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Blooded Page 24

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pierre address the male. “What are you doing here?” He asked him. The male strained. “Canttt.” He told him. Pierre looked at Arturo. Arturo turned to Gia. “Get me the port.” Gia Vamped out. They were all quiet in the room. Pierre watched the male struggle. Gia came back and handed a bottle and glass to Pierre. Pierre poured it into a glass and headed over to the male. “This will help you.” He told him. “Hold him.” Gia and Sarah came forward one taking his shoulders the other his head and tilting it back so Pierre could pour in the drink. The male swallowed. They gave him a moment. “Let’s try again. What’s your name and what are you doing here?” The male strained to answer. “Master.” He cried and tears fell down his face. He looked shocked he’d said the words. “Who’s your master?” The male didn’t hesitate this time. “Marcus.” He spat. Pierre nodded “and what’s your name?” “Bret.” “And what are you doing here?” “Was meant to poison the food and drink. I was very glad not to find any.” He whispered. He was heavily sweating. Pierre gave him some more port. The male nodded. “Thank you it’s easier.” “Did you put poison in anything?” “No. I grabbed a tray of drink cups in desperation. The compulsion was difficult to stop. I had to do something. Then I tried to stop myself but couldn’t.”

  “How’d you get in?” Pierre asked him. “I have a pass.” The male gave it to Pierre who looked at it and passed it to Arturo. “Are you alone here?” Pierre continued. “Yes they dropped me off at my car and told me to drive here and go to work.” “How did you come to be with Marcus?” Arturo asked him. The male turned to him and frowned as if trying to remember. “I have worked here before. I was asked to come in several days ago and to help with today. Two days ago I was out drinking with some friends and that’s the last I know until … I was being attacked, bled, tortured. The things they did.” He sounded confused, upset and distressed. “I couldn’t stop them. What have they done to me?” he asked in a strangled voice.

  Arturo was pissed. This was their fault. They had set up this party and Marcus had got to one of them. That still left how they knew it was going on. “Do you know how they knew this was going on today. To come after you?” He asked him. Bret breathed out and told him. “I remember coming around and someone asking what was the point in saving me. I was so badly damaged. The pain …” Bret shook his head. “Like I was nothing.” He hung his head in denial. When he lifted it he looked at Arturo. “They have some of your people under surveillance. I think they overheard the information and I heard someone say it was a good opportunity to wipe out everyone.” Bret hic-cupped. “Jesus I nearly did that, didn’t I?” It was clear the male was close to crying. John came into the room. “Everything’s ok upstairs.” He told Arturo. “Did you hear that.” He asked him. “Yeah caught the highlights.” Arturo nodded.

  He turned back to Bret. “I’m sorry lad. We have a problem here. You’ve been taken to the brink of death and then Marcus give you his blood but not enough to turn you, just enough to control you. I have given you some of my blood in the port to override it. It will help for a while but at some point Marcus’s pull, will become so strong that you will have no choice but to go back to him.” Arturo watched Bret’s face darken as he registered what Arturo had told him. You could see he was scared now. Desperate. “You have only three choices I’m afraid. One, you can go back to Marcus. Two one of my people if they are willing, can try and change you or three, we can bring you a peaceful death. It is your choice to make.” He told him sadly. Bret started to laugh in hysterics. “Actually, that’s no choice, is it? There all death in one form or another.” He slumped back in his chair.

