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Blooded Page 8

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin showed her security pass to security and headed to her office on the 4th floor of the geo-termal project office building. Coming out the lift she entered the open plan office and passed Jules who was already at her secretary’s desk. “Morning Jules. What does our day look like?” “Morning Regin. It’s good. Nothing unusual. You’ve got lunch with Mac at 1pm.” “Ok thanks.” She told her as she drove her scooter into her office and parked it to one side. Then took her desk seat. She had a pile of stuff to get through today. She needed to push Arturo and everything to do with him to one side. There were several reports on her desk. Regin moved the more essential ones to the top and started to work her way through them. Jules knocked at her door and came in with coffee. “Sorry Regin but there’s someone at security who say’s he’s your security and needs to come up?” Shit thought Regin, This is starting to get complicated. “Thanks I’ll call down now.” Regin picked up the phone and called security. “Hi this is Regin Majors on the 4th floor. I understand you have my security man there. Could you verify his name for me please?” Regin heard a muffled conversation. It sounded like Charlee to her. “Hi mam its Bill here. Says he’s names Charlee.” “Yeah that’s right Bill he’s my personal security. Can you give him a visitors pass please and show him up. He’s gonna be with me for a while ok.” “Ok miss no problem.” Regin put the phone down distractedly. She didn’t bother telling Jules about Charlee she would have heard her side of the conversation. She had work to do and it was time to get to it.

  Regin sat back in her chair sometime later and stretched. Going over the information in her head. The needed updates and quick. They needed to sort this problem and fast or the project will get held up. A coffee appeared next to her. “Thanks.” She called out distractedly. “You have lunch booked in an hour.” Jules reminded her as she walked out Regin’s office. Regin looked round to where Jules was exiting her office and realised that Charlee was sitting on a chair in the corner of her office. He smiled at her. “O Sorry Charlee. I didn’t even realise you’d come in. I tend to get lost in my work.” “No problem. I work best in the background.” Regin nodded. OK then. It unnerved her having someone around. She didn’t like it. She understood why Arturo felt the need to do it. But she didn’t have to like it. Lunch passed without incident. Although Charlee seemed surprised by her use of the mobility scooter and she did have to explain why she had security following her to Mac. It seemed easier to explain that she’d had some unwanted attention and work wanted to make sure she was protected. It was a rational answer and close enough.

  Determined to finish up the last of her project work, she worked for another hour or so and then surprisingly got an alert on her security at the house. Regin pulled up the softWare and checked the cameras. Someone had crossed her boundary and had walked round the house. Regin pulled up the video feed from the cameras and focused in. Not liking what she saw, she quickly sent an alarm email response to the local Police with instructions. “Problem?” Charlee asked seeing the change in Regin. Regin looked up. “Where’s Arturo? Is he at the house?” Charlee pulled out his phone and speed dialled. Regin switched to real time on the cameras. Arturo answered. “My Lord, Regin’s worried, are you at the house?” Charlee asked him. Charlee listened for a while and held out the phone to her. “Arturo wants to speak with you.” Regin took the phone. She was scared for him. If there was a breech and its day light … “Arturo are you at the house?” “No. I’m not. I’m at the club sorting some things out. What’s wrong?” Regin let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, watching the man on the cameras test several windows and doors. “There’s someone at the house.”

  Charlee came around her desk to look at her computer screen. “He’s been checking the security. Testing windows and doors. Looking at the walls. It doesn’t look random. He’s not picked up on the cameras or the security trips on the grounds. He set them off and it sent me the security breech.” Arturo was quiet for a moment. “Charlee do you know him?” “His not one of our’s sir.” Charlee replied. Arturo was quiet on the other end of the phone. “Or he did know they were there and knew it would alert you hoping you’d turn up to investigate it.” He told them. Charlee nodded. “Well he’s gonna get more than he bargained for.” Regin informed him. “I called the Police to investigate someone breaking into my home and arrest for trespass. They’re on their way there now. I told them silent approach. That I would want my private investigator to speak with this person.” Arturo laughed down the line. “Ok can you watch to see what happens?” “Yeah we can.” Regin answered. “Let me know what happens. Stay at the office. I’ll let Charlee know when I get home.” He told her. “Arturo no. If they know that’s my house and I’d be at work. They weren’t after me.” She told him urgently. “If we get him we can ask him. Charlee send them in.” They got him.

