Claiming His Myshka

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Claiming His Myshka Page 3

by Merel Pierce

  “Be a good girl,” he murmured against her throat, his teeth pinching at her flesh in a dangerous taunt. This time when he growled, her hands went around his shoulders as she writhed beneath him.

  She clung to him as he worked his way down her chest, covering one nipple with his mouth. She tugged at his hair when his tongue swirled around the hardening bud of flesh in his mouth, trying to pull him closer. When he retracted, she whined.

  “Soon, I will have all the time in the world to explore you,” he promised, his tone almost remorseful. “Alas, that day is not today.”

  His hand slid up her middle, spreading out over her tummy and narrowing again as it traveled through the valley between her breasts. His fingers settled over her throat, holding her in place as he worked his belt loose and undid his pants.

  Chapter 6

  Her eyes flickered down as he set his cock loose and shuffled out of his trousers, all without removing the hand collaring her throat. It was dark in her room, but the light from the bathroom allowed just enough illumination to give her a frightening glimpse of what awaited her.

  She’d seen Byrne’s cock before, when he’d made beta whores suck it. Sometimes he bent them over his desk and fucked them between meetings while Aislin tried not to notice. Byrne’s cock was large and vicious looking, a battering ram he used to hurt his partners with when they coupled. Aislin was grateful he didn’t want to put it in her.

  Dima’s cock looked even bigger.

  She shook her head, eyes widening anxiously as the haze of lust thinned with this new threat. He ignored her mute protest, forcing her knees apart and positioning himself between them.

  He growled again, lining his cock up with her sex as she shuddered and whimpered beneath him. The fat head of it slipped back and forth between her folds, soon wet from all her slick. She tried to lift her head, but he tightened his grip. Dima took hold of her hip with his free hand, ignoring how she scratched and scrabbled.

  His purr caught her off guard. The soothing sound immediately went to work on her overwrought muscles, draining the tension from her body like he’d tapped a keg. The second she relaxed beneath him, he thrust.

  Her startled cry hurt her own ears. The burn, the stretch. it was too much. She didn’t realize she was crying until the salty liquid touched her lips. He remained motionless, buried inside her to the hilt. Her thighs locked tight around his waist, struggling to keep him from moving lest he hurt her more than his initial penetration had. He continued to purr, dipping his head to nuzzle at her cheek affectionately.

  “It will be over soon,” he reminded her. “Never again will it be this way between us.”

  Unable to speak, Aislin forced herself to nod. He’d warned her, hadn’t he? He’d told her it wouldn’t be pleasant. She was untried. That alone should have warranted a longer seduction. The shattered bond only made it worse. He might have marked her without taking her first, but she knew it wasn’t the same. Since she wasn’t in heat, it was the only way to make the bond he intended to create stronger. She knew how it was supposed to work, even if she’d never experienced it. If she could just hold on a little longer, it would all be over.

  Aislin took a ragged breath, blowing it out slowly as she tightened her arms around his neck. He removed his hand from her throat.

  “Good. Good girl.”

  When he began to thrust, she thought she might die. No matter how controlled his movements, the pain was excruciating. He alternated between growls and purrs, trying to keep her lubricated and relaxed. The Russian caressed her, kissed along her jaw and throat and tried to distract her.

  Eventually the pain faded to a dull ache and granted Aislin a small amount of relief.

  That was when his work began in earnest.

  Not meant to be a leisurely affair, Dima bulldozed through their mating with a knotting in mind. Despite his haste, he didn’t neglect her. He continued his ministrations with such dedication that Aislin eventually began to experience something other than pain.

  Fresh slick came easy, her cramping lessened. Soon, she was grunting and whining at his shoulder, struggling to pull him closer. Each new growl or nip of his teeth made her wriggle and writhe. She got lost in the punishing rhythm of it, drunk on his pheromones and too tired to deny the pleasure she found in his ferocity.

