Bratwurst and Bridges

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Bratwurst and Bridges Page 19

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “And for beating your pants off in racquetball. I look forward to doing it again.”


  “Sure, I’ll reserve a court.”

  “Thanks.” Dan slid off the stool and the two men walked out of the sanctuary together. Dan put the guitar away and opened his laptop. There was plenty of work to do and his first appointment was in an hour.

  Skye. Who would’ve thought he’d fall for someone like her? Fuzzy pink boots and all.


  The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.

  William Wordsworth

  Every time Skye went to her car to head to the YMCA, she had found the windows scraped clear of ice. She suspected Dan but had no proof. It was a blessing since she was on the short side of things, scraping the front window was especially a pain. Letting the car run while she sat inside freezing burned up fuel she could barely afford.

  But the flowers? Would her hunky neighbor do something like that?

  Her painting was going well and her agent promised her that the work was good and the Christian publishing house was already setting up a line of cards with her name on them. It was exposure on a new level. But card buying wasn’t what it used to be with so much online communication. How many people were really going to shell out the money for a card with quality art?

  She submitted a Christmas series design this week, which had been eagerly accepted.

  Now if only her bank account reflected these sales. Didn’t she get some money up front? Where were those contracts? She had a sick feeling about it all. But who could help her figure it out? She looked up at the wall where her favorite canvas hung.

  Dan. He might know. She picked up her phone and texted him.

  Do you know an attorney?

  What kind?

  To help me with this contract stuff.

  Got it. Let me check on it and I’ll get back to you.


  Glad to help.

  Within ten minutes, her phone beeped.

  Roberto Rodriguez followed by a phone number.

  She stared at her phone. Dare she call? She needed the truth. She dialed the number and set up the appointment.

  After she hung up the phone, it rang. Caller ID indicated it was Dan again.


  “Hey, um, Pastor Andrew and his wife Jennifer are interested in getting acquainted with you and want you to come over Friday night.”

  “I’d need to get a sitter.”

  “No. They want us to bring the kids too.”

  “Wait. Us?”

  “Yes. Us.”

  “I’m confused.”

  He sighed. “Andrew knows we’re neighbors and I’ve mentioned you to him. They want to meet you.”

  “Is this a date?”

  Silence. “What if it was?”

  “But I thought...?”


  “That you weren’t interested in, um, dating.”

  “Well, things changed.”

  Skye wasn’t sure what to say to that. Dan was interested in her as more than a neighbor and friend? She sat down, her hand placed over her heart. This can’t be happening, can it? Surely she was imagining things.

  “Skye, I like you and I care about you and your kids. Andrew and Jennifer want to get to know you too. No expectations.”

  “OK. We’ll go. What time?” She jotted down the details.

  “Thanks, Skye. Jennifer is a sweet woman. I think you’ll like her.”

  “It’ll be good to get out and meet some new people.”

  “Are we OK?”

  “Yeah, we are. See ya later, Dan.” Skye hung up and rose to fold the clothes on the bed. Every time she looked up she saw Dan’s face. Were they OK? Yeah. She would take any time she could get with this remarkable man. He’d taught her so much. He wasn’t interested in her in any other way than a friend. What did he mean by “things changed?” He wasn’t interested in her romantically, was he? Nah, any good man would never want tainted goods like her.


  Friday night came and there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Dan standing there in his jacket and gloves. “Hey, I thought maybe we could ride in one car?”

  “You want to do what?” She was puzzled.

  “If it’s not OK, that’s fine.”

  “Doesn’t that break some rule for you though?”

  “It’s not a rule, but a principle I try to follow to avoid me falling into temptation.”

  “And tonight is different how?”

  “We have two little chaperones and, well, it’s just different.” Dan’s face grew pink.

  Skye tilted her head to consider him. “Fine. Did you want to drive? Since you know the way?”

  “Sure.” Dan ushered the kids out while she grabbed her phone and keys and followed. She came outside to once again find her car cleared off.

  Dan opened the door for her and got the kids in the backseat while she at least started the engine to get it warmed up. He slid into the front seat as if he belonged there. She wasn’t sure if she liked that or not.

  Or if it was wishful thinking. What woman wouldn’t want a man like that even pretending to be a husband and treating her like a treasure? Dreams didn’t match reality in her world though.

  “Did you get a hold of Roberto?”

  “Yeah. I meet with him Monday after my class.”

  “He’s a great guy. His wife Stephanie attends our Mother of Preschooler’s group. Might be something you’d want to check out one of these days.”

  “It’s Friday mornings and I’m not sure I want to give up my class for that.”

  “Something to think about.”

  “Yeah.” As she didn’t have enough to think about already.

  They arrived at the house and Dan came around to open her car door first before helping her with the kids in the back seat. He hefted Meghan in his arms and led her and Quinn up the walk stepping behind her as he rang the bell.

  A plump woman opened the door. “You must be Skye and these must be your children, Quinn and Meghan. Come in.” She motioned to Dan. “You too.”

  Skye shepherded the kids in and Jennifer helped the kids off with their coats as Dan took Skye’s to hang it up in a hall closet.

