The Angel's Vow: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Series (Bloodcaster Chronicles Book 2)

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The Angel's Vow: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Series (Bloodcaster Chronicles Book 2) Page 16

by R. L. Perez

  Nothing happened.

  With a deep breath, I opened the door and waited, my senses straining. But no magic pressed in on me. The wards were still intact.

  After searching for the sharpest steak knives I could find and arming Piper and myself with them, I slid one against my palm and let my blood drip to the floor.

  “Blood of my blood, disable the charm,

  That’s meant to keep out those who will harm.

  Break the spell and release the wards.

  Open the path so I may move forward.”

  My hands glowed purple. The warbling of the wards intensified until my ears were throbbing. Then, with a zap that stung me like an electrical shock, the wards went down. A cold silence fell in its wake. The scent of Bloodcaster magic tingled in the air, but it faded with each breath I took.

  I stretched my hand forward, reaching toward the backyard. Nothing happened. I felt nothing but air and freedom.

  I looked at Piper. “Move.”

  In a flash, we were sprinting, knives in hand as we bolted through the yard, climbing the neighbor’s fence. Keep moving, keep moving. I didn’t know where we were, but all I had to do was get to a main road and I’d be able to find my way. We just had to get out of Quentin’s reach.

  “Do you know where we are?” I panted as we ran.

  “Ravenbrooke,” Piper wheezed. “Suburbs.”

  Damn. I should’ve known better than to expect Quentin to keep us in Hinport.

  “Can we . . . ask a neighbor for their phone?” Piper asked, clutching at her side.

  “Too risky. I don’t know how many people here are working with him.”

  We rounded a corner, and the sound of heavy traffic met my ears. Hope glinted within me. So close, so close . . .

  A heavy force slammed into me, knocking me off my feet. The knife skittered just out of reach as my hands met solid concrete, my arm bending at an awkward angle. Piper yelped next to me just before she collided with me.

  We scrambled to our feet. My arms burned from fresh scrapes, my heart thundering with fear.

  Striding along the sidewalk as casually as if he were out for a stroll stood my father. His hands were in his pockets, his eyebrows raised.

  “Well, I must admit, I expected your escape to take a bit longer,” he said with a sigh. “Very impressive.”

  He didn’t seem at all surprised. I stiffened and glanced at Piper, wondering if she’d tricked me. But her face had drained of color, and she staggered back a step, her wide eyes full of fear. “P-please,” she whispered.

  Quentin’s eyes darkened. “I warned you what would happen if you disobeyed me.”

  I roared with fury and lifted my hands. Purple magic exploded from my fingertips, blasting into Quentin’s chest and sending him flying.

  “Help me,” I urged Piper, who was frozen with terror. She nodded numbly, and we surged forward. Black magic pooled from her own hands, mingling with mine as we assaulted Quentin again and again until he was nothing more than a haze of violet ash. The power around us was so thick it suffocated me, but still I slashed my hands through the air, pushing more magic forward until I felt it drain out of me.

  Piper suddenly cried out and stiffened. She clutched at her throat and made horrible gagging noises. Like an invisible hand was choking her.

  I stopped, allowing my magic to recede back inside me. Staring helplessly at Piper, I reached out. Her eyes reddened. Her face turned purple.

  “Piper!” I shouted.

  The haze of magic slowly dispersed, and Quentin emerged, his hand outstretched and flexed. Though he was several feet away, he was somehow choking Piper.

  “Stop!” I shrieked, rushing to Piper’s side. I touched her neck, but nothing was there. Then, I noticed my knife on the ground. I swiped it and flung it toward Quentin. He dodged it easily.

  “You’ll kill her!” I screamed.

  “I’ll do more than that,” Quentin said softly. “First, Piper dearest, I’ll kill you. Then, I’ll go after Juliet. And her children. And anyone who’s associated with her. Soon, there will be no memory of you left on the earth. It will be as if you and your mother never existed.”

  Piper fell to her knees, her eyes rolling back. Her face was now beet-red.

  I charged toward Quentin, ducking when he aimed a blow at my face. My knee jerked up to his groin. He groaned, hunching over, but his arm remained outstretched. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Piper had completely collapsed.

