Dragon's Claws

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Dragon's Claws Page 9

by Bri Sailor

  She sighed and looked up at the princess. “It’s not as impressive as it seems. I’ve seen other priests that…well…I’m nowhere near their level of ability.”

  Atreyis pulled her friend into a fierce hug to console the girl. “You know what? I think it would be amazing if you came with us. To tell the truth I’m sort of scared of traveling alone with Ky. She may seem level-headed, but she’s a volcano waiting to erupt.”

  They broke their hug.

  Cora sighed. “Then we will have to keep an eye on her won’t we?” she stood up. “I guess I’d better go pack. I will see you in a few hours.”

  The priestess made short work of her packing, the majority of her possessions remained at her childhood home in the capital. She was anxious at the thought of returning home and found herself unable to sit still, so she decided to spend some time in meditative prayer. Finding her room too cramped she went to the foot of the statue. The empty chamber was awash in bright sunlight and blissfully silent. The diminutive girl sat down on a cushion, crossed her legs, and took a deep breath and centered herself. Her head and her heart were conflicted with one another. The Goddess had wanted her to let Atreyis go, she was sure of it. There had to be a reason for what happened. In her confusion she felt her faith faltering; she really wasn’t meant to be the High Priestess. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

  A breathless whisper cut through the silent chamber.


  The hair rose on her arms and neck. Her eyes flew open and she scanned the area, she was completely alone.

  “Hello?” she said to the empty room.

  Her heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears. She stood up, ready to run. She mentally shook herself. There was nothing there. A breeze blew in through an open window and chills ran down her spine.

  “…Cora…” came the whisper again.

  Cora hugged herself close. “Atreyis, if this is your idea of a joke it’s not funny!” she yelled to the chamber.

  Enough was enough. She jogged back towards the statue and her room. Suddenly, there was a flash of pure light from the statue and the whole room darkened. Cora’s knees turned to jelly and she collapsed in a heap on the floor. She threw up her arms and shielded her eyes against the light. It seemed to take shape. The priestess blinked, it looked like a woman. The light-being’s hair flowed around her and she floated with an ethereal beauty. Cora’s eyes went wide with awe as she slowly lowered her arms. The blazing beauty spoke to her.

  “Hó lós dé álráíh. Fear not, my priestess. You trusted your instincts and have served me well. Nth s’hímh.”

  Her melodic voice was mesmerizing.

  “These are treacherous times, hálthé’róyum, and I need you to trust in me now more than ever. Nth Mówé, I believe the Seal is in grave danger. There have been dark stirrings in the heavenly realms. M’hé Éwér Dárh thróvvm.”

  Cora’s mouth went dry and she struggled to speak. “A-Ailana? What shall I do my Goddess? What do you command of me?”

  “You must protect them my child. Darkness is coming. There are those that wish to unleash the Ever Dark unto the realm of men. Cora, you are stronger than you think. M’srélth, nth Mówé. Being my priestess means you have more power than you realize.”

  “Protect who? Please! Come back!”

  Just as quick as she appeared the Goddess faded away, her voice carrying on the wind.

  “I chose you for a reason…Nth Móúm.”

  The room returned to normal as Cora tried to calm her racing heart as the vision faded. She was shaking uncontrollably on her hands and knees. Her mind raced, the last time the Goddess revealed herself was at least a thousand years ago. It took a few minutes before the priestess was able to stand. On shaky legs she made her way back to the room and collapsed on her bed. How would she be able to do the Goddess’ bidding? She didn’t get any farther before a deep sleep claimed her.

  Chapter 7

  Ky was finally able to gather herself and finished packing the supplies. She was still shaken by the episode at the pagoda, and the fact that her rage was witnessed made it worse. And now she was going to be reduced to a nanny. She double-checked her clothes and then checked her reflection in her sword, making sure that he braids were neat and tight. Satisfied, she grabbed her pack and left for the stables. The fresh air was welcome and the warrior was glad to be outdoors. As she approached the stables the great black warhorse spotted her rider and whinnied loudly. Ky smiled at the greeting.