  Andrew came over with a teenage girl. “Kids, this is Anna and she’s going to take you down to the play room for some fun while us adults visit.”

  The kids looked to Skye who gave them a nod. “Have fun. I’ll be right up here if you need me.” Soon the children were out of sight.

  “Come sit down while I get the food on the table. There’s a kid-friendly meal downstairs for the children.” Jennifer led the way to the kitchen and pointed to spots for both Skye and Dan to sit.

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help?” Skye asked. Dan held out the chair for her and pushed it in as she sat and went around to his own, across from hers.

  “No, but thank you for asking.”

  “This is her thing,” Andrew pulled out his own chair. “She loves to have company over and prepare a special meal.”

  The food was quickly on the table and Jennifer sat and stretched a hand toward Skye and another toward Dan. Andrew did likewise. “We like to hold hands when we pray at the table,” she explained. All heads bowed as Andrew said a prayer over the meal.

  The plates were passed around the table. Egg noodles with beef stroganoff made with tender meat. A salad with walnuts and pomegranate seeds and fresh baked bread as well as asparagus. How long had it been since she had eaten a meal like this?

  How about never?

  “Dan tells me you’re an artist.” Andrew broke the silence.

  Once she finished chewing, she nodded. “Yes. I paint, mostly acrylics, sometimes oils, or watercolor. I like to vary my mediums.”

  “And you got a contract with a Christian distributer?” Andrew grabbed for his glass of water.

e swallowed. “I’m having that looked over on Monday.”

  “I saw the painting you did that looked like Dan. Did he sit for that?” Jennifer asked.

  “No, he didn’t. I had no intention of painting him, it just sort of happened.”

  “But you got his eyes right,” Jennifer commented.

  “I hadn’t even registered how unique they were.” Skye stabbed her salad with a fork.

  “Sounds like the Holy Spirit was working through you. It was a beautiful painting. You sold the original?” Andrew inquired.

  “Yeah. It sold at a show in New York City. It was my first big sale.”

  “Congratulations,” Jennifer offered. “That must have felt wonderful.”

  “It was mind-blowing and totally unexpected. I haven’t gotten the check yet though, so it’s still kind of hard to believe.”

  “So how did you and Dan meet?” Jennifer asked.

  “I moved in next door,” Dan offered.

  “And my son decided to play hide and seek in his apartment.” She glanced at Dan and saw his wink.

  “That’s obviously not the whole story,” Andrew said.

  “No. It kind of evolved from there. Dan even attended a Zumba class I taught.”

  Jennifer giggled. “Really, Dan? Mr. Macho Man strutting his stuff for the ladies? I bet attendance soared after that.”

  Dan’s cheeks grew pink.

  “Well, he only attended once, but some of the women have asked me when he’ll return.” Skye couldn’t help but grin at Dan’s discomfort.

  “I would have returned if I hadn’t bruised some ribs and twisted my knee skiing.” Dan shoveled more food in his mouth.

  “I was so afraid he had gotten seriously hurt on that run. One of his skis broke and he did a somersault. The silly man was laughing by the time I got to him.” Skye took a bite of the main dish. “Oh, Jennifer, this is amazing. I’ve never tasted anything like this.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What do you think of Orchard Hill Church?” Andrew asked.


  “Yeah. It’s always good to hear first impressions.”

  “Well. I found everyone friendly. I was terrified to come. I don’t remember being in church more than a handful of times in my life. It wasn’t part of my upbringing. The kids instantly loved the Sunday School. I didn’t know any of the songs, but I thought the music was good. I wasn’t sure what to expect about anything but the message challenged me. They have every week.”

  “Anything you didn’t like?” Andrew asked.

  “Well, there was that one Sunday, but that’s been resolved.”

  Andrew nodded. “Anything other than that?”

  “Not that I can think off. Nothing that would keep me from returning.”

  “Why do you keep coming back?” Jennifer asked.

  Skye set down her fork and took a sip of water. “I keep asking myself that same question.”

  “And the answer?”

  “I…” wanted an excuse to see Dan. “I’m not sure. Just seemed like a good thing to do.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’ve been coming. What’d you think of Dan’s preaching last Sunday?” Jennifer asked.

  Dan’s eyebrow rose as she glanced at him.

  “I thought he did a great job. It was kind of like when we’ve had coffee, except there were five hundred people sitting across the table with me listening to him.”

  “Coffee? You two have been having coffee together?” Andrew asked.

  “Um, yeah. Seemed a safe way to have conversation without raising expectations or gossip.” Dan frowned.

  “Dan’s been very careful to stick to his ‘principles.’ Even when he watched my kids he only came as I was leaving and left right when I got home.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened as she looked at Dan. “You watched her kids? How did I miss this?”

  “He was still on leave, hon,” Andrew said. The corner of his lip quivered.

  “How did he do?” Jennifer looked at her.

  “Quinn and Meghan adore him. They are praying at meal times and bedtime now. They keep asking when they’ll get to spend time with Mr. Dan again.”

  “Amazing. Was that hard, Dan?” Jennifer asked.

