Fix Me

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Fix Me Page 11

by Lexy Timms

  I hesitated. “I am.”

  “How about you take a few days, get your foot healed and then we’ll go from there. I’m not going anywhere. Well, I suppose I am going somewhere, but I will still be here in the US to do the surgery if you decide to do so within the next month or so. If you prefer to wait, I will leave you with information for my colleague who I know is willing to do the surgery.”

  “But does your colleague have your same experience?”

  “No, but it is a relatively simple procedure,” she explained. “I’m confident he can do it.”

  That wasn’t what I signed up for. Technically I had signed up for nothing, but still. She was the pioneer. She was the one that approached me. I needed her to be the one that did it.

  “I’m sold on this,” I told her with more confidence. “I really am. I’ll get healed up and hopefully I can keep from doing any more damage to myself and be healthy and ready to roll.”

  “That sounds great, Bree. I look forward to hearing from you. Give yourself some time. Treat yourself to a spa day and just heal your soul and your body.”

  I laughed. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  We ended the call. I felt better, but now I knew there was definitely an expiration date on her offer to do the surgery. I didn’t want to risk another doctor getting my case and backing out. It had happened too many times. It had to be her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I AWOKE TO MY RINGING phone. I blindly reached out, finding it on the nightstand and pulling it close to my face. I stared at the screen with one eye. It was my mother. My next question was what time was it? I squinted, seeing the little numbers. It was just after seven. It was nine in Texas which was why she was calling. She had no respect for my time. She had no respect for anyone except herself. I hit the decline button.

  Tired of being at her beck and call, I had even less patience. Over a thousand miles away and she still expected me to jump when she called. I was over it. I was tired of her emotional blackmail. She was pissed that I was moving on. She was pissed that I wasn’t falling for her crap. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to move on with my life. I hated that my own mother was manipulating me, that she had manipulated me for the majority of my life.

  “No more, lady, no more,” I muttered.

  I closed my eyes and debated whether to get up or try to sleep for another thirty minutes. There was no way I was going back to sleep. I threw off the blanket and got out of bed. I was anxious to see how Bree had done by herself all night. She had practically thrown me out of the house. I hoped it was because she was truly interested in being independent.

  I offered to sleep on the couch or upstairs in one of the guestrooms. That way I would be close enough to help if she needed me but out of her way enough to give her the space she wanted. She wouldn’t agree to it.

  Hopping in the shower, I dressed and set out across the grounds. It was another beautiful day in Malibu. I understood why so many people flocked to the area. It was gorgeous and warm without sweating your balls off. I loved living in California. I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for me and Bree, I hoped.

  I opened the door and stepped inside, my ears straining to hear anything. I heard humming and following the sound, soon found myself in the solarium. Bree was sitting in her favorite chair, a cup of coffee sitting on the side table and music softly playing in the background.

  “You’re up early,” she said.

  I smiled, moving to stand in front of her. “I think you’re the one that’s up early. How was your night?”

  “Peaceful,” she said, with a serene smile. “I wasn’t afraid. I went to bed early and woke up early. I made myself coffee and toast.”

  I was so proud of her. “No kidding.”

  “Would you like me to make you some breakfast?” she asked with a grin.

  “I would like that,” I said, wanting her to feel useful.

  I followed her into the kitchen, wincing whenever she got close to running into something. I kept my mouth shut. She wanted independence. I felt like a parent watching their child take their first shaky steps. I wanted to guide and help her but refrained.

  “Look at you move,” I said, as I watched her move around the kitchen with ease.

  I wondered if the newfound independence was because she changed her mind about getting the surgery. I had to accept that she was in control of her destiny. If she chose not to get the surgery, then I had to be okay with it. I would love her all the same. I knew it would be a long, hard road. There would be frustrations and fights and she would probably be angry over the situation.

  “Mel and I are going to a spa today,” she announced.

  “Oh,” I said with surprise. “All day?”

  “It’s an eight-hour session. Massage, soak and facials.”

  I was happy for her. “That sounds like the perfect day. It will be good for you. If you get in one of those mud baths, make sure you leave your foot out.”

  She laughed. “No mud bath today, but thank you for your concern.”

  “I have to ask, did you take your meds this morning?”

  “Yes, doctor,” she answered.

  “Nurse. In this case, I am your nurse and that is one of my duties. I can’t have you getting sick on me.”

  She scoffed. “The last thing I need is to lose my foot or my whole damn leg. Wouldn’t that be horrible?”

  “Yes, it would be. Can I see it? I want to check for redness.”

  She let out a long sigh before hiking her foot up and resting it on the stool. “Don’t look at my toes. We’re getting pedicures today.”

  I pinched her big toe. “I love your toes.”

  “Don’t tell me you have a foot fetish. That’s a deal breaker.”

  I smiled, shaking my head as I peeled back the bandage. The cut seemed to be healing okay. “Looks good,” I told her.


  “What time is Mel coming or do I need to take you there?”