  I smashed my forehead against Quentin’s, and he stumbled, his arm finally dropping. Punch to the throat. Elbow to the gut. Knee to the groin again for good measure. I swung my fist toward his jaw, going for the knock-out, but he caught my arm and twisted. A shooting pain coursed through me. His other hand snatched my hair, ripping strands from my scalp. I screamed.

  “You are mine, Cordelia,” Quentin hissed. “And I’ll prove it to you. But first . . . I’ll break you.”



  Begrudgingly, I took Hector and Benny back to Cora’s place. Luke elected to stay behind, since he was no fighter, but he promised he’d remain linked to my mind. The reminder was strangely a comfort to me. Suddenly, my friend’s secret telepathic powers didn’t bother me so much.

  Not when Cora’s life hung in the balance, and Hector was my only hope.

  Hector claimed the scene of the crime was the best place to start, since that was where he felt the strongest disruption to the timeline. Once we got there, he strode straight inside as if he owned the place. I had to ball my hands into fists to keep from strangling him as he stomped over Cora’s broken furniture and glassware.

  Then, standing in the middle of her living room with his arms outstretched, Hector closed his eyes like he was praying.

  Benny muttered a string of swear words and rubbed his forehead. I crossed my arms, trying to quell the mounting urgency within me.

  After a few minutes, Hector inhaled deeply. “I can—I can see it.”

  “See what?” I snapped.

  “The timeline.”

  I fell silent. See the timeline. I’d only ever felt a subtle touch, a nudge inside me guiding me. But it made my head spin, trying to visualize the timeline like it was a living thing.

  “And?” Benny said impatiently.

  “Quentin leaves a trail,” Hector said, his voice far away. His eyes were still closed, and his face had gone slack. “Like footprints along the timeline.”

  “Which direction?” I asked, my head whipping around as if I could somehow see these invisible footprints.

  Hector was silent for a moment, his brows furrowing in concentration. He pointed toward the door. “West. Toward Ravenbrooke.”

  “Grab on,” I said loudly, reaching out for Benny and Hector. To my relief, they both hurried to my side without argument. I grabbed their arms and spun in place, focusing on Glen Bridge. In a flash, we were there.

  As soon as I landed, a shrill ringing pierced through me. Pain pulsed in my mind, and my body felt too weak to fight it. I groaned, sinking to my knees.

  “Vince.” Benny was by my side, his eyes wide. “You okay?”

  Slowly, the ringing faded, but I was still weak. I wasn’t sure how much farther I could Jump. Gasping for breath, I glanced up at Hector. “Can you . . . take us there?”

  Hector shook his head, his expression grim. “If I Jump, they’ll know. They’ll stop us.”

  I didn’t have to ask who he meant. Gritting my teeth, I rose to my feet, leaning on Benny for support. “Still see those magic footprints?”

  Irritation flickered in Hector’s eyes, but he nodded, pointing toward the massive bridge. The Glen River stretched beneath us, glinting from the sun’s reflection. Cars whooshed past us.

  My legs wobbled, but I took a step forward. “How far can you see?”

  Hector’s eyes narrowed as he stared beyond the bridge. His eyes went unfocused for a moment. “About a mile.”

  “Vince, you can’t‍—‍” Benny started.
/>   “Which direction?” I hissed through clenched teeth, ignoring Benny’s protests.

  Hector glanced between us, his lips tightening. “Northwest.”

  I nodded and grabbed Hector’s arm again before Jumping.

  This time, white spots danced in front of my vision. The ringing returned to my ears so intensely I thought my eardrums would burst. I clutched at my head and moaned. Torrents of agony flashed across my mind like a dozen migraines slicing through me at once. Hector and Benny’s voices were muffled, and I couldn’t see anything in front of me. Someone shook me hard, but all I felt was pain. The ringing persisted. I screamed.

  Smack. Hector’s hand connected with my face. My head swiveled, and a new kind of pain blazed through me. But the ringing vanished, and my vision cleared. I stared up at Hector from the ground. My face was covered in sweat. We stood on a sidewalk near the suburbs, the bridge a mere speck in the distance.

