My Truth My Time My Turn

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My Truth My Time My Turn Page 12

by Shelia E. Bell

  The phone rang. Fancy jumped up. This time, Hezekiah was nearest the phone. “Hello. Hold on, please.”

  It was for one of the other people sitting in the waiting room.

  Fancy sat back down and watched as a bald head, short and dumpy white man walked to the phone.

  “Thank you,” the man said to Hezekiah.

  Eliana returned with a cup carrier holding three cups. “I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I brought you something back anyway. They had sweet tea with lemon and Sprite zero.”

  “You’re a sweetheart,” Fancy said. She was beginning to have a real change of heart toward Eliana. She was just the kind of girl Khalil needed in his life. She was committed to him at work and now Fancy saw how she was even more dedicated to him outside of Holy Rock’s walls. It was easy to sense that Eliana was in love with her son.

  “Thanks, Eliana. Which one do you want, Ma?”

  “I’ll take the Sprite Zero.” She looked at the top of the cup.

  “Both of these are Sprite Zeroes,” Eliana told her.

  “Fancy removed one of the cups out of its holder.

  Khalil removed the other cup filled with tea.

  Eliana sat down and removed the last cup for herself. “I’ll put the cup holder under my chair until we’re done.”

  “Okay,” Khalil said. “Thanks again, Eliana. This was right on time.”

  Eliana opened her MK tote and removed a bag containing sandwiches and chips. “They had a Subway down there so I bought back a turkey club sandwich and a veggie delite. Take your pick. I brought some candy bars back too.” She reached back inside her purse and pulled out three candy bars and offered them to Khalil and Fancy.


  “I don’t want anything, but that was thoughtful of you, Eliana. You seem to know exactly what my son likes.”

  Eliana blushed.

  “Go ahead, eat both of them, Khalil. If I get hungry, I’ll eat one of those candy bars, but right now my stomach is in knots. I’m just wondering what’s taking so long for them to call and tell us about Xavier.”

  “They’ll call soon, Ma. Try not to worry.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You wait until you become a parent.” She glanced over at Eliana.

  Eliana blushed again but remained silent as she looked away and returned the candy bars to her bag.

  Khalil unwrapped the veggie sandwich first and began to gobble it. The smell and sight of it awakened his hunger.

  Eliana opened the bag of plain potato chips and passed them to him.

  Isabella got up, picked up her child, and walked past them and out the door, leaving Benny and Hezekiah.

  The phone rang shortly after she left. This time when Hezekiah answered, Fancy watched and listened. She heard him say, “Yes, this is Hezekiah McCoy.”

  Fancy jumped up and walked swiftly over to Hezekiah and sat down next to him.

  Khalil passed his sandwich, chips and soda to Eliana who gladly accepted it, and then he followed behind his mother.

  When Hezekiah hung up the phone he relayed the news to Fancy and Khalil.

  “They said he made it through surgery. They set his fractures, found where he was bleeding internally, and were able to stop it. He’s headed to recovery and then to CCU, the critical care unit. The doctor said he’ll come talk to us as soon as he can. The next twenty-four hours are critical though. But thank, God, he made it through surgery.”

  “Yes, thank you, God,” Fancy said, not able to hold back her tears. “My baby, I want to see him so bad.”

  “You will, Ma.”

  She looked at Hezekiah. “Do you know what happened, Hezekiah?”

  “Benny and I, believe it or not, rode up on the accident right after it happened. We heard a loud boom like an explosion. I didn’t know what it was, but then traffic came to a complete halt. That’s when we saw folks up ahead jumping out of their cars. It took almost an hour before traffic started moving again. Even then it was still at a snail’s pace. When we finally made it up to the scene, there was an ambulance and fire truck. That’s when I spotted the car. When I saw it, I told Benny it looked like the same kind of car Xavier drove. Benny pulled into a store parking lot and ran across the street and over to the accident scene to see if he could get a closer look. He came back and told me he saw them pulling the person out with the Jaws of Life. When they put him on the stretcher, he could clearly see it was Xavier. From what I can tell, it looked like he lost control of his car and hit one of those concrete construction embankments.”

