Ciao Bella

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Ciao Bella Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Kiss me again,” he said to her. She wanted to, but she shook her head.

  He squinted.

  “We need to stop. I don’t even know you, and this was crazy and unexplainable.”

  “No, it was perfect, unexpected, and honestly what I needed and didn’t even know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was having a bad day. I came for a run to clear my head.”

  “What’s going on? Why are you having a bad day?” she asked, and he reached up and caressed her jaw, gave her a small smile as he looked at her lips and then her eyes. “A good day now, because of you.” He kissed her sweetly on the lips. He pulled back despite her wanting more and maybe he did too.

  “Don’t be afraid of me, of this. It feels right, and I promise I’ll be the best lover you’ve ever had,” he said to her and it shocked her. He was still thinking that she would go back to his place and have sex. What the hell was happening here? Was he for real, or was she just so inexperienced that she was falling for him, his lines, and of course his lethal kisses. She swallowed hard and gave herself a mental shake.

  “I don’t doubt that, Chord, but I’m not that kind of woman. Please set me down. The rain is slowing and will stop soon,” she said and he looked surprised by her words but slowly set her down, but instead of releasing her he ran his hands along her hips and then cupped her hair and head, tilted her head up toward him, and held her gaze.

  “Don’t run away from me, or from this,” he said. She covered his hands with hers. “I’m not. I’m slowing things down.”

  “You’re going to deny this happened.”

  “I think that you think I’m someone I’m not, and the best thing to do is to take a breather and step back from this.”

  “No, I don’t want to step back from it. I don’t understand you, or this reaction. Most women would be ready and willing to explore these feelings, this attraction.”

  She stepped back, and he released her but looked frustrated. That played on her emotions and her brain. He would again see her as naive, maybe like a player.

  “Is this a game?” he asked.

  “I don’t play games, and I don’t just fool around with random men in the woods during a rain storm.”

  “I figured as much, but it happened and it was incredible and you’ve gained my interest.”

  “That’s nice, but you asked me to go home with you, so your compliment turned into an insult.” She ran her palms down her leggings and reached for her bag. She was glad that her brain was working for her, and her retorts were right on target and making her come off as experienced with men when she wasn’t.

  He cursed under his breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Was she out of her mind to push him away, to not just go for this?

  “Wait.” He stepped in her path so she couldn’t go down the steps and head out of there. She glanced up at him, and he reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear then cupped her cheek and head. His hand was so huge. She felt feminine and sexy as damn hell.

  “I’m not going to forget this. I can tell you right now, your scent, your response, the feel of you in my arms will not be forgotten.” She stared up at him.

  “I think you should forget this happened. I’m not your type at all, and I don’t play games or have ever let a man just kiss me like you did.”

  “Darling we did more than kiss. You came in my arms.” She widened her eyes and went to pull back, but he slid his arms around her waist in a way that just solidified how much of a man he was and an experienced one at that.

  “Jesus, it’s okay that it happened. It turned me on, big time. This whole crazy situation did, and that’s why I said what I did. Why I wanted you to come home with me, so that we could do a bit more exploring, and not out here in the open.” He glanced around them. She just stared at him, and it aggravated her that she liked him. That she was still aroused by his hold, his words, and the fact he was honest with her. He held her gaze, slightly bent to make sure she was getting his complete attention. Well of course he had her attention. The man was a God, and then some.

  “How about this? How about we don’t forget this happened, but we don’t make it weird? Instead we look at it as an ice breaker.” She squinted at him this time. “An ice breaker to what?”

  “To the next time we meet and hang out. Maybe dinner out or something?” he suggested and then came the worry. What her brothers, her parents might say and what this may lead to. Sure, it would be nice to have a boyfriend, to explore these feelings, but that wasn’t how things worked around here. She shook her head.

  “I think we should stick to the plan and not make this into something else.”

  “Wait, why not? What are you afraid of?”

  “I’m not afraid of anything. I’m just new around here, I work a lot, I have a very protective family, and my dad is old school.”

  “Old school like what? I have to pay a dowry or something?” he asked and she went to speak, shocked by his retort, and he chuckled. He was kidding. She smirked. “Very funny.”

  “See, I can be charming and funny, so there’s no need to feel intimidated,” he said to her as he pulled her closer, wrapped her up in his arms, and bent slightly to look her in the eyes. “What do you say?”

  “I’m sorry, Chord, but I still think I’m not really right for you and what you’re used to. I don’t want to gain some kind of reputation around here.”

  “Jesus, you’re still hung up on me asking you to come home with me? It was in the heat of the moment.” He reached up and cupped her cheek.

  “Was it, or is that the usual next step after kissing a woman you hardly know? Maybe you’re used to women just saying yes, but that isn’t me, and besides that, I don’t date, at least not right now while I’m trying to settle in and get into a routine and schedule. Today was the first day in a long time that I was able to go for a run and stop and read a book.”

  “And let your guard down and just let things happen like they did with me.”

  She stepped back, and he didn’t go to grab her again.

  “Chord, I’m going to go now. I’ll see you around.”

