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You're To Blame 2: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Saints High)

Page 7

by Brooke Jordan

  “Tate, fuck me,” my greedy princess begged.

  I ignored her and sucked her other nipple. I licked the underside of her breast as I lined my cock up with her pussy. For weeks, I dreamed about being in between these soft legs. I planted soft kisses along the bruises circling her neck. Her anchored legs shivered around my waist. Her sobbing drew my eyes to her face.

  “Chelsea, it’s all right now.”

  She shook her head, telling me she agreed, but I didn’t buy it. The ordeal that occurred over the last several weeks would hang in the air like dirty socks for months to come. She almost married my brother for Pete’s Sake. How could she turn a blind eye to all that happened recently? I knew I couldn’t either. At that moment, we needed to get lost in each other.

  Clutching her thighs, I slid inch by pleasurable inch inside her warmth. A place I knew as home.

  “Oh, Tate, I missed us being together as one.”

  What she said registered, but I was comatose with each long thrust.

  “” My eyes hooded. I was a babbling fool for her.

  I felt her smile against my eyelids.

  She knew she had my nose wide open. Only she could ever have this effect on me. Chelsea was always mine.

  “Tate, oh, don’t stop.” She gripped my neck for dear life. Her hair cascaded around us.

  “Kiss me, Chelse.”

  “I-I can’t.”

  Squeezing her ass, I circled inside her walls.

  “Yes,” she screamed. Her legs slipped from my waist. I caught her shaky legs in my hands, keeping her steady. I captured her lips as I stilled inside her, releasing every ounce of come I had to give.

  “So good, Chelsea,” I grunted.

  “Anyone who attempts to come between us again, I’ll make an example out of them.”

  She slipped her wet hair behind her ear. “That’s what I love to hear.”

  I placed Chelsea on her feet. Her face immediately fell against my chest. “Do we have to leave this room?”

  “Yes. I need to help my dad clean up the mess at the Forrester estate. We need to distinguish what we can salvage of the company.”

  “I’m staying with you.”

  “You shouldn’t spend your Christmas vacation cleaning up my families bullshit.”

  “I will not leave here without you. Period,” she growled. Terror filled her blue eyes. “Don’t make me go. Do you have any idea how strong I’ve been during the course of the catastrophic events? I organized the meet ups with Matt and Rocco to rescue you. And I haven’t cut myself one time. Despite how badly I wanted to.” Chelsea gripped her arm.

  I placed my hand over hers. “Sweetheart, I am so proud of you. You’ve come so far. You stood up against Mason and my grandfather even if that decision was dangerous. I’d love to have you right here by my side.”

  She exhaled. Her shoulders relaxed and her starry-eyed gaze held mine. “We’ll get through this together, Tate.”

  “We sure will, Chelsea.”



  Bursting through the door I gaped, staring at Douglas’s dead body on the floor.

  Matt and Tate exchanged words, then Tate told me what happened.

  Matt and I spoke briefly corroborating our stories. I suppose that was what he and Tate were doing when I walked into the room.

  Dad escorted the police inside the office.

  Matt and I were later questioned by the British police. Me and Matt had agreed to skirt around what happened to the armed guards in the dungeon. And not mention Rocco was ever involved.

  Dad accompanied Tate to the police station.

  Megan and I sat on the sofa in the living room. Melissa was a wreck. She sat on a nearby chair cursing Mason. She wasn’t thrilled with me either. I was so exhausted we’d have to discuss all that happened tomorrow.

  Matt walked toward us. “We’re out of here, ladies.”

  I sat straight up. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, my dad’s covering the cost for everyone to stay at the Four Seasons.”

  “Thank God. Please tell him thank you.”

  Matt pulled Megan to her feet.

  The second we were preparing to leave who strolled in? Marisa.

  “Mason.” Concern loomed her pretty porcelain face. She ran into his arms. He must have spoken to her before she arrived. Informed her the charade was over. I was so relieved to get away from him. How was I to feel? Angry, sad, at peace. Not sure I’d be at peace for a while. I knew we had to talk to Mason sooner rather than later.

