Side Hustle: A Dawson Family Novel

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Side Hustle: A Dawson Family Novel Page 17

by Goodwin, Emily

  “She’s cultured, all right,” Owen says and holds up his hand. “Pop-cultured. I bet she knows everything there is to know about the Kardashians.”

  “Go get em’, tiger,” Logan says, making a shooing gesture with his hands. Owen mumbles something incoherent and wanders off. Dean and Archer, who’ve been playing pool since we got here, come over and join us at the table.

  “You’re not out there on the prowl?” Dean asks Logan, grabbing his beer from the table and taking a swig.

  “Nope. It’s more fun sitting here giving Wes shit about his hot nanny. He says there’s nothing going on between them.”

  “Her name is Scarlet, and there’s nothing going on between us.”

  “Don’t lie to us, man.” Dean raises his eyebrows. “We’ve seen you two flirting and giving each other fuck-me eyes. You’re sleeping with her, aren’t you?”


  “Why not? You two obviously want each other.”

  I shake my head. “Just because I want her doesn’t mean I should go for it.” Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy. With a sigh, I pick at the label on my beer. “What if things don’t work out? I wouldn’t just be losing a friend, I’d be losing a nanny, one Jackson really likes and one I actually trust.”

  “But what if they don’t?” Archer says, and all eyes fall on him. “Trust me, I understand where you’re coming from. I waited years to tell Quinn how I felt because I was afraid of what would happen when I finally did.” He looks across the bar at her and smiles without meaning to. “I’ll spare you the details since she’s your sister, and you guys know how happy we are. But I do regret the time I lost every now and then.” He looks back at me. “If you like her, tell her. At least you’ll know one way or another.”

  “She’s into you,” Dean goes on. “I can tell. And she already lives with you and knows what a tyrant you can be.”

  “I’m not a tyrant,” I say, and both my brothers give me dubious looks. “It’s not the right time.”

  “Weston,” Logan starts, and I know whatever he has to say is going to be seriously simply by the fact that he called me by my whole name. “You can date again. You can hook up again. You can have no-strings sex with anyone who wants to participate. And you should. Daisy is gone and if she comes back, she’s going to know she’s not welcome.”

  I peel the label down the bottle and nod. “You’re right.”

  “What?” Logan asks, blinking. “Did I hear you correctly?”

  “Yeah,” I say with a laugh. I look across the bar at Scarlet again and my heart lurches in my chest. “You’re right. Daisy is gone and it’s time to move on.” I look my brother in the eye. “And this time, I want to.”

  * * *

  “That was fun,” Scarlet says, looping her arm through mine. We’re leaving the bar and I think she’s a little drunk. I swallow hard, soaking in the warmth of her skin. I’m carrying a take-out bag full of burgers and fries for us to eat once we get back to the house.

  “It was,” I agree, aware of the way my heart speeds up as soon as she’s near. “I haven’t gone out like that in a while.”

  “I know. Quinn told me. She’s really talkative when she drinks.”

  I laugh. “She drank tonight?”

  “She had one glass of wine and it was more than enough to make her loopy.” Scarlet tightens her hold on my arm, having a bit of difficulty walking through the uneven gravel in her tall heels. “This was her first time going out and having a drink since before she got pregnant, but something tells me she’s always a lightweight.”

  “She is, but Dean’s worse. Don’t tell him I told you.”

  Scarlet laughs, clinging to me after her ankle almost twists. We get to the Jeep and she lets go of my arm, walking around to the edge of the parking lot. It butts up to a cornfield, and a big half-moon hangs high above it. Stars dot the black sky and the night is quiet.

  “What are you looking at?” I ask her, setting the food down on the hood of my Jeep and unzipping my jacket. She has a black sweater over her dress but no coat. I take mine off and drape it around her shoulders.

  “Thanks,” she says quietly and pulls the coat tightly around herself. “And nothing.”


