My Truth My Time My Turn

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My Truth My Time My Turn Page 17

by Shelia E. Bell

  Xavier shook his head. “Really?” He found himself growing agitated at Pepper. “What kind of stupid question is that?”

  “Uh, who says you have to be on your feet to dance, Xavier? Look out there. Do any of the people on that dance floor look like they’re from “So You Think You Can Dance?” All you have to do is move your body. Think of it as a form of exercise.

  “Nah, I don’t think so.

  “Xavier, all you have to do is move your arms and body to the beat of the music from your wheelchair.” She giggled.

  Xavier didn’t find it funny. “I don’t think so.”

  “Aww, come on. I’ll push you onto the dance—”

  “I said no. Now back off will ya,” Xavier yelled. Those sitting at the table stopped their conversations and eating to look at the couple.

  “What’s going on?” Victoria asked.

  “Nothing, Mom.”

  “Xavier, what’s going on?” Fancy asked.

  “Didn’t you hear Pepper? It’s nothing. Look, I’m tired. I’m ready to go home.”

  “But, Xavier, you haven’t been here a good hour, and they haven’t served dinner yet.”

  “I’m not hungry. I want to go home. Now.”

  Pepper stood up. “I’ll take him. No worries.”

  “No, I’ll take him,” Fancy insisted.

  “Really, I don’t mind. We came here together so I’ll take him home. Anyway, I’m a little tired myself. Plus, you’re needed here more than me and Xavier. Don’t you agree, Xavier?”

  “Yea, Ma. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to ruin your evening.”

  Khalil and Stiles reappeared at the table almost simultaneously after having worked the room to meet and greet people in attendance.

  “What’s going on?” Khalil asked. “Ruin her evening how?”

  Fancy threw up a hand, “Oh, it’s nothing. Xavier is worn out. He’s ready to go home. I told him I would take him but Pepper insists.”

  “You all right, bruh?”

  “Yea, just not into this right now. I thought I would be but all the people and folks constantly coming up wanting to talk and all….I’m not feeling it. You know?”

  Khalil nodded. “Yea, I feel ya.” Khalil looked at Pepper. “You sure you got this? I can always take him home and come back.”

  “No, I’m good. You ready, Xavier?” She looked down at him.


  “Wait, let us at least fix you something to eat to take with you.”

  “Sure,” Pepper said. “You okay with that, Xavier?”

  “Yea, that’s straight.”

  “Stay here, Ma. I’ll go tell the caterers.”

  Stiles returned to his chair. “Xavier, you sure you’re all right, man?”

  “Yes, I’m good,” he said, barely audible.

  Stiles’ eyes veered over to Victoria. Her smile lit up her face. Stiles swallowed deeply when he saw her stroll across the floor and back to the table after talking to some of the guests. He was definitely attracted to her. She was quite an attractive woman. Her honey complexion glowed. She wore just the right amount of makeup, and her natural hair was flawless.

  Victoria and Fancy had gone shopping earlier in the week and Victoria chose an elegant, form-fitting, tan with black accents midi-dress that sported a V-neck with cape sleeves.

  Khalil returned to the table rather quickly. “They’re preparing your food. You can head toward the exit and they’re going to meet you there. You should see them when they come out of the side door in the hallway. There should be plenty of everything.”

  “Thanks, bruh. Nite, Ma. Good seeing everyone,” Xavier said.

  Those at the table replied with “Good night, feel better,” and so on.

  Fancy stood up, went over to her son and kissed him on the side of his forehead. She did the same to Pepper, and squeezed Pepper’s hand. “Thank you, Pepper. You’re a godsend.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, sweetheart,” Victoria told her daughter. “Be careful out there. Text me when you make it home.”

  “Okay, I will. Have a good time.” She waved goodbye and she and Xavier left for the exit.