  Panting, I stumbled to my feet. Hector and Benny stared at me with a mixture of fear and impatience.

  “Better?” Hector asked.

  I glared at him. Of course he’d been eager to hit me. But I couldn’t blame him for it, since it had worked. With a deep breath, I nodded.

  “No more Jumping,” Hector snapped. “We’re close enough now.”

  He turned and led the way down the sidewalk. Benny cast an uncertain glance at me before following. We turned left at Eastview Crossing, a neighborhood I recognized. We weren’t far from my former Nephilim clan. The thought sent a whirlwind of confusing emotions coursing through me.

  I forced my legs to match Hector’s pace, refusing to slow us down. Cora couldn’t wait. I could take a healing elixir later if I had to.

  After a few steps, Benny slowed to walk alongside me, his brows creasing as he looked me over. “Save your strength, Vince. It may get ugly once we find her.”

  “Assuming he’s leading us to the right place,” I grumbled.

  Benny’s eyes went unfocused for a moment. “He is. I can see the footprints in his mind.”

  I stared at Benny. “You can?”

  He nodded. “Quentin leaves a purple mist wherever he goes, marking his aura as something foreign in the timeline. Hector can see it more clearly than the other Timekeepers can.” He cut a glance at me. “Because of what you did to him.”

  My chest felt hollow. I wasn’t sure if I should feel guilty about that or not. Hector had been trying to kill me. Was this new ability of his a gift or a curse? Which did I want it to be?

  “Here,” Hector said suddenly, stopping in front of a polished two-story home with neatly-trimmed hedges and freshly-mown grass. If I didn’t know any better, I’d presume a typical unassuming family lived here.

  Which made it the perfect disguise.

  I strode toward the front door, my body thrumming with energy, ready to rip Quentin limb from limb—but Hector threw out an arm to stop me.

  “What?” I snapped.

  Hector’s face slackened. His eyes stared beyond me at something I couldn’t see. Then, he murmured, “He isn’t there.”

  I swore and ran a hand through my hair. “Then, why did you take us here?”

  Before Hector could answer, a scream echoed nearby. I stiffened, and a chill raced down my spine. Squinting, I glanced around, searching for the disturbance.

  About half a mile down the road, a tiny purple mushroom cloud exploded in the air.

  In a flash, my dark wings were out, and I took off, spinning into the sky and soaring above Hector and Benny. Ignoring their shouts, I stretched my back and arms, easily finding the muscles connected to my wings. A groan rippled through me as I flexed my wings again and again, using the momentum to propel me forward. Within seconds, my shoulders and back ached, but I pushed onward. Wind bit at my face as I flew toward the purple magic. Three small figures came into view. One of them was on the ground, unmoving.

  I landed on my feet, my chest heaving and my face covered in sweat. A gray-haired man—Quentin, no doubt—was wrestling with Cora. He had her arm twisted behind her. A few feet away lay an unconscious purple-haired girl.

  Quentin saw me first. He straightened, one hand still gripping Cora and holding her in place. Recognition stirred in his eyes.

  As soon as our gazed locked, a whisper tickled my ears. Something familiar pulsed in my body, responding to this man’s presence. I smelled the blood of Reapers. I felt his shadowy presence as he slaughtered one Reaper after another.

  A growl built in my throat.

  And Quentin smiled.

  Raw, brutal rage sliced through me, swift and merciless. Red crept into my vision and leaked from my fingers like a bloody mist.

  For one brief moment, Quentin’s eyes widened.

  With a shout, I shot my magic toward him. An explosion of red crashed into him, knocking him backward.

  Then, Cora straightened, twisting her arm back into place before she noticed me. Her jaw dropped, and shock and awe gleamed in her eyes.

  I shot more magic toward Quentin. Cora whipped around and leapt for him, pinning him to the ground.

  Hector and Benny arrived, surrounding Quentin.

  “Benny, take his mind!” Cora shouted.

  A muffled grunt. A shout. And then—

  “I can’t,” Benny grunted.

  Silence fell between us. As the red fog of my magic cleared, I realized why: Quentin had vanished.



  Vince immediately took to the sky to search for Quentin. But Benny confirmed what I already knew: he was gone. Benny couldn’t sense his mind within a mile.

