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Leonid Page 9

by KJ Dahlen

  Nodding, she looked down at her lap. “It broke my heart. I just couldn’t believe—”

  “Well, don’t believe that shit. Just believe I will always treat you right.”

  “I-I was dreaming of you just now,” she admitted.

  He raised a brow. “Oh, really now?’

  Nodding, she felt her cheeks flush.

  He grabbed her up and set her onto his lap on the passenger side.

  “Wait,” she whispered and climbed back off.

  He sat there and stared at her.

  She unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them, then rolled her panties down.

  “I didn’t think we would—”

  She grabbed his fly and undid his zipper while cutting off his words. “We are. I need this now. I want this.”

  Leonid smiled a slow sexy smile. “I am at your command, Russian woman.”

  She paused at this then laughed as he lifted his butt up and she pushed his jeans down. She then, climbed back on.

  Leonid reached up under her shirt and slipped off her head. Then his fingers went up under her bra, pushing it up. Pulling her forward, he latched onto a nipple with his mouth.

  Her body reacted instantly as she moaned and whimpered.

  He switched to the other and suckled her while his fingers lowered and stroked her clit.

  Her breathing was coming fast as she ground herself onto his fingers.

  Slipping two inside her, he pushed up.

  Gasping, River fund herself rising and lowering to get more. This went on for a few hot minutes as she felt like she might climax right on his wonderful fingers.

  Easing his fingers out, he leveled her on his lap. And eased her down, then lunged his hips up.

  Sucking in a breath, she was entirely filled with all that was him. “Ohhh...” She trembled at the feeling.

  He crushed her mouth with his and plunged all the way up.

  Her mind was already floating in bliss as her body climbed higher she was so wet she could hear the sound of him going in and out of her. Steam worked up on the windows and she couldn’t think anymore...she could only feel.

  He thrust upward as she rode him and kissed him for all she was worth until they were both panting through their noses.

  Her body tightened and she knew that any minute she was going to climax.

  Tugging her tight to his body, Leonid grasped her ass and squeezed with both hands.

  She almost screamed into his mouth as she flew over the abyss. He joined her and she could feel the heat of him flooding her.

  Their kiss finally broke as they both heaved for air.

  “Leeeoooo...” she panted out.

  He smiled and placed his forehead on hers. “Mine. You are mine. Never run away from me again.”

  Nodding, she couldn’t even answer. She had no intention of doing any such thing.

  A 2 knock rapping came on the window.

  Jumping, River gasped.

  Leonid shook his head and gathered her up close to him. “It is Sasha.”

  “Da, what is taking you so long Leo?” Sasha’s voice came from outside the car.

  “Are you daft, man?” Leonid called back. “I came to get my woman, what do you think I’m doing?”


  Putting her face to his neck, River felt so embarrassed.

  “It is ok, little one, he cannot see anything, look at the windows. We are hot.”

  She giggled now, remembering the foggy glass all around them. Then her stomach growled. In the tight confines of the car, it sounded loud.

  “Oh, sweet girl. When did you last eat?” he wanted to know.

  “I don’t remember.” She kept her face in his neck.”

  “Climb off and I will get us some food.”

  Pulling her head back, she stared down at him. “You do know there isn’t a McDonalds around the corner right?” She turned to the glove box and got out some napkins she had in there and handed him a couple. “Let alone, delivery way out here.” She raised up and wiped herself dry.

  He laughed, as he used the napkin then zipped up. “I have a delivery scheduled.”

  Another 2 knocks came on the window. “All decent now? I have the bags you said to bring, Leo.”

  Leonid looked over and gave her a green eyed wink. “See? Dinner.”

  She snapped her jean button and sat back in her driver’s seat. “Oh, thank God. I am so hungry.”

  Leonid opened the door and grabbed the bag. “We wait until an hour before dawn and then we move in,” he told him.

  Sasha paused. “Move in where?”

  “There’s another way in. A tunnel and some sort of underground structure,” Leonid explained. “So, an hour before dawn.”

  “Ok, so Indian hour?” Sasha asked.

  Leonid stared at him with a raised brow. “You looked that up didn’t you?”

  Sasha laughed. “I have a hero now that I wish to emulate. I will be napping in the truck with Sammy.”

  River turned to Leonid. “Oh, you brought him with you?”

  Nodding, he said, “I wouldn’t leave him there alone.”

  Sasha peeked in at her. “He’s been fed and out, the windows are down enough to let air in. We will sleep good.” He looked over a Leonid. “Set your phone alarm, we need some rest before we do this.” He shut the car door.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After a few minutes of River taking in some food, and the silence had stretched out, she finally spoke, “How did you know about the tunnel?” she asked Leonid.

  “In your boxes, I found the architectural plans and I knew where you were headed.”

  “Well, aren’t you the clever one?” She bit into a beef stick then grabbed the string cheese.”

  He chuckled. “I must be. Here I am with my woman. Having dinner.”

  Swallowing her food, she shook her head. Then uncapping a bottle of water, she retorted, “Yes, sleeping in the car before a raid at dawn to get ready to tackle big bad Russian men who want to kill us. I don’t think it’s smart.”

