Wooing Wynter

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Wooing Wynter Page 22

by Tianna Xander

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I am willing to give us a chance if you are. I want to learn to trust you, Geno. I think deep down, I want to be your mate, but I’m...” Her breath hitched. “I’m just so scared.”

  She pulled a tissue from her pocket and dabbed at her face before continuing, “Even though I’ve only known you for a few short days, my heart aches when I think about a future without you in it. I’m terrified at the thought that you’ll return to Zolon, and I’ll never see you again. But I’m also frightened of what could happen between us.” She shook her head with a sigh. “As you already know, my track record with men isn’t the greatest. I’m a horrible judge of character. I don’t think I could survive it if you broke my heart the way Ben did.” She stepped back and let her hand slide from his arm.

  “Don’t move away, love.”

  “I like it when you call me that.” She smiled, her expression wistful. “I still don’t understand how you can care for me so quickly, or how I could fall— How I could feel so much for you when we’ve just met?”

  “That is the way for most species in our galaxy.” Geno took her hand and placed it back in the crook of his elbow. “If there is one thing I can tell you about Zolonian males that might reassure you, it’s this.” He met her gaze and resisted the urge to kiss her. “We are patient men. Very patient men. There is nothing you could do or say that would ever drive me to do something that would deliberately cause you pain.”

  “I want to believe that.”

  “And that is your first step, Wynter.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I will never ask you for more than you can give.” He started walking again. “If I start moving too fast, just let me know.”

  “You’re taller than I am, Geno, but I think I can keep up.”

  “I never thought you couldn’t.”

  “Oh,” Wynter said with a groan. “That wasn’t what you meant, was it?”

  “Not quite. But that’s okay. I know you understand now.” He smiled down at her as he led his future mate into the step lift and chose what the boys had deemed the master’s deck.

  Nothing could ruin his good mood now. Wynter had agreed to give him a chance to woo her, and he wasn’t about to do anything to fuck it up.

  “Here we are.”

  “I don’t think I’ve been to this part of the ship before.” Wynter peered around them.

  “It’s the master suite.” Geno waved his hand over the locking mechanism, and the door slid open. “My rooms take up an entire deck. I have my personal space and my office. The boys call it the Captain’s cabin.” He grinned at the memory. He gestured with his arm. “Over there is the bathroom. The exercise room is next to that.”

  “It’s huge! Almost like a house in space.”

  “I guess you could say that,” he said with a chuckle. “It is big enough for a family of eight or more to travel in style.” He led her to the kitchen. “I had the suite remodeled in preparation for one of my sons to take over after I performed the ritual. It has a kitchen you should feel comfortable using, and the bathroom is the same.”

  “I never expected you to have a stove and refrigerator onboard.” She entered the cooking area and gasped.

  “You have an eight-burner stove in here.

  Most people don’t have stoves so large.”

  “I’m of the mind that if I’m going to do something, I do it right.”

  “Go big or go home, is more like it.” She slid her fingertips over the countertops and appliances. “This is my dream kitchen. I love to cook.”

  Maybe that was why he’d felt compelled to renovate it. One of his sons could have easily done the same once he’d performed the ritual.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He moved to the replicator. “I don’t expect you to cook for me. The replicator does fine.” He paused with his hand over the touchpad. “What would you like? Just name it.”

  “What kind of food does it make?” She tilted her head and stared at the pad.

  “Anything you want. I’ll be surprised if the boys haven’t taken the time to add every kind of food their mates like by now.”

  “What about Chinese?”

  “That doesn’t help me.” He grinned at her. “Be more specific.”

  “Okay, then. I’d like beef and broccoli, fried rice, and cream cheese wontons.”

  “Give me a minute.” His hands flew over the screen for a moment before the replicator hummed, and enough food for a small army appeared behind the smoked glass.

  “Why so much?” She stared at it wide-eyed. “I hope you don’t think I can eat that much.”

