The Life of Kit Carson: Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Indian Agent and Colonel U.S.A.

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The Life of Kit Carson: Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Indian Agent and Colonel U.S.A. Page 5

by Edward Sylvester Ellis


  Kit Carson's Decision--A Hot Pursuit an and Unexpected Discovery--Weary Waiting--A Snow Balling Party--A Daring Attack--Brilliant Exploit.

  Instinctively every one turned to Carson to learn what he had to adviseand yet each was certain what he would say.

  "It'll never do, boys, to let them steal our horses in that style,"he remarked in his quiet fashion, compressing his lips and shaking hishead, while his eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

  All knew what his words and manner meant, and in a twinkling thethirteen men were in their saddles, and, with their gallant leader attheir head, galloped forth off in pursuit.

  It would be supposed where the ground was covered with snow to such adepth, that it was the easiest matter imaginable to follow the trail,and yet Kit and his companions found it one of the most difficult tasksthey had ever undertaken. Hundreds of bison had repeatedly crossed thetracks since they were made and less experienced eyes than those of thetrappers would have given over the search in despair.

  But no one thought of turning back, and the pursuit was pushedunflaggingly for fully forty miles. Not the first glimpse had beenobtained of the Indians, and the horses that had been pushed so hardfinally gave out. They were in poor condition, and, when the companycame to a halt, showed such exhaustion that it was evident they couldnot be forced much further. It was decided, therefore, to go into camp.Accordingly, they turned the heads of their panting animals toward apiece of woods a short distance away.

  Before the shelter was reached, the trappers were astonished to observea column of smoke rising above the trees. They looked in each others'faces with a smile of gratification: inasmuch as the trail led into thegrove and it was evident a camp fire was burning there, it followedthat they were close to the thieves whom they had followed such a longdistance.

  The discovery infused new warmth into the blood of the hunters, who werefairly atremble with eagerness to attack the unsuspecting Indians.

  But all were too experienced in the ways of the wilderness to allowtheir impatience to betray them into any indiscretion. They deemedit necessary their assault should be a surprise and they, therefore,withdrew to a secluded place in the woods and waited for night.

  This was trying to a painful degree. The weather which had been bitterlycold during the day, grew still colder, until the animals shivered as ifwith the ague. They were carefully tied where the trees partly shelteredthem from the cutting wind and the hunters made sure their arms wereready. Then, when the sun went down and darkness crept over the snowylandscape, the men moved around so as to approach the camp from thedirection opposite to that from which the Indians would naturally lookfor pursuit.

  When close enough to catch sight of the flames among the trees, thehunters sank on their knees and crept noiselessly forward until able togain a full view of the dusky thieves. They were surprised at what theysaw. The savages had thrown some logs and stones together so as to makea couple of rude forts and had divided themselves into two parties. Itwas characteristic of them that they were holding a dance and feast inhonor of the brilliant style in which they had outwitted the trappersforty miles away.

  The scene was quite interesting, especially when our friends plainlysaw their stolen animals tied near one of the forts. The sight of theirproperty was anything but soothing to the wrathful trappers, who wereresolved not to go back to their own camp without taking the horsesalong.

  But the Crows were strong in numbers, well armed and ready to fight onthe briefest notice. It would have been an act of the greatest rashnessto charge upon their camp, while they were excited to an unusual degreeby the rejoicing in which all took a hilarious part. The whites decidedto wait several hours longer until most of their enemies would beunconscious in slumber.

  All this time the weather was growing colder, and, toughened as thetrappers had become by years of exposure, they suffered greatly. Theydare not move about to keep up the circulation of their blood, for theslightest noise was liable to attract the suspicion of some of the Crowswho might be prowling through the grove. More than once Carson fearedhis limbs were freezing, but he held out like the genuine hero he was,and his companions were all worthy of him.

  At last the dance was over and the tired warriors wrapped their blanketsaround their forms and stretched out to rest. Their manner showed theyhad no thought that a foe was anywhere in the neighborhood. Althoughsuch men sleep lightly, they do not remain long awake when courtingsleep, and in a brief while all were unconscious except the sentinelson duty. Even they were so confident that nothing threatened, that theybecame less vigilant than usual.

  "Sh! now is the time," whispered the youthful leader. They had decidedlong before upon their plan of action, so that no time was now lost inconsultation. Kit and five of his men began slowly creeping toward theirhorses. This was anything but a pleasant occupation, for the snow, itwill be remembered, was deep on the ground; but such veterans carednothing for a trifle like that, and they speedily reached their animals.

  Such an attempt is always a dangerous one, for the horse of the Indianor white hunter often proves his most skilful sentinel. He is able todetect the stealthy approach of a scout, long before the straining earof his master can catch the slightest sound. If the beasts should becomefrightened by the shadowy figures crawling over the snow, they would belikely to alarm the camp; but Carson and his companions managed it sowell that there was not a single neigh or stamp of a hoof.

  Silently rising to their feet, they cut the halters which held thehorses fast, and then, withdrawing a slight distance, began throwingsnowballs at them. These feathery missiles fell among and struck againstthem, until, to escape the mimic bombardment they moved out the woodaltogether, where they were taken charge by the others who were waiting.All this was accomplished without attracting the attention of a singleIndian.

  Having met with such success, common prudence and sense suggested thatthe trappers should make all haste to their own comfortable quarters, somany long miles away; but they had scarcely joined each other when theyfell into an earnest discussion as to what the next step should be.

  Some were in favor of withdrawing with the least possible delay, butKit Carson and a couple of daring spirits were bent on going back andpunishing the thieves who had given them so much trouble. As they couldnot be argued out of their purpose, the others, as a matter of course,agreed to give them their aid.

  Three of the trappers were sent to take the recaptured animals to wherethe saddle horses were secured while the others advanced directly uponthe Indian camp. They moved cautiously as was their custom and werealmost upon the Crows, when one of their dogs gave notice of danger by avigorous barking. On the instant, the warriors leaped to their feetand the fight opened. So many of the Indians were shot down and theadvantage was so strongly against them, that the survivors hastilyran into the nearest fort, from which they returned the fire of theirassailants. The latter, however, had stationed themselves behind trees,where they were safe against the whistling bullets, and in their attackthey threw away very few shots indeed.

  It began growing light in the east, and, as soon as the Crowsdiscovered how few composed the besieging force, they in turn becamethe assailants, and rushed out of their fort with their frightful warwhoops, but they were met by such a destructive fire that they scurriedback again.

  The second attack of the savages was so furious that the trappers wereforced to fall back, but the reserve, as it may be called, speedilyjoined them, and once more drove the Indians into their fort. Severalof the whites had been wounded though not dangerously, and both partieshaving had enough of fighting, the battle ended.


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