  Melissa’s eyes widened. “After everyone has recovered somewhat in the morning, we will discuss all that’s happened under our noses,” she growled.

  “Mason and Marisa, you two will stay in me and Brian’s suite. I cannot let Mason out of my sight.”

  He didn’t give his mom a hard time. No snappy comeback. He conformed. A part of me felt she wanted her son near. She hadn’t seen him in four years. Parading around as Tate didn’t count. She needed to forgive him eventually for all the shit he’d done. That was her son so of course she’d forgive him. Forget probably not ever.

  Mom clutched my shoulders and led me out of the house.

  Once we arrived at the hotel, I helped her prepare the twins for bed.

  “Mom, Matt reserved a room for Tate. I’ll stay in his room. I need to be there when he gets in.”

  She nodded. I peeked at the twins deep in a peaceful slumber, then stalked toward the door.


  I peered over my shoulder. “Yes mom?”

  “Why did you keep Mason’s secret?”

  Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed. “I was blackmailed.” I faced her.

  “He extorted money from granddaddy and Mr. Branuer.”

  Her eyebrows wrinkled. “Why would my father pay him anything?”

  I hated to tell mom the truth about her father. “Granddad was caught in a compromising situation.”

  She dropped on the bed, staring at the floor.”

  I stepped closer. “Mom, talk to him. I hate I had to be the one to tell you.” I sat beside her.

  “I’ll be fine, honey.” Her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes.


  “Over the years, Mason wanted me because I chose Tate. I think he learned toward the end the girl he really wanted was Marisa.

  I believe Mason felt indebted to Mr. Forrester, because he paid millions to save his life. So he was willing to conceive a child with me and Marisa. I joined forces with the only friends I could trust and we devised a plan to rescue Tate. Oh, the other reason I didn’t make you aware Mason was blackmailing me was because he threatened to hurt Tate. So, I played along.”

  She wrapped her arms around me. “He’s lucky to have you.” I held her so tight, I thought I might squeeze the life out of her.

  “Good night, baby.”


  Tate pulled me closer. “Are you ok?”

  His deep voice brought me back from my thoughts.

  “Yes, I’m perfect now that I am with you.” I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his woodsy and citrus scented neck under the blanket.

  “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  My lips ticked upward. “Merry, Christmas, Tate.”


  Tate and his father searched through Douglas’ financial records. I sat at the desk on the opposite side sorting through manila folders.

  “Dad, do you think you can guess his password?”

  He leaned over the keyboard, pecking away at the keys.

  “I know someone who can get into the system.”

  I dialed Rocco’s number, then placed the cell on speaker.

  “Hey, Chelsea? Are you all right?”

  “Yes, but we need a favor.”

  “What do you need?”

  “Can you access Tate’s grandfather’s computer again?”

  “Yeah, I still have the passwords. Sit tight.”

  “No, problem.” />
  We heard him pecking away at his keys for a few minutes.

  “Try it now. Press enter.”

  Brian tapped the keys. “Yes, we’re in.”

  “Thanks, Rocco. Have dinner with us tonight. My dad rented out the ballroom. We are going to party a little more. This time we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves.”

  “I am in.”

  My lips widened.

  “See you there, Rocco.” Tate grinned.

  I disconnected the call.

  My lips tightened as I peered at Tate.

  “What did I do wrong?”

  “You always remind Rocco we’re a couple. Tate, he’s more than aware.”

  “Chelsea, I know it’s wrong. I’ll do better.” He winked.

  Asshole had no intention of easing up on Rocco.

  “Look at this,” Brian pointed at the screen again.

  I stepped around the desk, glaring at the screen.

  “He owns all those properties in the Caymans? Oh my god, are those all his bank accounts overseas?”


  “Dad, that’s a good sign, right?”

