You're To Blame 2: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High)

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You're To Blame 2: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High) Page 1

by Brooke Jordan



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  Copyright © 2019 by Brooke Jordan


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  You’re To Blame 2 Playlist

  Animals Maroon 5

  Halsey Lie

  Memories by Maroon 5

  Mark My Words Justin Bieber

  No Sense Justin Bieber (Feat. Travis Scott)

  Lonely If You Are Chase Rice

  Drinking Alone Carrie Underwood

  Sorry Not Sorry Demi Lovato

  Notice Me Migos (Feat. Post Malone)

  Don’t Cha Pussycat Dolls

  Sugar Coat Little Big Town

  The Heart Wants What It Wants Selena Gomez

  Stand By Me Ben E. King

  What If I Never Get Over You Lady Antebellum

  Bad Guy Billie Eilish
























  “Let go of me, Mason. There isn’t a chance in hell I will be your wife.”

  “No, I’ve waited so long to be in your presence.” Clutching my waist, he inhaled my neck.

  I slammed my fists into his muscled shoulders.

  “Fine.” His arm was still wrapped around my body as he retrieved his cell phone from his back pocket. “I’ll order to have his fingers on his playing hand cut off.”

  I dropped my head against his shoulder. “Ok. I will do what you want.”

  He released me. I slipped out of his lap and curled up on the bed. My night had been ruined in less than twenty minutes. My boyfriend’s twin brother returned from the dead, only to make my life a living hell. For what? What did I do? I did absolutely nothing. I didn’t make them like me. Or, fall in love with me. I fell in love with the other twin and now I’m in the crosshairs of the other who couldn’t live with my decision. He wanted me to be his despite what I wanted. What about what I wanted? Did it matter I’d always been in love with Tate? That I was eager to see Tate every summer. Felt a hole inside my heart when I reminisced on the times we spent together in the tent when we were kids. Felt like a boulder crushed my lungs when he blamed me for his brother’s accident. His words ‘You’re to blame’ plagued my thoughts for years.

  What do I do now? How do I find my man? Who could I trust to help me? Clearly, Marisa knew he was alive. If she didn’t, it was one hell of a coincidence that she spent so much time in London.

  His jaw twitched as he stared into space.

  “Isn’t Marisa your girlfriend?”

  He cut his eyes at me. “Marisa is none of your business.”

  “I’d say she is. She’s gone out of her way to make my life a living hell,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest, my head thudded the headboard.

  “She blamed me for your fake death. How did she find out you were alive? And, how long have you two been in a secret relationship?”

  “Years.” He dragged the s out.

  “How does she feel about your plan to marry me?”

  Like a robot his eyes darted back, focusing on the door in front of him. “That was a secret plan that only concerned me and you, sweetheart.” His eyes roamed my frame.

  “You are the girl I love.”

  I slammed my eyes shut. Telling him I always loved his brother in this moment would do nothing, but only poke the bear. Not something I was willing to do at this time. I needed to play it cool. Figure out a way to break free from his new hold.

  “I’ll play the perfect girlfriend. You promise not to hurt Tate.” I sat up straight, staring into the eyes that mirrored the man I love.

  “You will comply rather you want to or not.” He yanked my ankles, pulling me closer. “You’re my woman now.”

  I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. “Please Mason, don’t hurt him?” I wrapped my arms around his neck. My stomach was in knots. I hated having to play along with my boyfriend’s psycho twin brother.

  “I won’t order to have my twin brothers face pounded for the time being,” he growled. His deep vocals rattled my insides.

  I ripped my arms from his neck and stood. Swiping at the fresh tears, I peeked at him. “Are we ready to return to the party?”

  Mason sauntered toward me. “How about a little play time?” He pulled me close and his lips slipped across my cheek.

  The blood coursed through my veins as a rage of heat swept through me. I raised my knee, crushing his balls. “I don’t fucking think so.”

  He dropped to the floor, clutching his dick.

  I towered over him. “Mason, I agreed to play along. Sex is off the table. If you plan to have sex with Marisa, or whoever else, be discrete. No flirting with girls like Veronica in front of me. Once you’re done cradling your balls meet me downstairs. We need to play the part of the happy couple.” I turned on my heels and grabbed the door knob. “Oh.” I peeked over my shoulder. “If you are wondering where all the spunk came from, I spent most of my years hanging with two tough boys. You never liked me wimpy.”

  He smirked and blew me a kiss. “You’re right, baby.” He stood slowly, cradling his dick. “Even with bruised balls you’re still hot as fuck.” Mason fixed his costume and kissed my temple. “Lead the way.”

  WE STOOD OUT BY THE pool. Mason couldn’t keep his meat hooks off of me. Thank God for Connie and Megan. They stole me away. So many thoughts ran through my head. For the first time, cutting myself wasn’t an idea that plagued me. It was Tate. Where was he being held? Was he conscious? How did he react to Mason’s return from the dead?

