Dragon's Claws

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Dragon's Claws Page 11

by Bri Sailor

  “She may have, but that is not enough to save her!”

  A single tear managed to escape. The king sighed. He put his hands on her shoulders and softened his voice.

  “Saving one life, no matter how precious it is to me, does not make up for all the evil that was allowed to spread because of her. King Ultrek and his generals swept through the kingdoms and left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. We fight for peace because we are the only ones that can. If we don’t stop them, their evil will spread and destroy anything good that is left in this world.”

  He searched her eyes from some understanding. The distraught princess stared back with a blank face. She couldn’t take it anymore and tore herself free and ran out of the throne room.


  The cool breeze roused Atreyis from her thoughts. The moment her father realized Ky’s identity he became an impenetrable stronghold of paranoia. She was lucky she had even caught him in the throne room. No matter what she tried he had refused to listen to her, and now refused outright to even grant an audience with her or anyone else for that matter. A chill ran down her spine. She looked out from her perch in her favorite tree. It had been planted by her great-grandmother and was almost five-hundred years old. It was once the location of the secret archery range that her grandmother had built just for her when she was a child. The large branches looked like bark covered tentacles sprouting out of a trunk that took six grown men to stretch their arms around its circumference. The princess was perched in the topmost branches that would support her weight. From there she could see most of the garden and the entire city that sprawled out before her. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and reveled in the scent of the foliage around her and the faint salty sea air. The wind rustled the bright green leaves around her as, slowly, some semblance of peace washed over her. The sound of snapping twigs startled her. She was awash with relief as the smiling faces of Taryn and Cora greeted her.

  “A bit jumpy are we?” grinned Taryn.

  Atreyis stuck her tongue out at her.

  Cora laughed. “Nice to see that some things haven’t changed.”

  The two girls climbed up on nearby branches. The three of them had been climbing this tree for forever. It was their place. Taryn glanced at the melancholy princess. Her eyes weren’t the same bright ones that she remembered. She reached out and put a hand on her leg and nudged her.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Does it have anything to do with Tall, Dark and Creepy?”

  The princess shot her a look. “She’s not creepy.”

  “Her name is Ky.” Cora explained. “And she happens to be the one that kept our princess in the realm of the living.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Taryn.

  She stared at the princess, whose eyes lit up at the mention of the warrior’s name, but were quickly extinguished by fear and sorrow. Atreyis bowed her head and quietly began to cry. Cora was close enough that she reached out and hugged the miserable girl. After a few minutes she sat up and wiped her face and took in a shaky breath and tried to calm down.

  “As you know, Ehren and I decided to take an impromptu visit to Cora. The night we arrived, I don’t know what happened, I panicked. I didn’t want my life to be decided for me, so I ran.”

  Cora shook her head. “No, I let you run. I told you to go.”

  The princess looked at her with sad eyes. “You’ve got to let go of your guilt, it’s my fault.”

  Taryn furrowed her brown in confusion. “What do you mean ‘let’ her run? I don’t understand.”

  Cora sighed. “I had a chance to stop her, but something was telling me to let her go.”

  “I went into the forest beyond Stone Shield.” Added the princess.

  Taryn was incredulous.

  “There’s more.” Atreyis continued. “I heard some screams that night and stupidly decided to check it out. It turned out to be a bunch of people that were being robbed by armed men. I don’t know what came over me, but I knew I had to defend them, I got into a fight and—“ she lifted up her shirt. “—this happened.”

  Taryn’s eyes popped out of her head. She gasped and her hand immediately went to the wound and gingerly traced it.

  “Atreyis, you could have been killed! What possessed you to do such a thing?”

  The princess shoved her shirt down. “I told you I don’t know! It just happened! If you would let me finish—before I blacked out I saw something fall from the sky and start attacking the men. It was only later when I woke up back in the temple I found out that it was Ky that killed all those thieves and saved me. Because of her I’m alive.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek. “And because of me she is going to rot in the dungeon for the rest of her life, if my father doesn’t decide to execute her first.”