  “Of course not.” Geno grabbed the dishes from the machine and set them on the table. “I plan on eating most of this. It smells delicious. I’ve always managed to enter one of my son’s homes at the tail end of one of these meals, but I never asked to taste it. It smells great!”

  “It does.” Wynter stood over the table and inhaled deeply. “I love this, but I don’t get to eat it much because it’s not good for me. It’s usually full of fat and sodium.”

  “Not here.” Geno grinned, glad to be able to give her something she loved without her having to worry that it wasn’t healthy. “Remember, all of the food is made from plant-based protein. It might taste decadent, but there is nothing unhealthy here.”

  “Don’t tell me that. I might gorge myself.”

  “I’ll get the dishes, and we’ll serve ourselves.” Geno held her chair as she sat. He then crossed to the cupboards. “Stay right there. I’ll serve you.”

  “Okay.” She stayed in her seat, her hands clasped in her lap. “As long as you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” Geno planned to give his takana a night she wouldn’t soon forget.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  “THAT WAS DELICIOUS. Thank you.” Wynter dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. “It’s difficult to believe that it’s all vegetables and good for me.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you found it enjoyable.” Geno stood and cleared his dishes from the table.

  Wynter slid her chair back and grabbed her plate.

  “I’ll get that.” Geno took her plate and cleared the rest of her dishes from the table. “Here.” He handed her two glasses and a bottle of wine he’d just opened. “Take these into the other room. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  If Geno was attempting to impress her with his attentiveness, he was succeeding.

  “I love your suite.” The white walls had a tinge of blue, giving a touch of color when the light hit them just right. The sofa and overstuffed chairs were arranged in a half-circle in front of the huge eighty-five-inch flat-screen television. “Your TV is huge. Are you trying to compensate for something?” The words were out of her mouth before she realized what she’d said.

  Wynter clapped her hands over her mouth. The trembling started immediately when what she’d said played back in her mind. She’d said something similar to Ben once, and he’d punched her—twice!

  Geno left the kitchen and joined her, his smile fading when he saw her with her hands over her mouth. “I don’t think you can eat popcorn like that.”

  “You-you didn’t hear me?”

  “Of course I heard you.” He shrugged. “What can I say? You’re right. I was compensating for something when I bought the TV.” He grinned. “What do you expect from a man forced into unnatural celibacy almost thirty-years ago?” He winked when her eyes widened.

  “Aren’t you angry?” She looked up at him, fearing a blow, but hoping he would be the man he said he was. How would she ever know if she didn’t face him now? She had to be brave and look Geno in the eyes and stand up for herself.

  “Why should I be angry because you’ve teased me?” Geno knelt before her, taking her hands in his. “Teasing can be a form of affection. I’d rather hoped it meant that you were getting comfortable with me.” Smiling, he kissed her fingers. “Besides, only an idiot would be angry at you for something like that.” He met her gaze, his smile never falte

  Wynter held his gaze for a minute before the fear dissipated, and she giggled. “Ben hated it when I teased him.”

  “Ben was an idiot.” Geno got to his feet and then sat next to her.

  “Did you really make popcorn to go with this wine?” She held up the glasses she’d filled while he took care of their dirty dishes.

  “Yes.” He shook his head with a chuckle. “I suppose I didn’t think things through.” He gestured to the large bowl filled to the brim of buttered popcorn.

  “That smells heavenly.” Wynter leaned toward the bowl. She loved popcorn. She could probably eat her weight in it if she tried.

  “Then, who cares if we’re eating it with wine?” Geno leaned over, grabbed the bowl, and plopped it in her lap.

  “Hey! I almost spilled your wine all over me.”

  “Too bad, you didn’t.” He leered at her. “I could have offered to lick it off you. But I’m sure you’re much sweeter.”

  “You’re bad.” Face burning, Wynter leaned away when he nuzzled her neck. “I don’t know what to say about that.” She didn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun with a man.

