Jett (Savaged Souls MC, #3)

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Jett (Savaged Souls MC, #3) Page 12

by KJ Dahlen

  He added another finger and she opened her legs a bit wider. Jett kissed her again as he felt her respond to him while her body seemed to relax. He wanted even more as he paused long enough to tear his boxers off, then he was there. His cock rubbed her core coating himself in her juices before he nudged her at her entrance with the tip of his cock. He wanted nothing more than to slam himself inside her but that’s not how he wanted their first time to go. He wanted their first time to be memorable.

  “Please...” she begged. “I need more, please give me more.”

  “Gladly.” He pushed himself further inside her and loved the feeling he was experiencing. She was so tight and she fit him like a glove. Growling with heat, he pushed deeper and almost stopped when he reached her hymen.

  Dana didn’t want him to stop. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him closer, deeper causing him to break through as he surged inside her. Dana let out a shrill scream and he covered her mouth to quiet her, he reached his limit he paused to let her adjust to his size. “Hush sweetness, you’re doing good.”

  “Oh my god, you are bigger than I thought.” Tears rolled down her face.

  He chuckled. “You’ll get used to my size.” Pausing he had to ask, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were a virgin, Dana?”

  She closed her eyes. “The subject just never came up before now. Now are you going to talk me to death or show me what you got for me?”

  Jett smirked. “Still a mouthy girl, I see. I think I can use that mouth for better purposes though.” He smothered her lips with his as he moved inside of her, pumping in and out at a leisurely pace.

  Dana was lost in the pleasure only he could show her. Now it was her turn to groan and her body began to respond. He drove her higher and higher until she didn’t know which way was up or down. She whimpered and bucked against him as she was pushed higher and higher to a brink she’d never known before.

  When she reached the pinnacle, Jett whispered, “You need to let go and come for me, sweetness.”

  Dana did just that, she let go and together, they flew over the edge of the abyss. Dana screamed his name and Jett covered her mouth with his own and muted them both.

  Together, they floated back to reality and he tried to move off her but she held him in place for a moment then reluctantly allowed him to move but not too far. He settled down next to her and she felt a shiver as her overheated skin began to cool.

  “That was outstanding,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “Yes it was,” he agreed. “I’m hoping that was the first of many times we come together.”

  “If every time is like that, you can do that morning, noon and night and I would be okay with it!”

  He chuckled.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?” she asked timidly.

  “I’ll stay every night for the rest of your life if you let me.”

  His deep voice vibrated through her body and she shivered. “Oh, I’ll let you.” Dana snickered as her whole body flushed. “I’ll let you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dana woke in the darkness of her room. She'd woken from a bad dream as she could see Blacky's twisted face as he spat blood and fire at her. She took deep breaths and slowed her rapid breathing as she lay there. Movement on the bed and a groaning came to her ears.

  She turned her head, as it seemed Jett was caught up in a nightmare of his own.

  He was sweating, tossing and turning while mumbling under his breath.

  Dana eased away slightly and sat up. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she sat and listened to his muttering. He seemed to be caught up in a bad situation in which his people were dying. At first, the words didn’t mean anything to her but as the trauma unfolded, she began to understand the horror he had lived through and it broke her heart.

  Tears ran down her cheeks as he was reliving some battle within his own mind. His voice held a growing rage, then heartbreak, then helplessness when the battle was over. Tears dripped down his face finally and he whispered a name, a single name. His voice broke with pain and he woke up. Opening his eyes, he turned his head and recognized he was not alone.

  Dana could see his eyes were glazed over as if he wasn’t really aware of where he was just yet. She sat there holding her knees to her chest as she watched him, she knew better than to reach out and touch him. She could see he was still caught up in the aftermath of a nightmare and she didn’t want to do anything that might cause him to strike out or fight her somehow. She had never seen anything like this up close, but she knew this was PTSD.

  Dana knew the names he called out were the names she’d noticed tattooed on his skin. She meant to ask him about the names but she hadn’t yet. It was then she realized she didn’t know much about the man she was falling in love with.

  Looking up to view his face, she realized he’d fallen asleep again. She slowly reached out and brushed the hair away from his face. As she studied him, she felt something inside her melt. She memorized every line, every angle of his features. He was so handsome, but she knew in her heart there was more to him than just looks.

  She knew he was strong, not only his body, but his mind was sharp as well. Since Jett had come into her life, she always felt there was nothing that could touch him. Now she was concerned for him and what he went through. She might not know everything. Actually, she knew nothing but decided she was going to learn. Then it hit her, she didn’t know anything about his past, hell she didn’t even know his real name. The only name she knew him by was his road name, Jett.

  She couldn’t go back to sleep, so she leaned over and brushed her lips over his jaw, then she got out of bed and got dressed. She closed the door quietly behind her and walked out to the main room.

  She could hear noise in the kitchen and she assumed it was her mother and sister but she felt too raw from what she watched with Jett and just couldn’t talk to them right now. Not because she was still mad at them but because she needed time to think things through. Jett had given her a lot to think about. She walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee then noticed Cobra sitting quietly in the corner. On a whim, she walked over and joined him.

