The Nightwalker Chronicles

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The Nightwalker Chronicles Page 4

by Nancy A. Lopes

  “Honestly? we should be heading there tonight since we don’t exactly have a home now,” Ronan said.

  “Alright, let’s just wait for Xavier. He should be finished telling the others soon,” Miles said.

  A few minutes later, Xavier had returned from telling the others of their new living arrangements.

  “Thanks, Uncle Xavier, we’re leaving tonight. Is that okay with you?” Ronan asked.

  “Fine by me, should we get going?” Xavier replied.

  Turning towards where Theo was, Ronan called for him to come over.

  “Theo, can you come here for a second?” he asked.

  “You called Ronan?” Theo said, speeding over to them.

  “Can you do me a favour?”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “Miles invited us to his camp and I was wondering could you shift and walk with me and Xavier, just to keep everyone safe?”

  “Of course, I will.”

  Shirking off his clothes, Theo quickly turned until a large black wolf that had luminous blue eyes stood in his place. Giving his head a brief shake, he gazed up at Ronan and Xavier.

  “Let’s go, guys. Will you be walking with us, Miles?” Ronan asked.

  “I’d like to,” Miles replied.

  “Alright, let’s get going.”

  Their group walked down the streets until they stood at the city’s harbor with Ronan, Miles, Xavier, Mackenzie, and Theo at the front.


  Miles looked around quickly to make sure that no one was watching them. Once he saw the coast was clear, he ran over to a large white wooden shed that looked decrepit on the outside. Forcing the door open, he walked in and found a few boats, walking past them he opened a large corrugated door that was the former owners used when using the boats. He made sure to be careful when pushing out them out because he didn’t want to make any unnecessary noise. Once the boats were ready, Miles crept out of the shed and called over the others.

  “Let’s go, guys, quickly. We have to hurry!” he whispered, anxiously.

  “Hey, get back here!” a voice yelled from behind where the group was.

  Miles whipped his head in the direction of the yelling and saw that running towards them was a few of the young men from earlier. Miles began to quickly usher all of them passed the shed and into the boats. As they were getting on the boats, Mackenzie nearly got grabbed but thankfully didn’t because Cole grabbed them first. Theo shifted back once they were on the water and carefully made his way towards where Ronan sat on the boat.

  “What are you thinking?” Theo asked him.

  “We need to get back at whoever burned down the castle,” Ronan said, slowly.

  “Do you think you know who did it?” Theo asked, in surprise. “I have some guesses. Don’t you think it was odd that when we came across that group, something always happened?” Ronan asked.

  Thinking, Theo’s eyes widened in realization.

  “I think you’re right, Ronan. So, what do you consider we do then?”

  “Once we get settled, I’d like us to talk to Miles about what we could possibly do.”



  About 20 minutes later, they reached the island’s shore. Waiting for them on the shore, was Richard the island’s entrance keeper. He was a tall, thin, middle-aged, greying-hair man who had deep forest-green eyes.

  “Welcome!” he greeted them as they passed him on their boats.

  Once they reached the shore, everyone got out of the boats and they walked into the village. The village was gorgeous, Ronan noticed as he walked into it, that they had built houses during their time there clearly establishing a community.

  “Most of those houses are unoccupied so pick whichever one you’d like. I’ll be by later to check in on you guys,” Miles said.

  Going their separate ways, Ronan, Theo, and Mackenzie chose to share one of the small bungalows. The house they had ended up choosing had a lovely beige roof with the rest of its exterior being painted a soft peach colour, it had a red door and window frames to finish off the look.

  Entering the house, they immediately walked into the living room which had the sofa placed against the wall, near the window and opposite that was a 50-inch television; also, in the living room, beside each side of the sofa was a tablet. Heading upstairs, the three of them got their first look at their bedrooms.


  Their bedrooms which were on the above floor, each had a different paint job which was the only difference of the room. Otherwise, the room had a double sized bed that was against the same wall that the bedroom door was. Near the headboard was a bedside table, that had a small lamp and a box of Kleenex and opposite that was a decently-sized deep oak desk with a chair to match.

  In Ronan’s room specifically, he had placed the duffel bag that he always carried around with him on the floor. Opening it, he removed what few possessions he had in it and placed them carefully on the bedside table. Once he was settled, Ronan left his room and headed downstairs. Situated at the table and about to eat, they heard a knock at the door. Walking over to it, Mackenzie opened it revealing Miles standing on the porch.

  “Hey Miles, this place is amazing. It’s just so beautiful,” Theo said from his spot in the entrance way.

  “Would you like to come in?” Ronan asked.

  Miles shook his head.