  Regin came home in Charlee’s car. Arturo had insisted. As they pulled into the house it was clear they had company. Lots of it. Suddenly, her six bedroomed farm house didn’t look big enough. Charlee drove into her normal spot in the garage. Regin just wanted to go to Arturo and check he was ok. She felt the need to hold him. She was shaking. She needed to check he hadn’t been attacked by the trespasser. See him for herself. It was irrational she knew this but still couldn’t stop herself. She got out the car and entered through her security door into a chorus of voices and emotions. Regin steeled herself. The emotions hit her. She was so used to not having to shut them off when at home, she’d forgot. Regin walked into the kitchen with Charlee behind her. The room had several people in it. None of them she knew. And not Arturo. Regin took a step back and nearly stood on Charlee. Two Vamps came around her and turned in her direction. She turned quickly and entered her lab and closed the door. Regin leaned against it and tried to get her breathing under control. Too much. Her home was no longer her home. Her sanctuary. It was a bloody hotel. There were Vamps here she didn’t know. How’d they get in? Regin racked her brains. They had to be invited. That was still the rule. Regin grabbed her seat and sat down. Arturo. She had told him to invite his friends in. And he had. Just not the two she meant. She knew better than this. It worked on the use of words and what their meanings could be used for. She had left herself vulnerable. What an idiot.

  She slapped herself in the face. Jesus. The first sniff of a male interested and she was acting all gar gar. Well no more. She controlled her life. No one else did. Regin got up and spotting the powder from James visit she laid it on the inside of her door and charged it. The noise coming from the kitchen spilled though the door with other sounds from other rooms in the house. They’d taken over her bloody home. As she got up there was a quiet knocking at the door. “Regin sorry, umm Arturo would like to speak to you he’s in your dining room.” Charlee told her through it. Regin looked at the door. O did he now thought Regin. Well obviously, he just calls and Regin comes running. I don’t think so. He wasn’t ‘Lord’ here. Regin started to spark. At her dining table? Like he had every right to take over her house. No please, no kiss your ass, no by your leave. No can we use your house Regin, do you mind if I bring over my colleagues Regin. No. Just help your bloody self and fuck Regin! That’s it. I’m done with this shit. “If Arturo wants to see me, you can tell his lordship to get his bloody arse off my seat in MY dining room and get in here and maybe have the fucking decency to tell me what the fuck is going on.” She ranted. Pacing back and forth in front of the door as she did so. Regin was panting with emotion. Trying real hard to control it. As she took a deep breath she realised that there was no sound coming from the kitchen. There was complete silence. Good. Message received.

  Charlee approached Arturo. Bent and whispered in his ear. Arturo had already heard the conversation as had everyone else. He ignored what was being said around him, got up and walked into the kitchen. There was complete silence from those in the room. For a moment he considered what it must have been like for Regin to come home to this after seeing an intruder at her home earlier. The Vamps and people she
didn’t know. Her home no longer her sanctuary. He realised he had naturally gone into protector mode and taken over without discussing any of it with her first. She was right to be pissed. He turned to his people. “Give us a moment please. I need to grovel and eat some humble pie and hope to god she forgives me and I’d rather do it alone.” There were several smirks and smiles. A couple of pats on the back as people left. Valentina stood in the doorway. She smiled and nodded then closed the door. Arturo turned to her lab door. “Regin. I apologise. I am sorry. I did not think. I am responsible for this. I should have discussed this with you first. This is your home and I had no right to take it over. Forgive me.” Arturo could hear her moving about behind the door. He turned the handle and it opened. Regin turned towards him. She pointed her ringer at him and stared, anger riding her body and voice. “You are not Lord here Arturo. I gave you permission to invite your friends in. Not your entire clan. You abused that.” She told him desperately holding onto her temper. Arturo nodded. “I’m sorry truly but I am a Vampire that is used to doing things his own way.”

