Hidden Crime

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Hidden Crime Page 11

by W L Knightly

  “You in a hurry?” He laughed as she reached for the front of his pants.

  “I’m just super horny.” She scissored her legs together as she went down on her knees between his where she undid his pants and pulled out his cock.

  She took hold of him and licked up his length, teasing his head before going back down. Jake took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and when he did, he imagined Jo down on her knees, working him. As Moni took him into her mouth, he imagined it was Jo, and it felt good, and he was near climax when he opened his eyes and saw it wasn’t her.

  Suddenly, her teeth scraped against his tender flesh, and he winced. Fuck. And then she gagged a little and pulled out to catch her breath. “Oops,” she said with a giggle.

  What the hell was he doing? It started to eat at his mind a little as she stood up and straddled his lap, stroking his cock with her soft hand.

  “Let me get a condom,” he said.

  “I don’t need one,” she said with a shrug, and he narrowed his stare. She was growing more unattractive by the minute.

  “I do,” he said, picking her up as he stood. He deposited her on the bed, and she huffed.

  “Way to ruin the mood,” she said, her legs still scissoring. “Hurry the fuck up. I need that big cock in me.”

  Jake stumbled to the other side of the bed and opened his drawer, but there weren’t any in the empty box. “Fuck, I’ll be right back.” He went to the bathroom where he knew he had another box, but by the time he made it back, she was in the middle of an orgasm, having started without him.

  “Sorry,” she said with a smile. “I couldn’t wait.”

  Jake sat on the bed, but by the time he got the condom out of the wrapper, his cock had fallen to a semi-hard state. What the fuck was wrong with him? His heart wasn’t in it.

  “What’s the matter with you? Do you want to do this or not?” Her complaining didn’t help matters much.

  Jake was too in his head for it. “No, I don’t think I do. Sorry, but I should drive you home.”

  “What? You’re ditching me? You’re a real jerk. I came here because you asked me to. Now you’re not even going to fuck me?”

  “You looked like you were doing a good job of it all by yourself.”

  “A better job than you apparently. Did I offend you?” She had taken on a snooty tone, and he could tell it was time to let it go.

  He didn’t want this skanky bar hag. He wanted a lady like Jo. “Get dressed.” He hadn’t bothered to take off his pants, and it was a good thing because all he cared about was getting the girl out of his bed and out of his house. He had been through this enough to not care anymore. “I’ll drive you home.”

  “Fuck you, pig. I’ll get my own ride. I didn’t need your help getting off, and I sure as fuck don’t need it to get home.” She got out of the bed, shrugged her pants on, and grabbed her panties, bra, and T-shirt in one fell swoop. She found her shoes on the other side of the bed, and after shooting him the bird, she pulled her top over her head and walked out onto his front stoop to finish getting dressed.

  “Jesus.” He let out a long breath and walked to the kitchen where he looked in the cabinet for something stronger.

  He took a bottle of Vodka and took a shot. Then he went to his bed and laid down. He stared up at the ceiling and thought about Jo. If only she had come out to see him. He wondered what could have been.

  The longer he lay there, the longer he wanted to see her. So he got up, stumbled out to his car, and started it up. He slapped his face a few times to sober up and drove across town to her house. He pulled up outside and was surprised to see her light on.

  What was she doing up at that hour? Did she have company? There were no cars in the driveway, and while he was prepared all the way over to chicken out, now he was intrigued. Or perhaps too nosey to leave.

  He walked up to the door and banged on it with his fist. “Jo?” he hollered through the door.

  After a moment, she came to the door, tying her robe. “Jake?”

  He took one look at her and closed the distance between them, bringing his mouth down on hers. She let the kiss linger, and he ached inside because it felt so right, but then she pulled away and smacked him.

  “Dammit, Jake.” She shook out her hand as he held his jaw.

  “Fuck, what was that for?”

  “You can’t just show up here every time you’re drunk and kiss me!”

  “I had to see you. Let me in, and we’ll talk.”

  “No! If I wanted to see you like this, I would have gone down to the fucking bar and hung out with you there.”

  “I wish you would have.”

  “Me too, but only to keep you from doing this to yourself.”

  “I’m fine,” he said.

  “And you’ll regret this little trip in the morning.”

  “Fine, I’ll leave.” He turned to go, but she walked out and grabbed his hand.

  “No, you can’t drive.” She took the keys from his grip and grabbed his hand. “Come in, and you can take the couch.”

  “Fuck you. You don’t want me. Why would I stay where I’m not wanted?”

  She let out a long breath. “Why would you? I have no idea. But you’re going to. You don’t have a choice.”

  Jake slapped her hand so hard and fast, the keys fell to the floor, and he snatched them up and was out on the stoop before she could tell what happened.

  “See you around,” he said with a salute. Then he staggered out to his car and slid into the front. He started the engine and peeled out of her drive, leaving marks as he left.

  Chapter 18


  It was no surprise to Kyle when a knock came to his door. He had been on the phone with Kendra hours earlier and spent most of the early morning after her husband had left from work arguing with her.

