Reckless Entanglement: The Hunter Brothers Book # 1

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Reckless Entanglement: The Hunter Brothers Book # 1 Page 5

by Iona Rose

  The customer smirks at him.

  One of the others at the table stands up, trying to maintain what little dignity the party might have left. “Come on Fred, we don’t need this shit from some stuck up waiter. We’ll go somewhere else and we won’t ever come back here.” He directs the last part of his sentence to Matt.

  He smiles coldly at him. “See that you don’t, because you’re no longer welcome here. Any of you.”

  The man who stood up saunters away followed by the other two. Fred, the mouth of the group stays in his seat.

  It’s clear from the look on Matt’s face, barely concealed rage, that he has had enough of him. He reaches out and grabs two fistfuls of the asshole’s shirt and drags him to his feet.

  Fred’s jaw drops, his eyes widening and there’s fear in his face. It’s finally occurred to him that Matt isn’t messing around and that he isn’t going to let this go.

  Matt releases Fred’s shirt and shoves him backwards. Fred stumbles but keeps his footing. He turns around and makes for the door, Matt following close behind him, making sure he doesn’t try to change his mind. The whole way to the door, Fred shouts obscenities which Matt ignores.

  The shouting brings Marco back to the floor.

  Every customer is watching the scene unfolding before them, the restaurant silent now except for Fred’s belligerent cursing, and Marco’s face is blazing with thunder as he starts across the dining room. Fred finally reaches the door, which Matt shoves him through and then slams shut behind him. Matt stays in place, watching through the glass panel in the door to make sure Fred and his cronies really are leaving.

  “Sorry about that ladies and gentleman,” Marco says loudly, a charming smile on his face as he addresses the diners.

  It does the trick. They go back to their meals, the scene over, and the hubbub of conversation fills the room once more.

  Marco reaches Matt. “A word,” he says.

  Matt follows Marco across the floor, rolling his eyes.

  “You too,” Marco says to me.

  I follow behind him dutifully. Matt brushes my arm with his hand. I look up, telling myself to keep my cool.

  “Are you okay?” Matt mouths.

  I nod, my cool gone as I look into his eyes and see the concern there. I don’t know how he can give me one look and completely change the way I feel about him, but he seems to do it effortlessly.

  Marco leads us through to the back of the restaurant. The instant we’re out of earshot of the diners, he rounds on us. “What the fucking hell just happened?” he demands.

  “That fucking dick thought it was acceptable to touch one of the waitresses. And when she rightfully told him not to touch her, he called her a cunt. So I told him to leave and not bother coming back. That’s what you would have done. Right?” Matt says, his voice challenging Marco to argue the point.

  Marco looks away from Matt with a roll of his eyes. He turns his attention on me. “Where did he touch you?” he asks.

  “Here,” I say, pointing to my upper thigh. “He was moving his hand higher too until I pushed him away.”

  Marco rolls his eyes again. “So he wasn’t groping your pussy or anything? Honestly Callie, you’re so damned sensitive. Part of your job is entertaining customers and not taking offence at every damned thing. I don’t know why you think you’re too good for this job, but let me tell you something. You’re not.”

  I am shocked by his words. This is a new low, even for Marco. “You’re kidding me right? My job is to wait on customers and make sure their dining experience with us is a good one. It is most certainly not in my job description to be a whore,” I say.

  “Stop being so dramatic. I wasn’t suggesting you should become a whore. Just learn to take a joke. Those men are some of our best paying customers.”

  “Were,” Matt puts in.

  “Were what?” Marco frowns.

  “Were some of your best paying customers. They are banned from the restaurant now.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Marco demands. “I’m the manager in this branch not you, and I’ll say who is banned and who isn’t.”

  Matt takes a step closer to Marco. “He touched one of your staff and you did nothing about it. Whose side do you think head office will take?”

