The Wildflower Series

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The Wildflower Series Page 47

by Rachelle Mills

  “Just don’t stand there. Come inside. It’s freezing out.” She smiles at every single one, without teeth, trying to put fears at ease.

  “Come, it’s okay.” She ushers all of us inside with the wave of her hand. A delightful squeal rings from the inside of a pup’s voice, followed by laughter.

  Still, no one moves yet. The amber light pouring out from the open door casts a warm reflection on the white snow.

  “I made dinner. We want to share in your first meal here with us.” She watches the way they all eye each other, with apprehension chiseled hard on faces that hold their worry and fear. Looks of disbelief cross their faces until they all look toward Belac for guidance. She takes a breath before taking that first step toward the house, leading the way like a general. The others fall in tight formation behind her, crunching the frozen snow underneath their feet.

  All their heads scan the landscape, taking in the northern nature. It’s very different than the smell of salt. It’s wild, fresh, laden heavily with the smell of many different kinds of trees.

  Caleb walks beside Belac, not touching in any kind of way, but just there, side by side. Belac takes just a side step away from Caleb, creating a small distance between them.

  We bring up the back. The male with his curly blond hair walks cautiously inside, making sure he’s as far away from Caleb as he can get. He smells heavily of large quantities of soap, no other smell, as if he’s dipped himself in bleach, coming out squeaky clean.

  Smart male.

  Stopping at the entrance, everyone takes off shoes. No coats were brought. I don’t think they own anything too heavy and thick. No need with their milder winters on the ocean.

  The smell of fresh bread starts creeping up my nose. It’s inviting and warm.


  Luna Grace and the Silverback are standing side by side to greet their guests. He has a small bead of sweat on his brow, looking extremely pale, but still an overwhelming presence. All the gang, once seeing him, take a step back, almost knocking us back outside into the cold.

  “Be at ease. Nothing will hurt you here.” The way he says this smooths down their anxieties. They take a collective sigh of relief.

  Belac is the first to step forward to be greeted. Both parents are impressed by this strong female standing in front of them with shoulders back, head held high.

  “Welcome, it’s an honor to have someone of your strength joining our pack. I can’t wait for your training to begin.” Alpha Clinton offers a compliment of praise, giving her a head nod but not touching. Luna Grace embraces her, pressing her cheek to hers, smells exchanged.

  “We are so blessed to have you and your pack here with us. The moon exceeds our imaginations sometimes. She brings us the most wonderful gifts.” Belac has tears trying to escape out of eyes that I don’t think cry very often, but at this moment words escape her as she struggles to rein in emotions that are pouring out in salty lines down her face.

  “Caleb, after dinner, I need to have a chat with you behind the shed.” Caleb nods his head, while his body slumps slightly with what’s ahead of him. Belac gives Caleb no reassuring smile. She holds her face neutral.

  Luna Grace touches her cheek to each one of the Wildflowers, whispering words for their ears only. It’s as if she is trying to make them feel special in a certain way with the time she’s spending on each one as an individual.

  Treajure is the last to be greeted only because she keeps stepping backward, letting the next wolf take a turn before her. Anxiety threatens to consume this female as Alpha Clinton pays special attention to her. He’s seeing what fury can do to flesh, the way it can be marked up, leaving razor-sharp lasting impressions. Her glasses keep sliding off the bridge of her nose. The lenses are thick, making her hazel eyes seem much bigger than what they really are. Without her glasses, she is almost blind. Silver has a way of ruining sight. Her fingers are feeling for knives that are no longer there.

  Skittishly, she holds herself still for them, crouched shoulders, head bowed. She’s making herself even smaller.

  “So this is the female that almost ended me.” He doesn’t take a step toward her, but Luna Grace does. Treajure whimpers. It’s the only noise I have ever heard her make. She knows how to whimper and whine.

  With exaggerated snail slow movements, the Luna approaches with extreme caution. Calm, so not to spook the scared animal, Luna Grace wraps her up in strong arms. A kiss is placed on each cheek, and she rubs her scent into her, as if claiming this frightened female as her own. Her hand brushes over the top of her hair that is kept tightly French braided to her scalp.