  “Hey, girl. Sorry I haven’t been around, Luna, but we are leaving now. Okay?”

  Luna stomped her hoof in answer. The silky midnight black horse was led from her straw covered stall out into the courtyard and Ky hefted a heavy black leather saddle onto her back and strapped it down. The warrior returned to the saddle and ready Atreyis’ horse. As she neared the white beast he began snorting and rearing. She tried to calm the animal.

  “Whoa, whoa! Easy, boy! Easy! I’m not going to hurt you!”

  The horse wasn’t buying it and continued to rear and buck.

  “Easy! What is wrong with you? Atreyis wouldn’t be happy if she knew you were acting like this.”

  Upon hearing his rider’s name the white horse calmed down some. He snorted in Ky’s face, still unsure. She led Lux out to where Luna was waiting and gently placed his worn brown leather saddle on his back and strapped it down. There wasn’t too much to pack since most of the girl’s things were still where she had left them. The horses were left to graze and the warrior made her way back into the temple to see if Atreyis was even ready. She was pleased to find her sitting with Cora in the kitchen eating lunch and ready to go.

  The two of them had been quietly discussing how they should approach the king when Ky stepped into the doorway. Atreyis jumped and choked on her bread. The warrior’s current attire was a far cry from the tamer blue robed figure the princess had become accustomed to. Her bright blonde hair was pulled back into an ornate warrior’s braid that hung halfway down her back. The new hairstyle revealed that the sides of her head were closely shaved. The sleeveless black hooded tunic she wore caused the muscles in her arms to stand out in relief. Black leather pants made her already long legs seem longer, and her thick leather boots looked like they could easily crush a skull underfoot. Sticking ever so slightly from the boots were the handles of two daggers. A black scabbard hung from her waist and housed her heavy and wickedly sharp blade that Atreyis had come to know all too well. Wrapped around the warrior’s waist was an additional belt that was adorned with glinting metal pieces. A closer look revealed that the decorations were actually brilliantly hidden throwing knives. The figure in black crossed her arms, her black leather bracers squeaking, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Atreyis. This was the type of reaction she was used to and took great pleasure in. The princess continued to cough and sputter.

  “Impressive.” Said Cora with an air of indifference. “At least this time you have the decency to not show up covered in blood.”

  The warrior narrowed her eyes at the priestess and turned her attention to the princess.

  “You ready? The horses are prepared. We are just waiting on you.”

  Atreyis nodded and stood from the table, not wincing as much, but she was still very tired and glad that she didn’t have to walk home. Since the clothes she had worn were now a tattered, shredded, bloody mess, Cora lent the princess something to wear. A light blue shirt that clung to her figure and tan linen pants were the only items that relatively fit. Fortunately, her boots were intact and were high enough that they hid the short pants, barely. Half of her wavy brown hair was pulled back, the think white streak of her hair standing out against is chestnut background. Her beautiful sapphire blue eyes were even brighter, the shirt causing them to pop.

  Ky bit her lip, trying to hold back a laugh. “Beautiful, just beautiful. Was there something wrong with the temple robes? If I knew you were so hard up for something to wear I could have lent you something.”
  Atreyis crossed her arms. “For you information, I was not comfortable with the idea of wearing robes and riding a horse. And now I’m glad I didn’t ask to borrow something of yours. I don’t exactly like the whole executioner look. But it works on you, I guess.”

  The warrior arched an eyebrow.

  “I think the shirt looks fine.” Interjected Cora. “However, now that I see the pants maybe Ky has something better suited for your height. Why didn’t you pack any extra clothes?” she giggled.

  Atreyis shot her a look and stuck her tongue out. “I did. But somehow they all went missing.”

  “That would be my fault.” Confessed Ky. “I ran out of bandages and…”

  Red creeped up the princess’ face. She marched to the door and pushed past Ky.

  “Hey, I saved your life with those!” quipped Ky.

  “Are you coming or not?” Atreyis shouted over her shoulder as she marched to the stables.

  Ky strode after her with the priestess carrying a pack close behind. Once outside the warrior quickly jumped on Luna and waited for Atreyis to do the same, but the girl walked past Lux and into the stable with Cora. Ky scrunched her face in confusion. A short while later the two girls led a golden mare out to the other two horses.

