The Vanguard

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The Vanguard Page 3

by Jeffrey Ellis

  Chelsea sat beside her and held her mother. "Go, Sebastian, find the others and tell them what you think they need to know and handle the briefing. I’m going to stay with her a while.”

  “We can postpone the briefing, it’s just routine. I should be with you two,” he replied.

  “As you said, the world comes first, so go,” Chelsea replied.


  A few minutes later, the partial group was assembled in C&C.

  “Chelsea will not be joining us for this meeting,” Sebastian told his assembled colleagues. "Nor will Morgana and Nefertiti.”

  “I don’t have much,” he continued. "General Morrison has asked to be ready at a moment’s notice. I guess he doesn’t understand that’s business as usual for Wardens. We haven’t gotten any solid leads on ALF bases and we still don’t know where Mordred is located.”

  “There is one new thing. We’ve located Alexander. I had a conversation with him at the President’s office,” he told the group.

  “That’s great! Another Master on our team is fantastic news,” said Xavier.

  “I wish it were. He’s declined to join us. He’s apparently been awake for centuries and is living under a presumed identity. He says he’s a businessman now and runs Macedon Machines. He told us he wants to avoid conflict and just stay in the war profiteering business,” Sebastian said.

  “He’s lying,” said Boudicca.

  “Are you certain?” asked Bruce.

  “I know him as well as he knows himself. That man, and I use that term loosely, will never change. He is nothing but pride and ego and believes conquest to be the ultimate expression of that ego,” she said.

  “He’s been awake a long time though. Maybe he’s changed,” said Bethany.

  “Doubtful. He treats everything as a conquest. I think that’s why he was so enamored with me because he could never conquer me no matter how much he tried, though his aggression made him a good lover. I will warn you, don’t underestimate him. He may be full of pride and bluster, but his reputation is well deserved. He is as dangerous a general as this world has ever seen and if he’s playing at a shopkeeper then he’s hiding something,” she told them.

  “I have those same concerns. I only have fragmented memories of Alexander, but he didn’t seem the like kind to quit. There’s also the recent talk with him. He was pompous, and his words were...taunting. He was smug about it,” Sebastian told the group.

  “Then if I were you, I would start sleeping with my sword in hand and back to a wall because if he’s taunting you it’s because he believes you to be a challenge and is planning on coming for you. He’s like a cat playing with its prey,” Boudicca said.

  “Duly noted. Thank you for the warning. Why would he come for me though? He’s been awake since long before the Seal broke. He’s heard of the Wardens. He knows we’re not the bad guys here,” he said to Boudicca.

  “You make a very dangerous mistake Sebastian. You assume he is a good guy. You’re among the best fighters on the planet and he seeks battle. He might come after you for no other reason than to test himself,” she replied.

  “Words to think on. You’re right,” he said to her. “That’s it from me. Anyone else have anything?” he asked the group.

  “I’m wondering where we stand on the language. Now that Morgana is back, she can probably help. I’m not sure what good it will do at this point though. We’re certain it’s Mordred. We know where and how the Seal was broken. We know it was some variation on Atlantean magic. We might not have the exact method, but I don’t see how further research will be necessary now that Morgana is here, assuming it’s true of course, that’s she is actually an Atlantean,” Bethany said sounding discouraged her pet project might be scrapped.

  “I disagree,” Sebastian replied. "I think now more than ever we need to understand this magic and yes, Morgana might be helpful in the root language but as you said yourself this evolved through numerous cultures over thousands of years. It would be like having someone who speaks Latin helping you interpret a book written in French and Spanish. Sure, there is a root commonality but the bulk of it has evolved into something different. We need to know what kind of power Mordred has. This is no longer about proving it’s Atlantean magic, it’s about understanding Mordred’s power and that is more crucial than ever.”

  “As far as Morgana goes, she is Atlantean, of that I am absolutely certain. There is more to it, but I want to wait until we have a full group to go over the rest. It’s nothing crucial now and can wait. I’m not going to bog down our already numerous problems with superfluous things and we already have far too much going on.”

  “I want everyone preparing as best they can. Redouble your training efforts. Bring every Warden stationed here on board and hand pick the ones that should be with us. I have a feeling this is going to be bad, so we need the best we can get,” Sebastian told them.

  “Does anyone else have anything?” he asked.

  “I have some bad news,” said Boudicca. “Trish and I have tried everything we could for Ra but cannot wake him. His life is in the hands of the doctors. I have no magic that can return him to us.”

  “I hope he pulls through. I like that big man,” said Bruce.

  “We all do,” replied Sebastian. “He’s an asset to the team but beyond that, he’s become a friend and I am tired of losing friends. Too many have died at the hands of Mordred and the ALF. It has to stop and stop soon.”

  “On an unrelated note,” said Bethany, “We’re starting to see an increase in fey activity. I mean a big increase. Since the Seal broke, it’s been increasing on a curve. The main Facilities are handling it for the most part but they’re requesting help.”