  The doctor appeared and took them into another smaller room adjacent to the waiting room where he could talk to them privately.

  Fancy listened as did Hezekiah. It was hard, if not impossible, to tell that the two of them had been what could only be described as mortal enemies. But the love of Xavier and his well-being had reunited them, if only for brief time.

  “Your son,” the doctor said, should have died from the impact of the crash alone. It’s nothing short of a miracle that he survived. He sustained a head injury and facial and pelvic fractures but it’s still a miracle he’s alive. His prognosis remains guarded. He’ll remain in critical care for the next few days.”

  “Can I see him?” Fancy asked.

  “He’s still heavily sedated, but I’ll allow you to visit with him for five minutes. Then I’m going to ask you to allow him to rest. He has a slow recovery ahead.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Hezekiah spoke up. “God bless you.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Khalil said and walked up to the doctor, extended his hand and they shook.


  “If you kick a stone in anger, you’ll hurt your own foot.” Proverb

  Khalil walked out of the hospital in the wee hours of the morning after having been there since early the day before. Fancy and Eliana were next to him. He was thankful at that moment for family but especially thankful his li’l brother survived what had been described to him as a horrendous, life threatening crash. As for his father, words couldn’t express his feelings about his hospital appearance. On one hand it was good to see his father finally show some concern for his family, but Khalil couldn’t help but think if this was another one of his father’s ploys to wreak havoc and confusion. He didn’t know which it was but he was confident that time would tell Hezekiah McCoy’s true motives.

  Hezekiah, Benny, and Isabella were drained. It had been a long 24 hours but there was little time for rest. They had to get back to the task at hand, getting Isabella to rehab.

  Isabella’s little boy rested in the back seat next to her, fast asleep.

  “We’ll get on the road after we go home, shower, and eat a good meal,” Hezekiah told her. “I hope this deterrence hasn’t caused you to change your mind. You know it’s the best thing for you and for your kid.” He looked in the back seat at Isabella and the boy.

  Isabella listened in silence. She replayed the scene of the accident in her head. Benny and Hezekiah had been on the way to take her to rehab when they came upon the crash. When Benny told Hezekiah it was his son who was involved in the crash, taking her to rehab was the last thing on his mind. She couldn’t blame him.

  “I still want to go,” Isabella told him. I know you’ve shelled out a lot of money to send me there.”

  “It’s not about the money. This is your chance to make something out of your life.”

  Isabella would be in rehab for six months. Arrangements had been made, paperwork signed, and the knowledge that her child would be housed on the same grounds of the rehab facility, gave her renewed hope and confidence that maybe her life could turn around just as Hezekiah said.

  Isabella hadn’t prayed in a very long time. Her family life and her past hadn’t exactly been one that included God. If anything, it was quite the opposite. The abuse and neglect at the hands of her mother was what prompted her to run away and never look back. She and her little brother were never taught about God. That’s why when she met Hezekiah and his team as a homel
ess sixteen year old prostitute she was cautious and didn’t entertain what they told her about God and how he would forgive her for all the things she’d done. When she was shown so much love and kindness by Hezekiah and some of the other Holy Rock Street Team members she began to have a glimmer of hope. That quickly changed when the relationship with Hezekiah turned sexual. He was no better than the other tricks she’d welcomed in and out of her bed and her life. Now, for some reason, because of Hezekiah’s offer and suggestion she go into rehab, she began to believe maybe there was something to this God thing. Yes, he’d taken advantage of her, used her sexually, and fed her addiction, but he’d also provided a place for her and her son. A much safer place than being on the streets of Memphis.

