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Karma Page 24

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Sure.” She grinned at Josh and left.

  “Flirt,” Tanner chuckled.

  “Well, do you want me to stay?”

  “Yes. But now you can’t kiss me.” Tanner pouted.

  “I lied.” Josh pulled him in again. He kissed him with everything he felt and Tanner’s hands threaded into his hair, the heart monitor their musical accompaniment.

  “I love you,” Tanner breathed.

  “I love you, Tanner, more than I ever thought possible.” Josh had gotten a nice big slap in the head. He knew with certainty that he loved Tanner and now he was going to have to trust that love.

  “I’m so sorry, Josh. I know I hurt you.”

  “I hurt you, too. What I did will never happen again.”

  Josh watched Tanner sleep. He kissed his forehead and smiled when Tanner snuggled into him more.

  “Is he feeling better?” Jordan stood in the doorway.

  “Yes, he’s sleeping.”

  “Take care of him, Josh.” Jordan winked.

  “Oh, I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It had been two months since Matt had ended things and Kyle was miserable. He saw Matt every day at school and it was killing him. There was a frat party tonight and Kyle knew Matt would be there. He had to see him.

  Kyle asked Paul to meet him at Sal’s. Kyle looked like shit. Paul tried to feel sorry for him, but he couldn’t.

  “I can’t, Kyle. I just can’t have any sympathy for you. You did this to yourself.”

  “I can’t lose him, Paul.”

  “You already have, Kyle. So what feels worse: the way you feel now or the way you will feel when people find out you’re gay? What’s easier to live with?”

  Kyle put his head down on the table. “I love him,” he mumbled.

  “Then get him, Kyle.”


  “You know how.”

  “Will you go with me?”

  “I’ll be there, but I won’t hold your hand.”

  “Okay.” Kyle tried to smile. He knew what he had to do.

  Kyle needed to talk to his father, and he didn’t want to wait. He had plans that night. They met at the Wisteria Resort and Anthony eyed his son.

  “Jesus, you look like shit.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Kyle dripped with sarcasm.

  “What’s going on with you?”

  “I’m going to a party tonight and I’m going to profess my love to the man I love.”

  “You’re in love? Oh, Kyle, that’s great!” Anthony took his hand.

  “I have to do it in front of everyone, Dad. Matt needs to know I’m serious. I’m scared to death.”

  “You said you love him. Would you do anything for him?”

  “Yes, I would, but what if he rejects me? I’ve hurt him so badly.”

  “That’s a risk you’re going to have to take, son. Love is a risk, but it’s worth it.”

  “Like you and Mr. Reynolds?”

  Anthony smiled at the thought of Jeremy. “Exactly like that.”


  Paul showed up at the party with Josh and Damon, and Tyler arrived right after. Tyler was talking to Josh, and Damon and Paul were playing pool.

  “So, how are you and Josh?” Damon inquired.

  “We’re great. We’ve always been friends and it’s going to stay that way.”

  “I’m glad you two were able to save your friendship.”

  “Our friendship will never be at risk. Josh is my lifeline, but Mark — Mark is my life.”

  “I know exactly how you feel.” Damon looked at Tyler.

  Matt walked in holding hands with a date and approached Tyler.

  “Hey, Tyler! How are you?”

  “I’m good, how are you? And who’s this?” Tyler took in Matt’s date.

  “John, this is Tyler and Josh. Guys, John.”

  John shook their hands, and couldn’t stop looking at Josh. “You’re Josh Reynolds, right?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I used to watch you play football; you were good.”

  “Thanks.” Josh smiled.

  “Hey, how’s Tanner?” Matt asked.

  “He’s good, made me go out tonight. Said I was hovering,” Josh laughed.

  Music began and Paul crossed the room to Josh. “Excuse us.”

  He took him to the dance floor and pulled him in. “Miss me?”

  “Nope,” Josh laughed.

  Matt grinned at Josh and Paul on the dance floor. John elbowed him and he turned his attention to his date.