  Ian was beside himself when Eliana told him he had missed Xavier at the banquet by mere minutes. He had gone out of his way to arrive late, hoping he would stand out among the crowd and Xavier would see him and become jealous. It all backfired. Once again, Pepper had come between them. This was it. Ian mentally threw his hands up in the air. Enough was enough. He could have any man he wanted. That was evident in the arm candy he brought to the banquet. The man was not only handsome, but he was a wealthy, successful banker who came from a long line of money and he didn’t mind spending it on Ian. You know what, Xavier, I gotchu. Watch what I tell you.


  “If you carry the bricks from your past relationship, you will end up building the same house.” KushandWizdom

  Victoria led the conversation with Stiles. They had exchanged pleasantries, but to keep from feeling awkward sitting next to him, she thought she would start a friendly conversation. “So, are you excited to be back in Memphis?”

  Stiles looked at her. His mind was thinking lustful thoughts, something he hadn’t done in a while, not since he and Kareena’s relationship fiasco.

  “Yes, I’m grateful God has blessed me to keep my church in Houston while returning to my first love.”

  “Well, Holy Rock is glad to have you back. The banquet is nice, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I can’t believe all of this is for me. It makes me feel, well almost a little embarrassed at the attention, you know.”

  Victoria smiled and Stiles returned her smile with a warm smile of his own, melting a piece of Victoria’s heart. Dang, he is so fine. And those lips. OMG and look at those perfect white teeth.

  “Would you like to dance?” Khalil asked Eliana.

  “I’m not a very good dancer,” she confessed.

  “Neither am I.”

  “Uh, that’s not what I heard,” she countered, laughing.

  “And what did you hear?”

  “That you can give Chris Brown a run for his money.”

  “Lady, are you serious? I wish. Come on, let me prove it to you.”

  Without waiting on her response, he stood from the table, reached down and grabbed her hand. Eliana didn’t put up a big fuss. She allowed him to lead her to the dance floor, both of them giggling along the way.

  From a nearby table, Sista Mavis watched. I knew it. They can’t tell me nothing is going on between them two.

  Ian walked into the banquet with a relatively conservative looking white man. Both of them were dressed in black suits. Ian was a handsome guy and his friend was equally as handsome with a reddish short beard and red hair.

  Sista Mavis spotted him as they walked pass the dance floor, temporarily blocking her view of Pastor Khalil and Eliana. Umm, that’s Eliana’s brother, I think. That must be his little boy toy. Guess Victoria’s little fast tale daughter scared Xavier straight. She burst out laughing at her own thoughts.

  Sista Mavis, what are you laughing about?” one of the ladies sitting at the table with her asked.

  “Oh, nothing. Just watching these young folks on the dance floor.”

  Ian walked past her and she regained her view of Khalil and Eliana, as well as some other couples dancing. She turned back around in her chair to face the people at her table. “When I was growing up in church, there was no way you would be dancing and playing that secular music, and at a church too? I think it’s disrespecting the Lord’s name.”

  “Now, Sista Mavis, no need to get yourself upset,” one of the deacons sitting at the table told her. “There’s nothing we can do about it, so let it go. That’s between the Lord and Pastor Khalil.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with it,” the lady sitting to the right of the deacon said. “I’d rather have them having clean fun in the church than to be out in these streets doing God knows what.”

  “I guess it comes with having a young p
astor like Pastor Khalil,” another lady to the left of her added.

  “Humph, I’m like Sista Mavis, I don’t agree with it,” the husband of the lady said.

  “Wrong is wrong and right is right and this is wrong,” said Sista Mavis, and picked up her glass of tea and took a swallow before placing her glass back on the table.

  The deacon patted her hand. “It’s all right, Sista Mavis. I don’t think anyone is going to go to hell because of it.”

  Sista Mavis rolled her eyes at the man and turned back around.

  Pastor Khalil and Eliana were dancing to an upbeat song, laughing and giggling like they were two lovebirds. She wants to be the First Lady. I guess he does need himself a good woman. If I have to say so myself, Eliana is a sweet girl. She might just make him a good wife. God knows he needs one with all those heifers running around the church after that poor man.

