Dragon's Claws

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Dragon's Claws Page 23

by Bri Sailor

  “Atreyis? Hello?”

  Someone was talking to her.

  “What?” she said half annoyed.

  “I said pick up the pace! We are going to get left in the dust.” Chided Ehren.

  Atreyis looked around. They were finally out of the forest and everyone had taken off in a gallop. The princess mentally chastised herself for daydreaming. She gave Lux a kick and chased after the group. The moment they were free of the forest Ky spurred Luna and took off at a gallop, grateful to get away from Taryn. She was still on edge from the battle and the last thing she needed was someone getting in her face like that. She took a deep breath of fresh air and calmed down. The terrain was hilly and there were rocks and boulders scattered about, but for the most part it was green grass as far as the eye could see. With the horses able to travel faster, the last leg of their journey went by quickly. In five days’ time they were almost at their destination.

  On the afternoon of the sixth day they came across a large lake with a small woods on the northeastern side. Ky decided it was a good time to stop and take a break. The horses hadn’t even come to a stop before Atreyis had dismounted and ran for the water, with Ehren hot on her heels. The royal twins quickly took off their swords and pieces of armor as they ran. Atreyis nearly face-planted as she tried to run and take off her boots at the same time. With happy yells the twins jumped off a large boulder and splashed into refreshing water.

  The warrior ignored the princess’ commands that she join her and set about setting up camp. It wasn’t long before Cora and Taryn joined in the fun. Riker had completely stripped naked much to the protestations of the girls, and did a perfect swan dive off the boulder. With the camp set up Ky was about to sneak off into the woods to look for some firewood and a decent branch or sapling to make a sturdy fishing pole, but was surprised from behind with a soaking wet hug.

  “Oh, no you don’t! It’s your turn! In the water, now!” commanded Atreyis playfully.

  Ky struggled pathetically. “No, I think not. Now let go you are getting me wet!”

  The princess refused to let go and picked up the warrior against her will. Ky put up a struggle, thinking that it would hide her happiness to be included. At the same time, she couldn’t believe she was allowing someone to do this to her and get away with it. She managed to kick off her boots and take off her sword before she went flying through the air and crashing into the cool water with a yelp. As she broke the water’s surface, a laugh escaped. She panicked internally. What was she doing? How could she let someone get the better of her? And why had she even allow it? What in the world was going on with her? This is most definitely not how a warrior behaves. She needed to focus herself on the mission, to kill Lusha.

  Suddenly, there was a hand on her ankle and it pulled her under. She thrashed around trying to get free. The water was murky enough that she couldn’t see the attacker. Her lungs felt like they were on fire. She kicked with her free foot as hard as she could and connected with something. The grip released and she kicked hard for the surface. She came back up sputtering and glaring, looking for the culprit. No one was nearby. Riker was floating away, Ehren and Taryn were having a splash fight, and Atreyis had tackled Cora into the water, the hesitant priestess had taken too long to jump off the rock.

  No longer feeling as jovial, the warrior swam back to the beach and crawled out of the water, wringing out her hair and clothes. When she reached Luna she dug in a saddlebag and pulled out dry clothes. Black, as usual. After quickly changing she set her wet clothes out to dry. No one had seemed to notice she was out of the water so she took the opportunity and raced for the woods.

  Atreyis broke the surface and was immediately shoved back under. When she popped back up the priestess was laughing.

  “Serves you right for throwing me in!” Cora stuck her tongue out.

  Atreyis returned the gesture and smiled. They all needed to relieve some stress and she was more than grateful to happen across this lake. Everyone was enjoying themselves except for Ky. The warrior was nowhere to be seen. The princess panicked. Was she under the water? Her eyes darted back and forth. Suddenly, she noticed that Luna was gone as well. She sent a silent prayer to the Goddess thanking her that the warrior was alive. But was now worried that she had deserted them and went after Lusha by herself. She tried to push the ridiculous thought out of her mind as she swam for the beach. Movement along the lakeshore some distance away caught her eye. Ky was heading towards the woods, her pace was leisurely and relaxed. The princess sighed in relief.

