A Shifter's Revenge

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A Shifter's Revenge Page 15

by Raven Steele

  “Someone’s here,” Samira said and looked toward the front door. I inhaled, smelling smoked barbecue, the same aroma that had been at Fire Ridge.

  “It’s Vincent.”

  Angel, who was standing closest to the door, opened it. Vincent hurried inside, stopping when he saw all of us in the room. He shook his head, as if shaking off his surprise, then focused his gaze on me, his face was pinched. “Briar! I’ve been trying to reach you for the last two hours!”

  I pulled out my phone. Sure as shit. I had several phone calls and dozens of messages. “Sorry. My phone was on silent. What’s up?”

  He looked around the room, brows nearly touching. “I need everyone out. Now.”

  “Really? Everyone?” I asked, specifically referring to my roommates.


  Samira and Lynx stood up. Mateo approached Samira. “Walk me out?”

  She nodded and walked with him past me. Had my uncle not looked so serious, I would’ve mumbled, “Breaker of Men” to her, but I knew when to keep my mouth shut. Most of the time, anyway.

  Luke brushed his lips over mine, making them tingle. “I’ll be back later.”

  He got up and followed Samira and Mateo out the door.

  Lynx disappeared down the hall, dragging a blanket behind her, and then there was only Angel left, standing by the door about to go through it. While my uncle moved to warm himself by the fireplace, I hurried to stop Angel. “Are you okay?”

  His hold on the door grew tighter, but he surprised me with his answer. “I am not angry about Luke, if that’s what you’re referring to.” He reached forward, running his fingers across my arm briefly before dropping his hand. “I told you, Briar. I will step aside for Luke for now. I understand my role in this.”

  “What role? Why are you always so cryptic?”

  His mouth tightened and regret filled his eyes. “I apologize. I say too much sometimes.”

  “You don’t say enough.”

  He sighed, shifting his gaze toward the darkness outside. “I am frustrated.” He looked back at me, his serious eyes burning into me. “Bodian Dynamics should not have your blood. You are too reckless.” He leaned forward, and whispered low, “I want to tear Cliff to pieces for taking what is yours.”

  I frowned at the contradiction of his words with his actions. So gentle with me, yet so violent with Cliff.

  “Be careful, Briar. You are not invincible.”

  I blinked, and he was gone.

  Chapter 20

  I stared into the darkness, marveling at Angel’s behavior. I hated feeling so conflicted around him, even guilty. There was no reason for it. I loved Luke. He was also my kind. Angel was a vampire. There was no changing it.

  “He’s right, you know,” my uncle said from behind me.

  I whirled around. “How so?”

  “Your recklessness puts your life in unnecessary danger. In fact, that’s why I’m here.”

  I groaned and dropped onto the sofa. “I’m always in danger. Comes with the territory when you’re good at making enemies.”

  “Someone knows!” he hissed.

  “Knows what?”

  “Who you are. Your real identity.”

  I sat up, my breath hitching. “How?”

  “I was visiting one of our less-than-reputable contacts up in the Northern Heights area.”

  “The ones who help smuggle supernaturals over the border?”

  He nodded. “They said they were just given a name of a woman in Rouen. Five hundred grand for whomever can capture her.”

  “What was the name?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.

  “It’s yours.” He paused. “Not Briar. Isabella Moretti.”

  I tried to suck in a breath, but it felt like the air had fled the room. Invisible pressure squeezed my chest. It had been a while since I’d felt any suffocating feelings. I grabbed at the top of my shirt and moved it the few inches it allowed away from me. I closed my eyes, concentrating hard on opening my lungs, and began to count.

  “Are you all right?” I felt him sitting next to me.

  By the time I reached ten, I could suck in a breath again. I opened my eyes. “Do they have my picture?”

  He searched my face as if trying to decide how much I could handle. I must’ve looked better because he said, “They had two photos. One when you were a teenager, and another of you as an adult, but it was digitally-aged. However, the resemblance is uncanny. It’s just a matter of time, a day maybe, before someone recognizes you. Especially with your famous bartending skills.”

  Shit. I should’ve kept a lower profile, but never in a million years did I think anyone would figure out my identity.

  Before he could suggest it, I beat him to the punch. “I’m not leaving, Uncle.”

  He rubbed at the back of his neck. “If only that would help at this point.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He hesitated. “They know you have the Abydos.”

  I stared at him, doing my own version of Samira blinking while my mouth went dry. “Why would they think that? I don’t have it.”

  I glanced to the open doorway, hoping I’d see Lynx standing there with a bottle of wine. I could really use a drink.

  My uncle kneeled in front of me and pleaded. “I don’t know how they found out, but they did. You must let me and the pack help protect you and the blood. It’s the only way.”

  “But I told you.” I grit my teeth. “I don’t have it.”

  He groaned. “Stop it, Isabella! I know you know where it is. I don’t know why you keep insisting you don’t.” When I didn’t respond, he sighed. “I remembered something the other day. Rituals were performed every full moon in honor of the blood. As his daughter, you could’ve seen where your father kept the blood. He might’ve even shown you how to spell it to keep others from finding it.”

