Pregnant by My Stepbrother

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Pregnant by My Stepbrother Page 5

by Cassandra Dee

  He nods, smiling a little.

  “But still, I’m serious honey. Is Amazing Blooms picking up financially? How much longer do you have at the Krazy Kat? Can I help?”

  I stop, my throat going dry.

  “Help how?”

  He shrugs by sipping at his wine for a moment.

  “Can I give you money?” he asks in a low voice. “I’m happy to, Lina. I make plenty as an EMT, and I’m a single guy. I have very few expenses. Let me help you, baby girl.”

  My stomach grows warm and my cheeks flush.

  “I appreciate it, but I can’t. I can’t take money from the bachelor that I won at an auction! I’m paying money to spend time with you, not the other way around,” I say in a playful tone.

  But Tim’s totally serious.

  “Two thousand is way too much honey, and especially after what you just told me. I’m going to cover the auction fee, and I’m also going to give you a little to get by, so you can cut down on your time at the Krazy Kat. Maybe just one night a week instead of two. Again, baby girl, I’m not judging you. It’s just that I’ve seen those curves, and I’ve tasted them too. I don’t want to share them with any other guys if I don’t have to.”

  I gawk at him a bit, the air whooshing out of my lungs.

  “Are you serious?” I whisper.

  He nods, his face dark.

  “Yes, baby,” he says. “You belong to me now, don’t you know? All of you, Lina. You’re mine.”

  Those words should scare me straight, but instead, a wave of warmth spreads over my frame, and I smile at him in the candlelight. He reaches for my hand again, and we link fingers, joined together in this moment of intimacy and romance. Because it is intimate and it is romantic. Who would have guessed? My date with my stepbrother has turned out amazing, and I never want it to end.



  * * *

  I pull up to Amazing Blooms and step out of my truck. It’s been two days since our date, and I can’t stop thinking about the curvy girl. I even whittled a little gift for Lina, although now it seems dumb in the light of day. Maybe I should just get back in my truck and go home, but now that I’ve come this far, I have to see it through. The bell jingles as I step through the shop door.

  “Just a moment,” Lina’s melodious voice calls from somewhere in the back. “I’ll be right with you.”

  I take the opportunity to look around the shop. It’s elegant, and done tastefully. There’s not a ton of room, but Lina’s made great use of the space she has: wooden shelves along the walls drip with flowers of every imaginable color, and colorful roses chill in refrigerators set up along the back wall. Succulents absorb the sunlight in the tall window, and in the center of the store, a magnificent display of orchids, daffodils, and snapdragons catches the eye.

  “I’m sorry,” Lina says, emerging from the back. “We’re actually just about to close, but if you have a quick order I can—” she freezes the moment she sees me, and then her lips lift in a sweet smile. My beautiful girl is wearing an apron with “Amazing Blooms” embroidered across the front in pink cursive, and her hair is pulled up in a plain ponytail, but I’ve never seen someone so beautiful.

  “Tim!” she exclaims, launching herself into my arms.

  I laugh as I catch her, lifting and spinning her around before setting her back down. She fits just right in my arms, like she was made for me, and contentment mixed with arousal settle into my groin. I kiss the top of her head, her nose, and finally her lips, and they slide open at my touch. Quickly, the liplock grows hot before she pulls away, panting.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, and then gasps. “You didn’t text me did you? I always keep my phone off at work. I’m sorry.”

  “No, sweetheart, I wanted to surprise you.” I fish my gift out of my pocket and hand it to her with a self-conscious smile. “I made this for you.”

  Her eyes widen as she takes it in her hands. It’s a rose that I whittled out of purpleheart wood, and the petals unfurl around an intricate center. It’s just a small thing, but she gasps and turns to me with tears in her eyes.

  “It’s beautiful, Tim,” Lina murmurs, quickly blinking the wetness away. “It’s the nicest gift anyone’s ever given me.”

  I feel the tension leave my shoulders, and I pull her curvy form in close once more. “Really? To be honest, I felt a little silly bringing it to you, so I’m glad you like it.”