  By the late afternoon everyone had had their fill of swimming and were now in dry clothes sitting by the fire. Ky had returned with firewood and was now fishing with Riker. When they deemed their catch enough they each set about cleaning the fish and cooking them. It was fairly quiet while everyone ate. Ky spoke up.

  “Based on what I saw in the woods, I would say we might already be here. What do you think, priestess?” She said flatly.

  “Really? We’re here?” asked Ehren.

  “Yes.” Answered Cora.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Atreyis asked the priestess.

  “I wanted us to have a little fun. Who knows what we will walk into? I just wanted everyone to have at least one more day.” She half smiled.

  “What exactly are you expecting to happen?” asked a weary Taryn.

  “I’m not sure but—” started Cora.

  “If Lusha is there we can expect a run-in like before.” Interrupted Ky. “But this time she will not get away so easily, I’ll see to it. That witch is a cancer to this world that needs to be forcibly removed.”

  A tense silence fell around the fire.

  “So, Cora,” Atreyis cleared her throat, “what exactly is this place?”

  “In my training they brought me here a couple of times, but until I had been anointed as the High Priestess, I barely was allowed inside.”

  “Why is that?” asked Ehren.

  The priestess bit her lip. “There is a great power sealed away there, as you know, and there have been attempts in the past by previous priests in training from each of the kingdoms to access that power. You are all aware that we are here because Lusha is after the Seal. The magic that binds it is old, very old, and immensely powerful. When you enter the temple you can feel it. It’s hard to explain. There is an ancient evil it binds, and if it’s ever released it will destroy everything.”

  Everyone visibly shuddered. Lusha wasn’t the first to attempt to break the Seal, which meant that there could be more to follow in her footsteps.

  Ky wasn’t buying it. “Personally, I don’t believe in legends. If there was something that powerful in the world, why not hide it in the depths of the earth and erase any trace of it from history instead of leaving it out in the open? Poor planning if you ask me.”

  Taryn glared at her. “How can you call it that? If it’s not real then how do you explain Descended? How do you explain the magic that does exist?”

  “You misunderstand her.” Interjected Riker. “I too, find it hard to believe. I am aware that there is magic in the world. What I don’t believe is in supposed ancient magics. Ultimate Evil. There is good in the world and there is evil. Nothing more, nothing less. It is up to us to make sure that there is balance.”

  “Foolish.” Said Cora under her breath.

  Riker looked sideways at her but Cora ignored him.

  “The dragons may be heavenly souls, but they have corporal bodies just as we do.”

  Atreyis stretched. The sun was beginning to set. “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but a full stomach sure makes me sleepy. I’m going to turn in for the night.”

  She stood up and started gathering her bedrolls and furs and laying them out.

  “Yes. That sounds about right.” Agreed Cora.

  The group unpacked the bedrolls and blankets for the night. They settled around the fire in their self-imposed sleeping arrangements. Riker and Ehren near each other. Cora close to the fire and snuggled up
against Atreyis. Taryn and Atreyis head to head. And Ky opposite of them. However, Atreyis noticed that the warrior was closer than previous nights. The princess made a mental note of it and lay down. In no time she was sound asleep and blissfully devoid of dreams.

  Chapter 20

  Something was tickling her nose. She smacked it away. The tickling returned. Ky sat up in a flash and put a dagger to the throat of the attacker. The smiling face of the princess greeted her.

  “Morning lazy! The sun is up and you should be too!” said a cheery Atreyis. She looked down at the blade. “Could you maybe put that away?”

  Ky released the girl. She rubbed her nose again and looked around. Everyone else was just getting up too. She couldn’t believe she slept in. Standing up she stretched out her tall frame. The warrior was shocked to find how well rested she actually was.