  “I’m looking at nothing. And I like it.” She tips her head back and reaches for me. My heart pounds and I think back to what was said in the bar. I like her—more than like her. I step forward and wrap her in my arms.

  “I never thought I’d end up in a place like this,” she says quietly. I’m behind her, with my arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She leans back against me.

  “Like this?”

  “Quiet. Safe. A place I’d like to call home.”

  “You can call it home,” I say without thinking. “I mean, you’re here for a job, I know, but once Jackson is too old for a nan—or if you want to leave or…or—”

  “You’re cute when you get flustered.” She smiles as she turns around to look at me. “And maybe I will.” She takes a few steps out in the dirt that leads to the cornfield and holds out her hands. “Look at this. I’m behind a bar and don’t feel threatened for my life. Partly because you’re with me.”

  “Was it really that bad where you lived in Chicago?”

  She turns around and nods. “Yeah, but you learn how to deal. Don’t go out at night alone…carry something that either is a weapon or looks like a weapon…avoid certain streets and places after dark.” She shakes her head and puts on her mask again, pretending everything is okay. Looking up at the sky again, she becomes completely still for a moment. “I think I saw a shooting—wait, it’s an airplane.”

  I laugh. “We do get a lot of flyover traffic to the Chicago airports.”

  She takes a few steps back and I find myself moving toward her. My arms fold around her slender waist and my cock jumps. I turn my head to the side, fighting with myself. I want to kiss her and tell her how I feel…but she’s more than a little tipsy.

  I’ll wait.

  “The food is probably getting cold,” she says, eyeing the bag. “And those fries smell amazing.”

  I unlock the Jeep and open the passenger door for her, then quickly go around and get in. Scarlet turns up the heat and plays with the radio as I drive us home, stopping on a classic rock station. Living on a Prayer is playing, and she looks at me with a smile before cranking the volume. We belt it out together, laughing and dancing in our seats. I don’t realize it until a car comes up behind me, but I’ve slowed down, going less than half the speed limit on this country road.

  Speeding up, I glance over at Scarlet, watching her move her seatbelt to the side so she can take off my coat. Her dress gets caught when she pulls it off, and the low-cut neckline of the dress moves to the side, exposing part of her lacy black bra. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

  I clench my jaw and grip the steering wheel, keeping my eyes on the road the rest of the way home. Parking in front of the house, Scarlet and I walk up the sidewalk together. She stops a foot before the porch and looks up at the sky again.

  “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Is it making you believe in aliens?”

  She laughs, and the way her face lights up is even more beautiful than the sky above us. “It’s starting to convince me.”

  I pull my keys from my pocket to unlock the front door.

  “Can we eat on the porch?” Scarlet asks. “So I can look for shooting stars?”

  “I can do you one better.”

  * * *

  “Careful.” I hold out my hand, planting my foot down on the shingles of the roof. Scarlet steps through the open window, gripping my hand tight.

  “I’m not really scared of heights,” she starts, holding onto the window frame. “But I’m afraid of falling from heights.”

  “I won’t let you fall.”

  She looks me right in the eye. “You sure about that?”

  “I’ll catch you.”

  Her lips curve into a smile. “You better.”
br />   “You can trust me.”

  “I know.”

  She steps onto the roof, and I help her down a few feet. We’re on top of the covered back porch, and while the roof still angles down a bit, it’s level enough to sit. Once she’s settled, I reach back inside and grab a blanket and the food. I take a seat close to Scarlet, draping the blanket around both of us.

  Scarlet opens the take-out bag, and we eat together in a silence that’s anything but awkward. Once we’re done with our food, I gather up the wrappers and toss them along with our empty water bottles into the house through the open window.

  “You know Jackson is going to come out here once he’s older, right?” Scarlet says, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “I’ll nail the windows shut before then.” I slip my arm around her.

  She laughs. “I’d be out here every night if I were a kid.”

  “Just wait until winter.”

  “I can tough it out.”