  He didn’t say a word to her. She could feel his eyes on her as she headed further and further away. She didn’t want to look back. She knew not to look back or it would send the wrong message. The message that she wasn’t interested and that this encounter was just that. An encounter, but as she thought that, she turned to look back, locked gazes with him, and saw his serious expression turn into a tiny grin. That move right there let him know she wasn’t saying never, just not right now.

  * * * *

  “No. I’m not interested in any kind of partnership, or deals, or investing money in any of your schemes, Antonio. Don’t you think I’ve dealt with enough trouble back in Brooklyn?” Luigi said to his brother.

  “We’re family, blood, and I helped you to get out of New York, and to establish the restaurant. It was my connections with construction and getting the supplies you needed. How quickly you forget.”

  “Don’t run that shit with me. You know part of what I went through in New York. Some men involved in criminal activities started putting the pressure on me to pay them for protection. It was a thing that went on with all businesses in the neighborhood, but my location was wanted for more. Soon enough they were having meetings there, then taking some of my deliveries to stock their parties and gatherings. I couldn’t say a word or my family would suffer. So no, I will not invest in any kind of business that involves anything illegal.”

  “Luigi, you don’t need to know anything about it. You just let me have my guys add a couple of boxes to your trucks that are delivering supplies to your restaurant. The truck stops at a location before coming here, and no one knows a thing. You get a little side money without lifting a finger.”


  “What do you mean no? How could you not help me with this? We’re family.”

  “Antonio, you’re my brother, and I love you,
and I’m glad that our wives or children can get together and have a relationship, but I don’t want any part of your business ventures. Now this discussion is over,” Luigi stated and walked out of the office. As he did, he caught sight of his wife, Maria, talking to Antonio’s wife, Annette. They were smiling and enjoying spending time together. He knew that his wife at times felt lonely not having another woman, a wife, a mother to discuss things with. Her relationship with her sister-in-law was something Maria enjoyed. It gave Luigi a heavy heart knowing that his brother was still up to his old ways, and involved himself in easy ways to make money, to do some things that weren’t legit. That was Antonio’s life, his decisions, and that had nothing to do with Luigi. So he joined the women a moment as he glanced back down the hallway and saw Antonio taking a phone call on his cell phone.

  * * * *

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Good news. We got the job. They’re going to see how reliable we are in getting those shipments from location A to location B, and if all goes well, they’re going to put us on the payroll and even expand our territory. We’re fucking doing it, man. We’re going to be making money fist over fist in no time. Plus, these guys that work for this Valderez family have connections in New York too. That will be where you’ll come in. I’m so psyched. So tell me, did you secure the trucks and the route?” Bernie asked as Antonio glanced at his brother talking to his wife and sister-in-law. He knew that he needed to get this done or they would lose all the work and their reputations would be destroyed. He couldn’t let something so simple as a truck delivery route and his brother’s disapproval ruin it all for him.

  “I got it. I’ll take care of everything. “Antonio ended the call. He would have to be really sneaky and ensure that his brother didn’t find out about the shipments and use of his trucks. He would figure it out. It wasn’t like Antonio was shipping huge amounts of product. This was a small route, five boxes tops. The trucking company and the drivers he knew were still on board with the larger shipments, and it had been working out perfectly. His brother had the truck parked in Antonio’s lot by his friend’s warehouse and lumber yard. Antonio planned on using some of the box trucks from the lumber company to transport product if they got the larger route. It was all working out, but success was riding on his brother, one truck, and just a few deliveries of s few boxes. What could go wrong? Plus, his brother would be none the wiser. Then, in a few months, maybe a year, he would sell the route, and the guys he had doing the job to someone who was interested and for a good price. He would cut the ties and sit back, rich, relaxing, and without a care in the world. Everything would work out fine.

  * * * *

  “So I don’t understand. Why did you lie and say you didn’t really work out or train in martial arts?” Liz asked Bella after the self-defense training class ended.

  “What makes you think I have experience?” Bella asked and drank from her water bottle.

  “Seriously? Do you think I was born yesterday? Spit it out and tell the truth,” Liz challenged.

  Bella leaned back on her palms and crossed her ankles as they sat on the mat.

  “My parents are a bit old school in a lot of ways. One being a woman engaging in a physical sport where she could sustain bruises and injuries. It isn’t that they don’t want me to be tough or be able to defend myself. They’re just not up with the times, with the avenues a woman can take to empower herself physically besides mentally.”

  “So they don’t know you’re here or that you’ve trained?”

  “Nope. In fact I thought I had my brothers fooled too, but it seems they knew. It came out the other night in conversation.”

  “Well, you’re really good, and maybe you just need to come clean and tell your parents that you love doing this.”

  “I’m twenty-four years old. They don’t have that type of control over me like that. It’s just in respect for them and all they do. I love my parents, and they work hard, have struggled to get here and to establish the restaurant.”

  “Your restaurant is incredible. I love the atmosphere in there as well.” Liz got up off the mat and so did Bella. She reached for her bag.

  “So I will be seeing you more often, right?”