  “Nothing will hurt you here. You have my personal protection now. We have lots of work ahead of us.” That’s some of the words I hear from the Luna’s mouth that is pressed against her ear. A soothing hand to her back, rubbing it up and down. I think I see Treajure melting into this female who holds godly powers.

  “Little Moon, you look so different.” He’s taking in my whole wandering look. “This is a surprise. We never expected this.” Alpha Clinton reaches out, touching my belly. His hand is firm, pressing into my flesh. The little male inside me stills suddenly, as if shocked scared. The hand remains there until an explosive kick takes my breath away with the pain. We both look down at the same time, this little one making his presence known to the Silverback, who’s smiling with pride.

  “It was a surprise to me too. I didn’t realize I was expecting until I could smell him.” He looks at me sideways, not believing what I’m saying.

  Luna Grace embraces me the best she can, the belly not giving an inch, no sucking it in. Both her hands feel the male. He’s kicking up a storm once again.

  “He’s going to be a handful, just like his father. You should have told me, Rya. When should we expect him?”

  “I wanted to tell Dallas first.” A look of understanding passes over her face.

  “He should be here in about three weeks, give or take a week.” Her hands are really feeling my belly.

  “We have a lot of preparing to do. You need to have somewhere that’s your own space.” Wheels are turning in her head as she thinks.

  “We’ll figure something out.”

  Her hand comes to Dallas’s face, giving it a pat and a kiss on his cheek.

  “We’re happy for you.” He leans into her hand. It’s as if they are having a special moment between mother and young. No matter how old you get, to your mother, you will always be her little one. It brings thoughts of my mother to my head. I need to call her again, let her know where I’m at. I need her to come and visit me.

  “Let’s eat.” Luna Grace has her arm around Treajure, guiding her to the table. Cash is already sitting down. His hair is ruffled and shaggy, as if he hasn’t cut it in a long time; his beard is not trimmed. It’s a homeless look he’s mastered. Looking at his neck, no longer is there a mate’s mark. It’s completely gone, as if it never existed in the first place.

  A pup sits on each side of him in highchairs. Both have messy faces that tell they couldn’t wait for the guests to arrive. The female and male look to be a mixture of both parents, except the eyes. They’re all Kennedy, encased in long lashes, deep amber staring out at me.

  Magnificently beautiful.

  They spot Caleb, and both their chubby arms reach his way. They start to laugh and kick their legs, hands hitting the plastic table, squealing as they send particles of pureed food everywhere. With quick strides, Caleb reaches the twins, picking up the female while the male cries out, wanting his turn. With them secured in both his arms, he gives them kisses, getting baby food in his mouth.

  Cash just shakes his head to himself.

  “Missed me?” They give him their toothy laughter, as if he’s the funniest one in the room.

  “Everyone, this is Ken, and this is Dee. Just so everyone knows, I’m their favorite.” Caleb is dead serious while nuzzling them with his nose. “For being so young, they have incredible taste,” he tells the group boastfully as he kisses them
again, making them laugh out loud. Everyone around the table sports smiles, even Treajure. It’s just a half smile that can barely pass as a real one.

  “You need to put them back. They aren’t done eating.” Cash sounds as if he’s a mother instead of a sidelined father. “You can play with them after.” Grumpy faces pout as they are set back in their seats.

  The Wildflowers take seats at the empty spots. Carson, Crane, even Cash sniff the air. All these females present are in their heat. It’s a distraction for any unmated male. They take in the females that are at the side of them. The only one that doesn’t attract any attention is Treajure. I think in the eyes of a male, she’s not what you would call beautiful. Caleb takes a seat right next to Belac. I can see he brushes his arm against hers. They both look at each other before pretending it didn’t happen. A smile creeps on her face as she looks at the smudge of baby food above Caleb’s jawline. I wonder what she thinks of that wolf?