  Cora hugged the princess close again. Taryn did her best to climb over to comfort her friend.

  “I love you, Atreyis, but you need to try and calm down. It was her choice to come this far. She knew what she was getting into. And as for a plan, we can try talking to your father. I’m just glad you are alright. It’s harder to love you if you are in pieces. I prefer to keep you intact, okay?” she half grinned.

  Atreyis nodded and wiped her eyes.

  “Good. Now, I don’t know what exactly we can say that would get your father to change his mind. I’m not even sure where to start.” She looked at Cora. “I think that this might be a job for a high priestess. Cora? Any suggestions?”

  The priestess thought a moment. “If he will see me. I know that he listens to the priests here in the city, but he had banned all from his chambers, only the queen is allowed. The chances of him releasing Ky are doubtful. Next to the Black King, she is basically the single greatest threat to our people. I know you don’t want to hear it, but we need to give him a better reason than her saving you.” Atreyis tried to interrupt but Cora stopped her. “I know, I know. But obviously it’s not enough or she would be here.”

  Atreyis threw her arms up in defeat. “But it should be! No one that is supposedly as evil as she purportedly is would do what she did for a complete stranger. Let alone her enemy.”

  “Who exactly is this girl?” shouted Taryn suddenly.

  The princess sighed and hung her head. “Ky isn’t just some fighter. She’s the General, no I take that back, she’s the former General for the Black Army. But she left that life after they tried to kill her. And I’m not going into that because it’s another long story and I’m sick of explaining right now.”

  Taryn’s jaw dropped. “Atreyis! How could you bring her here? You can’t trust a person like that! What if she is planning something? What if—“

  Cora cut her off. “It’s alright. I trust her too. It’s hard to explain right now, but she’s not a threat. The Goddess has revealed to me that Ky is to play some part in ending this war. I trust the Goddess and you need to as well.”

  Taryn crossed her arms, unconvinced. The three sat in silence. Atreyis finally broke the tension.

  “That’s it. I’m going to see my father. I’m getting her out of there.” The princess quickly climbed down the massive tree. She jumped the last twenty feet and landed softly on the grass and sprinted towards the palace with Cora and Taryn scrambling behind her.

  Chapter 9

  The king had refused to see his daughter yet again, and so she stayed in her room only allowing Taryn and Cora in. Nearly four days after imprisoning Ky, the king had finally granted an audience with Cora. A servant was sent to retrieve her. The timid girl politely knocked on the door to the princess’ chambers and waited for an answer. When there was no reply she quietly opened the door and spoke softly.

  “Your Highness?”

  No reply. Cora was snuggled up next to the princess near the foot of the bed. Taryn was asleep above them, her foot dangerously close to Atreyis’ mouth. The servant girl walked over to the bed and tapped the princess on her shoulder.

  “Your Highness!”

  The princess jolted
awake with a snort and looked through bleary eyes, squinting against the bright morning light. Her voice was heavy with sleep.

  “What? What do you want?”

  The servant girl stammered. “Y-your father requests the audience of the priestess immediately. H-he’s w-waiting in his study.”

  “Wait.” She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “Only her? What about me? Did he say anything about me?”

  The girl refused to make eye contact. “W-well…no…he only sent for the priestess, no one else.”

  The exchange woke the sleeping Cora and she slowly sat up rubbing her eyes.

  “I will be there shortly.” She yawned. “I just need a moment to make myself presentable.”

  Atreyis waved the girl away. “Go. Tell my father Cora will be there. And tell him that I wish to speak with him.”

  Taryn began waking up as well and cat-stretched on the bed. Cora stood up at the washbasin and splashed cold water on her face to wake up. She grabbed Atreyis’ brush and tamed her wild sandy blonde hair. She caught a glimpse of Taryn in the mirror.

  “Well, good morning, sleepy.” She smiled.

