything green.”

  “You’ve taken a lot upon yourself,” said Braedon approvingly. “Our people in the complex will be more than willing to help restore the region around the mountains back to what it once was.”

  “I just want to sleep in a real bed,” moaned Kristi, reaching back and rubbing her back. “This wagon is more comfortable than a horse but it still bounces a lot.”

  “How did you travel in your time?” asked Lynol.

  “Automobiles and airplanes,” replied Cathy. “The country was crisscrossed with highways for the automobiles and hundreds of airplanes flew to many of the larger cities in the country every day.”

  “What’s an automobile?” asked Kalvin, looking confused.

  “It ran on an engine which created power. They could reach speeds in excess of 100 miles an hour. We have a number of vehicles stored in the complex as well as some helicopters, another type of flying machine. It will enable us to fly hundreds of miles from the complex to search for other survivors.”

  Damon nodded. “There have always been rumors of other survivors. However, the Ralle desert has been getting drier and more difficult to venture into every year. Only since Lynol increased the amount of rainfall has the desert finally stopped its encroachment of our lands around the mountains.

  Braedon coughed from the dust being stirred up by the horses. Looking around he could see occasional farmhouses and a few cattle and sheep. There were even some small birds flying around. “It looks pretty peaceful around here.”

  “Until Gilmreth shows up,” said Kalvin, his eyes narrowing. “Then all hell will break loose.”

  “Let’s hope we can deal with Joshua, Karl, and Gail before that happens,” said Cathy. She was sitting next to Damon who held the reins for the two horses.

  Lynol nodded. She could still sense Gilmreth and he was currently asleep in his new lair. That wouldn’t last much longer as the dragon would rise to hunt as soon as the sun vanished. Lynol shivered slightly. Touching Gilmreth’s mind with her powers always made her react this way. She didn’t know how any creature could be so vile and hateful.

  In the distance, they could see the outskirts of Draydon. It wouldn’t take them more than another few hours to get there.


  The sun was setting and already a big crowd was gathered in the large square beneath the temple. People stood around huge tables piled high with food and other delicacies. Everyone was both curious and excited. This was a free meal and a celebration of the years of peace since being liberated from Jalene’s rule and the ending of sacrifices to Gilmreth. Most of the people were pleased with the celebration but wished it was being held somewhere other than near the hated temple.

  “Who organized this?’ asked one man, speaking to another. “This had to be expensive.”

  “Perhaps some of the larger store owners got together,” replied the other. “We pay them enough for their services. It’s about time they gave something back.”

  The other man was about to respond when suddenly the torches and braziers on the temple flared up with flame. An ominous glow began coming from the top of the temple and two men and a woman could be seen stepping out onto the large platform over the crowd.

  “I don’t like this,” one of the men commented, his brow wrinkling with worry. “This reminds me of the celebrations when one of our daughters was about to be sacrificed to Gilmreth.”

  “Maybe we should leave,” suggested the other, looking furtively around to see what everyone else was doing. Most were staring at the top of the temple with looks of surprise and fear.


  “People of Draydon, I am Joshua Grimes and I am a sorcerer.” Joshua made a few gestures and created a glowing silver ball of energy and cast it up into the sky where it exploded with a loud boom, sending a shower of sparks over the city. “Do not be afraid. You h
ave nothing to fear from us as long as our commands are obeyed. Tonight we will have a ceremony celebrating the rise of a new order in Draydon. With me is Karl Lyndon who is also a very powerful sorcerer. Karl made a few gestures and a ball of red energy formed which he cast high up into the sky where it too exploded, sending a cascade of more sparks across the city. Also with me is Gail Strong, one of my most trusted advisors. Her word will be obeyed the same as mine or Karl’s. Disobedience will not be tolerated.”

  Joshua paused, seeing the uneasiness in the crowd; many seemed as if they wanted to leave. “We will bring a new area of prosperity to Draydon where everyone will benefit. In order to ensure obedience we have enlisted some of the former temple guards and priests to aid in enforcing our commands. As I said before, if you obey our wishes no one will be harmed.”

  Joshua gestured and the doors to the temple opened. Temple guards dressed in long black robes trimmed in red began exiting and taking up positions throughout the square. Behind Joshua the priests, adorned in red robes trimmed in black, made their appearance.

  Large drums were brought out on several platforms on the temple and a steady drum cadence began. “As some of you may have heard the dragon has once more been set free. I can assure you it was not done by us. The dragon has been hunting far from Draydon killing helpless farmers during the night. Eventually the dragon will come here and threaten Draydon. We will not allow that threat to happen. Gilmreth will not attack the city of Draydon. To make sure that does not happen we are going to summon the dragon tonight and take control of him. In order to do so we have asked for a single volunteer to sacrifice her life to appease the dragon. A very brave young woman has stepped forward of her own free will. After this single sacrifice tonight you will not see the dragon again.”


  A young woman dressed in a long flowing white gown stepped out from behind the priests and walked calmly to stand on the temple platform where the sacrifices had been made in the past. She raised her arms and smiled at the crowd. “I willingly give myself to the dragon so there will be peace in Draydon.”


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