The Paranormal Council Complete Series 1-5

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The Paranormal Council Complete Series 1-5 Page 14

by Laura Greenwood

  "I don't know, Bjorn. It seems risky." Alden ran his hand through his hair, a gesture she'd noticed him doing a few times before, particularly when he was stressed out.

  "And if it's the only way?" Bjorn sounded calm, and she wondered what he'd suggested.

  "Because you'd be okay if it was Arabella at risk?" Alden threw back immediately, and a deep growl came from Bjorn, which she took to mean that the suggestion wasn't a welcome one.

  "Then I'd know that the best thing to do would be to ask what she thought, before going all crazy shifter male on her," Bjorn replied, surprisingly calm based on the previous growl.

  "Yeah you would," Ari muttered quietly and with a hint of smugness, but not quietly enough it seemed, as Bjorn glanced towards the door with a knowing smile on his face. Alden didn't seem to have heard anything, and kept pacing.

  "But Rory isn't like Ari. She's soft, and innocent." Bjorn laughed in response, while Ari frowned next to her.

  "Did you notice anything?" Ari whispered, taking advantage of the cover Bjorn's laughter provided.

  "Notice what?" Rory whispered back.

  "Life light," Ari whispered hastily, just at the same time that Bjorn stopped laughing. Rory cursed inwardly, not quite believing that she’d already managed to forget what they were there for. Rory turned back to the two men, concentrating on sensing their life lights rather than ignoring them like she normally did.

  "Are you seriously calling a necromancer soft and innocent?" Rory's heart dropped as she realised that they were talking about her. She’d already figured that she was the subject of their conversation, but having it confirmed changed how she felt about it.

  "She's different, Bjorn. Surely you could see that just from meeting her?" Bjorn smirked.

  A small trail of light caught Rory's eye, and she traced it back and forth between Bjorn and Ari, finding that it linked the two shifters. She had to assume that it was some kind of representation of their mating bond, and felt a stab of jealousy that she and Alden would never have one. Her lack of life light made that impossible.

  "So, you're going to admit she's your mate now?" Bjorn asked, amusement plain in his voice.

  "Yes," Alden muttered, his life light glowing twice as brightly as either of the other shifters’.

  "Still not over the fact she's a necromancer?" the bear shifter asked, more seriously this time. Rory held her breath, dreading what Alden might say.

  "It's never been about that." Alden sighed, and sat down on what looked like a running machine. It seemed like an odd thing to have in an office, but she’d heard that shifters tended to have a lot of pent up energy, and figured that this must be Bjorn and Ari’s way of burning off that energy. Bjorn waited patiently for Alden to continue. "I thought I'd already had my chance at a mate. When Janelle left me, I thought that was it. Then I met Rory, and, I don't know. It feels like nothing I've ever felt before." He lifted his head from his hands, a slight smile on his face and his light glowing bright. So bright in fact, that Rory could have sworn that it was warming her too. The feeling was enough to completely distract her from fully acknowledging that Alden had talked about another woman.

  "I think that's just finding your mate. They turn you upside down, and yet, you're better off for them. Doesn't change that you need to talk to her about the plan," Bjorn said.

  "You're right. I just don't want her in danger." Rory's heart swelled with happiness, despite the fact that whatever plan Alden wasn’t happy about, was leaving her feeling uneasy too.

  "I get that. But, speaking of danger, we need to go back to the kitchen. I wouldn't like to find out what Ari would do to me if we were late." The two women scrambled to their feet and back to the kitchen, trying to stifle their giggles and look like they'd been there the whole time.


  He walked Rory up to her door, feeling unusually nervous. His earlier conversation with Bjorn had been pushed to the side while they'd had dinner, mostly because Alden hadn't wanted to risk Rory agreeing to it just because she thought that she should. Even if he'd sold the evening to Rory on the basis of making a plan, he'd actually hoped that it would provide Rory with the female friend that she didn't seem to have. As well as hopefully gaining her some answers she didn't know she needed. From the way the two women had been talking during dinner, he'd achieved at least one of his aims.

  "I had a nice time tonight, thank you for introducing me to them," Rory said, turning to face him once they'd reached her door.

  "Good," he replied, brushing a stray strand of dark hair back from Rory's face. Her equally dark eyes, and the wide eyed and innocent expression in them, pulled at his heart strings. His gaze trailed down to her lips, his breath hitching as he noticed they were parted. Slowly, Alden lowered his face, and captured her lips with his. It was slow and sweet, almost like she'd come to the same realisation that he had; the two of them had a forever’s worth of kisses before them. There was no need to rush this one.