  “They’ll get it. I want everyone hunting whenever possible. Don’t tire yourselves and be ready for the General’s call but in your rare downtime see what you can do to help with the fey.”

  “I’ve been aching to sink my blade into something,” said Xavier.

  “We’ll also help as much as we can. I have much to teach Trish and application is always better than instruction.”

  Trish smiled. “I do like your teaching.”

  “Teaching? Is that what you two call it?” laughed Bethany.

  “A good teacher can instruct a pupil on many subjects,” replied Boudicca.

  “I think that is a conversation you should have with Chelsea. She’ll appreciate the subtext,” Sebastian said and left the room.


  The planning for the funeral was easier than Sebastian expected. They had a family plot on their farm and both the Wardens and GloCom were to honor him. He had died defending a military hospital during the battle of Syracuse and both sides considered him a hero. Despite the objections regarding military honors for a civilian, the General would not yield on his desire. He never served in GloCom, but he did serve in the Unification War as an officer in GloCom's predecessor. A Warden dying in the line of duty was not a rarity, so the Wardens had a well-developed plan for burying their brothers and sisters.

  The day of the services was calm and peaceful. Even the weather seemed to still itself in reverence. It opened with an old-fashioned 21-gun salute. The pallbearers were Boudicca, Trish, Bruce, Xavier, General Morrison, and William. Flags representing the Wardens and GloCom were both draped on the coffin. Alicia presided over the event as was a tradition in the Wardens. As Abraham’s direct superior, it was her duty and honor.

  She gave a short speech followed by words from many in attendance. Abraham came off as a grumpy old pervert but was well loved by all who knew him. Sebastian was quiet, and tears welled in his eyes the entire time. Chelsea stood by his side holding his hand, her own tears flowing more freely. When it was over the flags were folded and presented to Sebastian in military tradition and General Morrison and his elite guard saluted the coffin as it was lowered.

  The tombstone was simple and contained only his name, the dates of birth and death and three words: “Father, friend, hero” with Solomon’s Knot ins
cribed at the top. Sebastian had his mother’s stone altered to include the knot as well. They kept her past hidden to try to dissuade Sebastian from that life, but he felt it was only right to honor her as well.

  After the funeral was over, a small gathering in remembrance was held at the Dragon’s Roost. Sebastian walked up to the bar and climbed up on it. He tapped a spoon on his glass and once everyone was focused on him, he started to speak.

  “I’m not much for speeches that don’t involve a fight but a proper eulogy for my father could only be delivered in a bar. This bar was a favorite of my father’s. Most of you knew him. At one time or another, everyone in this room was probably either insulted, berated or propositioned by him. He lived large and spent most of his time with a drink in his hand and as much as he could muster, a woman in his bed.”

  At that several women in the bar, ranging from barely old enough to be out of the academy to approaching Abraham's age cheered.

  “Recently, I completed the paperwork to purchase this place. It is being renamed The Dirty Curmudgeon in Abraham’s honor. I want it to be as it always was and the best way to do that is to own it, so no one can change it. From today forward, this will be a private establishment open only to Wardens and GloCom. We fought together and should drink together. Today the bar is open, so eat, drink and be merry my brothers and sisters for tomorrow we may die,” he said and jumped down to a long round of applause and cheers.


  Merlin spoke to the man kneeling before him. "Your skill is extraordinary and your ability to lead exemplary. You have risen to the top of the ranks due to that skill and ability. I charge you with commanding a force to guard Camelot. Henceforth you shall be Captain of the Guard for Camelot and defense of its walls your duty. Rise Captain Arthur.”

  The kneeling man rose and the two of them walked to the training grounds in the courtyard. They walked through the sparring knights, observing and discussing their various strengths and weaknesses. "Your ranks will be filled by these knights and any others you deem worthy to recruit. From those recruited you should choose your elite guard, your champions to ride beside you,” Merlin told him.

  As they were talking, a ballista that was being loaded by some trainees broke and the force of the fracturing arms sent heavy shards of wood and metal flying across the courtyard to the common area by the fountains.

  A child was playing near the fountain, oblivious to the danger hurtling at him. A young servant woman ran towards him at an amazing speed, one that would exceed a knight in peak condition. She was carrying a bronze water pitcher and threw the pitcher to deflect one of the larger pieces then grabbed the child and rolled out of the way with him with many of the shards bouncing harmlessly off her.

  “I want her,” said Captain Arthur.

  “She is a lovely young woman but beneath your station. She is a mere servant and you are a knight. You could have your pick of any noble daughter as your wife,” Merlin replied.

  “I want her as one of my knights. That speed, those reflexes, she wasn't hurt by the shrapnel and she risked her own life to save a child. If that’s not the stuff of a champion, then nothing is. You also saw that. The speed was unnatural, and those pieces of wood and metal should have at best left her bleeding badly if not dead. She carries the spark of arcane. As to my wife, that’s not an unpleasant idea either but that’s as much her choice as mine,” he said smiling as he walked over to her.