  She knew he was getting close when each thrust started to sting again, the telltale stretch of a growing knot burning her entrance. Aislin hooked her ankles over his thighs, struggling to pull him closer and minimize the pain.

  She didn’t expect the searing agony of his teeth when they broke her skin moments later. He latched on tight to the tissue between her shoulder and neck, sinking his cock deep as his knot locked them together.

  The pain was gone almost as soon as he began to come. The groan of pleasure he rumbled against her throat tipped her over the edge, and she came, screaming and scratching like a banshee, around the man who had claimed her for his own. Without thinking, Aislin opened her mouth against the muscle along the top of his shoulder and bit down hard.

  She wanted to taste his blood, to know what it was like to mark her mate. She wanted to experience what an Alpha experienced when he took his Omega. Her bite triggered a second orgasm in the man, who shuddered and twitched against her as he filled her to overflowing with his seed.

  He released his hold on her throat, took his time lapping at her skin and cleaning up the blood that trickled from her wound as she herself nursed at him like a kitten on a bottle.

  “Be easy, myshka. I’ve got you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them over, splaying Aislin across his torso. He didn’t rush her, didn’t insist that she let go. Instead, the male continued to purr, stroking her back idly as they lay together.

  Already, she could sense it. The hollowed-out place in her chest was sprouting new growth, a small seedling unfurling its leaves and spreading tendrils of warmth and comfort into the damaged threads of her soul. Feeling safe for the first time in years, Aislin closed her eyes.


  Sometime later, she woke to Dima pulling her off his deflating knot and laying her beside him on the bed. She winced, embarrassed by the flood of fluids that spilled out when he jostled her. She huffed a half-hearted protest at the disturbance, pulling a nearby sheet up to cover her naked body.

  He sat up and wiped the better part of the mess from between her legs with the blanket, sopping up their combined fluids. When he finished, he got up and dressed himself before going to Aislin’s closet. In the near darkness he riffled through her things as she watched from bed, too weary to care what he was looking for.

  Finally, he seemed to find what he wanted. He returned to the bed and got down on his knees, motioning her towards him.

  “Come, myshka. Up. We must go. Rest will come later.”

  Frowning, Aislin struggled to pull herself up to her elbows. It was hard work, and every muscle in her body screamed in protest. Her head pounded and her stomach hurt. She was exhausted.

  Dima seemed to notice. He leaned forward and slipped a hand beneath her back, helping her sit up. She put her hands to the mattress, arms wobbling as she tried to keep herself upright. He slipped the garment he’d taken from her closet over her head, working each of her arms through the sleeve. Hands spread over her sides, he lifted her from the bed and set her on her feet.

  Her legs wobbled as if made of Jell-O, and she almost collapsed when he tugged down the hem of the maxi dress he’d put her in. She yelped, clutching at his shoulders in a bid to stay upright. Dima scooped her up into his arms, eliminating the need for her to stay on her feet.

  Drowsy but feeling better now that she was pressed to his chest, Aislin let her head drop against his neck. He carried her down the hall and into the main room of the apartment where the overhead lights revealed a horrific scene.

  Face down in a puddle of blood in the middle of the floor, was Byrne. Aislin stiffened at the sight, only to have Dima turn her away from the mess. She co
uldn’t tell how he’d been killed, but it wasn’t pleasant. Though the sight was frightening, she wasn’t sorry he was dead. She nuzzled at her Alpha’s shoulder, sniffing where blood seeped through the fabric over the wound she’d made when she marked him.

  He purred for her.

  She didn’t recognize any of the armed men in the halls. The way they all cast their eyes elsewhere when he came through made Aislin think they must be his. If they weren’t, her Alpha’s threatening growls might have been met with a challenge.

  Their descent to the parking garage was unimpeded. A black SUV waited for them near the elevator, and the man standing beside the vehicle opened the back door as they approached.

  Dima leaned into the vehicle, situating her in the seat before crawling in beside her. The seat wasn’t really big enough for them both, but Aislin didn’t mind. She leaned a tired head on his arm, grateful when he lifted it and tucked her against his side.