  Regin paced. “I come home early from work worried sick if anything has happened to you and what do I find?” She asked him. “I was wrong to do it. I allowed my worry of the situation to override my sensibilities. It won’t happen again.” He told her earnestly. Regin stopped stamped her foot. “Did I say I was finished Arturo. No I didn’t. I find you having a god dam party. Not only are you not waiting for me as I expected but my driveway is crammed with vehicles of people I do not know, some on my bloody grass and their all over my kitchen and house. MY home Arturo. Taken over by people I do not know. By Vamps. And yes Day Walkers. What do I do to Vamps Arturo? I burn them and YOU brought them into my house.” Regin put down the papers she had picked up and looked at him. “No it won’t happen again because I Arturo won’t let it.” She told him coldly.

  Arturo didn’t like the way this was going. He got worried. He stepped forward breaking the barrier and screamed out as it burned him. “Dam it Regin. I said I was sorry.” He told her hopping about. Regin lost it. “Sorry. Your sorry. What for exactly Arturo. For bringing this shit to my door. For bringing war to my home. For inviting it in. For putting a target on my back. For ruining the life I had. For taking my life over. Which bit exactly are you sorry about, do tell me?” She spat out. Arturo backed away from the door and stood staring at her. “Well which is it?” She pushed. Arturo continued to just look at her.

  The longer he stared the more Regin appeared to run out of steam. Arturo watched her sit down. She amazed him. In her anger she could have blasted them all but she had held onto her power and berated him just as he deserved. It had been a long time since anyone had done that. Had rightly put him in his place. It was delightfully refreshing. “I love you woman. I did not mean to hurt you. I am not use to having to give way to another. I protect. It’s what I do. I should have been here waiting for you. I should have explained and asked. I am sorry. If I could take it all from you I would.” He told her quietly. Regin blew a breath out. “Arturo this is my home. My sanctuary where I do not have to field emotions all night. The one place I have peace. I understand why these people are here but you should have talked about it with me. You know on the phone that rings when you press the number for the person you want. I did not think you were bringing all 200 to my house.” Arturo held out his hand to her. “You are right. But they are not all here, I will not let it happen again. Forgive me.” Regin walked around her lab table and came to the threshold and walked though taking his hand. “Don’t worry me like that again. If you do I will fry your arse.” She told him. Arturo burst out laughing and hugged her to him holding her tight. He whispered in her ear. “I love you woman and I am so very very sorry.”

  They stayed like that for several minutes until Regin needed to sit down. Arturo led her to a seat at the island. And poured her some wine. Regin lifted it and took several sips and started to relax. He held her hand and didn’t rush her. She needed to cool off. Finally, he spoke what was on his mind. “I’ve told my people about you and they are going to limit their breathing around you. My day walkers carry my blood so that is why Charlee had a reaction to scenting you. The others would too. And I’m sorry but I need to ask you to do something for me. And I am sorry to have to ask but after Jose …. “ Regin looked up. She whispered for his hearing only. “You want me to scan them all?” “Can you?” He asked her. Regin nodded. “It will take some time, depends on how many and how close.” “We keep that between us.” He told her bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it, then brushed his lips lightly over hers. “Come I need to introduce you to my people and talk with you about what we are thinking of doing.” Regin held onto his hand as they walked from the kitchen into her dining room. It was rather packed with people. It suddenly got very quiet. Arturo held up his hand. “Everyone. I’d like to introduce Regin. My future wife.”