  “Well, I am trying to squeeze in a class or two, but my work schedule is tough.”

  “You waitress. Don’t you get a night off?”

  “I also do the bookkeeping for the restaurant, so I’m never really off.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive. You work hard, but you need time for yourself too. Are you dating anyone?”

  “Me? No, and I’m not interested in that right now,” she said and couldn’t help but to think about her encounter with Chord. She was feeling like pushing him away was a mistake, but she had to take each battle one at a time, and the first one was telling her parents about the martial arts classes.

  “Seriously, with all the eye candy around town, and coming into Ciao Bella’s, no one has caught your interest?”

  “Yep, not interested.” Liz shrugged her shoulders.

  “I want to buy some of those snack bars you guys make here. I heard they’re amazing,” Bella said, changing the subject as they exited the room. Bella purchased some bars and was going to head out when the front door chimed, indicating another customer arrived, and when she turned, she saw Slane McCantry. He eyed her over in her spandex pants and tank top, and she did the same to him. The man was gorgeous and seasoned looking. So serious all the time and that scruff along his cheeks made him look even older and bad ass. She quickly looked away but not before catching Stoli’s eye who looked smug.

  “Got your order all set. Slane. How’s things going?” Stoli asked him as Slane stood right next to her. He smiled softly.

  “How are you, Bella?” he asked.

  “Good, and you?”

  “Good,” he replied and then talked to Stoli. She grabbed the bars she chose, and then the bell chimed and more people came in for the next class. She and Slane said goodbye and headed out at the same time.

  “What class did you take?” Slane asked her in a rather abrupt tone. She glanced over her shoulder at him.

  “Advanced self-defense. Why?” she asked and stopped walking. He faced her, stood at least a half a foot taller than her. The man gave off an air of arrogance, bossiness, and superiority in such a way that her body reacted oddly. She felt her nipples harden, her pussy clenched, and it shocked her. She was attracted to much older men it seemed, and this wasn’t good. Not after what happened between her and Chord. Plus Slane had an attitude and looked at her and talked to her in a tone that seemed reprimanding.

  He gave her body the once over, and she felt her cheeks warm.

  “New to it, or have you taken classes like that before?”

  “I’m not unfamiliar with it. Why do you ask?”

  “Just asking. It’s good that you take safety seriously. You’re young, and when you go out to party or whatever with friends you need to still remain aware of your surroundings,” he said to her and she was shocked. He was acting like he was her father, or an elder. She couldn’t help but to scrunch her face and give him a dirty look. She was insulted. Was she hoping he liked her like his brother did? What in the world was she thinking? She didn’t need this kind of trouble. They would eat her up alive, and she would be used goods. She needed to be calm. Here she was thinking she was so mature, and that maybe he found her attractive, and just like that he deflated her ego. He saw her as a kid, maybe one who went out partying and perhaps hooked up with strange guys? Had Chord talked about what happened and how he felt her up, kissed her, and then asked her to go home with him? Holy shit. Men were pigs. Her temper flared. To think she found him attractive only seconds after he opened his mouth.

  “You be sure to take the classes seriously. You never know what could happen when you’re out there on your own. Being prepared is key to safety,” he reprimanded her.

  “Thanks for the advice, Dad,” she added and started walking down the block. />
  “Dad?” he blurted out, and she glanced over her shoulder at him and felt she looked sexy doing that. She eyed him over like he wasn’t worth her time, which nearly backfired on her. He was so good looking in a rugged, bad ass kind of way. Then she felt her cheeks go flush. He looked shocked and then closed the space between them.

  “Dad? What is that supposed to mean?” he asked with attitude.

  “Exactly what it sounds like. Have a nice day, Slane.” She started to walk, and he snagged her wrist. She gasped and widened her eyes. She didn’t know what she was more shocked at, the fact that he grabbed her wrist with just his thumb and pointer finger wrapped around it to stop her, looking so intense, or the way she felt being held and restrained by him. Her body temperature went up twenty degrees, her cheeks went flush, and her heart began to race.

  When he just stared down into her eyes as if he were lost in them like she was lost in all these crazy sensations, she didn’t pull away. She felt his thumb stroke her inner wrist. Her lips parted. Holy God he could kiss her right now just like Chord had. They shared the same look of interest, and she pulled her head back in an awkward way before he had a chance to sneakily kiss her and knock down those defenses he brought on.

  “You got one hell of a temper on you for a tiny thing,” he said to her in a low, deep whisper. He almost sounded out of breath.

  “You seem to bring it out in me, Slane?” She slightly pulled her hand back, but he didn’t budge and instead pressed closer. Remained holding her wrist and gently brought it behind her. She inhaled fast, tilted her head up toward him. They were practically chest-to-chest as he held her gaze. His fingertips grazed her ass. This was crazy.

  “What are you doing right now? Where are you headed?”


  “Have coffee with me.”



  “I don’t know you,” she replied.

  “You know friends of mine.”

  She stared up at him, and he licked his lower lip and inhaled as he watched her closely. Too closely for her comfort, and the fact that he was this close and holding on to her was really sending her body into strange directions.


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