  He pulled back, enjoying the slightly glazed look in her eyes and the fact he'd put it there. Surprising him, Rory grabbed his jacket and pulled him towards her again, crushing her lips to his. This kiss was completely different, almost desperate in its intensity.

  "Wish I could open the damn door without moving," Rory muttered between kisses. Alden slipped a hand around her waist and under her shirt, feeling the smooth warm skin of her back.

  "Why can’t you use magic?" he responded in the same way, refusing to break contact with her for any longer than necessary.

  "I didn't bring my athame," she said as she pulled back slightly, but didn't move from his hold. He looked at her, surprised. She'd told him that she didn't go anywhere without it.

  "I may have a solution," he said, and pulled on of his arms back from around her, causing an almost inaudible whimper from Rory. He focused on shifting his hand, forming it into a claw, and briefly wondered how that worked. It wasn't the first time he'd questioned why his hand shifted into a claw rather than a wing, and he supposed it wouldn't be the last, but he had no real clues on why that was. Slowly, he lifted his claw to his neck, one of Rory's gripping it tightly before he could make the cut.

  "Alden, no."

  "I want to," he whispered. She'd seen him shift fully, yet he'd only seen Rory perform her magic once. More than a small part of him wanted to find out what it felt like for her to use it on him. He trusted her completely, and knew she'd never take too much, though he wasn't sure quite what to expect.

  "I've never used someone else's blood before," she admitted quietly, but he could hear reluctant curiosity, and knew that he'd help satisfy it in any way he could.

  "Then do it," he said, pressing down with his claw and making a shallow cut near his collarbone. He felt a slight trickle of blood drip down, and watched Rory's transfixed gaze. She began to hum softly, and while he'd thought it was just for show when she’d done it in front of him before, he now thought otherwise. A slight tingling sensation tickled at his skin, and he was surprised to find that it wasn't unpleasant like he'd expected.

  Purple smoke filled the air between them for a moment, before making its way over to the door. There was a slight click, and the door swung open behind them. A large grin spread over Rory's face and she pulled him back to her, kissing him passionately, while walking him into her flat, neither of them breaking contact as they did.

  To Alden's surprise, Rory didn't stop when they reached her living area, but instead continued walking backwards until they reached her room. Before he fully knew what had happened, her deft fingers were unbuttoning his shirt, and she broke their kiss to trail clumsy kisses down his neck. At the back of his mind, he tried to focus on the fact they shouldn't be doing anything like this, and yet the rest of him was completely on board with where Rory seemed to be going.

  His shirt fell to the floor, and Rory began to trace her nails over his chest, taking his moment of distraction to push him to the bed. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched as Rory drew her shirt over her head,
and wiggled herself out of her tight black trousers. They'd been driving him to distraction ever since he'd first seen her in them, but he was still almost sorry to see them go.

  Except that he was now completely mesmerised by Rory standing in front of him in nothing but her matching underwear. This set was pale-blue and lacy, the perfect combination of sexy and innocent, just like Rory. Alden took a moment to appreciate how well they showcased her curves, and how good the pale colour looked against her dark skin.

  A look of uncertainty crossed Rory's face, and Alden sat upright immediately, pulling her down so she was sat on his lap. He stroked a hand against her lower back, knowing that she found the gesture soothing. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he was once again struck by how right moments like this felt between the two of them.

  "We can stop,' he whispered softly. He felt, rather than saw, Rory shaking her head against his chest.

  "I don't want to stop," she answered, pulling back and looking him in the eye. The look of uncertainty was still there, but as was an undercurrent of desire. One of Rory's hands began exploring his chest again, and when her nails grazed one of his nipples, Alden let out a low groan. He hadn't even realised that he liked that kind of thing until Rory had come into his life.

  In one graceful movement, he flipped them, so that Rory was on her back, her trusting eyes gazing up at him. Alden wasn't sure how he'd got so lucky, but he was grateful for what he had now.

  He kissed Rory, gently at first, deepening it when she pushed her body against his. He took the opportunity to slip his hand beneath her, and unhooked her bra. He broke their kiss, using the time to pull her bra off, baring her to him. Alden grinned down at her, and she smiled bark, her eyes hooded with desire.

  He kissed along her jaw, and down her neck, enjoying the small moans she made as he did. The realisation that he was the first, and was going to be the only, man to hear those sounds, made him slow down slightly. He had to make this bit good for her, otherwise he might have to spend the rest of his mated life without her letting him do it again.