  Taryn just grumbled.

  “Could one of you please help me braid my hair? It’s such a mess.” The priestess batted her eyes and flashed a toothy smile.

  The raven-haired girl yawned so big that it threatened to swallow her head. “I can. Just give me a moment.”

  She trudged over to the basin and plunged face first into the cold water and held herself there for a few seconds before surfacing for air. The princess shook her head and the priestess laughed. Cora sat on the lounge and Taryn went to work. Atreyis sat next to her.

  “So what are you going to tell him?” she asked Cora.

  “I will simply do my best to try and change his mind. Your father can be quite stubborn, a common family trait.” The priestess smiled wryly.

  Atreyis flashed a sarcastic smile.

  Cora continued. “In my visits to the Spirit Realm I have sensed a disturbance. The Darkness is growing, I fear. I also believe that Ky is a part of a prophecy. I consulted the ancient texts before we left the temple and spent a great deal of time in prayer. The problem is that there are parts of it that aren’t as clear as others. The translations are off or something. I believe there is more going on than it seems, I’m sure of it.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Atreyis. “Prophecies mean nothing. I was supposed to die when I was born, yet, I’m still here. What more could there possibly be?”

  Suddenly feeling agitated Atreyis stood up and paced. Cora tried to stand up, but Taryn wasn’t finished and pulled her back down on the lounge.

  “Hold still! I’m not done yet.” Chided Taryn.

  “First of all, you dying was not a prophecy.” Cora rolled her eyes. “Second, you need to calm down. I will try to convince your father to release Ky. Even if it’s into protective custody locked up in one of the rooms here.”

  The princess flopped down on her bed in a huff. “I don’t understand why he won’t let me see him.”

  “All finished.” Said Taryn.

  Cora jumped up and checked her reflection. “Thank you so much. It’s perfect.”

  The priestess looked at her robes. They were wrinkled from sleep so she decided to change. After finding something suitable form her bag she went behind the changing screen.

  “So what exactly does this prophecy of yours say?” asked Taryn.

  “Well…” Cora stripped out of her robes. “…it basically describes the war that is going on right now with Ultrek and his Black Army. It is also believed to reveal how to defeat him, but that is where if becomes vague. That’s one of the reasons I need to speak with your father, Atreyis. His throwing Ky in the dungeon is a hindrance. Like you, I had hoped that Ky saving you would have softened the blow and that the king would have handled it better. That being said, I didn’t have any idea that Ky was a General, so your father acted the only way he knows how.”

  She finished dressing and stepped out. Her silk robes were such a light blue they almost looked white, her diadem shone brightly in the sunlight.

  “Well, how do I look?”

  “Like a High Priestess.” Smiled Atreyis.

  “Amazing.” Said Taryn.

  “Wish me luck!” Smiled Cora.

  “If anyone can change the king’s mind it would be the person chosen to be the direct connection to the Goddess.” Sighed the princess. “And it doesn’t hurt that you two believe in the same stuff in those dusty books and scrolls.”

  Cora grinned meekly and took a deep breath and left. Atreyis just stared at the ceiling. Taryn ran and jumped on the bed and almost landed on the princess, who remained unfazed.

  “Oh, snap out of it.” Taryn slapped her on the arm. “You know she can do it. And I mean, Ky did save your life. By now it has probably sunk in and your father is open to reason. We just have to be patient.”

  Suddenly, Atreyis sat up, almost crashing heads with Taryn who quickly moved out of the way.

  “That’s it!”

  The princess leapt off the bed and started ripping off her palace garb. She put on black boots, black pants, and a long sleeved black shirt.

  “Wait, what’s ‘it’?” asked Taryn. “What are you doing?”

  The princess ignored her and continued getting ready. Her hair was pulled back and her sword hung off her hip.

  “Well that looks familiar. Wait. You’re not—’’ she stood up to protest. “Atreyis…” she warned.

  “Sometimes you just have to do things yourself.” Said the straight-faced princess.