  “Why are you so happy? I don’t recall you being a morning person.” The blonde grunted.

  Atreyis shrugged. “I don’t know. I just got a good night’s sleep I guess.”

  “You wouldn’t be so cheerful if you realized what we might come up against today…all that can happen.” Replied Ky coolly.

  Atreyis straightened up. “I’m not a child. I am aware. I just choose to try and look on the bright side. It’s the only way I know to keep out of the dark.”

  “Changing your state of mind does not change reality.” Said Ky under her breath.

  Atreyis ignored her and helped pack up everything. They traveled in relative silence. The woods they faced were even more dense and darker than that Thieves’ Forest. The trees were much larger and resembled that of Atreyis’ favorite giant oak back home. This wood was alive. The sounds of birds echoed through the trees. Deer and small animals eagerly scurried about. This time it was Cora that was in the lead. Ky had respectfully backed off and allowed the High Priestess to take charge as the situation called for.

  The group soon found themselves on a small trail that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The princess immediately began looking around for any sign that they were close to their destination. A glimmer of something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She stared hard but didn’t see anything. Her mind must be playing tricks. Suddenly, Cora veered left off of the trail and disappeared. The princess arched an eyebrow. The temple must be protected by a similar spell that her family’s sanctuary was. The rest of the group stopped and looked around for the priestess while Ky and Atreyis confidently followed behind her and disappeared as well. Ehren realized that there must be a spell and gestured for Taryn and Riker to follow him. Once they were on the other side a magnificent sight greeted them.

  The Temple of Ages was ginormous. It was easily twice the size of the Temple of the Dragons at the foot of the Black Mountains. Its smooth gray stone was covered in ivy and trees, as if the woods were trying to reclaim it. A tunnel of trees lead the way to the front door. The whole scene was so tranquil it was deceiving. Chills ran down the princess’ spine as she thought about what this place might house, especially if it looks anything like what she saw take Lusha’s place.

  Large steps led up to an expansive terrace that was lined with guards wearing silvery white robes and brilliantly shining armor. Each had a sword on their hip and a spear in hand. As the group drew closer the guards became visibly tense. Cora’s hair stood on end, something was off. A man dressed only in robes stepped through the doorway of the temple. Immediately the guards raised their spears defensively towards the group.

  “Who goes there?” he boomed.

  Cora held up a hand. Signaling for the group to stop.

  “I am Cora, High Priestess of the Aznurro.” She said confidently.

  “What business do you have here, Priestess?”

  “I have been sent by King Toran, I must speak with your Keeper. I believe the Seal is in great danger.”

  The man looked her over with a wary eye and scanned her group.

  “You may enter, but your weapons may not.” He said firmly.

  Cora nodded and turned to look at her companions. They nodded in agreement and dismounted and began stripping themselves of their weapons. Six guards came down and took their horses to a stable behind the temple. Atreyis’ heart was pounding. Everyone else was nervous as well, even Cora. She wanted to ask her what was going on but the priestess marched straight for the door. Not giving her a chance. The only one who didn’t seem phased was Ky, but she was on the lookout. They all filed silently behind the priestess. Once inside their jaws hit the floor. The outside of the temple was every bit of deceiving of what it housed. Massive windows that stretched from floor to ceiling let copious amounts of sunlight in. It was a garden, a sanctuary. Various fruit bearing trees were scattered throughout beds of flowers and patches of grass. Birds happily chirped and flew around. Small animals grazed on the abundant greens and relaxed by a spring that flowed out of the venter of the temple. A strange sense of calm washed over the group.

  “This place holds a powerful magic.” Said Ky in a low voice.

  “Look!” exclaimed Taryn. “What are those?”

  “Pure energy.” Replied Cora.

  Atreyis was in awe. What she thought to be fireflies danced in the air throughout the temple. They were tiny orbs of light.

