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Blooded Page 18

by Jessie Rose Case

  Any of you that think of anything that needs tightening up, no matter how small, I want to hear it. I’m going to be working with Charlee on this. He’s been your man main and done a fine job but now, we need to up our game. If they think they can take us during the day then you can expect them to try it. But we will be prepared.” Regin saw many relieved faces in the room. “Pete if you could liaise with Charlee on working strategies as soon as possible. If they come to our house. I want to give them one hell of a bloody nose.” Regin watched Pete and Charlee work the room. They worked well together. Valentina joined her. “Pete seems to know what he’s doing.” Regin told her. “Yes. That man is one surprise after another.” Val told her distractedly. Regin turned to her and raised an eyebrow. Val blushed. Regin grinned. “Soooo no more ‘soldier boy’ then?” Regin asked her jokingly. “O yeah but that soldier is all mine and between us, he’s no boy.” Val winked and Regin laughed, linking her arm through hers. “Come on. I need coffee.”

  “I’m really sorry Regin.” Val told her earnestly, once they were sitting in the reception room holding her coffee. Jenson had served it with those wonderful pastries Regin loved so much. That man was a god-send, thought Regin. Regin turned to her friend confused. “Sorry for what?” “Last night. We should have been there for you and we were off getting busy.” Regin shook her head. “Were you on duty and absent? No. If you were with Arturo could you have got there any sooner? No. I don’t see how you could have prevented any of what happened Val. Wrong place wrong time. And, it would be obvious to a blind man, that although Arturo would never say it, they were targeting me for a reason.” Val frowned. “I know. I know. Pete went ballistic when he found out shortly after Arturo got you home. One of the guys in his team called. Then I got an update from Gia. We were both poor company after that.” Regin reached out and touched her hand. “It didn’t spoil your evening, did it?” Regin asked with genuine concern. Val laughed. “Only you could be worrying about me not getting any when you were under attack. Really Regin. We were more than ok.”

  Reaching out with his hand Arturo moved across the bed looking for Regin. He sighed as he realised the bed was empty again. Regin had already got up. Rubbing a hand over his face he lent back into the comfort of his bed and pondered how close he had come to losing her. It set his teeth on edge. Someone would pay for that. He was tired of these games. He wanted it done. Over. He’s people were getting hurt. Were dying. Arturo looked up at the ceiling. He had to end this. Strike back and hard. Rising Arturo headed to the shower. It was time to put plans into action.

  Arturo found Regin still sitting with Val in the reception room. Walking towards her he smiled. She looked amazing. No one would think she’d faced unimaginable odds last night. Arturo leaned down and gently kissed her. Regin turned towards him. Raising her hand she caressed his face. “Good morning my love.” He told her. Regin smiled. “That was some good night you gave me.” She told him lovingly. “I’m a lucky girl.” Arturo huffed. “No more than you deserve. You cannot be in that position again Regin. I will not survive it.” He told her honestly. “Then let’s make sure I’m not.” She replied. Arturo glanced up and acknowledged Valentina. Letting go of Regin he took a seat opposite them. Regin called to the kitchens for Arturo’s breakfast. “I’m curious.” He said aloud. Val cringed. Arturo smiled. “I understand that my new head of human security and day walker is making a nuisance of himself with one of my oldest friends. I’m wondering if I should neuter him?” Regin kept a straight face. She looked over at Valentina. She looked annoyed. “Should I require your assistance Arturo, I’m very capable of asking for it. But I think we both know that if anything needs ‘neutering’, I am very able to deal with it.”

  “Just so Val.” Arturo reached for some coffee. “But I have it on good authority that I won’t be the one enamoured with the size of his ….feet.” Regin laughed. No longer able to hold it in. Val laughed with her. “Ummm I do so like those feet.” She told them. Suddenly becoming serious. “I like him Auturo. It’s been a long time. I won’t take kindly to anyone’s interference.” Arturo returned her stare taking a gulp of his coffee. “You know more than anyone. What losing him will be like.” He told her quietly. Val nodded. “Yes. But we may have many good years if it works out. And if he becomes more we will have a life time. If not. We will have enjoyed each other and it reminds me why we fight. I think we all need that from time to time Arturo. Especially now. Those of your staff not in relationships, might need the reminder. Its too easy to be cold and detached. You lose your humanity. I didn’t realise how much I did until it happened.” She told him.