  “Are they together?” John asked.

  “Nope. Best friends.”

  Kyle arrived at the party and immediately noticed Matt in the arms of a guy he didn’t know. His stomach plummeted. He caught sight of Damon and crossed the room to stand next to him.

  “Hey, Kyle! I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “Well, I’m here.”

  “What’s going on?” Damon eyed Kyle curiously.

  Kyle’s answer was in the form of a deep breath.

  Paul witnessed Kyle’s arrival and whispered in Josh’s ear, “Get ready for the fireworks.”

  Kyle approached Matt and tapped John on the shoulder. “May I cut in, please?”

  Matt took John by the hand. “We were just leaving.”

  They started walking away.

  “Matt, please.”

  “What, Kyle? I’m not going through this again. What makes you think I’m going to sit back and be treated like shit?”

  “You won’t!” Kyle walked over to him.

  By now the whole room had gotten quiet and Matt felt as if he were the main attraction at a zoo.

  “People are watching Kyle,” Matt whispered.

  “I don’t care.” Kyle tried to reach for his hand and Matt backed away.

  “Nothing has changed.”

  He took John’s hand and turned to leave. They had almost made it to the front door. Kyle knew this was it. It was now or never.

  “Yes, it has, Matt. I’m in love with you!” Kyle shouted across the room.

  Matt dropped John’s hand and slowly walked back. “What?”

  Kyle gathered him close. “I love you.” He followed his announcement with a thoroughly masterful kiss.

  The whole frat house erupted in applause as Kyle pulled Matt closer and deepened the kiss. He pulled back slightly, looking into Matt’s eyes.

  “I am so in love with you, Matt.”

  “It’s about damn time, Farrelli!” one of the guys shouted.

  Kyle was amazed to see his friends so happy for him. He spotted Paul and Josh. Paul was whistling loudly and he winked at Kyle who turned back to Matt — who still looked shocked.

  “Speechless again?” Kyle smiled.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” Matt whispered.

  Paul slapped John on his back. “Dude, I think your date’s over.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too.” He eyed Josh.

  Kyle pulled Matt outside and hugged him hard.

  “God I missed you! I missed you so much!”

  Matt couldn’t believe it. Kyle had just come out in front of nearly everyone they knew and said he loved him.

  “You love me.”

  “I am so in love with you.” Kyle palmed his face.

  Matt threw his arms around Kyle and held on.

  “I love you, too,” Matt whispered in his ear.

  Kyle hugged him tightly. He had come out in front of the whole frat house and now Matt was in his arms professing his love to him.

  This. Was. Worth. It.

  “I want to make love to you, Matt.” Kyle palmed his face.

  “Are you sure? I mean, you’ve never been with a guy before.”

  “I want you.”

  Kyle took Matt to his apartment. Matt sat down on the couch, still in a daze from Kyle’s confession. Kyle brought him a drink and then sat down next to him.

  “Are you okay?” Kyle asked.

  “I’m just … I can’t bel
ieve you did that.”

  “People in love do crazy things,” he whispered. “Now, I want to make love to you.”

  “Okay.” Now Matt was really nervous. He was going to be Kyle’s first homosexual sex partner.

  “I might need, um, help. If you know what I mean.” Kyle blushed.

  Matt palmed his face. “Don’t worry. You’ve been with women; Technique-wise, it’s not that different.”

  Matt stood and put out his hand. Kyle took it and Matt led him to the bedroom. He took Kyle’s shirt off and stroked his hands down his chest, stopping at the waist of his jeans.

  “Take them off,” Matt whispered.

  Kyle unbuttoned them and Matt stepped out. He unbuttoned Kyle’s pants and took them off. They stood in their boxers, looking at each other over. Matt pulled Kyle to him and ran his hands over his ass. He snagged the waistband of his boxers and tugged them off.

  Kyle stood naked in front of Matt.

  “Jesus.” Matt greatly admired the view.

  Impatient, Kyle hooked his fingers in the waist of Matt’s boxers and took them down.