  “Of course I do! But why would you feel silly?”

  I grin.

  “Well, I hate to bring up old relationships, but let’s just say I dated someone in the past who didn’t appreciate this stuff. She preferred shinier things, let’s put it that way.” I shrug, even though it doesn’t bother me anymore.

  Lina smiles playfully. “You mean like aluminum foil? Shiny like that?”

  I laugh, swatting her on the behind.

  “No, not aluminum foil, you sassy woman.”

  “Hmm, let me guess,” she says, pretending to think. “What else is shiny? Oh, I know. She wanted a mirror, right? One that’s shiny, so she could stare at her own reflection?”

  This girl is hysterical in addition to being cute, and I laugh out loud with genuine amusement.

  “No, not a mirror. Not quite like the evil queen from Snow White.”

  Lina nods knowingly.

  “I get it. A crown then.”

  I smile.

  “You’re on the right track. I think if she could have had a diamond tiara, she would have screamed and then fainted from happiness.”

  Lina laughs.

  “Who even wears a tiara these day?”

  I merely swat her butt playfully.

  “I think a lot of ladies would, if they could.”

  My girl merely snorts, straightening her apron.

  “Well, whoever she is, she sounds like a money-grubbing bitch.”

  I grin. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse before.”

  Lina shoots me a lofty look.

  “Pardon me, but there’s no other word for that kind of woman.” Then, my pretty date shakes her head. “I will treasure this gift forever, Tim, and when I finally leave this world, I want it buried with me,” she announces dramatically.

  I muss the top of her head, until she swipes at me. “Okay, okay, sweetheart, enough with the sweeping statements. Besides, none of that talk,” I say. “I don’t want to think of you leaving this world. It’s too early.”

  She grins.

  “Alright, deal.”

  “So, what do you have to do before locking up?” I ask. “I want to take you out, sweetheart. What do you say? A night on the town?”

  The buxom brunette stares at me but then she frowns.

  “Really? Right now?” She looks down at her outfit, and back up at me. “I’m not dressed to go anywhere fancy though. Even under this apron, it’s just jeans and a blouse.”

  I wave that away. “Don’t worry about it honey. You look beautiful, and you’re dressed perfectly for what I have in mind.”

  “Oh?” she raises a brow. “And what do you have in mind, Mr. Carlton?”

  I smirk.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?”

  Lina rolls her eyes playfully, and bustles about closing the store. I ask if she wants help, but she refuses, so I sit on the counter by the cash register. It’s nice being with her, even if I’m doing nothing. I like watching her hips sway, and her ponytail bounce as she moves between different displays.

  “Okay, I’m all done,” the pretty girl finally chirps. She’s put away her apron, unbuttoned the top button of her top, and smoothed down her ponytail. Lina’s at once innocent and sexy, and I love it all.

  Unable to help myself, I slip off the counter and pull her curvy form flush against me. Her skin is smooth and soft under my hands as I kiss her deeply, probing with my tongue. After a few minutes, we’re both breathing hard and my package is pressing undeniably against her soft belly.

  “Are yo
u sure we have to go anywhere?” she asks with swollen lips and eyes soft with desire. “I wouldn’t mind if we went straight back to your apartment. Or mine, for that matter.”

  “I know what you mean,” I rasp into her ear, “but I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  She releases a contented sigh and takes my hand. “Alright. Let’s go then. I trust you, big guy.”

  With that, I lead her out to my truck, opening the door to help her inside. Once that curvy form is buckled in, I hop in as well and rev the motor. Then, we’re on our way to the city, with its bright lights and bustling streets. As we near our destination, I hear Lina gasp next to me.

  “Tim, no!” she exclaims. “You’re not taking me there are you? It’s too late in the day, isn’t it?”

  I smirk. “I don’t know what you mean. Am I taking you where?”

  “To the botanic gardens!” she squeals. “I’ve always wanted to go!”

