Keep Still

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Keep Still Page 6

by Janet Gillooly

  Empty Your Mind

  Empty your mind of all thoughts. Empty your mind of all worries.

  I give you this gift sometimes and you try on your own.

  The gift will be given to you in full even though many times I have given you this gift, this time it will be complete.

  Quiet is the key to strength and the key to life. Everyone needs this time before me to know which way I am leading. It gives you a conversion that nothing else can.

  Sitting in a monastery or in your room this peace I give to increase your faith.

  It is love at its finest and the richest of all treasures. Those who do not take this time are overwhelmed with stress, worry and a mind that is not at rest.

  You do not have to add up words when you pray, but just come to me in honest humility. A rosary or the bible can lead you into this prayer of silence. Hear my words and unite to my heart.

  I listen to you but words are not necessary before my throne. Talk, listen, but then empty your mind. I will give any this gift who but ask.

  Anger is just at the surface, but this prayer of quiet heals your whole being and brings it to rest. Then you are refreshed to give you the courage to face the rest of your week.

  This quiet prayer is what the saints thrived on to love me deeply. If you have never done this type of prayer start out slowly and before you know it will be a great need.

  I am the way. Those who learn this prayer shall never be the same again. I have brought you here and I intend to take you all the way. Peace I give you and this quiet time shall slowly day by day form you into my image. I love you and I await my bride in this stillness that is everlasting. Amen.

  Our Love

  Chorus: Our love is beyond the flesh. It is beyond the shell.

  It is not the love of Hollywood, but real and true.

  Our love is not about looks.

  It is about our sensitive hearts

  and no friend can match it for we have gotten past the dirt and grime.

  We have been around and no what’s going on in town. We have been up and down.

  We know true love needs not seek greener pastures, for every lawn has its own stench of chaotic madness .

  We have been through the madness, but we have found peace. Peace knowing who we have become together on a long road of insecurities, wasted recognition and now no one need tell- -us-who we are.

  We need no mirror to see what really matters for all we need do is look in each other’s eyes and find comfort. We have found our foundation and need only build upon it.

  Many look for this rock near and far but do not find it. We only look within and there in the silence we have the only recognition and love we need.

  People shift back and forth never enjoying the breeze, but we sit back feeling it calm us as the moon bums bright. It is not what you look like, nor the job you do, but just being together as we pass through.

  We talk. We listen. We take care of each other before the day is through. We are no heroes but our little acts of love nurture us and provide our needs. If people were to ask the secret of life I would say God and our love he has blessed.


  St Michael The Archangel

  Lo and Behold I fight the greatest battle. I am the most powerful angel to fight against the devil. I have the keys to win freedom for God's people.

  Day and night I protect you. I put on your door as of old a cross of blood. This cross protects you and keeps holiness arou nd you like a halo or magic cloud. Darkness is afraid to enter. The holy water you use insures you double protection.

  I have protected you from things you will never know until you are in heaven. Talk to me often for I am your greatest aid in so many things. God does not take lightly his love for you and offers me to you.

  I have drawn you to many things such as holy water, holy scripture and holy mass. Your prayers help my power to become stronger and it is easier to guide you on your exciting journey! I am the angel that chose God and the other chose a life of separation from his only good.

  I give you many gifts and insights. You have so much more to receive. Your life close to God will only get better. Many times you and I have fought a brave battle. I unite to your holy heart and bring about so many blessings and changes. I have only to unite to God and you shall reap the benefits.

  My beauty and wisdom is beyond any on earth. I share my knowledge with you to bring you closer to God. Do not lose heart for if you only knew how close I draw near to you. My mission is to bring you safely home to the kingdom of love. My special role is matched by no other angel. Each has a special role, but I head the army to fight until the end.

  Someday Jesus is coming with all his angels. It will be a sight to behold like no other. When you die you are not alone. We angels guide you safely home to heaven, so when you discover this heaven we will be there to share it with you. No one likes to share special moments alone, for it is too good to keep to yourself.

  I will not waiver from my purpose until I take you to heaven. I will be so honored to share this special time with you . Until I see you here I rest not day or night keeping watch over you. May your dreams be sweet and their lessons ever keep you humble before the merciful loving savior Jesus Christ.


  I think the Catholic church frustrates us or do they? The saints are portrayed as close to perfect. Very rarely are their faults discussed. We are only human so how can we be like them. It is good in a way for they are recognized for their good qualities. How many times do people only tell us our faults and never recognize the saint in us. I think an honest view of both would be good. Saint and sinner with hopefully a little more saint before we die. We feel close to God and it seems easier to dream then to take action. Why does God seem to give more grace to someone like Padre Pio? We all each have a different role to play. May we pray our way into sainthood and take the action required. We all are called to be more like God, while the devil calls us to be little demons. May our halos push down our horns each passing day. This is just a thought for the day.


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