  Marco’s face changes. He knows he’s gone too far, and in the back of his mind, he knows he would have agreed with Matt if it was any other waitress that this had happened to. He makes one last ditch attempt to dig himself out of the hole he’s gotten himself into. “We only have Callie’s word for that and she has a habit of exaggerating,” Marco says.

  Matt lunges for him. I grab his arm just in time and I position myself between the two men. Matt’s face is full of thunder as he looks over the top of me to Marco. He takes another step forward and I put my hands on his taut chest. I know I can’t physically stop him from going after Marco, but I also know he won’t hurt me so if I just stay between them, I think I can diffuse this situation. At least I hope I can.

  I keep my eyes on Matt as I speak to Marco, “Marco I think you misunderstood, but now you get it. Matt did the right thing and those perverts are banned from the restaurant.” I risk a glance over my shoulder. Marco has retreated several paces and I can see the fear on his face as Matt keeps his piercing glare on him.

  “Yes. That’s right,” Marco says, his voice barely audible.

  “Good,” I say. “Now if you don’t mind, can you cover our sections for a moment. Matt and I are going to go and take our breaks.”

  Marco skulks away.

  Matt makes to go after him, but I stand my ground and he backs down. “He’s not worth it Matt,” I say.

  “I know. But you are and I won’t have him or anyone else treating you like shit,” he says.

  I feel a rush of warmth run through me at his words and I smile warmly at him. “Thank you. I’m grateful for what you did with those customers. That was getting out of hand and I didn’t know how to rein it back in again. But trust me, I can handle Marco.”

  Matt relaxes a little bit.

  I move my hands reluctantly from his chest. “Come on. Let’s go outside and get a breath of fresh air.”

  Matt nods and we walk along the hallway. Matt props the fire exit open and we step out into the cool evening. I lean my back against the wall and Matt stands facing me. I am suddenly nervous like I don’t know what to say to him anymore.

  “Listen Callie, about Friday…” Matt starts.

  “It’s fine. You don’t need to explain. I know what happened,” I interrupt him.

  He frowns and then smiles. “Enlighten me then. What do you think happened?”

  “You got caught up in the moment and went to kiss me, and then your wife called and you remembered yourself,” I say with a shrug. I was determined not to confront him, but I can’t bear to listen to some lame apology and another lie.

  “Wife? What wife?” Matt asks.

  He sounds so genuinely confused that I dare to believe I have gotten this wrong. “You’re telling me you’re single?” I say, trying to keep the hope out of my voice.

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you.” He moves closer to me and he stands with one hand at either side of my shoulders on the wall.

  He is close enough to me that I can smell him, sweet cologne and a spicy, more exotic smell beneath it, and the scent of him and his closeness to me makes my pussy clench.

  He looks at me, fire burning in his eyes. “I know I don’t talk about myself much Callie, but know this about me. I am no cheat. When I’m with a woman, she is mine and only mine. And I am hers and only hers.”

  His words send a thrill through my body. The intensity of his gaze holds mine and I lose myself in his eyes, his words running through my body like flames. “So what did happen then?” I ask in a quiet voice.

  “I’m not worried about what did happen. I’m more concerned with what didn’t.” He leans in closer to me, and this time, his lips don’t just brush mine, they mash agai
nst them.

  He takes me by surprise and I gasp beneath his kiss. I feel him go to pull away, taking my gasp as a sign I don’t want him to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him against me, not ready to let him go again.

  He slips his hands beneath my shoulders, moving me from the wall and wrapping his arms around me. I can feel his strong arms holding me, his chest against mine. I can feel his cock pressed against my crotch, hard and eager for me.

  My pussy tingles as his tongue pushes my lips apart, probing into my mouth, claiming it as his. I relax into the kiss, tasting Matt’s tongue as he kisses me like he’s been unleashed. My hands roam up and down his back, pulling his body even tighter against mine. He pushes one hand into my hair, the other one moving down my back and coming to rest on my waist.

  He moans into my mouth as I move my hips slightly, creating friction on his already hard cock. My insides are a boiling mess of desire as our kiss deepens, becoming almost desperate in its intensity.

