A Shifter's Revenge

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by Raven Steele

  A Shifter's Revenge

  A Rouen Urban Fantasy 3

  Raven Steele

  Ava Mason

  A Shifter’s Revenge

  Rouen Chronicles Book 3

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  A novel by

  Raven Steele


  Ava Mason


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  This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  This book may not be reproduced in whole or part, by mimeograph or any other means, without the permission of the Publisher. Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringement and could subject the infringer to criminal and civil liability.

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  Cover design by Covers by Juan

  Printed in the United States of America

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  Copyright © 2018 by Raven Steele and Ava Mason

  All rights reserved

  Created with Vellum

  Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

  ~ Ann Landers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  A Vampire’s Bane

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  Other books by Raven Steele:

  Other books by Ava Mason:

  Chapter 1

  The heel of her boot tasted like grass, dirt, and … I retched. Was that sewage? I growled, grabbed her foot, and twisted it off my face.

  “Where the hell has your boot been?” I rolled out of the way of Samira’s boot just as it came crashing down again. I jumped to my feet and tried to catch my breath.

  “The park. I chased down a young man into a bathroom. Their sewage pipes had backed up.” She swung her fists at me, one after another, but I was faster.

  “Since when did you switch teams?”

  She paused. “Teams?”

  I took advantage of her confusion and decked her hard. The force of it dropped her to the ground. “From vampires to humans. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve met some humans I’d bang, but I thought you were only into fangs. Actually, I can’t say what you’re into. Wait.” I furrowed my brow. “Are you a lesbian?”

  She came to her feet and brushed herself off. “My private life is none of your business.”

  “But I am your only friend, so that makes me your best friend. And best friends talk about their sex life.” The side of my lips twisted up. “Or lack thereof.”

  “We’re done training.” Her usual face, deadpan, didn’t betray any emotions. As usual.

  Other vampires weren’t like her. They showed emotion and still maintained some human mannerisms, but Samira had been “dead” for so long that those silly notions, as she called them, had long since left her.

  At first it was annoying, but now I saw it as a challenge - to remind her of her human side. Sure, she wore the thin-rimmed glasses that she said reminded her of being human, but they looked stupid more than anything else. Plus they hid her amazing blue eyes. I wonder what she’d do if I smashed them?

  Just as I thought it, she reached for the glasses hanging on a nearby tree and placed them on her face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  I shook my head as if to clear it. “Are we done because I kicked your ass?”

  She walked past me. “I recall my foot planted on your face three seconds longer than it should have. You hardly won.”

  “That’s only because I was trying to figure out why your boot sole tasted like ass.”

  I followed after her, matching her pace as we left the meadow behind and walked into the overgrown forest. For spring, the air was way too cool, but the full moon provided enough light that I barely felt its chilly nip.

  She eyed me sideways. “You need to take your training seriously.”

  “Here we go again.”

  “Being a Komira is not only a powerful calling, but a sacred one, too. You can either be a force for good or a force for evil.”

  “Can’t I just be a force?”

  She sighed loud and long, and I nudged her arm with my elbow. “You just sighed. That’s a human thing. Good job, Sammie.”

  “Bad things are coming. I can feel it. If you would learn to use your Komira gifts, you’d feel it too and start taking this training seriously.”

  It was my turn to sigh. “I am. Really. But you can mess around and still be serious. That’s your lesson for the day. Maybe with enough training, we can wedge that stick out of your ass.”

  Samira froze. “They’re starting.”

  I snapped my head toward Fire Ridge. “Already? I thought they were waiting until midnight. I better go. See you back at the house!”

  She grabbed hold of my arm before I could leave. “I have a stick up my ass for a reason.” My eyes glimmered at this revelation but before I could ask any questions, she continued, her face serious. “One that you would never wish to discover. Keep that in mind.” She glanced behind me. “Now hurry. You don’t want to be late.”

  I took off running toward Fire Ridge built in the middle of Beechwood Forest, my mind racing. Samira was a puzzle, one I intended to put together. As I got closer to the mansion, my focus shifted to the house before me. It was such a strange sight, a huge stone manor in the middle of nowhere. But strange could be intimidating and so Fire Ridge served its purpose. No humans ever came here if they could avoid it. Same with other shifters. Only Silver Claws were allowed to come and go.