  Just like he had hoped, his words had lured her to him. “Who is it?” he asked with a giggle, knowing damn well that he had gotten into her head.

  She knocked again, this time more persistent than the last. “Calm your tits,” he mumbled before opening the door, and when he did, she stood there, not at all looking enthused.

  “It’s about time,” she said. “For someone who has to play dirty to get me to come over here, you sure did take your sweet time.”

  “And you sure are predictable.” He wasn’t impressed as she rolled her eyes back in her head and gave a sound of displeasure. “Don’t do that.” He took a step back as she walked into the room.

  “I told you that I didn’t want to come over, Kyle. I’m trying to do better and be a good wife.”

  “You can’t do better than me, baby. You know it too. You’re just feeling guilty because he’s finally showing you a little attention. But what happens when he starts fucking his new secretary?”

  “He’s not interested in that type.” She waved her hand and looked around the room. “This place is a mess.”

  “He tells you he isn’t. But you tell him the same thing, right? And trust me, there are many men who fuck their secretaries out of convenience, not attraction. Besides, ugly girls suck dick just as good as a pretty one. Sometimes better.”

  “He’s not messing around. And you’re not going to make me change my mind about my decision.” She went to the couch to sit down and leaned forward, raking a finger through the residue of coke on the tabletop.

  “I beg to differ.” He went over to join her. “You’re here now.”

  “I’ve just come because you threatened me.”

  “Threatened is an ugly word, baby. I would never threaten you. I merely pointed out that it was in your best interest to come down here.”

  “And you made me wonder what you might do if I didn’t.” She sat on the edge of the cushion with her body angled away from him. “I’m not staying.”

  “Come on, Kendra. Look at me. You know how much I love you, right?”

  “Yes, but it isn’t enough for you to change.” She pointed to the white residue on the tabletop. “You’re
probably high right now.”

  “I’m not. That was from yesterday. You had me so mixed up, I had no choice. I had to calm myself down. You don’t know how upset I get that you’re with another man, baby. The thought of him putting his hands on you makes me sick inside.” It really made him want to do violent things to her husband, but he wasn’t about to incriminate himself.

  “Don’t put this on me.”

  “Well, think about it, babe. I was doing good back home. Look at what you do to me. And you think I don’t love you.”

  “I know you do,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Of course, I do.” He kissed her and then nuzzled her neck. “I fucking love you so much it hurts, baby. I know you love me too.”

  She seemed to search his eyes as she stared into them. “I just can’t keep on doing this. I’m going to get caught. And then what?”

  “You tell him that you want a divorce, and then you come to me, and we’ll live happily ever after.” He put his arm around her and slipped the other between her legs, where he rubbed a firm pressure to her middle, cupping her sex. He knew it would make her feel good.

  “Kyle, don’t.” She put her hand over his. “It has to stop.”

  The smile he had on his face vanished. “Don’t pretend you’re not turned on. Hold on to that feeling. Let me make you come.” He slipped his hand into her pants and under her panties. As he stroked her clit, she melted like putty in his hands, moaning and clinging to him.

  “That’s my girl. See? I’m the one who makes you feels good. I bet he can’t make you feel like this.”

  She shook her head. “No, he can’t.” She closed her eyes, and he saw his opportunity. He pulled his hand away and scooped her up into his arms. Then he brought her around to the bed where he deposited her with her butt on the edge. “Spread your legs for me.”

  She did so immediately.

  “That’s my girl. You always know to give me what I want. Because you know you’re mine.”

  “It’s got to stop, Kyle.” She broke down in tears. “You scare me so much that I—”

  His hand went around her throat so quickly that he was afraid he might leave a mark. Then he slowly pulled away, her eyes still wide with fear. “I could easily make this hard on you, but I know you want it soft and gentle.”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  He stroked her face. “Good girl. There was a time that all you aspired to be was mine.”

  “I’ll always be yours. I’ve just grown up, Kyle. We’re not kids anymore. I have a husband, and he wants me to get pregnant.”

  “I’ll give you a baby, Kendra. He doesn’t have to know.” He rose up and dropped his shorts, and Kendra put her hands behind her back and closed her eyes. “Open your mouth.”

  She did as she was told, and he moved forward, taking her face in his hands and bringing her mouth to his cock. The tears flowed as he fucked her face, and then he pulled away.

  “There, see? You liked that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She rolled back on her ass and lifted her legs as he stepped forward, stroking his cock before he thrust inside of her. “Fuck, you’re such a good girl. You want it, don’t you?”

  She shook her head back and forth, but her voice betrayed her actions. “Yes.”

  “Yes what, baby?”

  “Yes, I want it.” She wasn’t convincing, but he was going to do his best to keep her. He pounded her good and hard, and once his release came, he stayed inside of her, holding it there as if that would make the chances better.

  “Now, any baby is going to be mine too.” He looked at her with hopeful eyes as he pulled away.

  She broke down in tears. “I’m already pregnant, Kyle.” She turned on her side and hugged a pillow, cradling it against her front.

  Her actions made more sense. “It’s mine, isn’t it?”

  She turned over and wiped her eyes. “I don’t know. I think it could be.”