  We jump apart just in time as a coughing sound comes from the hallway. I quickly run my hands through my hair as Matt grins at me, a grin so full of lust and need that it makes my clit pulse.

  James appears in the doorway. “Hey. Marco sent me to make sure you two are okay,” he says.

  More like he sent him to make sure we haven’t just walked out after what happened. He didn’t even have the balls to come and check on us himself. “Everything’s fine,” I say. “We’re coming back in now.”

  “Cool,” James says. “Why wouldn’t things be okay? Don’t tell me he was pissed that you threw those losers out.”

  “He was at first, then he heard what happened before he appeared,” Matt explains while leaving out the main chunk of the story.

  “Ah, makes sense,” James says then turns and heads back inside.

  I go to follow him. Matt catches my hand and I turn to him.

  “This isn’t over,” he says quietly enough that only I can hear him. His voice is full of lust, his eyes meeting mine and sending fire through me once more. “I intend to finish what I started.” He releases my hand.

  I hurry inside. As I go back towards the dining room, I slide my phone out of my apron pocket and send a quick text message to Chloe.

  “I owe you a beer.”

  Chapter Nine


  I was determined to stay away from Callie. I can’t allow myself to become distracted from the real reason I’m here, especially not now as I get closer to the truth. But it’s easier said than done when it comes to her.

  I’ve spent most of my shift trying my best to avoid her, but everywhere I went, I could hear her laughing, or smell her perfume as I walked through a space she had just been in. It didn’t help my resolve any that several times I caught her watching me when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  The final straw came when that fucking pervert put his hand on her and then had the downright gall to call her a cunt. What sort of a man talks to a woman that way? I think I know the answer to that one, but no one talks to her that way. No one.

  It felt good throwing him out, showing him that he has no power here. And Marco won’t be a problem, I’ve seen to that.

  I was shocked to discover Callie thought I was married, although I guess in some ways it makes sense that she might think that after my hasty retreat on Friday from the party. That wasn’t because of Callie though. It just had to be done.

  When we finally kissed outside of the restaurant, it was everything I had dreamed it would be and more. I could taste her hunger for me, and it took everything I had not to fuck her right then and there against that wall. I was so annoyed when James interrupted us, although now, I think maybe it was a good thing. That’s not how I want my first time with Callie to be, up against a wall in some sordid little alley way.

  I was serious about this not being over though. I know it shouldn’t happen, but I also know it’s going to. I’m done fighting this. I’m going to make love to Callie so hard. I’m going to make her come over and over again, until I know she is well and truly mine.

  And I will just have to hope when the truth comes out and the dust settles, she can forgive me for lying about who I am and why I’m here.

  Chapter Ten


  I spend the rest of my shift on cloud nine. I keep remembering the feel of Matt’s lips on mine. I keep seeing the way he looked at me when he told me in no uncertain terms he’s no cheater. Most of all, I keep hearing him tell me this isn’t over. Goosebumps break out over my whole body every time I think of him saying that to me, every time I picture the look on his face when he said it.

  There’s still so much I don’t know about Matt. I still don’t know what happened on Friday. Who it was that called him or what was so important that he couldn’t wait five minutes to tell me why he had to leave. And I still don’t know why he has been missing from work for most of the week. Maybe I’ll ask him. Maybe I won’t. Right now, all I care about is that he isn’t married. That and the fact he seems to want me like I want him. That’s all that matters really.

  Marco has finished work for the night, which has definitely helped my mood too. He hasn’t said anything else to me, in fact, he’s avoided me altogether. I’m pleased about that, but I have a feeling this whole thing won’t be over just yet. Marco will find a way to have a go at me when Matt isn’t around. But like I told Matt, I can handle Marco. His being a prick to me is nothing new.

  Sasha comes over to me, her coat on and her handbag slung over her shoulder. “I’m done.” She grins. “Don’t tell Marco I went out the front way, he’d have a fit.”