  I chuckle and pat her knee. “I knew you wouldn’t be disappointed, sweetheart. And you’ll see. It’s not too late at all.”

  I pull into the parking lot, and Lina practically leaps out of the truck, her eyes bright with anticipation. I pull her to the front, and sure enough, there’s a sign announcing extended evening hours. Lina squeals and claps her hands.

  “Oh my god, I didn’t even know!” she exclaims. “This is going to be exciting.”

  I pull her close, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.

  “We’re going to have a great time, honey.”

  Then, I show the man behind the front desk the tickets I bought online, and he stamps both of our hands.

  “Have a good time,” he says courteously. Of course, as soon as we walk into the gardens, Lina’s eyes widen with an almost childlike wonder and excitement. It’s humid and a bit muggy inside, but she doesn’t seem to notice as we make our way down the path.

  They have an art exhibit mixed into the plants and vegetation on display. The works are primarily sculptures made from wood, metal, and clay, made to imitate the plants surrounding them. I’m more interested in the art than the vegetation, but the opposite is true for Lina. She reads the plaques of every flower, shrub, and tree we stumble across, pointing out the things that strike her as particularly interesting. I love the way her eyes light up, and the way she squeezes my hand with excitement.

  We begin to walk through a butterfly atrium and find a stone bench to sit down. A bright yellow butterfly lands on the back of Lina’s hand, and she gasps with delight, holding completely still. But I’m fast. I take a picture of it seconds before the butterfly flits away and when we look at the photo on my phone, we both marvel.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispers. “So gorgeous.”

  “Yes,” I agree hoarsely. “You’re gorgeous honey.”

  She blushes, looking down, but I lift her chin with the tip of my finger.

  “You are beautiful,” I reiterate. “The most ravishing woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She blushes even more then.

  “You’re just exaggerating Tim.”

  But I shake my head, totally serious.

  “No, I’m not sweetheart. You’re gorgeous inside and out, and that’s what counts. When I met you at the Krazy Kat, and then again at the bachelor auction, I feel like it must have been Fate intervening. I’m not a woo-woo type of guy, but who would have thought that we’d meet twice in such a short span of time? Karma, wouldn’t you say?”

  She looks like she’s about to say anything, but then stops.

  “What is it honey?”

  For a moment, she looks conflicted, but then smiles brightly. I must have imagined it.

  “You’re very romantic, Tim,” she whispers with a smile. “Much more than you know.”

  “Good,” I growl before giving her another sweet kiss. “I like being romantic with you.” I sling an arm around her shoulder, and she leans against my shoulder, sighing with satisfaction. “So are you enjoying yourself?”

  She nods happily. “Very much so.”

  “How about the rest of Prescott? Have you made any friends?”

  She sighs a bit.

  “Not a lot, to be honest. I have Marlene at the Krazy Kat, and I love her, but we don’t really talk much outside of work. Oh, but there is one girl I got back into touch with recently. Her name’s Rachel, and we used to go to elementary school together, if you can believe it. We used to sell Girl Scout cookies together.”

  “Oh really?”

  She nods and giggles.

  “I was really bad at selling, but Rachel was really good, so I think she even credited me with some of her sales. I don’t remember since we were in fifth grade then, but she was really nice, and we’re exploring our friendship again. It’s nice to get back in touch sometimes.”

  I nod.

  “How about your parents?” I ask. “Are you in touch with them?”

  Lina sighs and makes a face.

  “Honestly, my mom isn’t someone that I want to talk to much. Judy is a piece of work, let’s just put it that way. And my dad? He left us soon after I was born, so I’ve never known him. To Judy’s credit, she raised me as a single mom, and it wasn’t easy.”

  I nod thoughtfully.

  “I can relate to that. My birth mother died when I was just a kid, so my dad was pretty much my only parental figure. My dad remarried once, but they weren’t together very long. Besides, I was already an adult by then.”

  Lina nods pensively.

  “And thus the mysterious stepsister, right?”