  “Chelsea, are you all right?” Megan smiled, clutching her red cup.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I shook my head. “A liquor refill is needed.”

  They smirked.

  My cup was plucked from my hand. “Hey.” I glanced over my shoulder.

  “Come on, I’ll refill your drink. See you in a minute, Megan.” Matt winked as he shoved me toward the kitchen.

  “What’s your deal, Doll?”

  My smile rose and fell. “Matt, it has been a long day. I think I’m still bummed about the game.�

  He gripped my shoulder. “Yeah, me too. Is it just me or is my buddy behaving a little strange today?”

  I snorted. Where did that come from? “He’s fine. Just returned from visiting his grandfather. It didn’t go as planned.”

  “Oh. I’ll grab him another drink and cheer him up too.”

  Matt refilled my cup with vodka. “Thanks. How are you and Megan?”

  “We’re fine. We flirt. That’s enough right?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me.”

  He braced his hand on the kitchen counter and leaned into my ear. “She broke my heart.”

  I gasped. “Sorry, Matt. I had no idea.”

  “So, we are better off keeping our distance from one another.”

  He stood up straight, nodding to a few football jocks, strolling through.


  He met my gaze. “I need to talk to you soon. But not here. It’s important and private,” I stated, through a framed smile.

  His forehead creased. “I knew something was wrong.” He leaned into my ear again.

  “It’s Tate isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “I’ll find you. Have fun.” Slipping away from my friend’s worried blue eyes, I peeked out the patio door. Mason stood amongst his friends, laughing like it was any other day. They had no idea they weren’t in the company of Tate. That deceiving bastard. So many feelings shook through me.

  I shouldered through a crowd of obnoxious guys in route to the front door. Fleeing the party was all I cared about in that moment. Probably should have told Mason I was ready to leave. Mason. Saying his name after all these years was eerie. Chills rocked my body as I strolled down the driveway.

  “Chelse.” I froze at the sound of his voice that mirrored my boyfriend’s.

  “Where are you going?”

  I never turned to face him. My temple pulsated a mile a minute. “Home.”

  “All you had to say was, you’re ready to leave.” His hands smoothed over my arms.

  My stomach churned.

  “I’d like to go home, please.”

  He stepped around me and opened the truck door. I slid inside.

  Silence filled the air during our drive.

  “I understand Tate hated you for years because of my accident.” He threw the gear shift in park.

  Staring at the porch light, I wished my dad would save me. I didn’t want to talk to Mason any more than I had to.

  “He did. Tate and I worked it out. He couldn’t blame me any longer. Tate finally admitted I wasn’t to blame for your death,” I snarled.

  “I hated how he watched you when we were kids. Got all excited every time you stepped into the lake house.”

  I cut my eyes at him. “If you knew he felt the way he did, why did you interfere?” A tear slid down my cheek.

  His eyes narrowed. “Because I felt the same way. Every time you arrived, I wanted to play games with you. Be close to you. Why Tate? What’s the difference between us?”

  I sighed. “Tate and I shared a twisted little bond in kindergarten. He tortured me because he liked me. And I in turn, couldn’t wait for the next time he pulled a mean stunt. Over the years, we spent time together. We hid out in a tent on his bed whenever I spent the night and there was a storm. It was perfect.” I swiped at the tears. “I won’t let you tarnish our memories.”

  Gripping my knee, I clutched my eyes shut. “I love Tate. He’s the only man I want to be with, Mason.”

  I wrapped my hand around the door handle.

  “Chelsea.” Mason grabbed my arm. “You will be my wife. We are moving to London after Christmas. I will head our family’s empire with you by my side. You will have my child, Chelsea. Our child will inherit the Forrester kingdom.”

  My heart lurched against my ribcage. I clawed at my chest, gasping for air. “Mason, no. Please no.”

  “Yes. Tate will marry Marisa. Everything will go as planned.”

  I slammed my fists into his chest. “He’ll never let that happen.”

  His blue eyes darkened. “He will or he’ll fucking die. I don’t need him. He can take it or leave it. You better get on board. This is happening. The second we are man and wife; we’ll consummate our marriage.”

  I dropped back in my seat, tears flooding my face. My fight fled. What did I have left? This had to be a dream. I’d wake up tomorrow and this nightmare would be just that. Not waiting a second more, I hopped out of the truck and darted into my house.

  Mason was the devil’s spawn. Bitter. Filled with jealousy. Only wanted things in life to go his way; no matter whose feelings were crushed in the process. He wrecked my world.

  After a hot shower, I laid in bed, staring at the window seat Tate often occupied. “I miss you, Tate. Please come back to me.” The pillow beneath my face absorbed my cold tears.


