The Vanguard

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The Vanguard Page 11

by Jeffrey Ellis

  She put her hand on the device and slowly, cautious not to spook the manticore, crushed it.

  She moved her hand back to its head and spoke calmly.

  “I can tell you're more intelligent than an animal, but I don't know how much language you can understand. I'm going to remove the device that hurts you. It might hurt a bit, but you'll be free once I do. Can I trust you not to attack me?” she asked it.

  The creature made no sound but lowered its head in a submissive posture.

  She used her sword as best she could to slowly cut away the damaged device and cut the wires as close to the skin as she could. The manticore turned to face her and butted its head into her chest nearly knocking her over. She rubbed its ear and it flew away.

  “Sebastian, I think the manticores are being forced into service through pain. There's a module of some kind on its back that reminds me of the shock collars we use on some of the more violent fey in the cells. I removed the device and this one just left,” she told him.

  “Acknowledged,” he replied.

  Sebastian stood calmly staring at the approaching creature. It seemed confident and crept forward like a cat anticipating an easy kill. He simply stood there. It fired a volley of spikes at him, but they dropped harmlessly to the ground inches from him.

  He repeated the same basic actions Chelsea had done and the manticore butted him in the chest then flew off.

  Sebastian turned and surveyed the field, then sent a message to Chelsea. “Help Xavier, I’ve got the Wardens.”

  Chelsea ran over to Xavier and helped lift the still living but badly wounded manticore from him. He looked stunned that she could move something of that size.

  “It’s hurt and dying. It’s your kill, don’t let it suffer,” Chelsea told him.

  Xavier took his blade and pierced its head, ending the monster’s pain.

  The Wardens were not faring well. One was down from a stinger that managed to penetrate its goggles. The stinger went through the glass, then through his eye and killed him instantly. Another had been bitten and downed by poison and another killed by the stinger. Of the six Wardens that came, three were dead.

  Sebastian saw the Wardens were in trouble and broke into a full run closing the distance with lightning speed. As the manticore leaped at another of the Wardens, Sebastian leaped as well. He pulled his sword and blue flame sprang forth as he came down next to the manticore and removed its head from its shoulders.

  “That’s all four manticores accounted for,” said Xavier.

  We lost three brothers though,” Sebastian replied as he kneeled beside the first one. “You gave your lives in defense of life. You lived and died as guardians of the Earth and there is no higher honor we could hope for. Your fight is over. Rest well, you’ve earned it.”

  “Let’s get back to the soldiers, they may need our help,” Chelsea told them.

  As she spoke, they heard the roaring of jets and looked up. A RATS was flying in the direction of the GloCom troops. They made it back to their allies who reported all the ALF either dead or retreating. The RATS landed and fired a rocket as they were getting the report.

  Chelsea and Sebastian threw up a shield together and blocked the impact. The GloCom troops started firing at it immediately.

  Sebastian looked at Chelsea.

  “Do you remember Rio and the ogre?” he asked as he started running towards the RATS, ducking and dodging its pulse cannons.

  “You’re insane!” she yelled then started running behind him.

  He stopped just before reaching it, turned and kneeled. He cupped his hands together and she jumped, put one foot in his hands and he launched her. She flew, flipping forward and using the momentum to drive the point of her blade through the polymer panel and into the pilot. Blue flame engulfed the inside of the armor as she pulled her blade out.

  “How did you know the blade would penetrate the screen and not shatter on it? That’s a reinforced polymer alloy,” she said.

  “Simple. Based on the tensile strength of the view panel, your speed and momentum, and... Chelsea, we’ve never been to Rio,” Sebastian replied.

  “You’re right. What was that all about?” she asked him.

  He just shrugged and grabbed her. “I love you, cowgirl,” he said.

  “I love you, cowboy,” she replied, and they kissed.

  The let go of each other and turned and went back to their team.

  “Spectacular mate. That was amazing, Chelsea,” Xavier said.