  Watching her, she takes a drink of water, looking at Caleb. I bet money her thirst is real for that male. That bond is going to play all sorts of twisted games with those two.

  The strong sturdy table has been extended by many leaves placed inside it to accommodate the extra bodies that now sit around it. The table is already set up; large pieces of fresh bread are in front of empty bowls. Giant pots of soup are steaming up in the air. Luna Grace serves her male first before anyone else. She gives him a kiss to the temple, and he pats her on the ass, giving it a tiny squeeze that makes her blush. His deep low growl makes us all look away, uncomfortable.

  “We’re right here. We’re sitting right here.” Crane’s voice breaks the uncomfortable silence.

  She doesn’t even look his way as if he’s just talking to talk.

  “I have beds made up for all of you downstairs until the house is ready. After dinner, you all can get your stuff and make yourselves at home. Caleb, you might want to give Belac your room upstairs. We tried to clean everything up downstairs the best we could with the little time we had. It’s still a little bit dirty.” She gives him a hard stare. His face shadows in understanding. Belac turns her head his way in silent regard.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind it being a little dirty. My house might just be as dirty.” Her face watches Caleb as he chokes on his soup. His eyes start to water slightly as he’s trying to pull in breaths of air. Everyone puts some more soup in their mouths so no one has to reply to that.

  The Silverback laughs hard, gripping his side, trying to splint the area that the knife did the most damage to. A mixture of pain and happiness filters across his face. He’s trying to gain control of himself, but he’s having a hard time. Luna Grace gives him a look, and he settles down completely to put another spoon of soup in his mouth.

  “In the next week, we will gradually introduce you to the pack. Depending on your skill levels, we’ll find you jobs so you can eventually get out on your own. Hopefully, you will like it here and decide to stay. I think you will all find your place.” She’s talking to the group, but at the same time, I feel as if she’s talking to me.

  Cash clears his throat slightly, wiping his mouth with a napkin as he gives the twins a baby cookie each to chew on.

  “Rya, I just want you to know—” He stops his words, clearing his throat again. “I’m not sure thank you is enough for what you did for them or for me. Without you, they would have died a terrible death. We are forever in your debt.” Belac and the rest of the Wildflowers are listening with ears turned our way.

  “I couldn’t let them die, Cash. I’m just thankful how everything happened for a reason. If I hadn’t left my old pack, this would not have the ending it has now.” Sometimes bad things happen for good things to come out of it. It’s just how you have to look at it.

  “I’ve started a site where packs can donate extra milk for young in need. It’s evolving into a nationwide help center for packs unable to feed their own. We have already saved three pups from death.” He’s turning his tragedy into hope for others. That has a way of helping your soul heal sometimes.

  “What did you do, Rya?” Belac asks.

  “She was able to secure milk for the twins when their mother—” Again he stops his words, clearing his throat.

  “Sorry for your loss. My mom died as well. My brother and I were raised by our granny. My father died shortly after her. We were lucky that we had a nursing aunt who just lost her pup and was able to feed us both, or else we would have died as well.” Belac holds sympathetic eyes his way.

  “How were you taken out? Were you birthed or cut out?” Odd question to ask by Luna Grace.

  “My mother died before we were born. They had to cut us out.”

  “Interesting,” Luna Grace comments but doesn’t say anything else. Her eyes find the Silverback, who smiles to himself.

  “Can I ask a question?” Belac is so interested in the Luna. Her eyes are trained on her.


  “How did you do that, and where did you get that outfit?” Her voice can’t hide her worship of this female.

  “I was taught well by his father.” She squeezes Alpha Clinton’s hand, and he brings her fingers to his mouth and kisses the tips gently.

  “The outfit was a mating present from my mate. I was surprised it still fit.” Her tone holds a sense of pride that something so old still fits as if it were bought yesterday.

  “Just like a glove.” The Silverback is giving his mate a smile that conveys more than I want to know about them. A look of hard lust crosses his face. In this moment, she is the only thing he sees. He nips at her fingertips before she pulls her hand away, mouthing the word “later” to her male.