  “It sure is, son. I will rebuild this company from the ground up if I have to. The London office has to go. I’ll sell it off. Ridding this office won’t stop the bleeding, but it will help salvage the Atlanta office.”

  Tate patted his dad’s shoulder. “That’s great.”

  “What about the engagement ring, Mason gave me?” I removed it from my pocket and placed it in Brian’s hand. “Can you sell it?”

  “Yeah, we can, but-”

  “No buts, Mr. Forrester. I never wanted that ring.”

  “Trust me, Dad. Chelse is fine.”

  “All right, great. Every little bit helps.”

  “Oh, and maybe you should keep the extortion money from my granddaddy.”

  Brian’s eyes widened.

  “Just until the company is viable again. I will talk to my granddaddy.” I peeked at Tate.

  His jaw ticked. “I want to break Mason’s face.”

  “Son, calm down. You have every right to be upset. But he’s still your brother.”

  “Screw him. He tormented me. Going on and on about doing things to my woman. Two guards held me down while he spewed his hatred for me. He hated me.” Tate thumped on his chest with his fingertips. “Because Chelsea reciprocated her feelings for me. Dad, do you know how crazy that sounds?”

  His dad gruffly rubbed his stubbled chin. “Yes, Tate.”

  I stepped in between them splaying my hands on Tate’s heaving broad chest.

  “Look at me. We are”

  His cold gaze met mine. “Yeah.”

  His breathing eased under my touch. Tate wrapped his arms around me. His lips melted against my hair. “I’m ok, Chelse.” I slipped from his embrace and returned to my seat.

  “Dad, I am ready to continue.”

  An hour later we sat around the theater room, gawking at each other. We waited an hour because Brian and I had to calm Tate down. He was ready to kill Mason. We couldn’t have him committing two murders in two days.

  Mason was in the hot seat. Everyone had so many questions.

  Melissa had the most. She stood. “Mason, I want you to tell us every painstaking moment that occurred after you woke up here in London.”

  He clutched his spiky black hair. Pacing back and forth, he brought his parents and mine up to speed.

  The room fell eerily silent.

  “Don’t tell me you all feel sorry for him.” Tate rose.

  I hopped in front of him. “Don’t do this.”

  His vibrant blue eyes were gone. They were replaced with dark blue stones.

  “Baby, move or I’ll sit you on your pretty little ass.”

  My lips parted.

  He leaned into my ear. “I told you about parting those sexy lips. We’ll discuss your punishment later.” He gripped my waist and sat me on my bottom in the leather recliner.

  Tate continued to the front of the room. “I don’t feel sorry for you. You may be my brother because we’re related, but that’s it. I don’t ever want to see your face again.”

  “Tate, you don’t mean that.” Melissa stood.

  She was always pulled together nicely. Not today. She wore a red blouse, jeans, and knee-high brown boots. Not a lick of makeup in sight. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. Her nostrils and eyes were red. She probably sobbed all night.

  “I’m not happy with him either, but he’s coming home with us.”

  “Then I will stay with nana and granddad Harlon.” Tate rammed his fists into Mason’s chest, backing him against the wall faster than the speed of light. “You locked me in a dungeon like a caged animal.” His fist jolted Mason’s chin. “To add insult to injury, you tanked my football career, motherfucker.”

  He rocked Mason’s jaw again. He stumbled back. Chest heaving, he rammed into Tate. His back smacked the hardwood floor. They tussled. Mason plunged his fist into Tate’s nose.

  “Get the fuck off of me,” Tate growled. He shoved him off. They jumped to their feet in a fighting stance. Tate kicked Mason in his gut. Their loud grunts and groans rocked through me. Dad and Brian didn’t stop the fight.

  “Dad, do something. They’re going to kill each other,” I pleaded as I rose.

  They pounded each other with their fists.

  “All right, that’s enough.” Brian pressed his palm into Mason’s chest.

  Dad gripped Tate’s shoulders. “Knock it off.”

  Marisa ran her hand over her collar bone, tight lipped. Worry consumed her pretty features.