  “Thank you. They know we are here now. I doubt it’s going to be quiet and easy the rest of the way,” she told the group.

  “That’s okay. They might have been ready for the Vanguard or the Wardens or GloCom individually, but they weren’t ready for all of us. Friends, let’s take that command center,” Sebastian said.

  As they were doing an assessment and preparing to get underway again, they saw a shuttle approach and land. Several drebs got out with their pets and calmly walked towards the group. They didn’t seem hostile.

  Lord Marshall Sebastian stepped forward, Vice Marshall Chelsea at his side. Both had their swords drawn and blue flames writhed on the blades.

  The dreb in the lead spoke. It was taller than Sebastian with shimmering scales and hair, the exact color hard to make out in the darkness but appeared to have silver-yellow tints. “We wish to speak with you, my liege.”

  “You’re the betrayers of Atlantis. You work with my enemy even now. Why should I wish to speak with you?” Lord Marshall Sebastian replied.

  “We are not your enemies, my liege. I am A’knn. Alpha of my clan. My clan spoke against the betrayal of Atlantis and were cast into exile for it. We fled instead of helping you. That wrong can never be excused and we do not ask for forgiveness but for the chance for redemption. We have never participated in the vile actions of our kin and we want only a chance to restore our own clan’s honor. When we saw the videos of you and Queen Malka heralded as the Heroes of Syracuse, we knew our chance was at hand. We are loyal citizens of Atlantis, King Baldric, and Clan A’dba offers you our hand in service or our heads in penance for the sins of our fathers. Take whichever you feel is warranted as either will restore our honor,” the dreb replied as he the others kneeled and bowed their heads.

  Sebastian looked at Chelsea then the dreb. “There has been enough death. If you want redemption, show me I can trust you,” Sebastian replied. His eyes turned white and he stared at the dreb.

  The dreb remained kneeling and looked up. “My liege, thank you. There is a man you seek in the building. We will help you hunt him. He is strong and has been imbued and trained by the dark master. Give us this chance. We ask for no more than this,” A’knn replied and noticed Sebastian’s white eyes through the goggles. “Your eyes see the truth of my words.”

  “You’re right, I can see the truth and you’re being honest,” Sebastian told him. “One more question, how do you know who I was?”

  “It is true what we were told. You have forgotten much. Our people have a shared memory. We can see pieces of our past. Not everything is clear, but fragments stand out like candles in a dark room. The betrayal of our king, of you, is one of those beacons. Your face is known to us all,” the dreb told him.

  “My clan was then and are now your loyal subjects. We have stood silent, fearing the power of our brothers and their wrath if we interfered but we can no longer do this with your return. We have watched our brothers from afar but always hidden. When we felt the return of the Weave and then saw your face we knew the time was upon us. We sought out the Great Alpha and falsely pledged our loyalty. He did not trust us so has only given us token tasks which are to our preference as we prefer not the carnage of our kin. We knew your paths would inevitably cross as two opposing magnets are drawn to each other and we would have our chance to avenge the wrongs on both your people and mine.”

  As Sebastian looked at him, he was drawn into the dreb’s mind. He saw a meeting of drebs arguing about an impending attack and one w
ith silver-yellow scales vehemently arguing against it and being exiled in secret. He saw the drebs pulling the strings of the Inquisition. They were with the Nazis during WWII. Throughout history, they were involved with many of the worst events of the day but always A’knn's clan was absent.

  “I am not a king and you are not my subjects. Stand. I will not call you my vassal, but I would like the chance to call you friend,” Sebastian told him.

  “Your words honor us,” the dreb said as they stood.

  Sebastian extended his hand to help the kneeling dreb stand. As he did so, he continued to look into his eyes and felt drawn in.

  “Why must my clan do this?” A'knn asked.

