You're To Blame 2: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High)

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You're To Blame 2: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High) Page 6

by Brooke Jordan

“You disrespectful swamp trash. Your parents moved you all down to that little hick town,” he snarled, with a country accent.

  “They wanted to raise their kids to value the dollar. Your grandfather swears the sun rises and sets on your ass.”

  I desperately tried to break free.

  “That’s enough, grandfather.”

  “He was willing to do anything for his little Chelsea. You thought you could return to Haven River and just like that you’d be one of the elites again. Nope. The one thing Tate did well was outcast your ass. You didn’t belong in the town I helped build,” he roared.

  “Your grandfather feels differently. I don’t give a shit what he thinks though as long as he pays the money.”

  Mason yanked his hands from around my neck. I fell to the floor clawing at my throat trying to catch my breath. I doubled over coughing.

  “You’re getting what you want. Let it go. I will not stand here and allow you to abuse Chelsea.”

  Mason placed a glass of water to my trembling lips. I choked it down.

  “Marisa was an easy ploy. She’d do anything for Mason,” he laughed hysterically.

  “She set up her own father. Extorting money from him was like taking candy from a baby. I received a million dollars in my account today from Mr. Brauner. The moment I can prove the baby she’s carrying is Masons, he’ll pay out another two million dollars. Men will do anything to preserve their marriages. What billionaire wants to divorce his wife. Especially one without a prenup.”

  Mason helped me onto the sofa.

  He stalked toward his grandfather, grabbing him up by his shirt. “You know how I feel about Marisa. Yet, here I am marrying Chelsea. The moment we’re married, I’m done bending to your will. Fuck you, old man,” he growled.

  Mason scooped me off the sofa.

  “You are being disrespectful to me. How dare you,” he yelled.

  Mason continued out of the office. He sat me on a stool in the kitchen. The staff bustled around us.

  “I am sorry, Chelsea. Do you need a minute? Or would you like to return to the party?”

  “You know what I want.”

  His face twisted. “I need fresh air.”

  Head in my hands, I pondered on everything said in that office tonight. He extorted money from our families to continue his life style. Mindlessly, I wandered up the backstairs to my guest quarters. I glanced in the bathroom mirror, running my fingers over the red and purple marks on my neck. Tears burst forth and I slumped over the sink.

  “Why? Why?” I screamed.

  My boyfriend wouldn’t bend to his grandfather’s ways so he was thrown in a dungeon like a criminal. He committed no crime. He did an honorable thing. Tate refused to be unjust.

  I knew Mason had feelings for Marisa. He was so hell bent on making Tate pay he lost sight of his love for the woman who’s stuck by him through all of his bullshit.

  Someone pounded on the door. I flinched. Oh my god, was it his grandfather coming to torment me again?

  “Chelsea, it’s Matt. I am coming in.”

  He stepped toward me and his eyes widened. “What happened to your neck?”

  “Their grandfather choked me.” I sobbed.

  Matt pulled me into his arms, holding me tight. “I will kill that bastard.”

  “No, forget about him.” I turned on the faucet and leaned into his ear. There might be listening devices around the house. We couldn’t take any chances.

  “We have to stick to the plan. We can only trust ourselves. I have to pull myself together or he’ll kill Tate.” I choked out.

  I had to play my part to keep my boyfriend alive. “We won’t leave without him. How many weapons did you bring?”


  “Change of plans. I am coming with you.”

  “Do you know how to shoot a gun?”

  “Of course, what southern girl doesn’t. My granddaddy and me had gone hunting over the years. We need to ask for Megan’s help. If she can create a diversion you and I can slip past the guards.”

  “I’ll talk to Megan. At eight on the nose, we need to slip into the basement.”

  I pulled back. “Thanks for checking on me. I will meet you downstairs. I need to cover up the bruising.”

  His lips tightened. “Do you know what I want to do to him?”

  “Yes, Matt.”

  He kissed my temple. “See you downstairs.”

  I waved then applied makeup to my bruised skin.