  “You are so, so — I can’t even think,” Kyle stammered.

  Matt backed him to the bed, and they maintained eye contact as they settled onto it. Matt grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom. He told Kyle how to prepare him. With much moaning and the mission eventually accomplished, Kyle positioned himself between Matt’s legs.

  “Go slow, okay?” Matt palmed his face.

  “Okay.” Kyle wanted Matt so badly, his hands were shaking. He had no idea how to please him.

  “Relax. I’ll help you.”

  Kyle pushed his dick in slowly, maintaining eye contact with Matt.

  “Is this okay?” he gulped.

  “It’s good; keep going,” Matt breathed.

  Kyle inched in further and Matt clamped down on him. The sensation was indescribable. “Jesus!” Kyle rasped.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m just trying so hard not to come right now.”

  “We have all night, Kyle. Kiss me.”

  This gorgeous man was finally his. Kyle kissed Matt softly and then more intensely as he moved slowly deeper into Matt. He heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “It’s okay.” Matt pulled him in the rest of the way.

  Finally buried to his balls in Matt, Kyle had to stop for fear of coming too soon. Regaining some control, he began to move. He pulled out slowly, carefully pushed back in, and withdrew again.

  “Oh God, you feel so good.” Kyle breathed.

  “Go deeper, harder.” Matt grabbed Kyle’s ass and yanked him forcefully. “Kyle!”

  “Oh God, Matt!” Kyle got the idea and slammed as hard as he could into Matt’s ass. Matt’s nails punctured his ass in approval.

  Kyle had finally gotten the hang of it and now stroked Matt’s cock as he continued to ram into him as hard as he could. Matt clamped around his cock and moaned long and loud.

  “Kyle, oh God! I’m coming!” Matt hung on as his orgasm hit him so hard he bucked off the bed. He pulled Kyle down, crashing their lips together. Kyle came quickly, moaning into Matt’s mouth. Their bodies shuddered together before Kyle collapsed onto Matt.

  Matt stroked his hands through Kyle’s hair.

  “Are you okay?” Matt asked.

  Kyle glanced up, still breathing hard. “I never thought it could feel like that.”


  “Making love to someone you’re in love with instead of just having sex.”

  “I missed you so much, Kyle.” Matt hugged him.

  “I’m never letting you go.” Kyle palmed his face.

  “Good.” Matt pulled him down again.


  Paul sat at the table across from Tanner at Sal’s. They hadn’t said anything except ‘hello’ at this point. Tanner was a little nervous. He knew Paul wouldn’t hurt him; he just didn’t know what Paul would say.

  “First off, I want to apologize,” Paul began.

  Tanner’s jaw hit the table. “What?”

  “Look, I should never have let it get as far as it did with Josh. I’m married. And Josh is in love with you.”

  “I let Mark kiss me, Paul, and I shouldn’t have.”

  “Mark knew what he was doing. He told me that. Tanner, you didn’t take advantage of him.”

  “I still feel awful. I didn’t know you and Josh had done anything and I still allowed myself to be with Mark.”

  “Josh knows Tanner. And, yes, it hurt him. But he knows why.” Paul smiled and took Tanner’s hand. “I want you to take good care of Mark; he’s very special to me.”

  “I know. I love him, Paul.”

  “I know you do, Tanner.”

  “But I am in love with Josh.”

  “I know.”

  “Maybe, someday, we can all be together again.” Tanner smiled.

  “I hope so.”

  “Paul, Mark has so much guilt — you have to talk to him.”

  “I want him back. I always will. Please, take good care of him.”

  “Just go to him, Paul.”

  “I tried! He keeps pushing me to Josh. I love Josh, but he’s my friend; he always will be. I know you understand that.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Bye, Tanner.”

  Tanner stayed at the table and looked at his phone. He called Josh.

  “Hey, are you busy?”

  “No, where are you?”

  “Coming to get you. You want to go out?”

  “Yes. I’ll be here waiting.”



  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Tanner.”