  “Because you have failed us too many times and you have one final chance at redemption. You allowed the dark child to acquire too much power and now he questions us. We are not pleased with his progress and as his handler, it was your position to guide and control him, a position at which you failed. Complete this task and you will be redeemed in the eyes of the Great Alpha,” D'rus replied.

  “But their magic...their arms... it will be a slaughter if they discover the deception. He has the sight,” he replied to his superior.

  “The sight will not penetrate the veil we have created. They will see the false memories we have created, and they will trust you. At your first opportunity, you will kill the lieges. Now go. Perform as you are ordered,” D'rus ordered.

  A'knn turned and left.

  Sebastian was pulled back to the present.

  “A'knn, who is D'rus?” Sebastian asked.

  The dreb's eyes widened and his group fell back into a defensive position.

  “Open fire,” Sebastian ordered with his voice echoing. The people under his command acted without hesitation.

  The fight was brief and with the drebs caught off guard, it was a slaughter.

  “Want to tell us why we just executed an unarmed group? Sure, they were drebs, but they were defenseless,” Xavier said.

  “They were sent to betray us. As more of his memories peeled away, the truth became evident. He was sent to assassinate Chelsea and me. I'll make a full report after we get back to Carleon,” Sebastian replied.

  “Just one more question,” said Xavier. Why were they calling you King Baldric and Queen Malka?”

  “Because we are Baldric and Malka or at least we were. We are the last monarchs of Atlantis and were there when the nation fell,” said Chelsea.

  Xavier stood in silence a moment then spoke. “You know what, mate? Forget I asked. Let’s go hunt a rogue major general.”


  Field Marshall Anna’s team was scattered. The troll was a walking trebuchet. Vehicles, pieces of buildings, whatever it could grab was a projectile. After their initial losses, the group managed to avoid the projectiles but only barely. It was immensely strong though lumbering and slow, giving them time to react. It had them pinned with nowhere to go.

  While it was distracted, Nefertiti sneaked through the darkness towards it. She worked her way slowly through the clutter and around the behemoth until she was behind it. She ran at it and leaped, using her magic to propel herself upward and caught one of the metal plates on its back. The plates were bonded directly to its skin. She quickly climbed further up until she was on the back of its neck.

  She was able to see the movement of Anna’s group with her magically enhanced vision and realized they were in trouble. The metal plating might have enhanced the creature’s durability, but they decreased its sense of touch and it couldn’t feel the relatively tiny human moving on the plates covering its back. She cut her hand and drew a symbol in blood on a plate directly in the middle of its neck just below the base of its skull. She said a word in Egyptian and then jumped down and ran behind the cover of a pile of rubble.

  The plate with the rune began to glow, increasing in heat and brightness until it was bright white. The gargantuan creature howled in pain and started tearing at the nearly molten plate with its free hand. The plate finally ripped free, taking a huge portion of its skin with it.

  Enraged, it threw the broken troop transport it was carrying in no particular direction. The transport flew several hundred yards through the air and into the side of the armory building, embedding into the wall. Troops near the entrance began running in the direction of the crash to investigate.

  Field Marshall Anna seized the opportunity and ordered her people to charge the entrance. With most of the troops drawn to the crash or focused on the troll, they had a clear path. They quickly covered the distance, using their rifles to clear out the remaining troops and secure the gun embankments at the main entrance. They turned some of the heavy guns on the troops returning from the crash scene and the rest on the fortified doorway.

  Nefertiti again ran up to the creature and jumped onto its back. It thrashed in pain for a moment from the wound on its neck but shook it off and returned its focus to the armory and Field Marshall Anna’s team. Nefertiti scrambled up its back running as if it were a horizontal surface all the way to the location of the missing plate. She smiled to herself. As she hoped, as the troll had ripped the metal plate free it also pulled a large amount of its skin off leaving an exposed area that was still smoking and dripping with the rancid smelling blood of the troll.