  I stepped beside her. “Why so worried, bitch? After all you’re partly to blame too.”

  Her eyes shot daggers at me. “Fuck off, Chelsea.”

  “You two deserve each other. I overheard you two the night of Matt’s party.” I quirked a brow, crossing my arms over my chest. “In your bedroom.”

  Her eyes bulged.

  “How could you be ok with him impregnating the both of us and my sham of a marriage?”

  “What?” Tate shouted. He charged toward Mason again. Our fathers kept them apart.

  “You’re a despicable person.”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.”

  I blacked out. Next thing I knew we were rolling on the floor, pulling each other’s hair. I backhanded her across her cheek.

  “Ah,” she shouted.

  “Fuck you, Chelsea. I hate you.”

  My lip stung after Marisa punched me in my mouth. I slammed my fist into her eye.

  “The feelings mutual, bitch.” Melissa and mom pried us apart.

  Matt darted across the room, cocked his fist back, then connected it with Mason’s jaw. “You used my sister, you filthy son of a bitch. We were once the best of friends. I can’t believe you’d stoop to such levels. All for your grandfather. You’re a coward. A real man would have stood up for his family and friends.” Matt rolled his eyes and stalked toward Marisa.

  “Let’s go.”


  His eyes narrowed. “What?”

  She dusted herself off. “I won’t leave him.”

  He spun on his heels. “Why?”

  Her lips trembled. “Mason is the only man I’ve ever loved. And we’re having a baby.”

  My eyes widened. I thought they were in the process of making a baby that night. I didn’t take into account they’d probably been working to get pregnant for months. Shit, and I just tackled her to the ground.

  “Marisa, Melissa and I will exam you. We need to make sure the baby is ok.” Mom stretched her hand toward the door.

  She nodded. Mason walked over to Marisa, intertwining their fingers.

  “It will be ok, baby.” She wrapped her arms around him. He winced. “Ouch.”

  “Mason and Tate come on. We’ll examine all of you.”

  I limped over to Tate. He gripped his side. “I’ll wait in here. I don’
t want to be in the same room with them,” Tate grimaced.

  We helped each other to the brown recliners.

  “Jenny, how about you examine Marisa and I’ll examine Mason.”

  “Sure, sounds good.”

  Dad appeared out of nowhere with towels and a bowl of water. “Thanks, Dad.”

  His lips fell upon the top of my head. “I am proud of you, Chelsea.”

  My brows rose. “You are?”

  He placed the bowl on the side table. “Yes. You’ve faced your demons head on.”

  “Mr. Culver, she hasn’t cut herself once either.” Tate attempted to smile. His hand flew over his lips.

  “Dad, through all this turmoil I wanted to cut myself, but I willed myself not to. I kept pushing on.”

  Dad sighed. “Good. When we return home, we should all have breakfast at your favorite restaurant-”

  “Mortons,” Tate finished his sentence.

  Dad smirked. “Yeah.”


  Dads eyes darted toward the door. “What’s up, Brian?”

  “How about a drink?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Happy our fathers had each other through this tragic ordeal.

  I pressed the wet towel against Tate’s bloody mouth. “Rocky, I think you’ve seen enough action for a while.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe. I do feel better.”

  “I will too after I find out how Marisa’s exam went.”

  Thirty-minutes later, I still sat on pins and needles, waiting for news about Marisa’s exam.

  Mom bounced into the room. “Marisa and the baby are fine, Chelsea.”

  I fell back against the sofa. “Wow, so she’s really pregnant. I can’t believe it.” I smoothed my hand over my hair.

  “Do you need an exam too?” her black brow rose.

  “No, mom. First of all, I didn’t do anything with Mason. And Tate and me...”

  I scratched my neck. “...we use protection.” My cheeks heated. Admitting to my mother again Tate and I were sexually active was embarrassing.

  Tate couldn’t meet my mother’s gaze either.

  Her fists landed on her hips. “Well, don’t stop using protection until you are absolutely ready to bring a child into this world.”


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