  The foundation party had just started and Stefan, Jordan, Paul, Heath and Caleb were splendid in black tuxedos. The females were in heaven; most didn’t know they were all gay. Caleb laughed as they sat at the bar and drank champagne with the guests. Stefan was watching Paul as he looked around the room.

  “Looking for Josh?” Stefan came up next to him.

  “He said he would be a little late, but he would be here.”

  “So, you and Josh — you figured out where you stand?”

  “He’s my best friend, he always will be and I will always love him. We were hurt and confused after we found Mark and Tanner. But I’m in love with Mark. I always was.”


  Josh stood outside the party with Tanner, who hadn’t been able to stop staring at him from the moment he got in the car. He fixed Josh’s bow tie and gave him a once over.

  “Holy shit! You look amazing, Josh.” Tanner smiled and took his hand.


  “I wish I had a mirror, the women are going to go crazy,” Tanner chuckled.

  “I’ll be thinking of you tonight. You have Mark taken care of on your end, right?”

  “Yep. I just hope we can get them back together. Mark is being idiotic.”

  “He just has guilt, Tanner. I know you do, too.”

  “But you forgave me, and you still love me.”

  “Look, just because I didn’t sleep with Paul doesn’t make me any less guilty, Tanner. I screwed up and I’m not going to stand here and pretend I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You’re a good man, Josh. More than I deserve.”

  “Hey, I made my mistakes, too. This isn’t all on you, Tanner.”

  “Well, I still consider myself lucky.”

  “Just shut up.” Josh and pulled Tanner into his arms, he lifted Tanner up off the ground and intensified the kiss.

  Tanner went limp in Josh’s arms. Josh slowly put him down and then pulled away, leaving light kisses all over Tanner’s face.

  “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “I love you, Josh Reynolds.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Paul and Stefan were leaning up against the bar when every single female head in the room turned. Stefan grinned and fol
lowed their line of sight. Josh Reynolds stood in the open doorway, his designer tuxedo hugging him in all of the right places.

  “Josh has arrived,” Stefan announced with a laugh.

  Paul regarded Josh as he crossed the room. He could make a fortune as a model. He’d gotten his hair cut and was clean shaven. The women were on him in seconds. He smiled and took them onto the dance floor one by one, making sure they all knew they would have a chance to dance with him.

  “Oh, we are going to make so much money for the Santorno Foundation tonight! No offense, Paul, but Josh — he’s the money maker,” Jordan laughed.

  He, Caleb and Heath had joined Paul to watch Josh charm the women.

  “Damn! I think I’ve been replaced as the Foundation heartthrob,” Caleb laughed.

  A woman approached and grabbed Caleb’s hand; he went with her, smiling.

  “Maybe not, huh?” Heath guffawed.

  “My lord, we have to hire Josh for every event we have! They’re lining up to dance with him,” Jordan observed. Josh was one good-looking man. He was in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by women, chatting and making them titter with laughter.

  The party cleared out and the men finally had a chance to dance together. Paul led Josh onto the floor.

  “Man, you look so good tonight!”

  “So do you. I’ve always loved you in a tux.” Josh smiled and leaned his cheek against Paul’s.

  “You convinced Tanner to take your dumb ass back?”

  “Yeah, Paul, you should really try it with the man you love.”

  “I have tried, Josh. You have no idea how much I have tried.”

  “You belong with Mark.”

  “Tell him that.”

  “Oh, believe me. I will.”

  “You don’t care that Tanner kissed Mark, do you?”

  “It hurt. But I wasn’t completely innocent, either. There’s enough blame to go around for everyone. But I love him and I want him back, so we will make it work. A good relationship has to have trust AND a willingness to forgive. Cuz shit’s gonna happen.”

  Paul thought about it for a moment. “I don’t even care anymore that Mark kissed Tanner. It hurt me at first, but I love Mark so much; I’ll do anything to save our marriage. Besides, I need forgiveness from him, too. I wasn’t an angel in all this.”


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