  Round and round the track I went. Feet pounding the pavement at top speed. My thoughts were still jumbled. I had no idea how to find my boyfriend. This morning, I fled the house before my family awoke. My life was flipped upside down again. Fuck! Why was this happening to me?

  I needed to talk to Matt and Rocco. Maybe they could be my eyes and ears while I played nice to the narcissistic psycho, Mason.

  The hot water pounding my skin only reminded me that my hell was real. Students flooded the halls as I stepped out of the locker room.

  “Chelsea, hey girl,” Connie called out at my back.

  I plastered on a fake smile. “Connie, are you ready for this crazy day?”

  “Any bitch say something off kilter and I will put her in her place.”

  “Oh, and when you say bitches stepping out of line are, we are thinking of the same gossip whores; Natasha and Jamie?”

  “You know it. Now that you aren’t an outcast, you have the capability to tell those bitches to fall in line.”

  “True or I could use them to my advantage. If I want to spread a rumor, they could spread it. For my benefit only.” My wheels were turning. I’d love to stick it to that bitch, Marisa.

  “Hey, babe.” Mason’s pearly whites brightened as he gripped my waist. “You left my bed pretty early. Why didn’t you wake me before you left this morning?” He winked, kissing my temple.

  Bile rose in my throat. He had my boyfriend’s mannerisms down to a tee. He’s been watching us for a while. Someone amongst us had to be his spy other than Marisa.

  “Oh, you know me, sweetheart. I needed to get a run in. I want to be ready for my track meet. Will you be there?” Please say no.

  “Wouldn’t miss it, baby.” His lips landed on mine. I wanted to bite his fucking lip. Bastard was milking our performance.

  I looped my arm through Connie’s. “I better get to English. See you at lunch.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “Big fella,” Kyle called out, in the nick of time, slapping Mason’s hand.

  “What’s up, dude?” he said, never tearing his eyes off of me.

  Connie and me scurried off.

  “Are you and Tate ok?”

  My smile rose and fell. “Yeah. I just didn’t expect him to tell anyone that I spent the night at his house.” That fucking liar. Ugh!

  The bell sounded.

  “See you later, Chelsea.” Connie dipped off down the hall.

  I strutted into the classroom with my head held high. Brittany sucked her teeth as I scooted into my seat beside her.

  “Good morning class,” greeted Mr. Barrings.

  “I hope you enjoyed Halloween. Now back to work. Discuss any parties you attended after class. We’ll prepare for Friday’s test.”

  He turned to the board.

  Brittany leaned in. “Tate’s already making his rounds.”

  I ignored her statement.

  “I heard he’s hooking up with Veronica this week. I don’t have the specifics, but it appears your relationship isn’t as solid as you thought.”

  Snapping her neck crossed my mind. “Thanks for your concern, Brittany. Tate and I are
a team.” I grinned writing the test notes in my notebook.

  “This was my new life. Every jealous bitch would work overtime to get a rise out of me. Probably wasn’t too intelligent to disclose my issue with cutting. I’d be ready for the vicious and vindictive sluts who wanted my man. If I could tell everyone who he really was, I’d tell the bitches they could have him.

  Right before fourth period, I darted into the bathroom. “Jamie, didn’t know you’d be in here. How are you today?” I smirked, smoothing my hands over my plaid skirt.

  She squinted. “Oh, please,” Jamie hissed. “What do you want, Chelsea?” She dried her hands, then stared through me.

  “I heard Veronica was hooking up with Tammy’s boyfriend. I just caught them behind the bleachers.”

  Tammy’s boyfriend, Chris, was the captain of the basketball team. Veronica deserved to be the star of continued gossip as the school whore. Even though it wasn’t Tate, she thought it was him she was flirting with.

  She checked her manicure. “What’s in it for me?”

  I stepped closer. “You keep your shitty title as the gossip queen.” I blinked several times driving my point home.

  “Ugh. Got it, Princess Chelsea.” She darted out of the bathroom.

  A devilish smile took my lips. My plan for Marisa had to be methodical. If she knew I was the one who spread the rumor, she’d come back hard. Look what she’d done to me so far. Fucking bitch.

  At lunch, there wasn’t a way to talk to Rocco without Mason’s knowledge. He sat beside me just like Tate had done.

  “Everything ok, babe?” His dark brow rose over those heart stopping blue eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m not very hungry.” I pressed my head into his chest. Didn’t want him to question my ability to play along. I’d play my part until I could get through my disturbing ordeal.

  Later that afternoon, I left chemistry class on a bathroom break. Looking over my shoulder, I ducked into the media center. Huddled over a computer screen, I emailed Rocco and Matt asking them to meet me in the auditorium.

  The thick red curtains were drawn on the stage. I glanced over my shoulder then stepped behind the curtain. Cloaked in darkness, I rang my hands as I paced the wooden floor.


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