  “Don’t do something stupid! If you get caught who knows what your father might do. He might actually kill her! Please, think about what you are doing.” Taryn pleaded. She reached for her.

  The princess whirled around. “Taryn, no! I have to do this. I can’t explain it. I-I just have to.”

  “What do you think you’re going to do?” yelled Taryn. “Just walk into the dungeon and walk out with her? I know that place. They have her locked up in our strongest and most protected cell. It’s also highly likely that she is locked in enchanted chains. And besides if you even get out of there, where will you go? My mother has increased security so tightly around the palace that not even a mouse could make its way in without her knowing. And you know your father will hunt her down. This will solve nothing!”

  “I don’t care! I just have to do this! I have to get her out! I will figure out the rest along the way.” Sapphire blue eyes started glowing brightly.

  “Please, don’t do this.” Begged Taryn, she hugged the blue-eyed princess close. “I almost lost you once, I don’t want to lose you for real.”

  “You won’t lose me. I’m going to get her out of there and end this nonsense once and for all.”

  Taryn stepped back, her brown eyes now glowing blue as well. “Don’t do it.”

  “Taryn, don’t try and stop me.” Warned the princess.

  Two pairs of glowing blue eyes stared each other down. Taryn could see that nothing was going to change her friend’s mind. She struggled with herself but finally relented. She had never seen the princess so fiery, so passionate. Her eyes stopped glowing.

  “Fine. If you aren’t going to listen to me why should I even try? Just don’t get yourself killed.”

  “You won’t say anything will you?”

  Taryn remained silent. Atreyis meekly hugged Taryn and left, leaving her torn friend behind. She moved swiftly along the way. Nothing was going to stop her. She needed to get Ky out of that prison. When she arrived at the gate there was a young guard standing watch. Round face and eager eyes, he had to be younger than she.

  “Open the gate. Now!” she said in a menacing tone, channeling her father.

  The young man was taken aback. “Y—yes. Yes, Your Highness. Did the king send you? H-he said that no one was to p-pass—“ he stammered.

  The princess cut him off. “Forget my father, I am the one who is here now, open the gate. And so
help me if you say a word…” she put a hand on her sword.

  The guard was shaking as he fumbled for the key and obeyed the forceful princess. The determined girl flew down the dark stairs into the dank dungeon. Her face was drawn and hard. She scanned the dirty faces of the prisoners but there was no sign of Ky. Two large guards at the bottom of the pit caught her eye. It seemed that they were keeping watch over some sort of door. Summoning every bit of confidence she strode up to them.

  “Release this prisoner at once, by order of the king!” she commanded in the most forceful voice she could muster.

  The guards just looked at each other. “We are under strict orders that no one is to see the prisoner and that under no circumstance is she to be released.” Said one of the guards.

  Atreyis stared him down. “The king has commanded that she be released. He has requested her audience for questioning. I am here to see that she arrives.”

  “But we have our orders. The king—’’ started the guard.

  “Damn your orders!” yelled the infuriated princess. “By all means, keep His Majesty waiting. I’m sure he will be in a much better mood than he is now if he has to come down here himself to get her. Now release her!”

  The guard moved to speak again when a loud roar erupted from Ky’s cell. All three of them jumped and the prisoners began yelling and banging on their bars. Atreyis panicked. Another roar echoed.

  “Open the door!” she yelled over the din. “Now!”

  The guards scrambled to open the door, the princess dropped to her knees in an attempt to get under the door. Ky was yelling and her eyes were glowing an evil red. She was pulling at her chains in an attempt to break them. The veins in her neck were bulging. Her face was a contorted mixture of pain and anger. Atreyis didn’t know what to do. She dove under the slowly moving door.

  “KY!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  Ky’s eyes stopped glowing and the screaming ceased. Atreyis just reacted; she threw her arms around the warrior and hugged her tight. Ky looked down and saw the princess and was genuinely confused.


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