  “I’ll do it.” Was said quietly behind him. Arturo turned and frowned. “Sarah?” She stepped forward. She lifted her chin and faced him head on. “I know what he’s been through. If he wants to turn I will do it for him.” Arturo wasn’t sure this was a good idea. “You know he could die anyway?” Sarah nodded. “Like he said. All options are death to him right now. Maybe this will give him some life.” She shrugged. “But you will be responsible for him Sarah. You cannot do that with no emotions.” Arturo told her kindly putting a hand on her shoulder. Sarah nodded at him. “I know. Maybe it’s time I did.” Arturo sighed. “The port will keep him for a while. In the meantime, turn your emotions on and seek some support. I want reports. You have as long as we can hold him ok.” He walked into her personal space and lifted her chin so he could look in her eyes. He knew how difficult this would be if her emotions were turned on. “I need to be sure you can handle your own emotions before I let you do this. Do you understand?” “I do.” She told him. Arturo turned back to Bret. “We can hold off for a while but you will need to make a decision. Sarah is willing to turn you if you choose that option and this is not death Bret. It’s a new life. John stay with him. The rest of you back to the party please. We have guests who do not need to know this has gone on.” Arturo walked towards the stairs and took Regin’s hand and kissed it as he guided her back up.

  As he walked back through the kitchen he informed them that there was no threat and that it was all contained and the party to carry on as planned. Lots of wide smiles greeted him. Arturo carried on through in the garden and picked up where he’d left off. He was seething, beyond angry and holding it in check. For now. He would add this to the list of things Marcus was going to pay for. He would ensure he died painfully, slowly. Arturo put on the show of his life. No one but Regin would have guessed at the emotional tempest below the cool exterior. It would blow soon enough.

  The night had gone on far longer than an afternoon tea would. People had been reluctant to leave and friendships had been struck across all walks of life. The image of Vamps holding babies and children’s hands and playing with them would stay with Regin for a very long time. The awe and fascination of the Vamps at being accepted was evident across many many faces. Regin watched the last of their guests take their leave. She reflected it had been a successful party. Everyone enjoying themselves and just what they had all needed. Regin had spotted Carol and Charlee having a conversation and hoped that went well. Regardless of the earlier actions of Bret. A pawn used by Marcus. It had all gone off well. Dishwashers were going on full blast. Any food left was being stored or thrown. The rest could wait till tomorrow. Regin checked her phone. There was half an hour before the meeting a midnight. She needed a drink. Regin headed into the reception room and found Alex sitting by the fire with a drink in hand. “Great minds think alike.” She told him pointing to his drink and smiling. Alex looked up and raised his drink. “Some days you just have to.” He told her seriously. Regin walked over to the table and poured herself a brandy. She held the decanter up. “Top up?” “I would thank you.” Regin walked over and topped up his.

  “How’d you know it was Brandy?” He asked. Regin shrugged. “Don’t know, just one of those things.” She told him turning and going back to the table to put down the decanter and pick her own drink up. Regin took the seat opposite him on the other side of the fireplace. It wasn’t lit and wasn’t needed. Both sat in companionable silence. Both with their own thoughts. Regin didn’t feel the need to fill the space with chatter and clearly nor did Alex. Lost in her own thoughts Regin forgot she had company until she saw the decanter touch her glass. Looking up Regin remembered Alex. “Thank you yes.” Regin watched as her glass was re-filled. “I apologise I am not good company.” Alex told her. Walking back to the table to replace the decanter. “We all have our off days Alex.” She told him as he walked back to his seat.

  Alexander Drusus gazed at the wife of his long-time friend. Alex whirled the brandy around in his glass. He would never have considered it possible after his sister. But he had no doubt that this was the love of his friend’s long life. Not that Arturo had not loved his sister. He knew he had and she had loved him. Maybe just not enough and it was a different time where being beholden came at a price. But it wasn’t that that was bothering him. No. Marcus. What was he up to this time? The man was a menace. He needed putting down. He’
d been bad enough when turned but in that age, some of the barbarism was expected, now, it should not be tolerated. The Council had been right to punish him and prevent him from more atrocities. If he had free reign now, it would be a disaster. It would expose them all to the world. There was far too much technology these days to stay hidden. If he was back to his old ways, there was no way they could hide that. And the innocents that would be lost. Alex shuddered. An army just like him was the last thing his people needed. Hell, one of them was bad enough. Alex ground his teeth. He wanted to kill the bastard. After all this time, his hatred for Marcus still held. Alex didn’t want to think of her. It had been so long and still it pained him. Still a child. So perfect. Not in the sense of majestic beauty but in pure innocence. And he knew she would have been his mate. If only Marcus had not taken her and killed her. Alex leaned back in his chair as the pain of loss and bereavement pierced his heart. Wave after wave flooded him. He instinctively rubbed at his chest. He had never had the chance to love her. But he had.