  Any fear she might have felt melted away while Geno teased her and pretended to be disappointed when she wouldn’t let him kiss her neck.

  “Let’s start the movie, shall we?” She leaned away with a giggle when he attempted to eat a piece of popcorn from her chest. “Stop!” She swatted at his hands and then stopped and stared at him, eyes wide.”

  “You have a piece of popcorn between your breasts.” Geno glanced down at the vee of her shirt.

  “I what?” Wynter glanced down. Her face must have burst into flames because she could have sworn she could light a grill with her cheeks.

  Geno leaned over. Using his tongue, he scooped the kernel from between her breasts and grinned.

  “Delicious.” He smacked his lips.

  “I swear. You’re incorrigible.”

  “But isn’t that part of my boyish charm?”

  “Boyish charm?” She laughed. “I thought you said you’re over one-hundred.”

  “My age only adds to it.” Grinning, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and the DVD player. “I hope you like this movie. I planned to watch it tonight.”

  The title screen popped up, and Wynter laughed out loud. She hadn’t had so much fun with a man in a long time. Maybe the wine was making her a little tipsy. She took another sip anyway.

  “You were going to watch a romantic comedy by yourself?” She snorted and then covered her mouth with her free hand with a giggle.

  “I love your laugh.”

  “I think it’s the wine.” She stared down into her glass. “Maybe I’m drinking too much, too fast.

  “We can fix that.” Geno took her wine from her and set it on the table.

  “Are you trying to save me from myself?” Wynter smiled up at him, a little surprised to realize she wanted to kiss him more than she had ever wanted to kiss any man. “Have I told you that I think you have beautiful eyes?” Reaching up, she cupped his cheek. “They remind me of aged whiskey and amber.”

  “Your eyes are beautiful, too.” Geno covered her hand with his as he held her gaze. “I love the way your lips curl a bit when you want to smile, but don’t think you should. I adore the way your nose wrinkles when you see or smell something you don’t like. Most of all, I love the way you laugh when you forget to be self-conscious about it.”

  Wynter’s stomach did a little flip when he drew her closer.

  “I’m going to kiss you again.” His amber gaze shifted to her lips, then back up to her eyes. “If you want to stop me, now is the time.”

  “I don’t think I want to stop you, Geno.” Wynter slid her hand around his neck and drew him even closer. “I want to know what it feels like to spend the night in your arms.”

  She meant it. She might be a little tipsy, but she wasn’t intoxicated enough that Geno had taken that decision out of her hands. She knew what she was doing, and it felt right.

  Geno pressed his lips against hers. His touch was soft and gentle as his fingers tunneled through her hair and massaged her scalp.

  Her nipples hardened and rubbed against his chest. She moaned when he swiped his tongue over her lips, and she opened for him.

  Geno thrust his tongue inside, ravishing her mouth. A slow burn began deep inside her body. She returned his kiss; her passion finally released. Their kiss was slow, unhurried. He might want her, but he wasn’t rushing her. Just when Wynter was sure her body would go up in flames, he ended it and drew back to meet her gaze.

  “I want you, Wynter. More than I have ever wanted anyone before.” His breathing was rough, as though he’d just run a mile.

  “I-I want you, too, Geno. I’m just—“

  “Shh.” Geno rested his finger against her lips. “Don’t voice it. The words will give it power.” He sat up straighter and tucked her under his arm. “Perhaps we should just sit here and finish the movie.”

  “I forgot all about that.” She turned her attention to the screen, but couldn’t think about anything but Geno’s kiss and how he’d stopped when she almost voiced her fears. What other man did she know who would act so selflessly?

  Her gaze flicked to his lap, and her face burned when she spied the telltale bulge beneath the zipper of his jeans. The other men she’d dated, not that there were many, would have whined and cajoled her until she gave in or ended their time together.

  Not Geno. He sat next to her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders while he watched the movie they’d started together.