  And I was practically top alpha there. I actually could’ve been Alpha, but then I’d have to slit my own throat. A leadership position was the last thing I wanted. Instead, I’d handed the position over to my uncle. He’d be perfect for the job. Fair, honest, and not power hungry.

  Everything Dominic wasn’t.

  Glad I killed the bastard.

  I ran out of the forest onto the expansive lawn behind Fire Ridge just as the ceremony began. Tall fires lined the pathway our future Alpha was to take, creating a wide trail with one final blazing fire in the end. The pack was divided on each side of the path. We were a huge pack now, and had several, more legitimate, businesses in the city. In the short time Vincent had been acting as Alpha, he’d made a huge difference. Music played from outside speakers, some instrumental song meant to inspire. I wondered if my uncle had chosen it. I would’ve chosen something more rock n’ roll.

nbsp; After scanning the group for Luke but coming up empty, I slid in next to Gerald near the front. He was on Fire Ridge’s security team and had become one of my good friends early on.

  He bumped my shoulder, smiling. “I didn’t think you were going to make it.”

  “What? And miss my—” I caught myself. No one except my close circle knew Vincent and I were related, and I wanted to keep it that way. “And miss this amazing ceremony?” I finished.

  “Vincent will make a good pack leader. You chose well, but I think you would’ve been better.”

  “Nah.” I shook my head. “If I was Alpha, we’d all be naked alcoholics within the first thirty days.”

  He grinned, showing two dimples and raised his eyebrows. “I could live with that.”

  I shoved him playfully. “Where’s Luke? Have you seen him?”

  He frowned and looked around. “He was here earlier.”

  I needed to speak with Luke as soon as possible. If only I could get him to listen to me. Ever since I’d killed Dominic four days ago, Luke hadn’t spoken to me. I’d tried texting him, but apparently he’d abandoned his phone at Fire Ridge and gone off the grid.

  I understood, though.

  He thought I’d killed Dominic without finding his brother, Jake. Dominic was the only one who knew where Jake was being held. Four years ago, Luke’s brother owed Dominic money he couldn’t pay back. When they tried to kill him, Luke made a deal with the devil. In return for working for Dominic, they let Jake live… as far as Luke knew.

  He hadn’t seen his brother in all that time, and it devastated him to think that Jake’s location disappeared with Dominic’s death.

  Stubborn ass.

  All he had to do was talk to me, and I’d tell him that I may be a bitch sometimes, but I wasn’t heartless.

  I was determined to corner him after the Alpha ceremony, something Luke was required to attend, and tell him what I knew. I fully planned on making him feel like the jackass he was for avoiding me for so long.

  The music stopped, and my uncle walked forward between the aisle of fires. He looked different now. His long dark jacket combined with a black button-up shirt and red tie made him look more regal. He had cut his hair. Now short and tidy, it made him seem bigger and taller. The expression of absolute determination on his face gave him an air of strength and self-confidence that exuded power.

  If anyone had doubted him as Alpha before, they wouldn’t now.

  He looked at me in passing and winked, his mask slipping a little for me. I smiled and nodded while I played with the raven ring on my finger. With him as Alpha, I’d have more time to find this mysterious shadowy creature Dominic had been worshipping. I agreed with Samira. Whoever it was had surely filled Dominic with ideas. He never seemed smart enough to come up with a plan to drug supernaturals and force them to do whatever he wanted.

  Just then, I caught a familiar scent. My body immediately responded and I wanted to rush towards it. Luke.

  Just the thought of him had every nerve ending in my body on fire. I turned to my left and met his hooded gaze. Just the sight of him had my stomach in knots. I’d had a few days to come to terms with my feelings for him, and I did not like what I’d discovered.

  I’d given up everything I’d ever worked towards, my whole life… for him. And even though Dominic ended up dead anyway, it wasn’t because I’d chosen it. Dominic would still be alive right now had he not attacked me. And that was some serious shit right there. My feelings ran deep, and I’d have to figure out what that meant.

  Luke stared at me like I’d put a knife in his back and twisted it for good measure. I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze. I’d catch him later and tell him the news, something I gladly would’ve done had he not disappeared.

  “Silver Claws,” my uncle called, drawing my attention. His voice was full of authority and power. He stood upon the same wooden platform Dominic used to address us from. “I have been honored to be called as your Alpha. The last several months have been challenging. Our Alpha and his First betrayed the pack. They conspired to obtain drugs from the Nocturnas for the sole purpose of harming not only our kind, but all supernaturals. This gross misconduct had to be stopped. We have Briar to thank for doing just that.”