  Sista Mavis scanned the room. Yea, look at ‘em. Young girls eying him like he a piece of fine chocolate. Some of these old women lusting after that boy, too. They ought to be ashamed. She shook her head and then returned her focus to her table.

  “How are you and the kids?” Stiles asked Cynthia who was seated next to him. The new widow still looked lost. She and Leo attended every church function together. Now, here she sat all alone and hurting. Knowing the man responsible for her husband’s death pled guilty and would be behind bars for years, did little to soothe her pain. Her grief was still raw.

  “The kids are okay. They miss their daddy. It’s hardly a day that passes when they don’t ask me when he’s coming home. They’re still young and they don’t understand.”

  “And you?”

  “What about me?”

  “How are you doing, Cynthia?”

  “All I can say is I’m coping. Leo and I were soulmates. Living without him has been hard. I mean as far as financially, I don’t have any worries. Leo made sure if anything ever happened to him that his family would be well provided for. But it does little to make me feel better. I miss him, Stiles. I miss my husband.” Her eyes swelled with tears.

  Victoria watched but heard little of the conversation exchanged between Stiles and Cynthia. Everyone at their table was chatting and the sounds of chatter from the other tables made it almost impossible to decipher what was being said.

  Stiles’ heart was heavy for Cynthia. He caressed her hand that lay on the table. “Let’s not talk about it now. I don’t want to see you upset. We’ll talk later.”

  She nodded and then looked down in her lap and opened the small purse. Removing a tissue, she kept her head down and swiftly wiped her eyes.

  Closing the purse and looking back up at Stiles she said, “Thank you. You were always such a good friend to Leo.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by servers placing basket of rolls on the tables and refreshing the guests’ beverages.

  There was a short program recognizing Stiles as the new associate pastor of Holy Rock. Khalil spoke highly of him, followed by words from two of the staff ministers, chairman of the deacon board, Pastor, and lastly Fancy spoke. When they were done, it was Stiles’ turn.

  He approached the podium set up at the front of the banquet space. “Thank you for all the eloquent words said about me and on my behalf. God is a good God. I tell you, I am one blessed man. God has poured so much of His favor over my life. To be given an opportunity to be part of the church I grew up in, the church founded by my father,” he pointed over to his table where Pastor sat, “ to have my father here to see me return to Holy Rock, and to have Holy Rock welcome me back, is one of the greatest joys of my life. To Pastor McCoy,” he looked at Khalil and he saw the young woman next to Khalil with a smile on her face, “thank you for asking me to be the associate pastor. I will serve with honor. I will be by your side whenever you need me. I must say it is remarkable to see how you are growing in the ministry. To be a man as young as you with the wisdom you have is a God thing. Since you’ve been the shepherd of this great church, Holy Rock has blossomed into an international ministry.”

  The audience applauded and stood up to give Khalil a standing ovation. Stiles joined in and applauded as well.

  Fancy was proud of her son. This was a night set aside for Stiles but Stiles had taken the spotlight off of himself and placed it on Khalil. She was overwhelmed with joy.

  When the audience settled down and began taking their seats, Stiles continued. “You’re going to go even farther, young man. Keep being obedient to what God tells you to do. Keep allowing him to lead you and direct your path. He will show you favor like none other. I’m a living witness He will.”

  Stiles said a few more words before taking his seat. The remainder of the banquet people continued to eat, mingle, dance, and have fun.

  Toward the end of the evening, Stiles and Victoria talked some more. Not very much because neither of them wanted to disregard the others at the table. Stiles paid attention to his father, Josie, and to Cynthia. Victoria understood and actually she was pleased to see how attentive he was toward them. Just like Fancy said, Stiles Graham appeared to be a good and honorable man.

  “Well, I think I’m going to leave. If I plan to attend all three services tomorrow, I better get home and get some rest,” she said to Stiles.