  “Are you leaving as well, priestess?” asked Ky.

  Cora smiled. “As a matter of fact, yes, I am. I will be accompanying the two of you to Lynica. I have business with the king.”

  Ky rolled her eyes, yet another child to watch. “As you wish, priestess. Let’s get going, we’re wasting light.”

  She clicked her tongue and Luna took off. Atreyis scrambled to get on Lux and Cora followed after the soldier. Ky had ridden in silence for most of the day. Cora and Atreyis hung back a little ways and chatted. The constant whispers and giggling buzzed in her ears and was grating on her nerves. Not to mention that the priestess coming along created more of a problem for her plans. She tried to come up with a new plan but couldn’t, eventually her temper got the better of her and she snapped. Eyes glowing red she turned and yelled.

  “Will you two be quiet?!”

  Cora jumped and Lux reared. Atreyis was thrown yelling from the saddle into some bushes.

  “Oh my Goddess! Atreyis!” exclaimed Cora.

  Ky froze. The brunette was tangled in the branches and twigs and struggled to stand up, trying pathetically to free herself.

  “What was that for?” spat the flustered princess.

  Cora stifled a laugh. Atreyis was glaring daggers, twigs were twisted in her hair and leaves stuck out in various places. The soldier pursed her lips. Atreyis marched up to Lux and grabbed his reins and looked at Ky.

  “Thanks.” She said sarcastically.

  Cora was still trying to fight the laughter. Atreyis spun around and yelled at her.

  “It’s not funny!”

  That set Cora off. Her laughter even caused Ky to crack a tiny smirk. Atreyis relented. It was kind of funny; she started giggling. The brunette dusted herself off and the three girls resumed their journey, with Atreyis picking the remaining vegetation out of her hair.

  The setting sun cast an orange glow over the land as the travelers neared their destination after three days. Atreyis took in a deep breath and smiled, there was a hint of salt in the air. Torches that dotted the city wall and the palace looked like fireflies in the distance. The city was perched on high cliffs that overlooked the sea. Waves crashed on white sand beaches. Large ships coasted along the shoreline to the bustling city port. Blue domes that looked like giant opals topped large buildings and the towers of the palace. Ky took in the breathtaking sight. There was a sudden pang of homesickness that hit her hard like a punch to the stomach. She tried to shake it off. She never thought she could miss Óhn. The general wondered what surprises this place had in store for her.

  Atreyis sighed. “I never thought I would be so happy to see home again.”

  She looked over at Cora. The priestess waxed nostalgic; it had been six months since she had been home.

  “How upset do you think father will be with me?” asked the princess.

  Cora shrugged, there was a sadness in her eyes. “You know how the king and queen can be. I will try to keep your father calm; after all, I was the one who let you, who told you to go.”

  Atreyis shook her head. “It’s not your fault. I told you this before. The way that I was feeling I don’t think that even you could have been able to change my mind, or stop me, and I’m ready for whatever they throw at me.”

  “So your father is the king.” Interjected Ky with a glint in her eye. “That’s interesting. I most certainly cannot wait to meet him.”

  Atreyis’ face turned a deep shade of red.

  “Then I suggest you don’t knock the princess off her mount again. And just because you rescued me doesn’t mean that you are automatically in my good graces, or the king’s for that matter.” She arched her eyebrow. “And besides, are you ready to face your former enemy, knowing that you could be killed on spot?”

  The warrior puffed out her chest with confidence. “I’ve been ready since the moment I saved your sorry ass.”

  “My what?” the princess was indignant. “Wait, what do you mean you’ve been ready?”

  Ky laughed. “Please. Firstly, your name. I don’t know of any other with that name. Then, beyond it being blatantly obvious that you weren’t military, your jeweled sword indicated that you were nobility at least. And the way Cora reacted when I brought you to her…well it wasn’t too difficult. It doesn’t change the fact that I am going to speak to the king.”