  She balanced herself as best she could on the frenzied troll and called the Divine Light. The beam shot forth from her hands and into the exposed area, digging into its flesh and penetrating quickly through the soft tissue, then deep into its neck. She aimed to the side trying to avoid the thick spine in the back of its neck and instead aimed towards the arteries and veins on the sides. The beast howled in pain and started trying to grab at her, staggering more with each step. Blood was gushing from the wound.

  The troll was unsteady on its feet and starting to sway as it thrashed. Even with her magically enhanced balance, she was losing her footing. She climbed up the back of its head and onto the top of it. She quickly surveyed the area and located the rest of her team. She channeled every bit of magic she could into a jump and leaped straight up. Once her momentum stopped, she activated the squirrel suit and glided towards armory entrance. She heard a loud crash behind her and glanced back to see the troll lying face down with blood quickly pooling around it.

  She made it to the team, hitting the wall near them and landing hard on the ground with a significant impact, knocking the wind from her. Two of the Wardens rushed to help her up. Field Marshall William ran over to her.

  He put his hands on the side of her cheeks and lifted her face up looking at her eyes. “Nefertiti, are you okay?” he said.

  She shook her head yes and coughed as she got her breath back. “I am unharmed but will need to bathe. The blood of the troll stinks and I am covered with much of it,” she replied.

  He laughed and helped her sit on a nearby crate until she was recovered.

  The GloCom troops were still firing at the main entrance when one of the doors finally gave and crashed down. Laser fire immediately started pouring out at the group.

  “Evasive actions. Take cover and return fire!” shouted Field Marshall Anna.


  Boudicca yelled in delight as she rushed upwards. To her, it was a very thrilling experience. She shot upwards with laser cannon blasts and fighters zooming by. She was nearly hit by a dragonfly and was caught in its wake, spinning like a ballerina. She channeled her energy and slowed her spin until she was no longer spinning, then realized she was facing the wrong way as the momentum of the rocket wore off.

  She activated the squirrel and started gliding, making a long curve back in the direction of the lich. She managed to get oriented with a bit of effort and was on a direct course for the lich. Her altitude was lower than she hoped it would be, but she should just clear the edge of the roof. As she approached she tried to reverse the thrusters but as they had told her, it was drained of power. It had enough charge to open the glider panels but that was it.

  She approached the edge of the roof much f
aster than she could handle even at an enhanced full run. As she approached the ledge, she called out to the sky and winds rushed down and towards her, buffeting her approach and slowing her. As the winds started to blow, she called out again and felt her heart pounding faster and faster. She roared as she hit the ground on all fours, running like a cat as the spirit of a cheetah infused her. She came to a stop and turned towards the lich. Her eyes were like a cat's as she faced the creature down and she licked her lips in anticipation of the fight and her prey.

  “Life...power...feed,” came the lich’s wispy voice as it saw her.

  She felt the aura of fear and dread. This close to the lich it was almost overwhelming even for a Master. She smiled and let her mind race free. She called on the spirit of a badger and the fear faded from her. She was half crouching as she approached the lich with her blade in one hand. The sword and her off hand were both bathed in a green energy.

  The lich stared at her and she felt its own mind, alien and strange, trying to force its way into hers. She drew on the spirit of the serpent and stared back at the lich. As their eyes locked, their wills clashed, and the lich could not overcome her mind.

  She started pacing around it in a wide circle. Her eyes still reflected those of a cat and she was hissing quietly.

  “Strong...much power...consume you,” the lich said.

  The lich pointed its emaciated hands and torrents of energy flew at her but hit only air. She jumped over the lich and landed behind it, slicing at it with a series of swings then launching backward as the green energy from her hand flew at the lich, catching it squarely in the back. The lich writhed in pain but made no noise.

  The lich raised its hand and three spectral figures rose out of the rooftop and surrounded Boudicca. The creatures started to drift towards her. She calmly sheathed her sword and stared at the sky. She raised her hands and lightning flashed down impacting all the undead. The three spectral figures dissipated but the lich remained.


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