  “Yep. I still can’t remember her name though, it was so long ago.”

  Lina looks like she’s about to say something, but it’s not what I expect.

  “I’m sorry about your mom,” she says, looking up at me again. “It must’ve been hard on you and your dad.”

  I shrug.

  “I doubt it was harder than it must’ve been for you and your mom.” I kiss her forehead. “Single parenthood is always tough, and it’s not something that I want for my kids. I mean, babies take a lot of work, so imagine doing it all on your own. It would be hell.”

  “So you want babies?” Lina asks, looking up at me from beneath her lashes.

  “I do,” I confirm in a low growl, slipping both arms around her waist now. “Lots and lots of kids. I was an only child, and while my upbringing was fine, it can get lonely. I’d like to have a passel of children. How about you?”

  Her cheeks flush as she smiles.

  “Me too,” she confesses. “I’d love to have at least three.”

  “Three?” I yelp. “That’s far too few. I was thinking along the lines of six or seven.”

  “Seven?” she gasps. “Like the Von Trapp family?”

  My brow creases.

  “Who’s that?”

  She giggles, swatting my arm lightly.

  “You know, from the movie The Sound of Music. The Von Trapp Family Singers from Vienna! Or Salzburg! Or wherever they’re from.”

  I shake my head.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen The Sound of Music.”

  This time, Lina gasps so loud that a few other guests turn to look at us.

  “Never seen The Sound of Music? But that’s sacrilege!” I pull her close, chuckling into her hair.

  “Then, you’ll have to watch it with me someday. But don’t blame me if watching a movie turns into something else,” I wink. “If I’m anywhere near your curvy form in private, you know what I like to do.”

  It’s true because the attraction between us is intense, and this woman and I have been making love non-stop ever since the night of the bachelor auction. But it’s not just the physical connection. Lina gets me, and she’s fun and funny to be around. In short, she’s a friend, in addition to being the woman I adore.

  She smiles sweetly.

  “You’re on. I’ll be sure to stream The Sound of Music one night, and also make sure to have condoms nearby, you caveman.”

  I growl, nuzzling her ear while chuckling at her
sense of humor.

  “Don’t get me started, honey, otherwise I’m going to ravish you right here in the middle of the botanic gardens.”

  With that, our date continues and my heart expands with pleasure and gratitude at having this woman at my side. After all, we met under crazy circumstances, but who knew that Lina was actually a stripper with a heart of gold beneath it all? I’m lucky to know her, and as we stroll about the gardens, my soul settles and my arm curves naturally about her waist. This woman is so honest, innocent, and sexy at once, and I adore her more with each moment that passes.



  * * *

  It’s been three months since Tim and I started dating, and I’ve been floating on Cloud Nine. But it’s not just that I have an amazing boyfriend. Business at Amazing Blooms has steadily increased since I opened my doors, and as a result, I haven’t been dancing at the Krazy Kat at all. I know it makes Tim happy because he’s a possessive guy, even if he says he’s not.

  “I love how you look when you wear those costumes for me,” he growled in my ear one night last week. I shimmied my hips at him, making the feathers on my butt sway.

  “You mean you like this tiara? The feather boa? Or no, it’s this necklace, right?” I teased.

  My man’s blue eyes flared, and he grabbed me by my waist.

  “You know it’s not that,” he rasped hoarsely in my ear. “I don’t want you shaking those tailfeathers for any other man but me.”

  I kissed him deeply, which soon turned into frenzied lovemaking, with both of us shouting with release and pleasure. But that’s how it is between Tim and me. We understand each other, and enjoy one another immensely. Now, I’m with my friend Rachel and we’re sitting around eating pepperoni pizza while gabbing up a storm.

  “So you haven’t been dancing at the Krazy Kat?” my buddy asks, her cheeks full with a slice. “Wow!”

  I nod.

  “Yup. My manager called to complain, but I just made excuses. But it’s wonderful because I’ve been able to focus entirely on Amazing Blooms, and business has really picked up!”


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