  She could, and she would just to see the stars. “Have you been to the Alder Planetarium?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “I’ve always wanted to go, but I haven’t been. I used to take my brother and sister to the Field Museum though. It was within walking distance of our house. Well, a long walk. We’d make a day out of it. Then when my dad came back into the picture, he’d meet us there.” She closes her eyes and rests her head on my shoulder. “I haven’t been in a while. A long while. I haven’t even thought about it but now I really miss it.”

  “Do you want to go? We can take Jackson and drive up next week.”

  She lifts her head up and looks at me. “Really?”

  Her smile is making me smile. “Yeah. I haven’t been since probably high school and Jackson’s never been. You could invite your dad and sister, if you want.”

  She stiffens, and the smile is gone from her face. “They…they won’t be able to come.”

  “Shit, right. Your dad is sick. How’s he doing?”

  With furrowed brows, she turns to me. “I need to tell you something.”



  “You can tell me anything,” I say. Unable to help myself, I put my arms around her again. Scarlet tenses, and for a moment I think she’s going to pull away from me. Then she relaxes in my arms, leaning back against me. Holding her is one of the best feelings in the world.

  “My dad is sick, but it’s not the kind of sick he’ll get better from.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He more or less did it to himself. Years of heavy drinking and getting into fights takes its toll on the body.” She inhales, breath catching. I hold her closer, pressing my lips to the back of her neck. I can tell this is painful for her, and the confession is like pulling the bullet out of the wound. It hurt going in, and it’ll hurt coming out, but once it’s gone the wound can begin to heal.

  “He’s in a nursing home, a really shitty one at that, but it’s the best I can do. And my sister can’t join us because she’s in jail.”

  I blink but don’t say anything. I was not expecting any of that. Waiting for her to go on, I run my fingers up and down her arm.

  “Why is she in jail?”

  “She got caught up with the wrong crowd.” She shakes her head. “She’s so desperate to fit in she went along with this stupid idea to rob a store and got caught. Her friend had a gun, and even though my sister didn’t, she still got charged with armed robbery.”


  “My sister and my dad…they’re not bad people though. They’ve just…they’ve made bad choices. Hell, I’ve made bad choices.”

  “Haven’t we all?”

  She turns, eyes glossy. “You have no idea.” Slowly, she twists in my arms and cups my face with her hands. “You’re a good person, Weston. A good dad, a good brother, a good cop. I used to think people like you only existed in fairytales.”

  I rest my hands on the curve of her hips. “No one has ever compared me to a fairytale before.”

  “Well, they should have. You’re everything I could have—”

  I can’t stop myself any longer. I pull Scarlet to me and kiss her. She melts against me, arms flying around my neck. Everything disappears in that moment, and it’s like it’s just us and the stars.

  Scarlet’s lips, soft and warm, press against mine with a passion that matches my own. I slide one hand down to the small of her back, feeling the heat of her skin. The blanket falls from her shoulders and she shivers, pressing herself closer to me. The desire I’ve been trying to ignore, trying to convince myself isn’t there, comes rushing back, and my need to be inside her is the most intense thing I’ve ever felt.

  “Scarlet,” I say, breaking away and not having my lips on hers feels like I’ve dived underwater and have no air. “You were a little drunk when we left the bar. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I was a little drunk then,” she says, holding tightly to my shoulders. “But I’m not now. And yes, Wes, I want to do this. I’ve wanted to do this pretty much since the moment I saw you.”

  Her brazen confession turns me on even more. I kiss her again and forget we’re on an angled roof. Scarlet pushes up with the intention of moving into my lap but slips and starts to fall. I grab her around the waist, pulling her against me.

  “You did catch me,” she whispers.

  “I told you I would.” I press my foot down on the roof and steady her. “Let’s go in.”

  She nods and turns, reaching for the window frame. She gets in first, and I follow behind, tossing the blanket in behind us and closing the window. We’re in my bedroom, and light from the hall spills in.