  “She’ll be picking me up,” she answered.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to do anything?”

  Her hand reached out and I touched hers with my own. “No. Take the day. You spent your days off with me. We owe you one.”

  “You know hanging out with you isn’t work,” I told her.

  “No, but I want you to have a day to yourself. You deserve it.”

  As if on cue, Mel showed up ten minutes later. It was good to see her happy and excited. I walked them to Mel’s car and watched them leave. I was happy she was going to do something fun. It would be good for her to have some kind of normalcy in her life. I imagined her life before the accident had been filled with spa days and shopping sprees. This was a step in the right direction.

  I went back into the house, passing through the kitchen before moving back to the cottage. I had no idea what I was going to do with myself for the day. I had just finished throwing a load of clothes in the washer when my phone rang. I reached for it, worried something had happened and Bree needed me.

  Groaning, I saw my mother’s name again. I had no excuse to not take the call. It was better to get it over with now while I had the free time. I blew out a breath before answering her call.

  “There you are,” she said, in her happy voice.

  I knew all her voices. Her happy voice was the one I heard the least. She was always happy when she got new meds, or a doctor diagnosed her with something new. She was happy when she was showered with attention.

  “Here I am,” I said. “You sound like you’re in a good mood.”

  “I’m in a great mood!” she exclaimed. “I love the California sunshine.”

  I froze, her words bouncing around in my skull. “The California sunshine?” I repeated. My mouth was dry, so dry my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

  “I’m in town, baby! I’m sitting here at LAX enjoying myself a fruity something or other. I tried to call you earlier.”

  “You’re at LAX?” I asked.
My head was spinning. What the fuck was happening? “You are in California right now?”

  “Well, that’s what the sign says,” she giggled. She was playing up the southern charm. It was laid on pretty thick, which told me she was trying to impress someone near her.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I wanted to see you, but we can talk face to face. Don’t tell me you’re going to leave me sitting here. “Lisa said you had a cute little place. I was thinking I would stay with you and see how you’re living here.”

  I put a hand to my face, rubbing my eyes. “How long are you in town for?” I asked seeing my new life fading away.

  “I’m not entirely sure yet. You’re starting to make me feel bad, Luke. Do you want me to go home?” She turned on the guilt trip, her voice weakening. The woman could win an Oscar.

  “I didn’t say that, but I do have a job and responsibilities. I need to clear you staying with me with my employer. The cottage I’m in is his, on his property. I can’t just invite anyone onto the grounds.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Lisa told me you were taking care of some rich girl that lives in a mansion with a gate and everything. I’m not surprised you landed on your feet. You always did have that thing about you.”

  “That thing? What is that thing?”

  “Oh, you’re handsome so rich people automatically love you,” she said, and it wasn’t said in a nice way.

  I wasn’t going to get rid of her. I could blow her off when she was on the phone, but I couldn’t do it when she was in the same state. “I’ll be there in an hour,” I mumbled.

  “Just give me a holler when you’re close and I’ll meet you.”

  I hung up the phone, dreading the visit. I was glad Paul was out of town. He was probably going to think my family was using his property as our own personal hotel. My mom was difficult on her best day. Hopefully, I could get her back on a plane tomorrow and she would never have to meet Paul or Bree. Shit, I didn’t even want to think about that interaction.

  My mind reeling, I didn’t have much of a chance think about how to get her out of town before I found myself pulling into the large parking lot. Forty minutes later, I was walking into the airport. I scanned the area, filled with happy reunions, and people rushing in all directions.

  “Luke!” I heard my mother shriek.

  I ground my teeth, forcing a smile before I turned to look at her. “Mom,” I said.

  She rushed towards me, pulling her little suitcase behind her. I was happy to see it was a small suitcase and not one of the giant ones that could hold a week’s worth of clothes. I prayed that meant it would be a short visit. I didn’t have it in me to deal with her for the long term. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the next day let alone several.

  “Oh baby, I’m so happy to see you!” she threw her arms around me. I gently patted her back, not wanting to risk an injury that would keep her in California.

  “The car is this way,” I said.

  She chattered nonstop the whole way to the car. “You don’t look very happy.”

  “I’m happy. I’m fine.”

  “Are you angry that I surprised you?” she pouted.

  “No, mom, but I do have to work.”

  “Where is your little girlfriend?” she snapped.

  “She isn’t my girlfriend. She’s a client.”

  “That’s not what it sounded like when Lisa described her,” she shot back, sounding angry.

  I was going to have a few words with Lisa. “I don’t know why she said that.”

  It was a mistake to have her here. It wasn’t my mistake, but I was going to be the one paying for it. I hated that she had so much power over me. She could make me feel like shit with just a few words. All the independence I felt I had gained while I was away from her was zapped away in a flash. I had lost it as fast as I had gained it.