  The warrior spurred Luna towards the nearest gate with Atreyis and Cora trying to catch her. The horses galloped through the freshly plowed field and a small farming village. Atreyis spurred Lux and raced Ky. They caught each other’s eyes and grinned impishly.

  “Yah!” the yelled in unison and raced for the gate, leaving a lagging Cora in the dust.

  Suddenly, a rider appeared from the city and was racing for the girls. Ky noticed him first and her hand went for her sword. Atreyis saw the movement and followed the warrior’s gaze. Anxiety gripped her, there was something familiar about the rider. As they drew closer she recognized who it was and slowed Lux. Ky saw the princess drop back and her shoulders slump. She reined Luna in.

  “Put away your sword, it’s just my brother. And you can bet I’m in for an earful.” Atreyis said to Ky.

  “And why is that?” asked the warrior.

  The princess sighed. “Suffice it to say, I might have run away in the middle of the night and left him at the temple with no idea where I was.”

  “Smart.” Remarked Ky.


  Cora caught up with the duo just as Ehren did. He turned his steed around and matched their pace alongside his sister. They rode in awkward silence for a few painful minutes and Ky started to feel anxious. Atreyis finally broke the ice.

  “I’m sorry, Ehren.” Said the princess with downcast eyes.

  “It’s not me who you should apologize to.” He replied tersely.

  “How bad is it?”

  “Remember when we were nine and you stowed away on that cargo ship, bound and determined to find those goblins that uncle would tell you stories about?” he glanced at his sister.

  She winced. “That bad?”


  “Damn.” She hung her head. She didn’t know why she had even gotten her hopes up that her parents would react any differently and felt foolish for thinking so.

  “If I were you I would be on the lookout for another someone who didn’t take the news of your running away so well.” He warned.

  The princess puzzled a moment and then realized what he meant. “Oh, I’m in for it aren’t I?”

  “Most certainly.”

  “When did she get back?”

  “She arrived earlier today.”

  The prince looked over at Ky. “And who might you be?”

  The warrior sat tall. “Ky. I am the on
e who retrieved your sister.”

  Ehren looked her over. “Interesting. I thank you. What business do you have in Lynica?”

  “I wish to speak to the king.” She said matter-of-factly.

  Ehren arched an eyebrow. “Really? Concerning?”

  Ky remained stoic. “If you please, Your Highness, my business lies with the king.”

  “I understand.” Nodded the prince. “We shall see if he grants you an audience though. He has been…selective recently.”

  It was dark by the time they made it to the gate. There were nearly half of the number of guards here than at Stone Shield. The giant ironwood gates were open, allowing people to come and go under the watchful eye of the Aznurro forces. As the royal twins passed through the gate the guards saluted in unison and the crowd parted in front of them. Ehren held his head high and Atreyis turned bright red and bowed hers, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by Ky. Cora followed the royals and Ky behind her, ever the enigma in black. The warrior puffed up her chest and slightly flexed, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. She subtly took in her surroundings. All of the buildings were made of smooth grayish-white stone, from simple dwellings to massive columned open markets. At the center of the city there was a large fountain with a white marble statue of the goddess similar to the one at the temple. Some of the largest buildings were located here, each one capped with a blue opal dome and perched on a hill of white steps.

  The group made their way up the winding paved road to the palace gate. Ky’s mouth almost dropped in awe. The white palisades and towers seemed to stretch up to the heavens. The brilliant marble stood out like a beacon against the sky and sea. The outer courtyard that they were in was lush with beautiful, brightly colored flowers and blossoming trees. The way to the palace door was lined with pink-blossomed cherry trees. The polished steel of the doors glinted and gleamed in the moonlight. Two dark blue stone dragons stood guard to the entrance. They sat on their haunches with their wings folded back. Their broad snouts proudly held high. The riders dismounted and instantly their horses were whisked away to the royal stables to be watered and fed. Ehren led them to the doors and heaved them open, revealing a massive atrium and receiving hall that rivaled the temple. A small unit of palace guards lead by the captain prevented them from going any further. She was as tall as the princess. Her black hair was kept short and tight. Her brown eyes sparkled with intensity against her dark skin.


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