  “Scarlet,” I say again, heart still racing. Blood rushes through me, and every nerve in my body is alive. “Are you sure you—”

  She doesn’t give me a chance to get the rest of the question out. Her lips meet mine again, and it’s all I can do not to throw her down onto the mattress. I kiss her hard, tongue pushing into her mouth, and run a hand through her hair, over her back, and down to her supple ass. Heat rushes through me, and the tip of my cock tingles with anticipation. She puts one of her hands on my chest, slowly raking her fingers down until they rest above the button of my jeans.

  I pull back, needing to look at her, needing to make sure this is real. I’ve dreamed about this more times than I can count since the first time I saw her. Taking her chin in my hand, I tip her head up and kiss her, eyes falling shut. My tongue pushes into her mouth and I slide my hands down her back.

  Scarlet fastens her arms around me, standing on her toes to better kiss me. She presses herself against me and her desperation is almost enough to undo me. Almost. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman.

  I’m going to take my time with Scarlet. Make her feel, pleasuring her until she’s screaming my name, writhing on the bed beneath me. I take a tangle of her hair in my hand, kissing her harder.

  “Are you ready, Scarlet?” I pant, barely taking my lips off hers. My cock pulses, begging to be inside of her. “Are you ready for me to fuck you?”



  If my arms weren’t wrapped around Weston’s neck, my weakened knees might have given out. He’s standing before me, with one hand wrapped in my hair and the other planted on the base of my back, fingers inching down my ass. His legs are slightly spread, hips close to mine.

  I open my mouth to tell him I’ve been ready for him to fuck me, but no words come out. I’m breathless before him, excited and intimidated all at the same time. Tingles are running rampant through my body, and I’m as hot as I am cold from the chilly night air.

  He steps forward, closing the distance between us. His hard cock presses against me, and holy shit, that thing is big. I shouldn’t be surprised since he towers over me. Every aspect of Weston is big, and his cock is no exception. I bring my hand down, fingers trembling, and feel its length through his pants. Wes grunts, pushing himself forward. It will be a tight fit inside of me, and the thought o
f having him push that big dick all the way in makes a shiver run down my spine.

  “Do you want this?” he says, voice low.

  “Yes.” The word escapes my lips in a single breath. Wes brings his head back down to kiss me again. The desperation is here again, and I can’t get enough of him fast enough. But this time is different. This time we’re not going to stop. We’re going to go all the way, and Lord help me, I want it.

  I want him.

  I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.

  Desire for him swells inside of me, growing hotter and hotter. It’ll only take a spark to start this fire, and I know we’re going to burn hot and bright together. You can tell a lot about a person from the way they kiss, and I knew the first time Weston kissed me that he’s the kind of man who takes his damn time.

  I push up against him, lips crashing against his. His fingers press into my ass and a guttural growl comes from deep inside his throat, vibrating against my lips. I moan, growing wetter by the second.

  There’s no going back after tonight. We can’t ignore this kiss like we did last time. We’re in too deep, feeling too much. Wes picks me up as if I weigh nothing, and strides forward, pressing my back against the wall. His cock is so hard beneath me, fighting against his jeans. I slide my hand up the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair, and buck my hips against his.

  I’m so wound up and turned on, but it’s more than that. The connection is emotional as well as physical, and my heart is yearning for his to beat along with mine just as much as my clit begs to be touched. I don’t want to think about it and risk ruining the moment, though something tells me nothing could ruin this moment. Zombies could be scratching at the door and I wouldn’t be fazed. Not when this monster cock is rubbing over my clit, nearly bringing me to come right here and now.

  He grinds himself against me, and my dress bunches up around my ass. I’m so wet that if he reaches down, he’ll be able to feel it through my panties. Taking his lips off mine, he kisses my neck, sucking at my skin in a way that drives me crazy. Pleasure shoots through me, going right to my pussy. It pulses, needing to be touched. I rub myself against him again, needing to come before I explode.


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