  Pepper knocked then pounded on Xavier’s door repeatedly until someone next door opened their door and looked out. When the guy saw her, he frowned, showing his discontent with her incessant knocking.

  “Uh, obviously no one’s at home or they don’t want to be bothered at two o’clock in the morning,” the guy said, rubbing his eyes and sounding aggravated.

  Pepper showed him a finger sign. “Screw you,” she mouthed and then stormed down the stairs. She looked up and down the parking lot to see if she saw Xavier’s car. She didn’t. Standing in the dark, she called him again. It went to his voicemail. She texted him but there was no reply.

  “Dang, I wish I had Ian’s number. I bet you’re somewhere hanging out with him. Why won’t he stay out of our relationship and leave you alone. Ughh.” Should she go to Ian’s crib? It was in the same complex but she didn’t know exactly which building nor his address. Maybe I should drive through the complex and see if I see Xavier’s or Ian’s cars.

  As she walked toward her car, fighting to walk against the strong wind, she saw Eliana’s car as it made the turn into the apartment complex and down Xavier’s street.

  Before she could flag her down, Eliana drove up and stopped behind Pepper’s car.


  “Pepper, what are you doing out here at this time of morning?”

  “Looking for Xavier. I’m worried about him. It’s not like him not to return my calls or texts. Do you know if he’s with your brother?” Pepper’s hair and clothes blew against the high winds and her thin, shapely frame swayed from side to side.

  “Get in the car,” Eliana replied.

  Pepper opened the passenger car door and got inside Eliana’s car. “Look, I’m not trying to stir up drama, I just want to know if you’ve seen your brother and Xavier. That’s it.”

  “Pepper, Xavier was in a car accident. He’s in critical condition. I’ve been at the hospital with Pastor Khalil.”

  Pepper was floored. Xavier? In the hospital in critical condition? This couldn’t be happening. Maybe she wasn’t hearing her right.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said, Xavier is in the hospital. That’s where I’m coming from. I just dropped Pastor Khalil and Sista McCoy off at home.”

  “You say he’s in critical condition?” Her hand flew over her mouth and tears spouted from her eyes like a running faucet. “Oh, my God. I knew it was a reason he wasn’t calling me back or responding to my text messages. What hospital? How is he?”

  “Regional One. They’re not letting anyone see him right now, except his immediate family, but even they weren’t allowed to visit but five minutes.”

  Pepper broke down and boo-hooed.

  Eliana reached around her shoulder and patted her on the back.

  “It’s going to be all right, Pepper. Remember, God is in control. We’re just thankful that he survived. It could have been worse, you know. Why don’t you go home. It’s almost three o’clock in the morning. You do not need to be out here by yourself. Plus, it’s about to storm.”

  Pepper continued crying but nodded as if she was in agreement with Eliana.

  A boom of thunder sounded in the sky, confirming what Eliana said.

  Pepper got out of Eliana’s car. “Thanks, Eliana,” she said between sobs.

  “Get it together before you start driving, Pepper. We don’t need another accident. Oh, wait. What’s your phone number? I’ll call you now and you can save my number. Call or text me to let me know you made it home safely.”

  “I will.”

  At home, Fancy undressed and climbed in the bed but sleep escaped her. Her mind was troubled, filled with concern for her son. She got out of her bed, went down on her knees, and began to pray and cry as the storm outside began delivering pounding rain crashing against her windowpane. The wind roared and thunder clashed.

  When she finished praying and got off her knees, a bolt of lightning lit up the window, and Fancy jumped. Climbing underneath the bedcovers, she began to think about Hezekiah and how he showed up at the hospital. Sometimes the worst of times brings out the best in people.

  The Hezekiah she saw at the hospital reminded her of the Hezekiah she first fell in love with. That Hezekiah was the type of man who loved and adored his family, who lavished her with gifts, who would do any and everything to keep his family happy. That Hezekiah was kind, always a hustler, and a man who genuinely loved God. What she wouldn’t give to have that Hezekiah back.