  “Are you and the child okay?” asked Arthur as he helped them up.

  “I am unhurt and so is the boy, I believe,” she replied. She realized who was speaking when she turned and immediately bowed. "I am sorry my lord, I did not realize who you were at first. Please forgive my slight.”

  “Nonsense. You never have a need to bow to me. You risked your own life to save a child and your skill, though raw and not honed, is obvious. I want you to join my ranks as a guardian of Camelot,” he said to her.

  “My Lord...I... I don’t know what to say,” she said.

  “Say no,” ordered Merlin.

  “Merlin, with all due respect, you said I could recruit any I deemed worthy and I deem her worthy. Is that not your command and my decision to make?” he asked.

  “Women may not be soldiers,” said Merlin.

  “Master Merlin, again with respect, did you not recently tell me of an Egyptian woman who is not only a Master but a warrior as well? What of Boudicca? Her skill in both spear and spell is well known. Why should this lovely young lady be any different?” Captain Arthur asked.

  “My Lord, I do not wish to cause any difficulty. I will return to my duties,” she said.

  “That is probably for the best,” Merlin said.

  Arthur told Guinevere, “Just moments ago he said I may recruit any others I deem worthy. Do you think he should visit a healer? His memories seem to be slipping. I have heard that happens with age and he is quite old you know.”

  Guinevere started to laugh then stopped for fear of angering the old wizard.

  Merlin fumed but conceded the point. "I did say it is your choice and it is. I do not misspeak. You may train her if she accepts, but she should not be knighted. It is improper and unheard of. Women may not be knights and that is my decision, not yours.”

  “Do you accept? Will you join my ranks and become a guardian of Camelot?” Arthur asked her.

  She looked at him. Their eyes met and they both smiled as she felt her pulse quicken. "I will. I will follow you anywhere my Lord and leave my days as a servant behind.”

  “I am happy to accept you, but you will still be a servant. You will not be a servant of food and water at the beck and call of pompous nobles. You will be a servant of the greater good and servant to the needs of the people of this kingdom. We carry shields and swords instead of water and food, but we serve all the same,” he told her.

  “I understand. It is a great honor and one which I will not take lightly,” she said.

  “Good. Then it is settled. Come, I’ll take you to the smith and they can fit you for a suit of mail until you are trained and then we’ll get you a suit of plate,” he told her.

  “Arthur, surely a squire can do that. You have more knights to review and select,” Merlin said.

  “That can wait, Merlin. I wish to see to this warrior personally,” he said. He held out his arm and she took it and they walked towards the smithy leaving Merlin behind to stew.

  “We’ll start your weapon and magic training tomorrow morning at first light. I’ll train you personally to get you caught up to the others. With your natural talent I’m sure you’ll meet and surpass their level in no time,” he said.

  “Magic?” she asked.

  “Surely you know you have the gift. What you just did was not possible for a normal human. That can’t be the first time you’ve seen that power surface,” he said.

  “That is true, but I keep it hidden. People are afraid of those who are different. I... I shouldn’t even tell you this and I would not have done something so public but the child…” she said.

  “Of course. That is why I chose you. Your only thought was saving a life, not concern for your own. That is the trait of a hero. You will be amazing indeed once you are trained,” he told her.

  “Thank you, my lord,” she said.

  “But one thing, you must no longer call me my lord,” he said. "You will address me as Captain Arthur when we are in public and you are within my ranks. When in private, Arthur will do. Titles annoy me. And, what my lady, is your name?”

  “I am Guinevere,” she told him.

  “Must I teach you everything,” he said.

  “But Captain Arthur, I think I know my own name as surely as you know yours,” she said.

  “Well, apparently you do not,” he replied.

  “But I do. I have been called that my entire life,” Guinevere said.

  “Are you questioning your commander?” he asked her.

  “Well, no but...” she said.

  “You are questioning me. My lady,
you continue to insist your name is Guinevere and I have told you it is not,” he said.

  “Then tell me, damn you! What is my name?” she asked.

  “Do you not know? Perhaps you should visit a healer as well as Merlin. I can't have people who forget their own name riding onto a field of battle,” he replied.

  “But you just said...” she replied.

  “I know what I said. My memories are fully intact,” he told her.

  “I'm confused,” she said.

  “And I'm Captain Arthur,” he replied.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “Your name, you don't know it,” he said.

  “I do. I am Guinevere,” she said.

  “You are not,” he replied.

  “You are infuriating,” she said.

  “I am not infuriating. I am Captain Arthur and you are Lady Guinevere. You’re no longer a peasant. You’re a guardian of Camelot and with that position comes station. Your peers will address you as Lady Guinevere henceforth and your enemies will likely just beg for a merciful death and skip the name part altogether,” he said.

  “You are wrong. You are infuriating,” she told him.

  “If you think I'm infuriating now, wait until we're married. I’ll have Camelot’s dressmakers craft you a new wardrobe as well. It wouldn’t be proper for the wife of the Captain of the Guard to dress as a peasant,” he said and turned to her.


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