  Regin couldn’t miss the emotions that ran across Alex’s face or the bombardment of his emotions sweeping over her. It was raw. Biting. Old and very painful. “I am sorry for your loss.” She told him quietly. Alex looked at Regin surprised. “Sorry, I could feel the emotions.” Regin told him. Alex sighed. “I do not think of it often.” He told her. “But when I do, it is hard to get passed it.” Regin let him have a moment before she replied. “Love.” Regin she told him. “Of that magnitude, is not meant to be easy.” Regin felt immense regret hit her. “I did not love her, not in the sense of a male and female together body and soul.” He told her sadly. “She was still a child when I met her and I refused to be more than a friend wishing to give her time to know me. Time to love me. To want to share my long life.” He told her on a whisper. Alex went very still. Regin could feel what a struggle the male was under. Alex took a large swallow of his drink and blew out a deep breath trying to dismiss it. “It was a long time ago. Marcus killed her.” He told her in an air of finality.

  Regin struggled to hold onto her temper and lost. “The fucker. You think he knew. It was deliberate.” Regin leaned forward and touched his hand. “I do not know why the Council let that abomination live but I can tell you now, he dies here.” Regin watched the emotions run across his face. Alex squeezed her hand. “He dies here.” He told her. Regin wanted to comfort him and tell him that there would be other chances for love but this male was hundreds of years old and still held onto this one grand passion, this one great love. It was no wonder he was surprised to hear of her. Alex wasn’t ready to hear that there would be other chances and Regin realised in that moment, that maybe he never would be. What woman could compete with the imaginings of a love so majestic?

  Arturo came in in search of Regin and found her sitting by Alex. He could feel the strained atmosphere. He looked between the two of them. “Everything ok?” He asked them. Regin looked at Alex and nodded once then turned to Arturo. “That fucker dies here Arturo, no passes, no get out of jail free card, no second chances, no other passes judgement, the Council can go fuck themselves, he dies here.” Arturo crossed to her and took her hand and looked at Alex. “Agreed.” Alex told him. “Agreed.” Arturo told them both. Regin rose to join him. “Let’s go get him.”

  Arturo walked into his office with Regin and Alex. It was already full. “Thank you for all coming, I think we need to take this to the dining room there’s more room. Everyone help themselves to drinks.” John nodded and headed to the dining room. People pulled up chairs round the table. James and Sarah already present. A second row was placed behind it as Pierre, Gia, Charlee, Val and Pete joined them with who he guessed was one of his people. Brandon and Nicky brought up the rear. Arturo looked at his people. “Everyone here has a job in our house or a connection to it. Marcus has gone way out of his way to piss us off and its time he understood that was a mistake.” As he looked round the table he could see many were in agreement with him. “James, update us on your visit to his compound.” He did giving the same information he had already passed on to him. When James had finished, he turned to Sarah.

  “Sarah, tell us what you found and what happened.” She did. Arturo noted several shocked, annoyed and out right rage on many faces when she was done. “Pierre, update on tonight please.” Arturo continued to scan the faces round the table. Several of his lieutenants looked down right pissed. Once Pierre was done he turned to Brandon. “Anything to add Brandon?” Brandon nodded. “We have been checking the pass and no one is coming through that way now. Our territory is mainly clear. There’s been the odd incursion but nothing like before. I’d say it had been a success.” Good, thought Arturo. “John what’s the situation here?” “We’ve pulled in all our people from the outta fringes. We still have a problem with several unauthorised Vamp groups in several areas. We’re trying to move them out or if they don’t take gentle persuasion then their dust. We expect the odd one or two during each month but this has been driven. There are around 15 groups that we’ve found so far.” John turned to Gia to confirm. She nodded. And he continued. “Most of them have a low-level leader, no power. Aggressive and little control. Those that are killing we’re ashing but as fast as we do, it seems another group takes their place.” Arturo pierced his lips. “Well I think we can all guess where they’re coming from or was. Pete, Charlee anything to add?”