  “I won’t,” I promise her.

  There is just one table finishing up the last of their desserts and then we’ll be closing for the night. Sasha is the last one to leave the restaurant except for Matt and I who are on the locking up shift together. We’ve managed to get all of the cleaning up done already. All that’s left to do is wipe down the table that’s in use and mop the floor.

  The couple on the remaining table seem to be done, and I try my best not to hover or make it clear to them that we’re closed. Luckily, they don’t need the hint. The man waves at me and asks for the bill which I gladly bring him. He leaves cash on the table, enough to cover the bill and a cracking tip. On the way out, he apologizes for overstaying his welcome. I tell him he hasn’t and wish him a good night. With a tip like that, an extra ten minutes on the end of my shift is easily worth it.

  I lock the door behind the couple and ring their bill through the register, pocketing my tip. I quickly wipe their table over and then run the mop over the floor. There’s no sign of Matt through any of this and I wonder where he’s gotten too. As much as I complained to Chloe about Matt slacking off, I can see now she was right about her theory of that as well as being right about the fact that I should confront Matt. I was angry with him for rejecting me. He doesn’t usually slack off.

  I finish up the floor, dump out the water and return the mop and bucket to the cleaning cupboard. I go to the staff room. I take my tips from my apron pocket and put them in my handbag and then I hang my apron up and collect my things. I expected to find Matt in the staff room, but it’s empty. I frown to myself and check the back door. It’s locked so Matt has been here. I flick the light off and leave the room.

  I decide he must be in the bathroom and I head back towards the dining room to wait for him. It’s not like he could have left without saying goodbye. I gave him my keys earlier to lock up the back shutter, and he hasn’t returned them, so he’s here somewhere.

  As I pass Marco’s office, I notice the light is on. I roll my eyes. If we leave any lights on, we catch a shit load of trouble for wasting company resources, but apparently, it’s okay for Marco to go home and leave his lights on. It’s not worth bringing it up with him. He’ll find a way to turn it around and make it my fault no doubt.

  I push the door open, planning on turning the light off. I stop in my tracks when I see Matt sitting behind M
arco’s desk, his feet resting on the desk, his hands crossed behind his head.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  He grins as he gets up and crosses the room to stand before me. “Waiting for you. I was starting to think you would never show up.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond. Instead, he grabs me by the hand and pulls me against him. He drops my hand and wraps his arms around me, pressing his lips against mine.

  I am taken aback and for a second, I don’t respond, but then I feel the stirring low down in my stomach, the throbbing in my clit, and I kiss Matt back. My arms go around him, pulling him tightly against me as his tongue snakes into my mouth. My hands move up and down his back, and before I can stop myself, I am pulling his shirt out of his trousers. I slide my hands beneath it, running my palms over the bare skin of his back. I trail my nails over his skin as he moves his lips from mine, kissing down my neck. I put my head back, exposing my throat and he runs his tongue up the center of it, sending shivers through my body.

  He moves back up to my mouth and our lips meet again. His kiss starts off slow and tender, the kind of kiss that makes me feel warm inside. It soon intensifies as his desire bubbles inside of him, spurring him on. The warmth inside of me heats up, becoming a burning fire that consumes me.

  He pulls back from my lips and we look at each other, our breaths coming in pants. I want him so badly. He reaches out and takes hold of my hips. He turns me and pulls me towards him, my back against his chest. He begins to slowly unbutton my shirt. As he opens my buttons, he whispers in my ear, “I told you I was going to finish what I started didn’t I? I can’t wait another minute for this Callie.”

  That makes two of us then. His breath tickles my skin and sends a wild rush of goosebumps over my skin. I reach behind me and rub my hand over the bulge in his trousers, feeling his hard cock. He nibbles my neck as he opens my last button. He spins me again, pulling my hand away from his cock. He pushes the shirt down my arms and it falls to the ground. I reach behind myself and unhook my bra, throwing it to the ground with my shirt.


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