  All her males are looking away, anywhere else but them; the ceiling holds such interest in their eyes. The rest of us are open mouthed staring at the display of affection from an Alpha couple.

  Standing, I need to stretch my back again. Gripping the back of the chair, I arch my back up, trying to take the pressure off of it. My skin feels tight and itchy, as if it’s stretching again to accommodate the growing male inside me.

  “Are you all right?” Dallas stands, pressing the palm of his hand into my lower back, rubbing the sore area.

  “I just need to lay down for a few minutes or take a bath.” His fingers start to rub away the ache.

  “You can have my room.” He grips my hand in his, leading me away from the table.

  “Goodnight, everyone.” I give everyone a tired wave as I allow Dallas to lead me away.

  “A nice bath would relax your muscles, and after you get out, I’m going to give you a massage. How does that sound?” He’s standing right behind me as we enter his room. It smells like him. The bed is still messy, as if he just got out of it in a rush.

  “That actually sounds so good. I just need my stuff out of the car.”

  His mouth is close to my ear. “I’ll go get your stuff. You get in that bath.” He doesn’t touch me, but my body wants him to.

  Left on my own, I try to stretch out the ache that’s not going away. A small contraction tightens my stomach. It’s fleeting, just barely there, but it does make me pause for a minute. I’ve been having them now on and off for the last few days. It’s nothing to concern myself over.

  This is normal, I tell myself while starting to run the bath water.

  Taking my clothes off, I step into the hot bath and breathe the warm air that carries only his scent. Beads of sweat run down the side of my face after only a few minutes of being immersed in the water. It’s peaceful inside this room. Leaning my head back, this is the first tub bath I have taken in months; the beach house only had a shower. The steam rises up, casting the room in a thick cloud of haze. The warmth seeps into my flesh, soothing sore muscles. My toes rise above the water. I just take this moment to enjoy the experience.

  Losing all sense of self in blissful relaxation, I could fall asleep.

  “Are you all right in there?” The door cracks open slightly, letting the steam out.

is feels so good. I haven’t had a bath in such a long time.” Dallas is standing just outside the cracked door.

  “Can I come in?” I don’t reply instantly, which leaves a hesitation in the conversation flow. “I just want to put your stuff on the counter. I brought your robe, and your hair stuff. I thought you might want it.” He’s hesitant, but the crack in the door opens more.

  “You can put it on the counter.” Sitting up in the water, I pull the glass door closed to hide my body from him. It’s changed a lot since the last time he saw me without clothes. I’m not ashamed of myself, but I am uncomfortable with him seeing me completely this far along in my pregnancy.

  Sliding the glass door a crack, he hands me the shampoo and conditioner.

  “Thank you.” He doesn’t close it. Instead, he sits on the floor right beside me.

  “Do you want any help? I could wash your back for you.” He sounds hopeful.

  “No, I’m fine. You can go. I’ll be out soon.” He gets up off the tile floor, leaving the door open behind him. I make quick work of washing my hair before letting the water drain away. While drying off, he enters the bathroom again, as if this is the most normal thing to do. He closes the door behind him.

  In the mirror, his reflection is obscured by the fog, yet I can see his outline as he strips his body of clothes. He’s completely bare. I take a long peek at his backside. My breath pulls in slowly while I dry my hair and wipe away my makeup that has been on for two days.

  As I wrap the robe around myself, he gets out of the shower. Drops of water are slowly making irregular paths down his form. It’s intoxicating to my eyes. I want to take in everything he’s showing me.

  He lets me, not covering himself.

  Slowly Dallas walks toward me. Stopping just in front, he reaches behind my body, grabbing a clean towel. My heart tremors as he dries off his head, his chest, the lower body, only to wrap it low on his hips. He smiles innocently at me. “Are you ready for that massage? The thirst needs to be swallowed down; my throat is dry.

  Opening the door, the soft flickering candle casts shadows on the walls. The light is low in the darkened room.


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