  “This is so surreal.” Ehren said in awe.

  “This place sits on a point of highly concentrated energy.” Came a silky voice to their side.

  A tall woman with golden hair and pure white robes trimmed in silver stepped into view. Her hair and clothes seemed to flow around her.

  “I am Nya, leader of the Watchers, Keeper of the Seal.”

  Time froze. Ky couldn’t move. Her whole body felt like stone. It couldn’t be.

  “The Watchers?” asked Taryn.

  Nya met her questioning gaze with steady eyes, pinning her in place. “A group of priests chosen by the Goddess to guard and watch over what this temple is meant to protect.”

  The Keeper smiled softly and turned her attention to Cora.

  “My dear Cora, it’s been too long.” The two women hugged.

  “Yes, it has.” The young priestess grew serious. “But you know why I am here.”

  “Yes.” Said Nya seriously. “Follow me.”

  The Keeper led the group and a shaken Ky to the back of the temple to the massive statue where a small passageway of stairs led down into the earth. Nya and Cora quickly descended with everyone else close behind. Atreyis held back a moment and took a deep breath. Small spaces freaked her out. Suddenly, there was a hand holding hers. Taryn gave a reassuring look and the two followed down the stairs. As they descended the staircase became wider and torches lined the wall. The farther down they went, the tenser Ky became. The air was too still and there was a growing sense of dread. When they reached the bottom a large cavern greeted them. Ky scanned over everything. Debris and large chunks of rocks were scattered about.

  “She did this.” Growled Ky as she looked at the large crack in the hieroglyphic wall. Instantly, her eyes were glowing red and she clenched her fists.

  “Where is she? Where is she hiding?” she yelled at Nya.

  “Restrain yourself!” Nya shouted back. “The witch has already been here and is long gone.”

  Cora’s eyes were wild with fear. She ran over to the crack and traced her hand over it.

  “No, no, no, it can’t be!” she mumbled.

  “We are too late!” lamented Atreyis.

  “Fear not for she did not succeed.” Said Nya reassuringly.

  Cora gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?” She gestured to the wall. “The Seal is broken!”

  “It has been breached, yes, but not broken. The witch was unable to free the evil sealed away, I saw it or myself. Two vials of blood, but it didn’t work. Something went wrong. Something she didn’t anticipate.”

  “Why didn’t you stop her?” shouted Ehren.

  “She was more powerful than we predicted. A mistake I shall not make twice.” Replied Nya, her eyes gl
owed a soft red.

  Ky felt a sudden jolt. She had seen those eyes before. But where? It was all so familiar.

  “But don’t you feel it?” said Cora breathlessly. “Can you not feel the evil that is slipping though? How much longer do you think this spell will hold? How much longer until this evil is free once more?” The priestess’ eyes glowed gold.

  Nya tried to calm her down. “Priestess, I am fully aware of what is happening, which is why I am relieved you are here. The texts speak of a key that I believe could restore the Seal once more.”

  “What key?” asked Atreyis.

  “It is a physical key made out of a special crystal. The Jewel of the Goddess. It is believed that it was used to close the evil behind the Seal. And I believe it can be used once again. The ancient writings of the first Watchers say that they broke the key into four parts and hid them. That the necklace you wear is one of the pieces.”

  Cora reached for the long rectangular crystal that hung around her neck.

  Nya continued. “You all are here because the Goddess chose you to complete this task and seal away the ancient evil once more. It is not known specifically where the remaining shards are, but it is known that they are within the four kingdoms.”

  “Then let us leave at once.” Said Ehren impatiently.

  Ky didn’t move. The warrior was only half-listening to everything, and continued to stare at Nya. She just couldn’t shake it. She knew that woman, she was certain of it.

  “Once your supplies are replenished feel free to leave. I will stay here and attempt to stop up as much of the leak as I can.” She put her hand on Ky’s shoulder and looked deep into her eyes,


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