  A round of applause and cheers filled the air. I forced a smile and nodded to the group, wishing I could avoid the attention. They all thought I did this for them. I wondered what they would think if they knew the truth.

  For the next ten minutes, my uncle continued to talk to the pack, explaining new changes. We would continue on as we had, but no more unnecessary punishments of pack members or humans that didn’t pay their dues, which were going to be cut in half. In exchange for those dues, we were going to do what we actually promised—protect Rouen from outside forces. It’s what packs did, serve and protect humans. Relationships would be healed.

  There was only one relationship I wanted to fix.

  As soon as my uncle was done, I made a bee line for Luke. He saw me coming and turned away from me, walking swiftly towards the rows of parked cars. Determined to stop him, I called upon my wolf and sped forward. He didn’t even make it outside the yard before I jumped in front of him.

  “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “I have to go.” He tried to push past me, but I grabbed onto his arm with a desperate grip, something I had never done before. I’d never trusted anyone as much as I was trusting him, practically throwing myself at him. If he didn’t listen to me now, I was either going to punch him in the face for making me beg or walk away and never look back.

  “Just listen to me!”

  His gaze slowly met mine, and I caught a speck of emotion. Hope sprung in my chest.

  I glanced around to make sure no one was listening, but the crowd had gravitated toward the biggest fire in front. Beer cans made the rounds as everyone took a turn congratulating my uncle. “I need you to trust me.”

  Instead of waiting for me to explain, he went on the attack. “That’s exactly what I did! You promised me you wouldn’t kill Dominic without finding out where my brother is.” His expression darkened. “But you lied.”

  “Ugh! You are so frustrating! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I kept my promise.”

  His whole body froze, except for his eyebrows, which shot up. “What?”

  “This is the part where you get on your knees and tell me I’m the best thing since churned butter. And how you’re going to do whatever I want from here on out.”

  He growled. “Briar.”

  “You’re about to feel really stupid, then start apologizing and probably other things… to make it up to me.” I nodded, thinking. “I’m really looking forward to those other things, by the way.”

  He stepped close to me. “Briar. Stop babbling and tell me. How did you keep your promise?”

  “Before I killed Dominic, I made him tell me where your brother was.”

  “You did?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!”

  “Where is he?”

  “He said he’s in Mandeville with the Linchen pack.”

  Luke let out a shaky laugh and his shoulders dropped. He ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re serious? Dominic said that?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes! I tried to tell you so many times but you just disapp—”

  He caught my shoulders, jerking me forward to press his lips to mine, not even letting me finish. I squeaked at the suddenness of it, then leaned into him, my hands clasping at his shirt. His fingers slid to my jaw, and he traced it with his thumb as his tongue explored my mouth. After a few minutes, I pulled away.

  “This is when—” I tried to take a breath before he pulled me forward and into him. His lips covered mine, cutting off my words. I tried again. “You say you’re—”

  “I’m sorry.” He pulled back, rubbing his cheek against mine. His expression was sincere and almost haunting. “I’m sorry I ran away from you, ran away from us.”

��And…?” I tried to guide him.

  “And you’re the best thing since churned butter.” Humor dotted his eyes. When he saw that I expected more, he continued. “I will get on my knees for you, Briar, but you damn well better be gift wrapped.”

  Desire flooded his gaze, heating my insides. “I can use cellophane, or I have other ideas.”

  “I’m sure I can come up with something on my own.” He bent over to whisper in my ear, his hand clutching at my hip. “You’re trouble, Briar. The kind I would jump down the rabbit hole for.”

  I grinned. “A wolf like me would love to chase you down it.”

  He grabbed my chin, forcing my head up to look him in the eyes. “Except I’m the wolf in this scenario.”


  I didn’t get to finish my retort because all of a sudden I was flying backward through the air. I hit the ground hard and air exploded from my lungs. Invisible pressure tightened around my throat, closing off my airway. I clawed at my neck but there was nothing to grab. What the hell?

  A woman appeared before me. Through my watering eyes, I recognized Lilith, standing over me, her hand extended in a squeezing gesture. The wicked witch of the Silver Claws pack. One of them, anyways.

  “You killed him!” she shouted, tears staining her cheeks. She had been Dominic’s much younger lover. Well, ex-lover, now. “He was the greatest being to ever walk this earth!”


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