  “That’s not true.” It totally was.

  He took a hold of my hands. “Maybe I’m wrong, but I have a feeling you’re lying to me.”

  I yanked my hands free. “I don’t know where it is! How many times do I have to tell you?”

  He came to his feet, his face flooding with color. “Damnit, Briar! I’m trying to save your life! Trying to save the lives of everyone! Don’t you know how dangerous the Abydos is in the wrong hands?”

  “I do know.” I averted my eyes again, sighing. Maybe I should just tell him. Give the pack the responsibility of protecting it. Run away with Luke. Life would be so good.

  Except I still didn’t trust the pack. Maybe if it was just my uncle, I’d do it.

  “I’m worried for you, Isabella. People are coming for you.”

  “I can handle it. Besides, we’re going to find them first.”

  He scoffed. “What? You and a few vampires? Did it ever occur to you they could be the ones who want the Abydos? Vampires have never been trustworthy, and you are a fool to trust any of them, including your roommate Samira. She may help the pack, but it’s as an employee only, a job that pays her very well. Sometimes I question where her loyalties lie.”

  “Except she risked her life for me. She travelled to the Vatican to get the holy water for me.”

  “That’s true, but for what purpose? Sometimes someone’s actions may seem noble, but in the end, their true motives are revealed.” He lowered his head and shook it slowly. “I don’t know what I’m saying. I do think Samira is on our side, but I don’t know who to trust anymore. Someone close to you had to tell someone about your real identity. How else would they have known?”

  I leaned back into the cushions, considering it. He was right. Someone had to have betrayed me, but who?

  He patted me on my knee. “Think about my offer. And at least consider coming to live at Fire Ridge where the pack can help protect you.”

  “For now, I’m staying here.” I stood and walked toward the front door, hoping he’d follow.

  He did. “You may be strong, but even you know the blood would be safer with the whole pac
k protecting it. And you should trust me. I’ve protected you, even when pack members mysteriously show up dead in alleyways.”

  I exhaled a surprised breath. He was talking about Heather and Leroy. Maybe he’s the one who started that rumor about them running off together.

  I opened the door, stepping aside so he could leave. “And I appreciate that.”

  “You know where I’ll be.” He walked through the door, giving me a concerned look. “And please, Briar. Rethink this.”

  I gave him a curt nod. “I will.”

  He sighed, shaking his head, and closed the door behind him, leaving me alone. I inhaled several deep breaths. Someone knew I was here, the real me. Isabella. Who could it be? After trying so hard to keep my secret for almost two decades, someone found out who I really was. This terrified me.

  “Is he gone?” Lynx asked, as she stuck her head into the living room.

  I nodded numbly.

  She walked in and sat down, the wine bottle still in her hand. I took it from her and drank deeply. There wasn’t much left.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” I slumped in the couch next to her. “I thought shit had hit the fan before, but that was nothing compared to the manure my uncle just dumped on me.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Her words were louder and a bit slurred, making it easy to detect the slight drunk drawl in her voice.

  “Maybe in the morning.” I eyed her carefully. Something was going on with her. “So what’s up with you?”

  She let out a long dramatic sigh and flung herself backwards into the sofa cushion. “I’m still annoyed you guys wouldn’t let me come. And I know one of the reasons is because of my family name. You don’t trust me.”

  “Seriously? That’s not it at all.”

  “Everyone is always talking crap about my family. I know they aren’t perfect and my mother comes across as a power-hungry monster and has done some terrible things, but she’s my mother. She’s all I have.”

  I took hold of her hand. “We are your family, too. Samira and I.”

  She looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world. “Be honest. The second you figure out and kill whoever is behind the missing drugs and the crazy, robot supernaturals, you’re out of here. You’ve never wanted to make Rouen your home.”

  “That was before.”

  “Before what?”

  “Before you and Samira. Before Luke and Angel and Roma. Before the pack. I’ve met some amazing people here.” A realization washed over me. “Honestly? This is the first place I’ve lived in since my family was killed that feels like a real home.”

  Her expression fell, and her eyes teared up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She finished the last of the wine. “It won’t last. Not after I come back.”

  “Come back from where?”

  Her eyes slowly met mine. “I have to leave soon, to train with the Ministry.”

  My eyebrows lifted. “What? Why the hell would you do that?”

  “Because I agreed to. They are going to teach me to use dark magic.”

  “How could you agree to that?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. When she didn’t answer, I added, “I turned down being with the Ministry because I know how corrupt and evil they are. You know that too. So why would you work with them?”

  She jumped to her feet, swaying slightly. “I don’t have a choice!”

  She began to pace the room, biting at her nails.

  I stood up and stopped her. “What is going on? Why don’t you have a choice?”

  She searched my eyes, words stuck in her mouth.

  “Tell me, please.”

  “Because of you,” she finally blurted. Her shoulders slumped, as if the weight of her admission was too heavy.


  “It was the only way I could get my mother to save you when Dominic had you locked up. I agreed to train with the Ministry, and in exchange, she would get you released.”