  “I’ll be right behind you. I have to take my parents home and Sista Cynthia. Then I’m going to do the same. You know, it was nice having you sitting next to me, Sister Victoria.”

  Victoria smiled. She hoped she hadn’t turned two shades of red because she felt all giddy. “The feeling is mutual.”

  “Let me walk you to your car.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  Fancy watched and listened. Yessss!

  Stiles pushed his chair back and stood up from the table. “Pastor, Josie, Cynthia, I’ll be right back. I’m going to walk this lovely lady to her car. We’ll be ready to leave when I get back, if that’s okay with you all.”

  “It’s fine with me. I need to get home so the sitter can get home. I told her I wouldn’t be out late,” explained Cynthia.

  “Sure,” said Stiles.

  “We’re ready whenever you are,” said Josie. “Right, Pastor?”

  “Huh? What? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, sweetheart,” Josie said, shaking her head, smiling and kissing her hubby on the cheek.

  Fall was approaching and the weather outside was perfect. Stars lined the skies and the moon shown bright.

  “It’s a beautiful night.”

  “Yes, it is,” Stiles agreed as they walked toward the parking lot.

  “My car is right over there.” Victoria pointed to her white Altima.

  “Oh, okay. So, Sister Victoria, tell me, how long have you been a member of Holy Rock? I don’t remember seeing you when I was pastor or even before then. I’m sure I would have remembered you,” he flirted. Did I just say that?

  “I’ve been a member for a number of years. I hate to admit it, but I didn’t come that often. My name was on the church roll but that’s about it. It’s only been the last year that I made a commitment to give God more of my time.”

  “I understand, and believe me I don’t judge. That’s for God. The important thing is to have a relationship with God. It doesn’t mean you have to take a space on the church pew every Sunday. Although as a pastor I encourage my members to attend church as often as possible. I liken it to a person taking multi-vitamins. They’re good for you and you can rarely overdose on vitamins.”

  Stiles and Victoria laughed and continued walking slowly toward her car. “I’m not trying to get all preachy on you,” he apologized.

  “No, I didn’t take it like that. I mean, you’re a man of God. I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  They arrived at her car. “Yes, I am a man of God but I’m also a man. I don’t like to shove my faith and beliefs down anyone’s throat.”

  “You haven’t and you didn’t.”


  Nervous, Victoria looked away and opened her handba
g and retrieved her car keys. She hit the FOB, remote started the car, and unlocked the door.

  Stiles reached in front of her. She could smell his minty breath intermingled with his fragrant cologne. An unexpected but welcomed heat filled the space between them.

  “Let me get that.” He opened the door for her. She smells so gooood. Ahhhh.

  “Thanks for walking me to my car.”

  “No problem. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I’m sure they have security around here somewhere, but my parents taught me to be a gentleman.”

  There goes that smile again. Well, I’m sure grateful for your parents. Did that sound corny? Ughh. Come on, Victoria. You can do better than that.

  “I am too.” What’s going on with me? I sound so lame. Should I ask for her phone number? What if she turns me down? Why would I ask anyway when I don’t want to be involved with anyone? Who says I would be getting involved with her? But I do need to make friends since I’ll be coming back and forth to Memphis. I can’t expect Fancy to drop everything when I come, and I sure can’t expect it of Cynthia. The woman has small kids and she’s trying to piece her life back together without Leo. I mean, there’re some guys I know I can hang out with. But, I’m not trying to get my heart run over anymore, but I do have needs. That’s just the truth. Stop overthinking, dummy.

  “Drive safe, Sister Victoria.”

  “Okay, thank you, and gnite, Reverend Graham.”

  “If you insist on calling me Reverend Graham, then how can I ask for your phone number?” Smile.

  “And if you insist on calling me Sister Victoria how can I expect you to—Stiles?” Victoria flashed a smile of her own, grateful her parents had made her get corrective braces as a teen.


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