  Arturo reflected on Val’s words. They did all need a reminder of what they were fighting for. It would be easy to be complacent and forget. Had he not had Regin. He couldn’t be sure he would be fighting as he is. That thought seems alien to him. But it was true. He would have gone through the motions and fought Marcus head on without consideration for those though around him or how it would impact and ripple through his organisation. He would have pursued his agenda at the sacrifice of every man and woman he had. The ruthlessness never left a Vampire. Now. He knew he wouldn’t. He had taken some unusual decisions to try and preserve his life with Regin. He had reached out to others. Put himself on the line leaving him open to challenge and rejection. He was more aware of his limitations. That he might lose. What the cost would be if he did. Was a consideration that he would never have acknowledged before. It did not make him weaker. In fact, every action he had taken as a result only made him and his clan stronger. Everything he had worked hard for. Loved. Could be gone. And that was unimaginable to him now. He would not allow that to happen. It wasn’t just about him and Marcus. It was about his family. His clan. They would never survive under Marcus. Few would want to. They had families to protect. Day walkers with husbands and wives and children. Marcus would kill them all.

  They all knew what they are fighting for. His Vamps that were single who had never experienced the nirvana of a women or man in their lives on a level of a bond, of being paired since becoming Vampire, would not have that connection to pull on. That reminder of what they were fighting for. They only had their loyalty to Arturo. Arturo leaned back in his chair. They needed a reminder of what this life could offer, a reminder of what they were fighting for. Val was right.

  Jenson came in with Arturo’s breakfast. “Your right Val. Some of our men need a reminder of why we are fighting and doing things differently to just going out there and killing everything we find. They need a reminder that this is not just about me. Marcus might make it sound like it’s between the two of us. That suits his purpose. But in reality. Everything they know and love about this life we have, will be gone if he succeeds.” They all sat silently. The reality a lot to take in. “Sir if I may.” Arturo had forgotten Jenson was still present. “Jenson sorry. You’re so good at your job I forgot you are there. My apologises and I need to apologise for last night, it was not your fault but you got the brunt of my fear for my wife.” Arturo told him. “There is no need to apologise sir. I understood completely and if I may say, the staff on hearing were most upset and relieved to hear all is well. A good servant is never seen. I wondered if perhaps the answer to your problem would be to ask the families of the clan to join you here for a get together. I and my wife would be most happy to bring our three children in. I was thinking maybe a late afternoon tea. Now we have UV protection. In the house or garden. Possibly a clan gathering?” Regin looked at Arturo with delight. This was perfect. “I like it. Regin?” “It’s a fantastic idea. Thank you, Jenson. Whatever Arturo is paying you isn’t enough.” She told him warmly. “And thank you for sending the cavalry last night.” Jenson bowed his head to her. “Can you make the arrangements Jenson? Say for Sunday afternoon? Everyone attends. Mixed tables. Only exceptions are those on duty.” “Yes sir. It would be my pleasure.” Jenson told him. “Val make sure those that are on duty are in relationships.” Val nodded.

  “Alexander is coming to
dinner this evening. Gia, Pierre, Charlee, Val, John and Pete as well. Dinner for nine please Jenson.” Jenson nodded “If you no longer need me sir?” “Thank you Jenson that will be all.” Jenson walked out and closed the doors behind him. “We need to push back Arturo.” Val told him. “It feels like the old days. Fights over territories. Sending out fodder. Guerrilla tactics. Defensive moves. If we started building a moat I wouldn’t be that surprised.” She told them quietly. Arturo looked at his long-standing friend. They had been lovers once. So many years ago. It was a different world. They were different people then. “I refuse to go back to that life Val. Marcus is behind all this. That’s why it feels familiar. We’ve been through this many times before. It’s how he works. It’s how all old Vamps work. You know that. But we are going to push back. That starts tonight.” “Good.” Said Regin. “Cos I’m fed up of being on the receiving end. Its someone else’s turn to hurt.”