  She wasn’t going to let me get away. The realization sank my spirits. I felt like I was being pulled down by a giant boulder. I didn’t know how to escape. I didn’t know if I ever could. To escape would mean I had to cut her out of my life. I wasn’t sure I could do that.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I WOKE UP FEELING GREAT. A day at the spa was just what the doctor ordered, literally. My body was relaxed and that feeling of drowning in sadness was almost all the way gone. It was still there, lingering in the back of my mind, but it wasn’t consuming me. It was a quiet little voice trying to take me down. I wouldn’t let it.

  I liked feeling good. That’s where I wanted to stay. I was going to have to work at it, but I could definitely do it. I was excited to see Luke. He had called last night to see if I needed dinner or anything, but Mel had made sure I was all set. It was the first time in a long time I truly felt independent. It was freeing to be home alone. It still made me a little anxious, but I knew Luke was just the push of a button away.

  Getting out of bed, I was anxious to make my own coffee and toast again. If the blind thing persisted, I was more confident I could learn how to make more than just toast. It felt good to have a tiny bit of my old self back. I couldn’t let her slip away from me again. I was going to fight to keep her front and center.

  My foot was still sore, and I had to walk on the side, but it was manageable. I quickly dressed in my usual casual attire before making my way to the kitchen. “Hello?” I called out, wondering if anyone was in the house. “Anyone here?”

  Silence answered me. I made myself coffee and toast before finding my way to the bar and sitting down. It was eerily quiet. It was early. Luke probably wouldn’t be over for at least another thirty minutes. Being alone in the huge house was suddenly a little intimidating. “Stop it,” I scolded myself. “It’s not a big deal.”

  I heard a knock on the door and smiled, knowing it was Luke. “Hey,” he greeted, but he didn’t sound like himself.

  “Hey, yourself.”

  “Um, I, I know this is completely wrong, but my mom flew into town yesterday.”

  “That’s not wrong,” I answered. “That’s nice.”

  “She’s here. She’s staying at the cottage with me.”

  “I’d love to meet her,” I told him.

  “Are you sure? I told her I was working today, and she would have to keep herself entertained. I don’t want her surprise visit to get in the way of my work here.”

  “Luke, I hope I’m not that much work. If you want to take the day to spend with her, I’ll be okay on my own.”

  “No!” he blurted out. “I mean, no thank you. I’d like to do my job.”

  “Okay, that works,” I said feeling how off he was. “She can hang out with us.”

  I heard what sound like a groan. “I suppose she has to.”

  “Luke, is everything okay?” I asked.

  “It’s fine. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m good. I made my coffee and toast. I think I’ll go back for a second cup.”

  “I can make it for you,” he said.

  “I can make it for myself, but thank you. Where is your mom?”

  “She’s at the cottage,” he mumbled.

  Once again, I got the feeling something was off. And, just like before, he didn’t want to tell me. I told myself not to jump to conclusions. He was having an off day. We all had them. I knew he and his mom had a bit of a strange relationship. I wasn’t sure what the dynamics were, but I got the feeling it wasn’t a great relationship. Maybe he would tell me one day.

  “You can invite her over—if you want.”

  “Thanks. If she’s a problem, just tell me and I will send her back to the cottage.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” I insisted. His sister had been abrasive and off-putting at first, but once I got to know her, I liked her. I imagined his mother was the same way. I could handle it.

  “I’ll be back,” he said with resignation. “I’m sorry about this.”

  “It’s fine, Luke. Did she bring a sw
imsuit? We could go swimming. If not, maybe we could go into town and do some shopping.”

  “I’ll ask her,” I heard him say before the door closed behind him.

  I took a deep breath, shaking my head. I thought I had drama with my dad. Luke didn’t seem to be very excited for his family to visit him. I thought it was cool that they went out of their way to see him. They obviously loved him a great deal. I smiled, thinking about the man my heart beat a little faster for. There was a lot to like about Luke. It was no wonder his family would travel thousands of miles to see him.

  I finished my coffee and cleaned up my mess. A few minutes later I heard the door open. “Bree,” Luke said. “We’re here.”

  I smiled and very carefully navigated around the center island in the kitchen and moved towards his voice. “Hi.”

  “Mom, this is Bree. Bree this is my mother, Charlene.”

  I held out my hand, hoping she would do the rest. Instead of shaking my hand, she pulled me in for a hug. It was a good thing, even if it nearly knocked me off balance with my bum foot. It gave me the chance to size her up. She was a short woman, a little plump and I could feel her shoulder-length hair.

  “Mom,” Luke growled.

  “It’s fine,” I said when she released me.

  “You’re just a little thing,” she commented. “And just so pretty. I can see why my son is smitten with you.”

  I smiled, feeling a blush spread over my cheeks. “Thank you. That’s very kind.”

  “It’s the truth!”

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” I asked, excited for something different.

  “Your foot is still healing,” Luke said. “You can’t walk around on it too much or you’re going to tear those stitches.”

  “It doesn’t feel that bad,” I told him.

  “What happened to your foot?” his mother asked.

  “I was clumsy and knocked a glass over,” I answered.


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