  After a few minutes Cobra frowned and asked, “What the hell do you want girly?”

  Dana looked up at him and asked, “You might not be able to answer this, but can you tell me, what or who is Rubic’s Cube?”

  Cobra’s frown deepened and his fingers tightened on his coffee cup. Suddenly, the hook broke off and blood spurted from the cut on his finger. But he didn’t even notice as he continued to glare at her. “How the fuck do you know about that?”

  “Jett was having a nightmare and... he called that name out,” she timidly told him.

  “He never talks about it.” Cobra rubbed his hand along his jaw. He finally noticed his finger was bleeding and swore as he grabbed a napkin and wiped off the blood.

  “He didn’t exactly talk about it, he relived it in his nightmare,” she told him quietly.

  “And you ran away scared?” Cobra mocked her.

  Dana stared at him. “No, I didn’t run away.”

  Cobra leaned forward and grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly. “We all have a past little girl and sometimes our pasts are not all flowers and sunshine. He’s a former Marine and as such, he served in the Special Forces in the war on terror. When he was wounded he was released with a medical discharge, he couldn’t take the looks of pity from his family. He told me once they were hovering and he hates hovering. I have no idea what happened, but when he came to Hondo looking for trouble, he found us instead. We accepted him with no questions asked. He’s been with us now for almost ten years. He found a home with us and he’ll always be welcome as a big part of us. You fuck that up for him and I will personally take you out.”

  “Why?” Her voice faltered. “W-why would I do that?”

  “I’ve been watching you ever since we got here,” Cobra told her. “You’re a selfish bitch, plain and simple. You might think he’s brok
en beyond what you can live with, but I’ll tell you something about Jett. He’s the best man I know. I’ve put my life in his hands on more than one occasion and I’d do it again without even thinking about it. If you fuck that up, you and me will be at war and honey, you don’t want me as your enemy.”

  Dana got to her feet and glared down at the man. “He is NOT broken, do you hear me old man? Not broken. I know you, as well as the rest of the men here, don’t think too much of me and that’s your right. Yes, I’ve been spoiled all my life but I’m not shallow. These last few days I’ve endured, all of it has taught me one thing if nothing else. Jett believes in me. And I want him, warts and all. And...if he’ll have me in his life I’ll be there for him, all the way through whatever happens.” She raised her chin up. “I’ll be there with him. He gave me more in a few days than anyone has ever given me before. Hope for a future. A reason to continue and I never had that before. I never had a reason to care before I met Jett. I-I mean I don’t even know his real name but I don’t even care. H-he gave me purpose.”

  As she turned to walk away she gasped as Jett was standing there listening to the conversation.

  His eyes looked a little haunted as they burned into hers. He glanced briefly at Cobra then turned and looked directly into Dana’s eyes he spoke softly, “My given name is Justice Ethan Tanner Tobias. The name Jett is the first letters of my full name. I was born and raised in Provo, Utah where my family still lives. The military deemed that I was broken after my company of twelve were ambushed and only two of us walked away.”

  Dana lifted her hand and covered his mouth. “You aren’t broken, your shell may be cracked a bit, but you are not broken. Living through something like that would take a lot out of anyone, but you survived it. Everyone has nightmares and things they wished they could change in their past. You just have more than most. But if you give me a chance, I’ll be there for you. I’ll hold your hand through the worst of it but I won’t run away when the going gets tough. All I need is a chance.” She leaned close to him and brushed her lips over his. “Just give me a chance, that’s all I ask.” Then she wiped her tears away and began walking toward the kitchen.

  When she went through the doors, Jett looked over at Cobra.

  Cobra got up to refill his cup and pour another. When he went back and sat down, he set the second cup in front of the chair motioning for Jett to take a seat.

  Jett sat down and picked up his cup. Taking a sip, he waited for Cobra to say something.

  “Justice huh?” Cobra shrugged. “I suppose it could be worse.”

  Jett chuckled. “It could indeed, unless you know my family.”

  “Tobias, isn’t that the name of the Senator from Utah.”

  “Yeah, that would be my dad.” Jett nodded.

  “Lucky you.”

  Jett just shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  “How long since you been home boy?” Cobra asked.

  Jett glared at him. “Oh, I think you know how it’s been. I left there ten years ago and haven’t been back since.”

  “Do they know where you are and what you been doing?”

  Jett shrugged. “I’m sure dear old dad knows exactly where I am and what I’m doing. He may not like it but he isn’t doing anything to haul me home either. Dad is the only one who knows how I was all those years ago. Back when I first came home, he endured a few nights with me. As much as he will never admit it, I was more than a little screwed up. I had no idea who I was anymore. When my friends were blown away right in front of me, I couldn’t take it. I believe the military was right in discharging me. I’m much better now but it’s taken some damned hard work on my part just to get myself out of bed in the mornings.”

  Cobra sipped his coffee as he listened. “Damn kid, you have always given us 100 percent.”

  “And you never asked about it all before. I appreciate that man.”