  Well thought Regin as introductions go that was a doozie. She’d never been so popular. Valentina came towards her and held out her arms. “I’m going to hug you Regin, you dealing with Arturo just now was spectacular.” Regin grinned back as Valentina gave her a brief hug. Arturo scowled at her. Everyone in the room came forward for a handshake and or hug. James came and gave her his own hug. “Miss me?” He whispered. Regin rolled her eyes at him. The introduction had given Regin a moment to scan each of them. Luckily her dining room was a large room. The table could hold dinner for twelve easily. “Regin this is my first. Pierre.” Pierre held out his hand to her. Regin took it. “This is my second. Gia.” Regin looked at Gia. “Do you kick ass Gia?” Regin asked her. Gia laughed. “Everyone’s but theirs.” She told her nodding in Pierre and Arturo’s directions. “Excellent. Far too much testosterone round here. Us girls need to stick together. Val you too.” Regin told them. “I feel a girl’s night coming on.” Arturo groaned.

  “This is John my first in security.” Regin smiled at them all. Gia turned to Arturo. “My Lord you are a lucky man.” Regin grinned at Arturo. “You better believe it.” She answered for him. Addressing the table she told them. “Apparently, I’m the wife. Who knew.” To several smiles and sniggers. Arturo gave her an indulgent look and kissed her hand. Regin looked at the old reclamation yard table. It had been re-sanded and polished. But she’d never really used it. It was a lovely old table. She now found herself sitting at it, while those around her discussed what’s coming. It felt like a war room. And sadly she thought it probably was. Charlee brought her in a plate of food. Both Arturo and Regin thanked him. There were several maps on the table and Regin listened to the conversations. From time to time Arturo would lean over and touch her or take a piece of cheese or fruit from her plate. Regin didn’t mind. She kinda like the intimacy of it.

  John who was looking at the maps started to speak again. “We now know from your visitor earlier that Jazel is working with your old adversary Marcus. That he passed on to Marcus that Regin was in this area. And that he’d met you together. I’m guessing that Jose gave information to them and about this house before his demise. Hence the visit by our friend recently departed. I’m not sure if he managed to send any messages. Nothing on him indicated he did. However, he could have left information on where he was headed. I would have. So I think we have to assume that Marcus and his people know about this place and all about Regin. Where she lives, works, who her friends are, what she does, where she goes.” Regin looked up, shit her friend’s. “Are my friends a target?” She asked Arturo. “We’ll do what we can to protect them.” He told her honestly. “They will see Regin as a weak link to come at you from.” John continued. “They also want Regin. That makes her a target twice over. This house although well-fortified and Vamp proof to a very high standard, will not withhold a full-on attack for long. The fact that Regin works makes it impossible to defend her sufficiently. She’s in the open too much. Basically, us being here does not work Arturo. I’m sorry.” John was shaking his head as the said the last bit.r />
  Regin was confused. “I thought this Marcus was coming for the town?” Arturo turned to her. “It seems that was a ruse. He’s coming for me. The town and you are side prizes if you like. Winner gets all. Or was until Jazel told him about you.” Regin looked at him hard. “That winner had better be you then or I’m going to be extremely unhappy Arturo.” He squeezed her hand as several people smiled around her. She continued to scan those around the table. Nothing of interest other than what she’d now come to expect from his people. Only when the door opened and refreshments came in did she get something else. Two something else’s actually. Both the same. Deceit. Lies and death. One was in the doorway the other moved a tray of drinks in. Scanning nearer the surface of their emotions. Both told her the same thing. The drinks. There was something in the drinks. Remembering not to touch him with the emotions, she leaned forward towards him and whispered for his ears only. “Don’t let any one touch the drinks. The two women.” Arturo stood.

  “Charlee”. He called out to the kitchen. “Close that door behind you please and come in.” The women went to leave. “No you both will stay.” John reached out to take a drink. “Don’t.” She told him, “it’s poisoned.” Both women started to shake. “I can’t control it.” The one nearer Regin cried out to her partner turning towards her. Regin lifted her gun and shot her. She went down hard. Then turned it on her partner still by the door. “You in control?” She asked her. The Vamp screamed and came at her with lightning speed. Arturo met her half way and took her head. James turned to the one on the floor. “Is this one dead?” He asked her. “No vranked. She’ll come around later.” She told him. “John, we need answers. Maybe she has some?” Arturo pointed at the female. John and two others got up and moved her. “If someone could sweep the ash up I’d appreciate it.” Regin called out.


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