  “Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.”

  Rudyard Kipling

  “Fancy, how’s Xavier?” Stiles asked.

  “He’s hanging in there. We didn’t get home from the hospital until a few hours ago. I’m still in the bed. I haven’t been able to sleep.”

  “I’m not going to keep you. I want you to know that I’m praying for him.”

  “How did you find out? You must have talked to Khalil.”

  “No, I haven’t talked to him. I was going to call him after I finished talking to you. But to answer your question, I actually got a call not too long ago from Sista Mavis.”

  Fancy shook her head. “That woman is a walking news reporter. She just doesn’t have a journalism degree and she isn’t on television.”

  “Yea, she’s a character. But in this case, I’m glad she called. I want to know what’s going on in my family, you know. But enough talking; you try to get some rest.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’m going to get up in an hour or so and head back to the hospital. I need to be by my son’s side.”

  “I know you do, but just take care of yourself. Xavier is in good hands. The good Lord is going to bring him through this.”

  “I know he can and I know he will. Thank you.”

  “Keep me updated as often as you can. I’m going to call Khalil to see if he needs me to come fill in for him so he can have time to be with his brother.”

  “That would be good, but we don’t want to take you away from your church every time Khalil is absent from the pulpit. There are some capable ministers on staff that can preach if that’s what’s needed.”

  “I understand that, but it’s also the reason he brought me back as associate pastor. It’s my duty to fill in for him when he’s unavailable or having an emergency. This constitutes as an emergency, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Yes, absolutely. Well, whatever you and Khalil decide. It’s not like y’all would listen to me anyway.” Fancy grinned for the first time since she’d heard about her son.

  Stiles laughed. “I wouldn’t say all that. Anyway, I’m going to let you off this phone so you can rest. Keep me updated.”

  “Okay, I will. Goodbye, Stiles and thanks for calling.”

  “No problem. See ya.” Stiles ended the call.

  Listening to Pandora through her Bose Bluetooth speaker, Detria danced around the sitting room, totally dismissing the raging thunderstorm outside.

  Priscilla walked into the entrance of the room and stood with hands on hips, smiling and shaking her head at the sight of seeing Detria dancing and hearing the music blasting.

  Detria danced until she looked over toward the door and saw Priscilla standing in the doorway with a big grin.

hat has you so happy this morning?”

  Pausing the music, she asked. “Did you say something, Priscilla?

  “Yes, I said what has you dancing around like a teeny bopper on this stormy morning?”

  “Oh, I’m just feeling good. It’s a brand new day, Priscilla.” The effects of the powder sometimes made her giddy and hyper. “Things are about to change for the better. You’re going to see a new me.”

  Priscilla tilted her head slightly. “Ohhh, is that right? How so?”

  “You’ll see. Just believe me when I tell you that from here on out, it’s all about me, Priscilla.” Detria laughed, took the music off pause and started dancing again.

  “Okay, then. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?”

  “What did you say?”

  Priscilla repeated herself, speaking louder to make her voice carry over the music.

  Detria bobbed her head and kept on doing her moves until the song ended. She turned the music off and followed the aroma coming from the kitchen.

  “Smells good. You know you can burn, Priscilla.”

  “Girl, what’s got you in such a good mood?”

  “I told you, it’s a new me.”

  “I hope that’s a good thing. You know I want what’s best for you. And I sure hope this new you means you’re going to start spending time with Elijah. Your son needs you.”

  “I know, but he doesn’t like to be around me. You know that, Priscilla.”

  “That’s because he senses you feel the same way about him. If you start spending more time with him, calling him more, and just letting him know you love him, then you’d be surprised at how quickly he’ll want to be with you.”

  “Maybe so. I’ll have to think on that one, but at least I’m going to start working on me. I’m going to even start going to church more often.”

  Priscilla paused momentarily from mixing the bacon and cheese omelet to look at Detria. “Say what?”


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