  Cobra leaned forward in his chair. “Just for the record, I researched you. I do with all my recruits. I have to. I was trusting you with my own life and the lives of all my men. I never said anything because I wanted you to come to me and tell me.”

  “And I never did, did I?” Jett shook his head. “But it wasn’t because I didn’t trust you. I didn’t want you to know who my family was. We haven’t always gotten along so well and I didn’t want to bring some fucking political aspect into the club.”

  “And you didn’t,” Cobra stated. ‘You’re your own man, you always have been, just like I’m my own man. We all have our own memories or regrets in life, some more than others.” Cobra turned his head and stared at the kitchen door. “So you gonna let her in?”

  Jett turned his head and stared at the door as well. “Yeah, man I think I just might. You got any objections?”

  “Me?” Cobra smiled. “I can’t tell you what to do or who to care about.” He shook his head. “The one time in my life when I should have listened to my heart I didn’t, and I lost my forever woman. That would be my daughter’s mother. I may never find my second chance but you boyo, if she’s who you want, then hang on to her like there is no tomorrow.” Cobra sipped his coffee for a moment then said, “Rubic’s Cube huh?”

  Jett froze and turned his head slowly. “What did you say?”

  Cobra snorted. “You heard me I didn’t stutter.” He looked over at Jett. “You having them nightmares again aren’t you?”

  “How did you know about the cube?” Jett demanded.

  “You had one last night, didn’t you?” Cobra stared at him.

  “How did you know?” Jett repeated

  “Dana asked me if I knew about it. What you had gone through.”

  “Damn it.” Jett growled. “I thought I left that behind years ago.”

  “You never really do. Those things go away for a while but sure as shit, they always come back. Most of the time, when you least suspect it, they pop back up to fuck you up all over again, but hey...” He shrugged. “That’s life isn’t it? It will sucker punch you out of the blue. You wouldn’t be the only one that’s happened to.”

  “But you didn’t seem surprised when she asked, how is that?” Jett wanted to know.

  Cobra shook his head. “Kid, when you first came to us, you were a fucking mess. Wound tighter than a spring and looking for someone to beat down or kill if they looked at you wrong. You were on the edge I could see that. We gave you room to settle down and you did but some nights you woke up the entire club screaming. We never said anything because that wasn’t our way. Hell, kid, we’ve all been there one way or another but we didn’t judge you. I have to admit you haven’t had a nightmare in a number of years so that’s a good thing. The fact she didn’t run last night after hearing all that says something about her. She’s changing but man, I gotta wonder if it’s because of how she feels about you. She said it earlier, you’ve given her something no one else could. At least no one else here. She said you gave her value. You believed in her, challenged her to be a better person and accept the fact that she wasn’t perfect. That she is as flawed as the rest of us.”

  Winona came out of the kitchen and walked over to their table. Crossing her arms, she asked, “Alright, what did you do to my sister?” She glared at Jett.

  “What do you mean?” He frowned.

  “She just apologized and asked for another chance.” Winona shook her head. “That’s not Dana. That’s not the same girl I met a couple of weeks ago.”

  Jett just shrugged. “She has some growing up to do and I think she knows that. Maybe this is just her showing you she is growing up.”

  “The real question will be, is this new her going to last?” Winona whispered. “Personally, I hope so. It’s rather lonely growing up with no one there to believe you or stand behind you.”

  Jett got to his feet. “I told Gunner of what I intended before all this shit storm started. I claimed her fully last night.”

  Winona smiled. “I’m happy for you then. And welcome to the family.”

  “What the everlovin’ fuc
k?” Gunner growled from behind them.

  Jett turned around and met Gunner’s fist. Pain exploded as he went down. He tasted blood on his lip as he slowly got back up on his feet. He spit blood out onto the floor as he glared at the older man. “That’s the only free shot you will ever fucking get. Don’t ever do it again, or I’ll forget you’re Dana’s father.”

  Dana came running out of the kitchen after hearing the commotion. She stopped and stared at both men before she walked slowly over to Jett. She could see his whole body was tight as a coiled rope ready to snap. Without hesitation, she laid her hand on his chest then turned to her father, “I belong to him daddy, and he belongs to me.”

  Gunner just glared at the pair of them. “He hurts you and I’ll kill him.” He looked at Jett. “I told Boone the same thing when he claimed Winona. You hurt my babies and I’ll make you wish you’d never been born. Got that?”

  Jett nodded. “I got it, but don’t you ever swing on me again. Next time, I won’t be so nice about it and I’d hate to have to kill an old man.”

  Gunner crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, that sounds like a threat to me boy.”

  “It’s more of a promise.” Jett growled.

  Dana looked upset as her and Winona exchanged worried glances.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cobra was about to say something when the front door flew open, and the three men he left at the warehouse came in.

  “Boss we got a problem” Thor, his VP called out.

  Cobra looked up at the ceiling and growled. “What the fuck?” Snapping his head toward his men he demanded, “Tell me that Boomer and Blacky are dead?”

  “They are dead all right,” the second of the three men, named Player told them. “The thing is they didn’t die on their own. Three men came looking for them.”

  “Do you know who they were?” Gunner wanted to know.


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