  It wasn’t that she didn’t think he was a good enough lover or a good enough man, but she didn’t believe he could be a good enough father.

  “This is why you’re trying to get away from me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know which of you is the father. I just want the baby to have a good life, Kyle. You’re always high, and you can’t keep a job. What am I supposed to do if you overdose? Tate is good for us.”

  “How far along are you?” He had to know if it was his.

  “Stop it, Kyle.” She didn’t want to answer, and that told him all he needed to know.

  “No, you tell me how far along you are because I know that you were only fucking me before Tate’s goddamned promotion.”

  “I want him to be the father,” she said. “If you love me, you know it’s better for us both. Let me go.” Her eyes pleaded to him, and he knew that he had to be the bigger person in his eyes.

  “Fine. You don’t want me. It’s clear. You don’t even want me to be a father.” He turned away and let his voice break. “All I wanted was for us to be together. I guess you win, Kendra. I guess Tate wins.” Not a chance in hell.

  “I’ll always love you, Kyle. It’s just for the best. I have to do what’s best for me and the baby. I know you love me, and if you do as much as you say you do, then you’ll have to love me enough to let me go. Maybe in a different time or another life, we would have worked. But I can’t keep living two lives.” She got up from the bed and gathered her things while she could.

  “Just promise me one thing?”

  “Yes, anything.”

  “You’ll know I’m here for you? I mean, your husband’s job is not the same as before. He’s going to neglect you. If he does, you’ll come back to me?” He needed to her think that he was okay with it all and that he was always here. “I’ll get clean for you, Kendra. I would do anything for you and that baby. Promise if it doesn’t work out, you’ll come home to me.”

  “I will. Thanks for understanding that I need to try this.” She was shaking as she walked toward the door, keeping her eyes on him, and he didn’t miss that she wouldn’t turn her back on him.

  “I love you, Kendra. I’m sorry.”

  “I love you too, Kyle.” She blew him a kiss and then hurried out of the room.

  He narrowed his eyes as a slow smile spread his lips. As soon as he was rid of her husband, she and the baby would be his. It would be a cold day in hell before he let Tate Bodin raise his child.

  Chapter 19


  Jake had drunk himself to sleep, and when he woke up on the floor without a blanket or pillow, he rose with a pain in his neck and a stiff back. It had taken him much longer to get ready for work than usual, so he called in an order at Speed’s which he picked up on the way in to work.

  He nibbled on one of his waffles as he drove to work and sipped his coffee while it was hot, even though he planned on finishing his breakfast in the office.

  Jo stood in the chief’s doorway when he walked in. “There he is,” she said. “I’ll let him know and get back to you in a few.”

  “Let me know what?” he asked. He took another bite of his waffle and kept on going toward the office as she fell into step with him.

  “She’s still on the phone trying to get that warrant signed. She said to give her another half hour.”

  “So much for old friends,” he said, referring to the chief and Judge Bodin.

  “I’m surprised to see you made it in. I was about to give up on you. You know, you really had me worried.”

  “I’m sure you were beside yourself.”

  “Actually, I got in my car not long after you left my house and made sure you made it home.”

  “Thanks.” He was tired of her rejection and wasn’t going to let her fool him by pretending she really gave a fuck. “I guess I have time to eat my breakfast while we wait.”

  “Is that all you have to say? You show up at my house drunk off your ass and throwing y
ourself at me, and this is all you have to say?”

  “You said plenty last night. Look, I’m sorry. I made a fool out of myself again, and I’m over it. I’ll make sure not to let my emotions get the best of me.”

  About that time, Sam stuck his head in the door. “How are you, old devil?”

  “Making it. As soon as I eat this, we’re off for new adventures.” He popped a piece of waffle in his mouth and chased it with a piece of bacon.

  “So, how was that girl last night?” He gave him a sly grin.

  “I threw her out.”

  “Yeah, I know you did. So does half of Blue’s. She came back saying you had some problems.”

  He shrugged. “It was fucked up all around, but she was the one with the problems.”

  “That’s not what she said.” He gave him a sympathetic look as laughter erupted from the hallway.

  Jake looked behind Sam at Dannie. “Hey, teeny wieney, I heard you couldn’t get it up last night.”

  Jo’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

  “You should have been there, Jo. This one was pathetic half of the night. Then he left with some low-class slut who came back and told everyone he couldn’t perform.”

  “It’s not that funny,” said Sam, giving Jake an apologetic look. “Some of the boys thought it was funny, but the girl ended up puking on the floor, and her friends ended up dragging her out of there. I had a feeling there was more to the story.”

  “Well?” Dannie asked. “What’s the story? I sure would like to hear the rest of it.”

  “I’m sure you would.” Jake wasn’t saying shit.

  “I’m sure Jo would like to hear what happened.”

  Jake didn’t agree. “I’m sure she’s not interested. Besides, we have work to do, Dannie. You should go back to your desk.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit, babe.” Sam gave her the brush off.

  “Fuck you, Sam. Your dick wasn’t that impressive either last night.” She turned and walked away, leaving the man balling his fists.

  “I swear, if she wasn’t a woman, I’d have already let her have it.”


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