  “I wanted to let you guys know that we made dinner since we figured you would appreciate a nice hot meal,” he said.

  Smiling, they nodded.

  “We’d love to,” Ronan replied.

  “Great, see you in a bit,” Miles said, smiling. He stepped back and opened the door and left soon after.

  When Miles was out the door, Ronan turned towards Theo and Mackenzie.

  “Are you guys settled? I’d like to go get some dinner,” he said.

  “Yeah, we’re ready when you are,” Mackenzie said.

  Grabbing their jackets, the three of them left the house and headed back to the village’s pit.


  When they reached the pit, they saw people dancing around the firepit and food was laid out before them. They walked towards them and specifically towards Miles.

  “Hey guys, Welcome! Grab some food and enjoy yourselves,” Miles said.

  “Thank you, Miles,” said Theo.

  They walked to where the food was and grabbed a plate. The three of them chose a little of everything to put on their plate. The ladies who had prepared the meal had made a delicious roast beef and potatoes that was all covered in gravy.

  “This is delicious!” Mackenzie exclaimed.

  “Agreed,” Theo said.

  As they were eating, a young man walked towards them.

  “Mac is that you?” he said.

  “Alexander, you’re still alive?” Mackenzie asked.

  “I can’t believe that you’re still alive.”

  “Yeah, I am. Ronan’s father and his friends found hiding out at Sick

  Kids Hospital.”


  “Yeah, they’ve looked after me since. So, what’s new with you?”

  “Do you remember Marissa?”

  “Of course. That girl that you used to hang around all the time?” “Yeah! We got married and now she’s expecting our first son,” he said, with a smile.

  “Really? that’s great news. Congratulations!”

  “Thank you. We’re really excited,” Alexander said.

  “I can imagine. I’m really happy for both of you.”

  “So, is there anyone that I should know about?” he teased, a playful smirk curled on his lips.

  “Well, I do have someone who misses me back in Vancouver.”

  “Really? I hope he’s treating you well,” Alexander said.

  “Who is?” a voice said, approaching them.

  Mackenzie turned slightly and smiled.

  “Matteo,” they replied.

  “My cousin?” Theo asked, he came a
round and took a seat beside Mackenzie.

  “Alexander was just asking me about him.”

  “Oh okay. I’m Theo, by the way. It’s nice to meet you,” Theo said, extending a hand.

  Alexander quickly took the offered hand and shook it.

  “Likewise, I’m Alexander.”

  “So, you’ve known Mackenzie a long time?”

  “I have. We basically grew up together.”

  Just then, they heard someone clearing their throat. Ronan appeared to have had moved to where he thought he’d be heard the best when speaking.

  “May I have your attention?” he called from his spot in front.

  Noticing where Ronan had taken up and that he was about to speak, everyone had stopped what they were doing and turned to face where he stood.

  “Something happened while he crossed the lake and we nearly got captured by a group of the same men. We need to do something. I’ve spoken to Miles and he agrees with me that we need to get prepared should we get attacked,” he said, “so, starting tomorrow we will be working on strengthening whatever aspects we need to, so you’ll have to turn in early tonight. Thank you for listening and I’ll see you all early tomorrow.”

  Ronan stepped away and walked back towards where his friends stood. They walked towards their home and went to bed, turning in for the night.


  he following morning, Ronan awoke and headed to Miles’ place. He wanted to speak with him about what they could do about Dylan and the now newly re-formed Sanguists. He

  turned to Theo who had come with him, his expression, serious.

  “Could you grab Xavier? We need to meet at Miles’ place,” Ronan said to Theo.

  When Theo quickly ran off, Ronan headed straight towards Miles’ house where he’d meet up with the others. Arriving at his house a few minutes later, Ronan was pleased when he saw that Miles hadn’t left yet.

  “Great. You’re just the person I wanted to see,” he said to him.

  “Of course. How can I help?” Miles asked.

  Just then, Theo ran up to them and was closely followed by Xavier. “Oh good, I’m glad we caught you,” Theo said.

  “Oh, now I’m interested in why. Would you like to come in?” Miles asked.

  The three of them nodded entering Miles’ home. When they had gone in, they saw just how lovely and quaint his home really was, Miles was an orderly person and his home really showed that.

  “So, what happened?”

  “Just as we were headed back here we nearly got caught by a group of guys in some dark hoods,” said Ronan.

  “You guys nearly got caught by a group of Sanguists?” Miles asked in alarm.

  “The Sanguists are still around?” Ronan asked.

  Miles nodded.

  “I think they laid low for a while after Damien was killed. It seems like now they’ve regrouped, and have a new leader,” he said.