  I stared at her, aghast, and stepped back. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because it wouldn’t have changed anything. I made a deal.” She gave me a determined look. “But I wouldn’t change anything! I’m glad I made the deal. I don’t regret it at all, but I’m supposed to leave soon so I wanted someone to know where I was going, in case …”

  “In case what?”

  “In case I don’t come back. Sometimes the tests can be dangerous. It’s what killed one of my uncles.”

  “Well shit, Lynx. You should’ve told me earlier.” My jaw clenched tight, and I began to pace with her. “Hell, no. There’s no way I’m letting you go. Not because of me. I’m going to change it.”

  “You can’t, I told you. It’s a done deal.”

  “Bullshit, I can’t.” I removed my phone and opened my text messages.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m texting Roma.” I typed quickly into the phone and hit send.


  “Because I’m going to go see Cassandra. Tonight.”

  Chapter 21

  “You can’t go see my mother!” Lynx gasped.

  “Like hell I can’t.” I walked to the window and peered out of it carefully. Roma should be here soon. I hoped so because I was a little freaked out by what my uncle had said. Someone could be watching right now.

  I could call Luke to come back sooner, but I wasn’t a helpless maiden, despite how he treated me sometimes. Protecting those he loved was part of his nature. I wouldn’t take that from him, but I also wouldn’t unnecessarily feed the beast either.

  “You can’t do this, Briar. My cousins will kill you! My mother might help.”

  “Not when they hear what I have to say.”

  “Which is what?”

  I frowned and shrugged. “I haven’t gotten that far, but it will be good enough to call off the deal you made with your mother. Maybe I’ll offer my services or promise some kind of alliance with the pack. I figure she owes me after she tricked me into giving her the spot on the Ministry.”

  “Please don’t, Briar,” she begged. “It will only make things worse.”

  “Don’t you ever want to stand up to your mother?”

  She puffed air past her lips, lifting her bangs. “Of course I want to, but it just never happens.” She stopped moving with downcast eyes. “Except when I was with Ryder.”

  I winced, feeling a stabbing pain in my chest. I couldn’t bring Ryder back, but I could do this one thing for her. She’d stood up for me, and now I was going to do the same. “Let’s do it together. We’ll tell that bitch she can’t control you anymore. And afterwards, we’ll go celebrate at the club.”

  She closed her eyes and smiled too. “That sounds nice.”

  “So let’s do it! I’ll make a deal with Cassandra, and you tell her how you really feel. Two birds for one bitch.”

  A brief honk sounded outside.

  “Roma’s here. Come on!” Before I could give her a chance to change her mind, I tugged her along. She giggled and stumbled drunkenly after me.

  “Hi, chicka,” I said when I slid into the back of Roma’s car. Lynx jumped in next to me.

  Roma eyed me in the rearview mirror, a twinkle in her eye. “Where are you ladies going tonight? Hopefully, somewhere were you aren’t going to get even more plowed.”

  “Surprisingly, I’m not drunk this time.” I pointed at Lynx. “Just this one.”

  Roma’s eyes widened. “What? The sweet one? What did you do to her, Briar?”

  “She did it all on her own.” I glanced at Lynx. Her head rested on the window and with her finger, she traced circles on the glass.

  Roma laughed and pulled away from the curb. “Okay then. Where you headed?”

  “To the Morgan residence.”

  Roma slammed on her breaks. Both Lynx and I jerked forward, almost slamming our heads into the back of the front seats.

  “What the hell?” I cried.

�� Roma said, “but I thought I heard you just say the Morgan house.”

  Lynx burped. “Yup. We’re going to tell my mother where to stick her fancy face.”

  “Well, you are,” I clarified, “but I’m going to make a deal with the wicked witch bitch of the west.”

  Roma pulled back onto the road. “This is a bad idea, Briar.”

  Lynx leaned into me. “It really is.”

  I looked down at her face resting on my shoulder. “It might be, but there’s no way I can let her ship you off to the Ministry.”

  She reached up and patted my cheek. “You’re a good friend.”

  Lynx closed her eyes, and in a matter of minutes fell asleep.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Roma spoke quietly, eyeing me in the rearview mirror.

  I didn’t answer her. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did know I had to protect Lynx, just like she protected me. Plus, it felt good to be doing something instead of waiting around for someone to grab me. If I didn’t have much time left, I might as well do something good while I could.

  Twenty minutes later, Roma turned past two giant white pillars onto a long lane lined with old, knotty oak trees.

  “Have you been here before?” I asked. I repositioned Lynx’s head so she’d stop snoring.

  “Once. I swore I’d never go back.”

  “What happened?”

  “This isn’t the time or place for that story.”

  Roma followed the path around a great circled driveway. In the center, a fountain rivaled the state capital’s, spraying water ten feet into the air while colored lights illuminated the millions of droplets. The home itself was an antiqued mansion, a dignified upgrade to where I lived. I could practically smell the gloss from where I sat.

  Roma parked, leaving the car idling, and peered out the window. “It’s in the middle of the night. Why can’t you wait until daylight?”

  “Because I might not have much time.” Before she could ask me what I meant, I shook Lynx. “Time to wake up, drunky-head.”

  She groaned and opened her eyes. “Briar?” She looked around. “Where are we?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes.


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