  A knock at the door announced Pierre’s arrival. “Arturo. Glad to see everyone’s ok.” He walked over to Regin and Val. Taking both their hands he kissed them and took a seat next to Arturo. “I’ve news.” He told them. “We hit Jazel last night while you were targeted here. His compound is gone. No sign of Marcus but plenty of soldiers. Surprisingly rich Arturo. We had to borrow a couple of trucks to move it all. The place is now dust. We burnt it down. If Marcus and Jazel go back there. They’ll find no haven. It’s gone.” Arturo nodded. “Ok, one down. Spilt the proceeds as normal. Did we lose anyone?” Pierre looked sad. “Yeah six of the boys.” “Send their families their things and bonus’.” Pierre nodded.

  “How does that work Arturo? What if they have been with you beyond the lifetime of their kin.” Arturo turned to Regin to answer her. “Everyone who comes to work for me, has a Will. In it they tell us who is their human blood line. That give us the most recent descendants. When we lose that person. We check the records. Whoever is still living old and new gets a share of their wealth. If they are only children, it goes into a trust. Our lawyers deal with all that.” He told her. “And the riches?” “Every man or woman in the raid gets an equal share after the 25% to the house.” He told her. “In the ‘good old days’ we got rich that way. Today, its computers, stocks and investments.” Regin picked up her coffee. That seemed fair and the families would benefit.

  “Last night at the club, Regin called out ‘House Arturo’ when she informed us not to breath as she was putting up a barrier. I like it Arturo. We should formalise this. Be House Arturo.” Val told him. Arturo recalled hearing her say that. He liked the sound of it too. Nodding to Pierre. “Tell our people. I will contact our legal and have it formalised. I also like the idea that all our people wear clothing and ID that says it clearly, use old English and the house staff too. No one will be in any doubt who we all belong to.” Regin thought this was an excellent idea. “It will bond us and remind us all that we are one family no matter who we are.”

  Pete arrived early for dinner. Drinks were being served in the reception room. He entered and nodded to several of those already present going straight to Valentina. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her to him hard and kissed her. Val appeared shocked but responded with equal ferocity. Regin grinned. Arturo coughed. “Get a dam room.” Charlee called out. Several sniggers were heard round the room. “Staking a claim?” Arturo asked him. “Yep. The woman makes me so dam hard I can’t think straight.” Pete told him. He appeared to be waiting for a challenge. None came. “Good she needs a strong man.” Arturo told him. Val’s mouth dropped. As Pete grinned himself and hugged her shoulders to him kissing the side of her head. Regin hit out at Arturo in the stomach with the back of her hand. Charlee burst out laughing. “Good luck with that.” He told Pete.

  Jenson came in. “Your guest has arrived sir.” “Thank you Jenson.” Regin watched Alexander walk in behind him and straight to her. Taking her hand he kissed it. “My Lady.” He told her. “I believe I owe you my life. That in our world means you belong to me but, as another has a stronger tie, I will graciously bow and withdraw.” He told her then turning to Arturo. He hugged him. “Thank you for the invitation.” He told him stepping back. It struck Regin then. Where had Alexander stayed last night if not here. He was going to stay with them and clearly after the events of last night had not. “Alexander stayed over at the guest annex.” He told her instinctively he appeared to know what she was thinking. Regin nodded. “Dinner is served sir.” Arturo took Regin’s hand and led her through. Alexander took Gia’s. Pete with Val and Pierre, John and Charlee took up the rear. Dinner had a positive feel. Regin felt vibed. They had held their own and had strong plans in place. Strong positive energy flooded her. The conversation was light and engaging. Laughter and banter surrounded them all. Regin looked round the table. This was now her family. There was much love here.