  “Given that Sharon and I weren’t able to have kids?” Dan frowned.

  Jennifer nodded.

  “I won’t lie and say that I didn’t ache inside for our losses. I was too busy to worry about it though as the kids got sick. I have a whole new respect for moms, especially single ones.”

  “He definitely got the royal package with the flu, washing bedding, and me getting stuck in New York City for an extra day due to a blizzard. He even got them to church.” Skye gave Dan a reassuring smile.

  The meal was over and Dan and Andrew took over cleaning up the kitchen while Jennifer took Skye to the living room. One wall was decorated with family photos and another had a Kincade print with beautiful matting and a frame. Someday her paintings might grace homes like this.

  “So Skye. I heard you recently crossed that bridge of faith.”

  “It was one of those suspension ones and Dan was holding it steady for me while I asked all manner of questions.”

  “On firmer ground now?”

  Skye nodded. “I’m not clear why I’m here though.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “Not really. Listen, I like Dan. A lot. He’s the best man I’ve ever met. Generous, kind, thoughtful…”

  “Attractive,” Jennifer added.

  “Obviously. He’s not in the market for a girlfriend and even if he were, there are many women better than me. I’m a divorced single woman whose background is sketchy to say the least.”

  “So says the artist with a critical eye. You see beauty in everyone and everything else but not in yourself?”

  “Dan and I have talked. I’m struggling to understand God’s goodness and love. It’s all so new. But I’m no idiot. I’m not the kind of woman a pastor would date, much less marry.”

  “What do you think disqualifies you?”

  “My history, my looks, my kids, my art…”

  “Scripture says that you are a new creation when you accept Christ. If God forgives your past why wouldn’t Dan?”

  “He doesn’t even know it all.”

  “Even if he did, I don’t think it would matter. And what about your looks? You are an attractive woman.”

  “I don’t dress like other people do.”

  “True. You have your own unique style that suits you. Why do you want to be like everyone else anyway?”

  “I’m divorced.”

  “Doesn’t that count under your history?”

  “I have two kids.”

  “Who are adorable,” Jennifer countered.

  “I don’t know that I could ever trust a man enough to marry him.”

  “Not even Dan?”

  “He might be the exception.” Skye sighed.


  “She’s bright and not afraid to tweak your nose. I like her.” Andrew was washing the dishes as Dan dried them.

  “There’s still so much I don’t know about her.”

  “So start finding out.”

  “You really think I should seriously court her?”

  “Court, date, have coffee, play…yes. I think she’s good for you. I don’t know of any other woman, even Sharon, who could make you blush.”

  Dan frowned as he stacked the dried plates in the cupboard. Date Skye? Seriously consider her as a wife? Did he dare? Was he even ready? Was she?

  “But how will people at church react? I mean, after the Amy debacle that’s made me a little more gun-shy to be seen around any woman.”

  “Be discreet, but don’t hide either. Stick to your principles as much as you can…except you do need to spend more time with her, without the kids.”

  “But some time with them all as well, I think. I’m not just courting her as a possible wife, but I would be their step-father. I don’t want to mess with them. I th
ink they’ve been hurt by their father in ways Skye doesn’t even realize.”

  “Pray as you go and let God lead you. Be her friend first and let the rest come naturally.”

  Dan threw his towel down. “Says the man who can take his wife to bed tonight. I’ve been alone way too long. Letting the ‘rest come naturally’ could be a recipe for disaster, compromise, or both.”

  Andrew wiped down the sink and wrung out the rag. Leaning against the counter he stared at Dan. “There are good reasons for short engagements.”

  Dan nodded. “We’ve had our share of them, haven’t we?”

  Andy nodded. “Yes, and it’s been a joy to see those couples grow together and serve. There are no guarantees, Dan. You understand that. Life is tough. If you don’t think you could live your life without her, don’t waste your time thinking about it and act. I’m not telling you to rush things, but don’t expect everything has to be perfect before she becomes your wife. Even though you’ve been married before this is a whole new ballgame. New rules, new swings at bat. Don’t waste the opportunity.”

  Dan nodded.

  Drew patted him on the back. “Let’s go join the ladies.”


  The night finally ended and two sleepy kids were loaded into the car.

  “I had a good time tonight, Dan. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I’m glad. Sounds like the kids had fun too. Anna said she’d be willing to babysit. She’s old enough to drive, which is a bonus.”

  “I don’t have much need for a sitter.”

  “I’m hoping to change that.”

  Dan helped her into the house, each carrying one limp child. He helped her put them to bed and hung up their coats. She walked him to the door.

  “Thanks again, Dan.”

  “It was fun. I like spending time with you,” Skye said.

  “Even skiing?”

  “Yup. Even skiing. You’re a sweet man and I have no idea why you would ever even look twice at your eccentric neighbor.” She reached up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. “But I’m glad you did. Good-night, Dan.”

  “Night, Skye. Sweet dreams.” I know I’ll be having some. Dan walked across the hall to his apartment and let himself in. The cold, empty space was in stark contrast to the warmth and color of Skye’s apartment. But that wasn’t due to her paintings. It was her.


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