  Every moment that passed, Wynter’s body burned just a bit hotter. The heat of their kiss didn’t dissipate. It sharpened until she forgot about the movie. Her attention remained solely on how Geno made her feel and his hard-on that had finally softened but remained scorched in her memory.

  She snuggled closer to Geno and rested her head on his shoulder. Tonight was the night she would make love with him, and she didn’t want to rush through it. Wynter glanced at her half-glass of wine. She wanted more but thought better of it. The wine might have released some of her inhibitions, and that was a good thing, but she didn’t want to drink so much that she could deny what she would do tonight was anyone’s idea but her own.

  After all, this could be the first night of the rest of their lives.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  GENO STARED AT THE TV screen, his body rigid. He was afraid to shift in his seat, lest he frighten Wynter into moving away again. She snuggled closer, the heat of her breast pressing against his side like a brand.

  Closing his eyes, he took a slow, deep breath and willed his body under control. Goddess, please help me keep my hands to myself, at least until Wynter makes it obvious she wants something more.

  “This is sad.” Wynter wiped her eyes. “It’s making me cry. I thought it was supposed to be a romantic comedy, not a tragedy.”

  “What?” Geno glanced at her. “I apologize. I guess I wasn’t paying attention to the movie.” He took a deep breath, savoring her unique scent. “Have I ever told you that you smell like cherries and cinnamon?”

  “So,” she began with a smile. “Are you telling me I smell like cherry cobbler?”

  “If that’s what it is. I suppose I am.” He smiled at her, glad that she hadn’t taken offense. “I’ve been enjoying your scent since we met.”

  He took her hand, threading their fingers together. “It’s nearly intoxicating. So much so that I find myself trying to keep my hands under control when I’m around you. Perhaps you should keep hold of me in case I should turn into an octopus. I think that’s what Sela calls Ceno on occasion.”

  “An octopus, huh?” Wynter raised her brows. “I wouldn’t believe that of you. You’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman with me.”

  “Ah,” Geno said with a grin. “But the temptation is still there, my lady. You should heed my warning well.

  A siren on the TV drew her attention before he could
say more, but he’d achieved his goal. He now held her hand, and Wynter was getting used to the gentle touch of a real man.

  Geno closed his eyes and gave an inward sigh. He didn’t care if it took a lifetime for Wynter to understand they were meant for each other, as long as she did realize it one day.

  He wasn’t lying when he’d told her he was a patient man. He could wait until his dying day so long as she didn’t reject him outright.

  One day, Wynter would have the courage to love him, and when she did, he would show her just how much he’d come to love her.


  “Yes, love?” When he turned to her, he noticed her eyes were red and tears still dried on her cheeks. “Why are you crying?” He should have chosen another movie. As a romantic setting, it left much to be desired.

  “Because this movie is too sad. It’s supposed to be a romance.” She tried to sit up, but he held her close, wanting to comfort her.

  “Let me up.” She elbowed him in the side. “I need to use your bathroom.”

  “I apologize, my lady.” Geno released her and helped her stand.

  “You said the bathroom was there, right?” she pointed toward the correct door.

  “Yes. That’s where you’ll want to go.” Geno almost stood when she wobbled a bit and stumbled as she turned toward the door.

  “Just stay there. I’ll be fine.” She waved her hand behind her.

  He watched as she made her way to the bathroom, then sighed when she closed the door. Would she never trust him enough to help her instead of ridicule her?

  Ten minutes later, the door opened. Geno had almost called out to her. His stomach ached at the thought of her in that room, crying by herself. That must have been what she’d been doing in there for so long after that damned movie.

  It took every ounce of self-control he possessed for him to remain sitting while Wynter took her time exiting the bathroom.

  His breath caught in his throat when she finally stepped from the other room. Her beautiful hair fell over her shoulders, and she clutched his robe to her as she padded toward him on bare feet.


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