  She caught a fleeting enquiry across her mind and looked at Arturo. He was engrossed in conversation with Alexander. Turning she looked at Gia and then Val. No one seemed to be directing anything at her. She felt cold. Chilled. A sense of emptiness. Void washed over her. Regin heard the house phone ring. Regin stilled. She heard Jenson pick up the phone and head towards Arturo. He bent and spoke to him. “Have him checked and escorted up.” Arturo told him. Jenson nodded and left the room. Arturo looked across at Regin. Regin pushed out her senses. He appeared concerned. Regin pushed out further and felt a new essence on the property. It was the void. Empty space. Moving towards the house. Regin raised her eyebrow questioningly to Arturo. He gave an almost imperceptive ‘no idea’ look. It was clearly a Vamp. They, whoever they were had made the house in Vamp time. Jenson could be heard opening the door. “Welcome to House Arturo. How may I help you?” Jenson told the caller. Regin smiled she liked that Jenson had picked that up earlier. That man was a gem. “You will tell your master I am arrived from Clavius.” Regin turned back to Arturo. He’d heard as had all the Vamps present. The room went on alert. Arturo waited for Jenson to announce their guest. “This way sir.” Their guest entered the dining room followed by two Vamp’s from security. It was clear his dress sense was a couple of hundred years too late. He directed his attention to Jenson. “You will find me something to drink. Young fresh. Preferably female. I am hungry do not keep me waiting.”

  Jenson struggled not to move against his will. “Jenson, please bring our guest a glass of my special port. The other orders will be forgotten.” You could not miss the persuasion in Arturo’s voice. Regin had never heard it before. Clearly a skill set Arturo used rarely. Jenson visibly relaxed and went to get the port. Arturo addressed their guest barely holding onto his anger. He let it loose. “You dare to give orders in my house?” Arturo boomed throughout the room. His Vamps stood and faced the new-comer. Alex took a step forward. As did the security at the new Vamps back. Their guest looked at them all with distain. His gazed lingered on Pete. Pete pulled his gun and stroked it. Regin grinned. He turned his attention to her. Arturo told him with deadly menace. “You will control yourself in this house or you will leave or die.” Regin then smiled at the new comer and tilted her head on the side reading him. It took her seconds to understand. “Arturo give him some of your blood. His holding it well. Barely. This was ….a test.”

  The newcomer looked shocked. “You can read me?” He took an involuntary step forward. Alex moved to intercede as did John. “In a way.” Regin answered him. “I can sense what your feeling now. You shielded well before. Your essence, your aura tells me your intent. Your emotional layers, tell me all I need to know about who you are and what you have done.” She told him. “But I held the void.” He told her. “Yes. Why would someone do that unless they were hiding something?” She asked him questioningly. He squeezed his hands and closed his eyes. “Turn off your sense of smell.” She told him. He nodded. “Helping.” Regin turned to Arturo. “Arturo I feel no malice. He’s strong, old but struggling.” Regin asked him. Jenson passed the newcomer a glass of port. “Drink.” Arturo told him. He did and calmed within seconds. “
It is easier.” “Jenson another chair please and refill our guests glass. Care to join us?” Arturo indicated the table. Their guest took the chair Jenson offered. Sitting between John and Pierre. Jenson re-filled their guests glass. He took it. “Thank you Jenson that will be all.” Regin turned to Pete. “Nice gun action their stud.” She told him with a wink. Val grinned. “And he’s soooo good with it too.” She told them. The tension defused. There were several sniggers around the table. “Jesus woman every time you open your trap I want to stuff something in it.” That led to more sniggers. Pete was grinning.

  Arturo suppressed a grin and turned to his guest. “Now. Who are you and what are you doing here?” Arturo asked. “I am here on behest of my Lord Clavius. My name is Rubin. I am first security to Calvius. I was sent to check on this house. To check on you. To see if it would be appropriate for him and his clan to visit as you had requested.” Arturo nodded. “And what have you found? For surely you have been here a while to make your presence known now. Master Rubin.” Arturo gave him his correct title for only a master would be Clavius’ first. Rubin showed no outward concern for those present. Not unexpected by a master but he did appear to be curious. A threat was unclear. “I have found nothing more surprising than seeing human military working with your people and Wares entering your house. My Lord warned me that you and your people live by different rules. That you do not hunt. That you chose to live side by side with humans. That you had found a way to live in the new world without prejudice or fear of exposure.” “This is true.” Val told him reaching out for Pete who lifted her hand and kissed it.


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