  Just then, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Walking over to it, Theo opened it revealing Xavier standing on Miles’ porch.

  “Hey Xavier, come on in. I was just telling Miles what happened just as we were coming over,” Theo said to him as he allowed him to enter. “What do you think Miles?” Xavier asked, walking over to the others and took a seat.

  “From what they told me I think that you guys ran into some

  Sanguists,” Miles said.

  “Really?” Xavier said.

  Miles nodded.

  Xavier turned towards Ronan, gazing at him, curiously.

  “What are we going to do?” he asked Ronan.

  Ronan opened his mouth, just about to answer when they heard a loud bang coming from just outside Miles’ door. Rushing outside, what they saw looked like something straight out of a nightmare, people were screaming or now laid murdered; somehow the Sanguists had gotten on to the island.

  Miles looked around in anguish, everything had been trashed. He had walked over to one of the houses where a message had been smeared. “Hey Ronan, can you come over here please?” he asked in barely concealed anger.

  Wondering why Miles was so clearly angry, Ronan walked over to him, confused.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Have a look,” Miles said, shortly.

  Curiously, Ronan turned and looked at the outside of the house where a note had been messily written.

  Your Majesty,

  I was really looking forward to meeting you today, unfortunately, when I stopped by to visit you didn’t seem to be there, so I decided to leave this thoughtful message. Perhaps it’ll convince you to surrender what rightfully belongs to me. Otherwise, I will take great pleasure in getting the revenge I most definitely deserve.


  “How did they get onto here? I mean isn’t Richard usually pretty strict on who can come over here?” Theo asked.

  Eyes widening, Miles’ head whipped around, his eyes meeting Theo’s.

  “Oh my God, Richard!” he exclaimed.

  He ran back towards the island’s shoreline and dropped to his knees once he found him. Richard lay by the shore, his eyes wide and unseeing, and chest viciously was torn into.

  “Oh, my old friend what have they done to you?” Miles cried, anguished, holding Richard’s body in his arms. The others ran over to where Miles was and knelt by his side.

  “That bastard killed Richard, he killed him!” Miles cried out, tears had begun to fall down his cheeks. Mackenzie came beside him and placed a hand on Miles’ shoulder, consolingly. Slowly he raised his head and looked at them, desolately.

  “I think I know who it is,” Mackenzie said.

  “Are you sure?” Miles asked, surprised.

  They nodded.

  “When we went into the city, we came across a group of young men and my brother, Chase was among them.”

  “Chase is alive?” Miles asked in disbelief.

  “Yeah. He’s been staying with a man named Dylan who convinced him he’s helping him.”


  “Yeah, it’s only after I’d gotten through to him that he seemed to change his mind,” they said.

  “Yeah,” Mackenzie said.

  “I’m just glad that he’s alright.”

  “Me too.”

  “Hey guys, not to cut this short, but what are we going to do about

  Dylan?” Ronan asked.

  Miles wiped at his eyes and got to his feet.

  “You’re right. What do you think we should do?” he asked.

  “We need to work on strengthening certain concepts. So maybe we should concentrate on that for now,” Ronan said.

  “Alright, in the meantime we should really give everyone a proper burial,” Miles said.

  Everyone nodded and headed back into the village, Theo had decided to shift, and they placed Richard’s body onto his back so that he could carry him into the village.


  When they reached the village, Miles gently removed Richard’s body off of Theo’s back and onto the ground until they could bury him. Ronan ran off in search of a shovel, which he quickly found. When he returned he was horrified to find that Mackenzie and Miles were being held hostage while Theo watched on warily, frozen in place.

  “Oh good, your majesty. Lovely of you to join us,” said one of the young men, who was holding Mackenzie hostage.

  “Let Mackenzie go!” Ronan yelled.

  “Of course, if you do as I say.”

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Dylan Elias and I am the son of Jackson Elias and I want revenge for my father’s death, which you caused,” the young man said.

  “I’m sorry but no you’re not. Jackson Elias never had any kids, so the only way you’ll get anything? Is over my dead body,” Ronan said.

  “That certainly can be arranged. Think carefully on my words, your majesty or the next time I stop by I won’t be so patient,” Dylan said, with a sneer.

  Dropping Mackenzie roughly, he and the others who had made to leave, turned back mo

  “Oh, and don’t follow us back to the mainland or we’ll kill all of you if you do. Make no mistake,” he said.

  They stood stock still as Dylan and his men moved quickly towards the shore and got back into the boat that they’d come to the island in. Once he was sure that Dylan had left, Ronan helped everyone who had survived up to their feet.


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