  “Today, myshka, your new life begins.” He dropped a kiss in her hair, his thumb stroking along her arm as he held her close.

  Aislin closed her eyes and sighed.


  Aislin fidgeted, picking at her manicured nails as the car rolled through the winding streets of Meron’s most influential neighborhood. A large, tan hand covered both of her own, squeezing gently.

  “Be easy, myshka. You worry needlessly.”

  She huffed, shooting the suited Alpha at her side a nervous glance.

  He blessed her with a lazy smile, giving her hands another squeeze. “You are a good girl. They will adore you.”

  She tried to settle, but knowing their ride was almost over didn’t help her anxiety. She wanted to make a good impression, but she was still struggling to adjust to her new life. Aislin had her doubts.

  She’d only been with Dima for two weeks.

  He’d proven to be a stern, but caring Alpha. His dedication to her recovery was admirable, and his constant attention helped ease the negative effects of the severed pair bond. She still suffered from mood swings and bouts of nausea, but their newly cemented bond was blooming with life, promising a better future.

  The fact that her sex life had increased exponentially in that time didn’t hurt. Just as he’d promised, it was never like that first time again. He was a thorough and calculating lover, who made certain she was always satisfied and exhausted by the time he finished with her.

  Despite the progress she’d made, she begged Dima not to bring her today. She didn’t feel stable enough, and she worried she’d be an embarrassment. He’d said that was nonsense, gently scolded her for questioning his judgement. The threat of a spanking quieted any further protests.

  As the car slowed, Aislin sat up a little straighter, peering out the window at the beautiful mansion behind a wrought-iron fence that ran along the edge of the street. It had to be one of the most gorgeous homes she’d ever seen, a veritable palace compared to the apartments Byrne kept.

  Their car turned into the drive, idling before the massive gates. Two armed men exited the guardhouse and approached the vehicle. Dima rolled down the back window, motioning the men closer. Aislin lowered her eyes to her lap as they conversed in Russian, not daring to look at another Alpha without Dima’s permission.

  Dima didn’t scare her. That’s not why she did it. He was intensely protective, growling at any man who dared a sniff her way. She knew he’d murder the first one who sent her more than a fleeting glance. Part of her preened every time he bristled, proud to have so fierce an Alpha. Another part of her was nervous that he’d blame her for other how other men behaved.

  When the guards stepped away, she breathed a sigh of relief. Soon enough the gates parted and they were on their way. Dima’s hand did not leave her own until they came to a stop before the front entrance.

  Her Alpha exited the vehicle, circling around the back of the car to open her door. He extended his hand, a low purr rumbling to life as he waited. “Come, myshka. Be my good girl.”

  Aislin took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she placed her hand in his and gave him a weak smile.

  He helped her from the car, blocking the sight of her from the front door with his body so she might take a moment to adjust her clothes. She wore a simple cream-colored dress. Styled like an oversized sweater, it had thick cuffs at the neck, wrist and hem. The shoulders opened to mid-bicep, tastefully bearing a small amount of skin. It was one of the more comfortable pieces of clothing Dima had bought for her.

  She’d been surprised when he didn’t protest her wearing it when he’d told her to choose her own outfit today. On the rare occasions he’d taken her out before today he dressed her in stylish, well-tailored dress suits that fit her age. It made sense, considering most of their outings related to his business dealings.

  This was the first time in three years she’d been allowed to choose her own clothes.

  Aislin’s hand went to the charm hanging from the chain around her neck, smoothing the little gold disk that bore Dima’s signet between her fingers as she glanced down at her feet. Byrne had always complained when she scuffed her heels. She checked the suede booties to make sure she hadn’t gotten them dirty.

  Dima’s fist beneath her chin forced her attention back up.

  “If your star shines much brighter, you will blind us all,” he encouraged. “But we mustn't keep them waiting.”