  Twenty minutes later, Mason and I hung out with our friends again. I paced myself on the champagne consumption.

  Music blared around the room. Everyone turned their attention to the stage. Matt slipped away. Brian and Dad whisked Mason into the next room to discuss football stats. I asked dad the moment I rejoined the party if he could talk to Tate for a little while. I told him I had a wedding present I wanted to present to him but, I wanted it to be a surprise. Dad was excited. He jumped at the chance. I think he really wanted an excuse to discuss sports.

  Our plan was set in motion. Matt and me held a fake conversation outside the basement door.

  “It’s time,” Rocco’s voice came through the ear buds.

  The entire house went dark. Matt picked the lock. He yanked the door open, and we slipped inside. I closed the door behind us. The moment we were down the stairs. I peeled off my heels and stuck my feet in ballerina slippers. There was no way I was running through the basement in heels. We placed our backs against the wall and inched forward. The lights popped back on.

  “Your five-minute window starts now,” Rocco reminded us.

  The cameras were on a continuous loop. It would appear to the guard watching the camera that Matt and I were still deep in a conversation.

  Guns drawn Matt rounded the corner first. We trekked down a dirt floor corridor. The musty, stale air hung around us. Tiny orange light fixtures lit our path.

  I heard a commotion in the distance. Matt raised his hand, halting my steps. He pointed his gun in front of him and jogged ahead.

  “Matt,” I yelled in a whisper.

  I trudged after him. A rusty old cell came into view. Two men tussled in front of us. The men broke apart and my mouth fell open. Tate. He charged the guard, slamming him against the ground. Three other guards surrounded Tate.

  “That’s enough,” Matt roared.

  “Get up against the wall,” he ordered.

  “Took you long enough,” Tate grinned behind the black dusting of hair over his lips. He wore clean slacks, a button-down navy shirt, and sneakers. I guess he was allowed fresh clothes, but not a razor.

  He’d been down here for weeks. Tears threatened to burst forth. But there wasn’t time for that. We needed to move quick. I stalked forward out of the darkness, pointing the Glock at the man to my left. I squeezed the trigger. The dummy round slammed into his chest, knocking him to the ground.

  Matt pointed his weapon at the other two guards, firing multiple rounds. The guards dropped to the dirt floor. “Tate.” Matt tossed a Glock to him.

  “I’ll zip tie and gag them, then we’ll need to move. We are running out of time,” Matt said.

  Tate never looked at me. Why?

  Matt removed the keys from one of the guard’s pockets, then uncuffed Tate.

  “Let’s go,” Matt ordered.

  We fell in line behind him, running toward the exit.

  “Rocco, we are coming up.”

  “Ok, time for black out number two.” Rocco counted down.

  Matt gripped the door knob. The moment Rocco said one, Matt swung open the door.

  A blood-curdling scream released from Megan the moment we felt our way into the ballroom, creeping behind her.

  The lights popped back on. Gasps sounded around the room. The guest whispered and stared. Mason ran into the room. His brow wrinkled as he stared between us.

  We didn’t really need Megan to do anything, but I enjoyed the theatrics.

  Our parents poured into the room. Mom and dad’s mouths gaped.
Melissa burst into tears. Brian gripped his hair speechless.

  “Mason, looks like you won’t be marrying my woman after all.”

  Tate stalked out of the room.

  Tears streamed down Melissa’s face.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Silence fell over the room.

  Matt darted off after Tate.

  She stepped before Mason. “I don’t understand,” she repeated, arms stretched.

  “Tate was here, and you were in our home pretending to be your brother.” Her hand flew across his cheek. The crack of her hand meeting his face bounced off the walls.

  “How could you do this to us?”

  She pounded her fists against his chest.

  “We,” she roared, stumbled back, chest heaving.

  Brian pulled her into his arms. “How are you alive?”

  Brian met his sons gaze. Mason’s jaw tightened and his blue eyes glassed over.

  “His grandfather has pulled the strings all these years.” I stepped closer.

  “Mason, you’re free now.”

  Shots rang out down the hall.