  He shook his head now. “Well, you can’t say it’s boring.”

  She laughed and took a bite of a cracker.

  “But what were you planning exactly, Malyshka?”

  She swallowed and looked over at him. “I had a plan.”

  “I figured.” He nodded. “So are you going to share this plan?”

  “I intended to go in the back way and burn them out.”

  His eyes widened. “Burn the farm down?”

  She set her bottle down. “It would finish it off. No evidence for him to look for.”

  “Mmm...” Leonid rubbed his chin. “Then you walk away?”

  She stared at him. “No, I was going to snipe them as they ran away.”

  He stilled at this. “Remind me to never piss you off.” He shook his head.” Russian babes. He remembered what Sergi had said. “River, have you ever killed anyone?”

  “No, but—”

  “But nothing. It changes a person.”

  “So what? Let them walk away?”

  “No, Sergi—”

  “I heard all this from your uncle then another Russian elder comes along and repeats it.” She rolled her eyes. “So I’m just supposed to believe everything these men say?”

  Shaking his head, he scooted over in the seat. “They are two very different men, Malyshka. Sergi has honor. My uncle has never had any.”

  “Maybe, but why should I trust anyone else?”

  “You need to start. You can’t live like that.”

  She let out a sigh. “Ok, so what is the plan?”

  “Sergi’s men come in the front. The Guardians at the back.”

  “So, we are still going in?” she asked.

  Nodding, he tapped his phone and then leaned back in the seat. “I want to find out why your grandfather did that to his property with the tunnels and whatever else he did and you will be safe as all the action will be happening somewhere else.”

  “Mmph,” she let out
her displeasure.

  “The other alternative is that I tie you up,” he stated in a low voice.

  Her eyes widened as she stared at him.

  “You know I’m kidding right?” He chuckled.

  “Ha-ha.” She set all the stuff inside the bag again and moved it to the floorboard. “Thanks for dinner, Leo and for...” she faltered.

  He eked one eye open to peek at her.

  “The um... ride in my car.” Her face flamed.

  He reached out and pulled her close as he thought the blushing was more than adorable. “Sleep next to me, Malyshka.”

  River rested her head on his shoulders. “Ok, sweet Leo.” She and let out a tired sigh as she closed her eyes.

  In what seemed like minutes, a buzzing woke them up.

  Leo yawned and opened his eyes to swipe the alarm down on his phone.

  River groaned and stretched. “Oh, wow. My car makes a sorry ass bed.”

  “We did get a few hours at least. And I’ve had worse beds.” Leonid turned his neck to crack it.

  “Have you?” she asked. “I remember what you said the day I met you. About having everything taken from you. You spent time in prison too?”

  He let out a breath and sat up. “Yes. It happened to many of us.”

  “I don’t care about many. I need to know you Leo. I want to.”

  He looked over at her and took her hands into his. “It was a bleak time. I never speak of it. That day when you accused us of being in league with my uncle...I just let it out. But...”

  She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Maybe you will share it with me someday. Remember you said I needed to trust, well that goes both ways.”

  He nodded. “You are right. And I hope in the future we can sit around and tell each other stories.”

  “Me too. But I guess now, we have to finish this one.”

  He took out a comb from his pocket and combed his short hair back.

  “You are so cute,” she told him.

  Pausing with the comb, he turned to her. “Cute?” he said it like it was an insult.

  Nodding, she grinned. “I can imagine you as a teen. The girls all following you around.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t grow up in America, River. It wasn’t like Hollywood high or something.”

  “Still, I bet they did follow you.”

  He shrugged. “I was scrawny and freckled.”

  “No way!” She laughed.

  The 2 knock of Sasha came on the window.

  “Ok, Sash...Just a minute.” Leonid took her hand and looked into her eyes. “Can you please allow me to protect you? When I said you are mine, that goes with it. You need to allow me to do what a man does. Okay?”

  River licked her lips and nodded. “I promise to try.”

  He kissed her softly then pulled back. “Got everything?”

  She grabbed her backpack. “Yep.”

  They got out and it was still dark.

  River looked over at Sasha. “How’s Sammy?”

  “Sammy is all set and we will come back and get him.”

  River nodded. “Thank you for taking care of him. I just...he could get hurt when we get to the tunnel.” She dug her flashlight out.

  Sasha paused at this but shook his head as he held his flashlight.

  Leonid pulled her to his side as Sasha went ahead of them.

  River pouted and let out a sigh of frustration.

  “Remember you promised, Malyshka,” Leonid reminded her.

  Nodding, she squeezed his hand. “I still don’t have to like it though.”

  Leonid chuckled.

  They all headed into the thicket.

  It was a long walk, long enough that Leonid handed her a water bottle after about a half hour and they all stopped to drink some.

  They then started again, the path was littered with branches and even limbs that they had to watch out for.

  Now, the sun was just about to rise as River made the men stop. “The entrance is there.” She pointed her light at a huge rock.

  “How do you know?” Sasha sounded doubtful.

  Leonid agreed, “Maybe we should look at the maps—“

  “I have a photographic memory and it has nothing to do with photography.”