  He moved her forward with a hand between her shoulders, gently guiding her towards the stairs. When she came to his side he offered his elbow, which Aislin gratefully took. Sidling up close to her much larger Alpha, she let the stroking warmth of their bond comfort her.

  They were halfway up the stairs when the oak door at the top swung open, the yawning mouth of the foyer beyond coming into view as they crested the last steps. There in the doorway, a couple stood waiting.

  Aislin immediately dropped her eyes, pressing closer to Dima’s side as the scent of the bonded pair they were approaching hit her nose. She’d only glimpsed him for a moment, but the Alpha was larger even than her own. Dark, dangerous, and immaculately put together, she knew it must be him… The prince of the city himself, the leader of Meron’s Bratva.

  “It’s good to see you, Dima.”

  “You as well, my prince.”

  The pleasantries seemed genuine, a sense of comradery clear in how the men spoke to one another. The low hum of Dima’s purr continued, undeterred by the presence of another Alpha.

  “This must be Aislin.”

  For the first time, Dima didn’t growl when a man acknowledged her. She glanced his way from the corner of her eye, trying to judge his response. He wasn’t posturing or leveling the other man with a challenging glare. As if he felt her eyes upon him, he angled his head her direction.

  “Yes, this is Aislin,” he smiled at her affectionately, the subtle shift in his gaze suggesting that she could engage.

  Still wary, she sent a cautious look towards the pair nearby.

  The Alpha was a massive machine of a man. For all the hawk-like intensity of his features, his expression was warm and easy.

  “Welcome to my home, Aislin. I am Nikolai Petrovski, and this is my mate December,” he addressed her directly, another first for her to experience. “We are very happy to have you.”

  She tried to smile as she split a glance between them. “Th-Thank you.”

  The woman called December bit her lip, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement. She was gorgeous, in a queer way. Unnaturally pale, the color of her hair and iridescent glow of her eyes gave her an unearthly sort of beauty. It was hard to look away from the woman.

  “I told you!” December chided Petrovski, elbowing him in the ribs. “Didn’t I tell you?”

  He didn’t seem bothered by her behavior in the slightest, which left Aislin to wonder at their relationship. She certainly wouldn’t have expected a crime lord’s mate to behave so casually in mixed company. Byrne would have boxed her ears if she’d talked to him the way this woman
spoke to her mate.

  “You’ll have to excuse December. She’s, ah, a little overzealous.”

  December made a face, dismissing Petrovski’s words with a flick of her wrist. “Don’t mind him. He’s just a stick in the mud.” She stepped forward, wrapping her arm around Aislin’s free elbow. “Why don’t you boys go discuss business? Aislin and I can entertain ourselves.”

  Before she could protest, the entire group moved inside. Aislin was ushered along by Dima and December, while Nikolai led the way. Dima pressed a kiss to her brow, untangling himself from her hold as December eased her in another direction.

  “I will be close by, myshka,” he assured her. “You will be fine.”

  She bit her tongue, not willing to admit that she didn’t want to be away from him. After so many years of having her every move moderated by another, it was difficult to admit that she had no confidence in her own judgement. December seemed to have no such qualms about being away from her Alpha.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Uh, a little, maybe,” she volunteered reluctantly, still watching over her shoulder as Dima and Nikolai vanished beyond the grand staircase in the center of the foyer.

  The wailing of a baby from somewhere in the floors above stopped her host in her tracks, the woman’s attention snapping upwards. December blew out an exasperated breath, rolling her eyes.

  “Sounds like someone woke up from their nap early,” she mused, smirking at Aislin as she angled them back towards the stairs. “Do you mind if we have company for brunch?”

  Uncertain of what to do besides be agreeable, Aislin shrugged.


  “Great, wait right here. I’ll be right back!”

  Aislin stared after her in silence as she bounded up the stairs, wringing her hands nervously.

  Her devices soon picked up noises from above. The soft cooing of the Omega, the happy giggling of a child, faint sounds no one else would have been privy to. When the pair appeared on the landing a few moments later, Aislin bit her lip against a smile.


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