  Women screamed. The guests charged the front door like a herd of cattle. I was shoved aside. Desperately, I tried to cut the corner to find Tate.



  I stormed into grandfather’s office. He shot out of his seat and pounded his fists on the desk.

  “How the fuck did you escape?”

  I grinned. “Sheer determination. I had plenty of time to learn the guards routine. Who cares about all of that? Let’s discuss you trying to marry my woman off to my brother to line your fucking pockets,” I roared, stalking closer.

  “How dare you use my brother and Chelsea? You are a sick son of a bitch.” I tilted my head.

  “It’s over.”

  Matt stepped beside me, pointing his weapon at my grandfather. “You strangled Chelsea tonight. You don’t deserve to walk the earth.”

  My eyes widened and my body vibrated. I ran around the desk and wrapped my hands around his neck.

  “How dare you lay a hand on her. You thought it was ok to abuse her because she’s a woman,” I bit out through gritted teeth.

  “Hit a man, asshole.” I shoved him back and slammed my fist into his mouth. He stumbled back, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. Deep laughter poured out of his throat. “You are indeed from my DNA.”

  I grabbed his lapels and gave him an uppercut. He staggered, then swung at me. I stepped back. He pulled a Glock from the small of his back. “Pointing it at my head.”

  “Put the gun down,” Matt yelled.

  “Nope, I’m walking out of here.” He turned the Glock on Matt.

  “No,” I roared, tackling him to the ground. The Glock fired.

  We rolled on the floor, gripping the gun. “Let it go. You aren’t walking out of here a free man. You are going to prison.” I growled, trying to pry the gun from his hands. I turned the gun away from me, pointing it at him. I tried to remove his hand. The gun fired. His eyes widened. I glared between us. The crimson blood, pooled on his shirt.

  “Why did you have to do this?” I roared. My heartbeat against my chest at top speed. The air caught in my throat. What have I done?

  The life seeped from his eyes and his lips parted.

  I fell to the side gripping my hair. “This didn’t have to happen. I never wanted this,” I shouted.

  A hand stretched toward me. My mouth hung open. “You’re alive.”

  “Quick reflexes.”

  He pulled me to my feet. “I’m so happy you’re alive.” I threw my arms around him, slapping his back. He returned the hug.

  “Tate, this wasn’t your fault.”

  I leaned against the desk.

  “Feels like it was.”

  “If you wanted to truly harm him, you could have. The Glock resting against the small of your back is the only one loaded with real bullets. Thank God you didn’t draw your weapon.”

  “But he did. On his own grandson.” I gruffly ran my fingers through my hair.

  “Tate,” Chelsea stood at the door mouth gaped in tears.

  I ran toward her. She fell into my chest.

  Her watery blue eyes bore into mine. “What happened?”

  “We tussled over the gun and I shot him.”

  “Tate, the police are on their way inside,” Chris stated.

  “We have a long night ahead of us. I won’t leave your side while they question you. Before they get in here, let’s talk in private. I need to know exactly what happened.”

  I nodded.

  Chelsea stepped back.

  “Tate, baby.” Mom gripped my face. “I love you. We’ll get through this ordeal as a family.”

  A hand slipped around my neck. “All of us together, son.”

  Christmas day was a blur. I went through every stage of grief while I was detained by the police.

  I was shocked the grandfather I knew and loved tried to murder me. Denial hit me. He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. Especially, at my hand. The pain and guilt ate at me second after second. Maybe if I never flew to London, this wouldn’t have happened to me and Chelsea. Pounding my fists against the cement walls, I begged. “Please make the pain stop.”

  Depression wrapped me in its mitts. I wanted someone to put me out of my misery. If we wouldn’t have followed Mason up the hill at the lake house, grandfather wouldn’t have ever helped him seek revenge.

  Then my emotions took an upward turn. If grandfather hadn’t come to the hospital that day my brother would really be dead.

  Chris approached the holding area. “Time to go, Tate. The police have concluded the part of the investigation that involves you.”

  He was a disheveled mess. His tie was undone and one half of his shirt was tucked into his slacks.