  Maybe he had had a Jumping elixir on him. The sneaky bastard.

  Shooting pain still flared in my arm, but at least it wasn’t broken. I glanced around for Piper, and my eyes fell on . . . Hector.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I shouted, waving my good arm toward Hector. My blood boiled, and every inch of me cried out for Hector’s death. Kill, kill, kill . . .

  Benny stood in front of me, blocking my path to Hector. “He’s with us.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since he led us to you.”

  I stilled, my eyes narrowing as I met Hector’s gaze over Benny’s shoulder. Hector stared back, his expression unreadable.

  I couldn’t believe these guys actually bought the I’m-here-to-help-you act.

  Vowing to snap Hector’s neck the moment his back was turned, I moved toward Piper’s inert form on the ground. Her face was bone white, and red marks surrounded her neck. As if Quentin had literally choked the life out of her.

  Desperation crashed through me. I leaned closer and felt for a pulse. There it was. Faint, but it was there.

  I exhaled, hanging my head. Relief poured through me, sweet and exhausting.

  I hadn’t realized how much I needed Piper to be alive. Which was ridiculous. I didn’t even know her.

  But she’d risked her life—her aunt’s life—to help me escape.

  I stood and found Benny watching me. A powerful emotion flared in his eyes, something I’d never seen there before. Something hot and urgent and wild.

  It made my stomach churn, so I looked away before I asked him, “How much of Piper’s mind can you access right now?”

  Benny cleared his throat. “Her most recent thoughts would leave an echo in her mind. I can access those.”

  I nodded. “Can you find her aunt? Quentin was keeping her hostage. I want to grab her before Quentin kills her.” If he hasn’t already. My chest felt hollow at the thought.

  Benny pressed his lips together and knelt next to Piper, pressing two fingers to her temple. I turned just as Vince landed in front of me.

  The sight of him stole my breath.

  Pure, untethered fury filled his face. His eyes were ablaze, and a sinister red smoke still surrounded him. His dark wings cast shadows on me, flaring behind him. It was both beautiful and terrifying.

  My heart lurched as he stepped toward me. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could,
he gathered me in his arms, drawing me to his chest.

  I yipped in surprise, my body going stiff. Then, with my face pressed into his shoulder, I let myself relax, welcoming his mint-and-soap scent, the warmth of his body, the rapid thundering of his heart that matched my own. His strong arms surrounded me, and though I didn’t often need someone else’s strength, in this moment, it was nice to know I had his.

  “You came for me,” I whispered against his shirt. My throat caught on the words.

  “Of course I did.” His breath tickled my neck. I was acutely aware of every place his skin touched mine. His cheek and mouth at my neck. His arms at the bare strip of my waist from my wrinkled shirt. His arm, climbing up my back so his fingers could tangle in my hair.

  I wanted to press myself into him. To fuse my body with his.

  When we finally pulled apart, I looked up at him. The intensity of his gaze, burning and smoldering, made my stomach turn to jelly.

  “Vince‍—‍” I said.

  Then, his lips were on mine, crushing me. His mouth drew a startled gasp from me. His kisses were insistent and firm. Unyielding.

  I quickly recovered from the shock, my body responding with enthusiasm. Part of me faintly registered that this wasn’t the time or the place, that there were more important things to worry about . . . But he was kissing me like we were the only two people in the world. Like he would die if he didn’t kiss me right here, right now. His movements were deliberate and commanding—nothing like the gentle, careful, tender kisses we’d shared before. This left no room for negotiation.

  And I loved it.

  I trembled when his tongue flicked against mine, then grabbed his collar and yanked him closer. My lips matched his movements. My tongue entwined with his. Desire boiled within me until it consumed my entire body.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly behind us, and I reluctantly pulled away, gasping for air.

  “Found her,” Benny said stiffly. I looked at him and found a careful mask of apathy. His eyes betrayed nothing.

  I knew that look well. It mirrored my own when I wanted to keep my emotions locked away.

  A knot formed in my throat, and all heat left my body in an instant. Though he worked hard to hide it, I could read it plainly in his rigid body and tight expression. He’d seen me kiss Vince. And it bothered him.


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