  “Wait...” Sasha tuned to her as the light in the clearing came through from the sunrise. “You mean you remember everything you look at?”

  “Yes, I know where and how far. This Rock... next to it is the entrance and then it’s another few blocks to the farm.”

  “A few blocks? Like blocks of a street?” Sasha asked. “What was he building?”

  “That’s what I am a curious about,” Leonid told him.

  Moving to the side, River brushed the hanging vines away.

  They all shone their light on it.

  There stood a door.

  Sasha took a step toward it.

  River turned and placed both hands on his chest. “No!”

  Both men raised their hands up at her shout.

  “See?” She pointed upward to a trip wire.

  “Bylad!” Sasha swore.

  River set her backpack down and rifled through it. She then stood up with her snippers in her hand and turned to the door. “This is why I did not bring Sammy when I left the cabin. There are traps set on this property.”

  “Wait! Wait...” Leonid grabbed her. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “Clipping it.”

  “No. No.” Sasha shook his head. “Bombs?”

  “Let go of me Leo!”

  He sighed stubbornly. “No.”

  Look,” she explained, “See the red up there? It is a tiny area along the yellow wire.”

  They both looked up and saw it clearly as the sun was now up.

  “See? That is where you snip it.” She nodded.

  Leonid scowled at her. “How did you know this?”

  “The man who raised me. He taught me everything I know. Some stuff...like this. Well, I would roll my eyes, wondering when I would ever need such knowledge. And now, look where I am.”

  Leo let her hand go and watched as she leaned up and clipped the red spot on the wire.

  Sasha let out a long breath. “Damn! That was scary as shit.”

  River laughed as she looked over at the very large biker.

  He shrugged. “Gun fight, knife fight, fist fight. Not a big deal but things that go boom? Net!”

  Leonid laughed.

  River grabbed her pack. “Ok, let’s go.”

  Leonid again, grabbed her up.

  Sasha stepped ahead of her.

  “Come on guys! I need to be up front!” she told them.

  “No damn way, little one.” Leonid looked like he wouldn’t budge on this.

  “You don’t understand,” she pleaded. “I studied those plans a lot longer than you did. I know what might be along the way. You have to let me go first.”

  Leo held her hand then fished into his vest. Pulling out the plans, he handed them to Sasha.

  Sasha looked down at them. “So what are the red marks?” he asked.

  River looked disgusted. “They mean another trap.”

  He looked up then stared over at Leonid. “Boss, I think we should skip this. I’d rather go and backup the Guardians.”

  River rolled her eyes. “Ok. I will let you know all right? Cuz, I am doing this. This is what Alexi left behind. I will go in there with or without you both.”

  Leonid stared at her then at Sasha. “Let’s go.”

  Sasha tossed his hands up. “I cannot see how this is worth it?”

  “Well, it is to me,” River stated.

  They all moved forward in through the opening.

  When they stepped in... lights came on.

  Sasha jumped and took out his weapon.

  “Auto lights, Sasha,” Leonid explained.

  “Ok,” River spoke. “We can go for a long while with no traps. There is one at the door.”

  Sasha frowned and peered down at the plans. “Wha
t door?”

  “It’s a ways up this path,” Leonid replied.

  They all walked along the tunnel. It had cement walls, not dirt. The path along the ground was graveled.

  “A lot of work was done here,” Sasha noted the obvious.

  “Yeah and for what purpose?” Leonid replied.

  “Ok,” River finally spoke up. “The door will be...”

  They all then saw it.

  “There.” She pointed at a large metal door.

  Leo allowed her to get in front, but he was so close to her that she couldn’t move without stepping on his boots. “Leo! Back up!”

  “Net,” he rumbled from behind her.

  Just then, a light above the door lit up.

  “What the hell is that?” Sasha asked.

  “I don’t know,” River replied.

  Leonid pulled her backward away from the door. “Well, we aren’t going to stand here and find out the hard way.” He pulled her further back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The door opened.

  Sasha, River and Leonid now had their weapons aimed at it.

  They waited.

  Finally, Sasha looked over at River. “Is there a trap here?” He motioned to the door.


  He nodded and took a step toward the door.


  Sasha halted and looked over his shoulder at her. “Really? You wait till I took a step then tell me a, but...” He stepped backward to where they stood.

  “There’s one on the other side,” she explained.

  “Oh,” he scoffed. “Good to know,” he then muttered some foul Russian words under his breath.

  “It’s a wire, just at the threshold. You just step over it.” River shrugged.

  Sasha let out an exasperated breath. “Did this man watch too many Indiana Jones movies or what? Your grandpa was sumasshedshiy, you know that right? ”

  River stared at him. “No?” She looked up at Leonid for a translation.

  “Crazy, insane.” He nodded.

  “Oh...I suppose so?” she said.

  Sasha moved forward carefully and looked down. “Da, there it is.” He stepped over it and shuddered. “I’ll need to say three rosaries after this.”

  The couple then followed him in.

  What they saw made no sense.

  Monitors and security equipment. Every angle of the farmhouse showing on at least six monitors. Back sides, front and the path they were just on.


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