  Pete looked at his notes. “Pete can give you the highlights.” Charlee told him. Pete looked up. “We’ve had what we think are day walkers hitting several of the clubs, trying to get in and cause trouble. Charlee’s team and mine have worked together to knock them back. Some of our suppliers have informed that orders that were put through got changed or cancelled. We found out by accident because they called in. So we checked the others and the same thing. We gave them code words for future orders, no code no order and or no change. We also put tabs on their phones in case it happens again we might be able to trace it back but I doubt it as you’d have to be live. We’ve upped security at all points. I brought in a car scanner as well as a body scanner, similar to the airports, you might have noticed it at the front gate we used it tonight. No one comes in without going through one or both. We also checked the house as you requested and there were bugs on your electronics and phones. We took them out and upgraded the system. Luce behind me can give you more details on that.”

  Everyone turned to look at the slip of a girl sitting behind Pete. She didn’t look up from her lap top but kept typing and doing what she did best as she spoke. “Yeah hi, well, whoever put in this system saw you coming and took the piss, it was shit. It was cheap and nasty and did sod all to protect you, so I’ve changed that. Put in several fire walls, isolated your own network, having put rotating security portals in place, your phones both in house and the mobile numbers given to me are now working from that. It makes it hard for them to be cloned or info stolen. It will self-detect now as well, so if some foreign tech gets in here in any form, that it does not recognise it will alert you to what and where it is. That’s my own creation and will cost you. If you’re going to use the net, I suggest you shut down your own server or disconnect from it before you do. That way you won’t get viruses or let others in to steal from you. Don’t use your own internet from your phones, turn them off and use free wifi, clear your data before going back on line to the in-house port. You also need a hard wire upgrade like yesterday. This is serviceable but only just. Again, cheap shit. Whoever did this need’s shooting if you told them the level of security I was. It doesn’t make it on its own. I’ve had to add and patch and botch it. I don’t like it. It’s not good enough, I don’t like working with crap it makes me look bad and that needs putting right real quick if you actually want this to work.” There was silence in the room. Pete was grinning from ear to ear. Arturo tried not to grin either. Such a young scrap of a thing telling all those present they’d screwed up badly. The girl finally looked up. Arturo watched as she took in the room. She had piercing green eyes an
d held her own as they all looked at her.

  Lucie Ambrose refused to be cowed. She was right and the system was crap and they needed to know it. She could feel the burning eyes from the side of her. She turned her head to look at the person burning a hole in her face. He was quite beautiful. He seemed tall. Blond. He had nice blue eyes. Too intense thought Luce. In fact, as she swept round the room, they were all big men and unbelievably good looking. Her eyes rested on the female next to the leader. She seemed warm. Luce smiled at her. “Are they all this pretty?” She asked her. The leader Arturo laughed along with several others as Luce looked around the room again. The female grinned back at her. “Yep they sure are.” “Dam.” Luce told her. Really? There were several more chuckles. “Luce, is it?” The leader asked her and Luce looked at him. “Yes sir.” “You can have whatever you need to put this right and my permission to do so.” Luce smiled at him. “Great but there will be some disruption you might want to leave the re-wire until your current situation is resolved.” Arturo nodded at her. “Indeed. Anything else you need speak with Pete.” Luce nodded. “Yes sir. I made a number of suggestions to Pete and I’ll be monitoring communications. If I get the job that is.” She turned to Pete. “Did I get the job?” She asked him quite innocently. “O yeah.” He told her. “You got the job.” Luce sat back and grinned. “Welcome to House Arturo.” The intense guy told her. Luce turned back to him. “Err Thanks …I think.”


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