  “Thank goodness.”

  We didn’t return to grandfather’s estate. Chris said the family was staying at a luxury hotel in London.

  He placed a room key in my hand. “Try to rest.”

  “Oh, I will.”

  “Yeah ok,” he stated, as he strolled into his suite across the hall.

  Once inside the room, my mouth fell open. The beautiful sight lying in my bed made everything I’d gone through worth it. The lamp across the room partially illuminated the dark room. Her hair was pulled up into a cute little bun. She had a death grip on something against her chest under the blanket. I walked over and lightly ran one finger over her soft porcelain cheek.

  “Tate,” she whimpered in her slumber.

  The sound of her voice made my cock twitch. Shit.

  I peeled the blanket back a hair. Chelsea was clutching one of my T-shirts. I turned my head to the ceiling, desperately attempting to bury all the evil feelings that swept through my entire body at the moment.

  A piping hot shower should tame some of the negative energy coursing through my veins.

  The unsupervised shower felt indescribable. I massaged the soap deep into every inch of my skin. Turning my face to the ceiling, the water poured over my skin removing any signs of soap. Clutched hands braced the wall. Then a single shiver of emotion ripped through my body. The water hid the tears thudding my skin. How could one’s family be so despicable? Selfish.

  Last but not least. Greedy.

  Grandfather wanted Mason and I to impregnate and marry our girlfriends, all so he could continue his extravagant lifestyle. Like I said, selfish bastard.

  “Fuck,” I roared in a low growl.

  In that moment, I wish I did purposely kill him.

  Hands swept along my chest. My eyes popped open. “Chelsea, you shouldn’t be in here.”

  “Yes, I should,” she shouted. Her eyes were wild. She was on the brink of losing it like I was.

  My fingers traced over the bruises on her neck. “I’m so sorry, Chelsea.”

  “Why? For being locked away because you refused to do your grandfather's dirty work? Because you didn’t know y
ou were walking into a trap? I think rather you came to London or not he would have found a way to get what he wanted. He was a spiteful, evil man.” Her eyes were cold.

  “And now he’s gone.” A devilish smile lit her lips.

  “I have you back. That’s all I wanted.” Then her eyes dimmed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Mason, said you wouldn’t want me after he married and impregnated me,” she cried.

  I gripped her face. “That’s bullshit. Pregnant with my brother’s child and all, I would have kidnapped you. I won’t stop saying this. You are my woman. No one comes between us.”

  She nodded. “He didn’t touch me.” Her eyes darted to the floor.

  “I had to kiss him in public to go along with the farce. He threatened to hurt you if I didn’t play along. I didn’t know what else to do,” she cried.

  “Look at me.”

  Those beautiful blue eyes stared into mine. Nothing else mattered. “The day we are to finally marry I’ll sign a prenup. My family’s broke I suppose. But I don’t want you to ever think...”

  She placed one finger over my lips. “Shut up. I want to feel you so deep inside me. Live in the moment with me. I have you back.”

  I snickered. “You were a total badass. You know, coming to my rescue and all.”

  She threw her head back in laughter. “I guess I was.”

  I lifted her up into my arms.

  She peered into my eyes. “You are all mine, Tate.”

  “You better believe that, baby.”

  I swept my lips across hers. Chelsea massaged my head.

  She smiled against my lips. “It’s really you.”

  My brows rustled together. “What?”

  “I thought I was kissing you on Halloween. The moment I ran my fingers through your hair, I felt the raised scar. That’s when I confirmed Mason was alive.”

  I will handle my brother.

  “I know it's you because the faint mustache too.” She smirked.

  “Carry on, baby. I know another way to ensure you it’s me.”

  “And how’s that?” She pulled her lower lip into her mouth.

  “Making love to you like only I can.”

  I slipped my fingers within her slick folds as our tongues tangled.

  Our lips unlocked. Chelsea’s back fell against the cold wall. Her fingers caressed my face. I slid two fingers inside her tight walls. I leaned down, twirling my tongue around her pink pebbled nipple.


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