  Slowly, he took one of her nipples in his mouth, palming her other breast as he did. Rory let out an involuntary moan, and he sped up his movements. Hesitantly, he trailed his other hand downwards. When she didn't stop him, he moved it inwards, caressing the skin of her thighs as he did. He lifted his head so he could watch her expression as he did. He was prepared to stop the moment he saw any hesitation on her face, no matter how difficult it would be for him.

  He slipped the hand between her legs, which had fallen open for him, and very slowly, pushed a finger into her. Rory bucked off the bed, and he withdrew quickly, anxious to make sure she was okay.

  "Why'd you stop?" she half-slurred the question, her voice thick with need.

  "I didn't hurt you?" She shook her head, and to Alden's surprise, she tugged down the panties she was wearing, and gave him a pointed look until he helped her. Rory grabbed his hand with one of hers, and guided it back to her. Finding it an excruciating turn on, he pushed his finger back into her, and seeing that she really was fine this time, he dropped his head and kissed her stomach. Going lower still, he nipped her gently, taking note of what caused the most whimpers and moans from her.

  One of Rory's hands moved until she was touching herself along with him, causing Alden to stiffen even more than he'd thought possible. If he remembered, he'd have to ask her to show him how she pleasured herself alone at some point. Rory shuddered and let out a small scream, before crashing back down onto the bed. Feeling a strong sense of manly satisfaction, he crawled back up her body and gave her a swift kiss, before making to move off her.

  "You don't think we're stopping there do you?" Rory's satisfied voice asked, her eyes flickering open. Alden frowned down at her.

  "It'll hurt Rory," he replied, hating the mere idea of causing her pain, and hating how much he loved knowing he'd be her first even more.

  "And that's true whether we do it now, or next week, or three years from now." She cupped his cheek gently and looked at him with adoring eyes. "It's either hurt me for a few moments now, or we end up never having sex. And I'm not okay with that. I want you. And one day, I want kids, and we might struggle with that if you refuse to have sex with me." She was right, and he knew it. But the idea of hurting her was still making him hesitate.

  "You want kids?" He'd not thought about the possibility since Janelle, but now he found himself picturing a little boy with Rory's colouring, sat on his knee while reading a book; the perfect combination of the two of them.

  "Yes," she replied. A slight frown marred her features. "I'm not going to end up laying eggs, am I?" Unable to help himself, Alden laughed while shaking his head. She looked relieved, which only made him laugh more, but this time, she joined in.

  Their laughter died off and they stared at each other, with Alden still perched above Rory. She leaned up and kissed him, deepening it almost immediately and reaching down between them. She took him in her hand and stroked tentatively, making Alden groan into their kiss. Gently, but firmly, he placed one hand over hers and encouraged her to move faster.

  Beneath him, Rory bucked upwards, and he released his hold on her hand. He broke the kiss, watching her face intently as she drew him towards her. Slowly, he pushed into her, stopping the moment her face screwed up in pain. Rory nodded, and he instinctively knew that she wanted him to carry on. They went through the motions again, until he was filling her completely. He moved slowly, seeing Rory relax a bit more with each passing second. She was so tight that he knew he wouldn't last long, and that he'd have to make it up to her afterwards. Something he was definitely looking forward to doing for her. The moment he was about to finish, his hand shifted, and he scratched the skin above Rory's collarbone. To his surprise, instead of blood welling up, purple smoke rose up from the cut, wrapping the two of them in threads of power, not unlike when she’d used her powers before. When Alden's release came, it was like nothing he'd ever experienced before.


  Rory woke slowly, feeling surprisingly rested, given how little sleep she'd had. She got out of bed, and grabbed Alden's shirt from where it had fallen the night before, pleased that he hadn't left yet. The shirt just about covered her, and she decided to leave it unbuttoned. After all, Alden had explored just about every inch of her body last night, it seemed highly unlikely he'd have a problem with seeing it this morning.

  She padded towards the kitchen, where she was surprised to find Alden cooking and singing along to the radio.

  "Morning," she said, hoping she didn't make him jump. Alden turned to face her, a big grin on his face.

  "Morning, beautiful." He left whatever it was he was cooking, and pulled her to him, giving her a quick kiss. "This is very sexy," he said, tugging on the shirt she wearing.

  "You don't look so bad yourself," she said, trailing her eyes downwards to the dark boxers he was wearing. They left very little to the imagination. Not that she had to imagine anymore. She felt a satisfied grin spread over her face.

  "How're you feeling this morning?" he asked more seriously, and it took Rory a moment to understand what he meant.

  "A little sore," she said after a moment. "But a good kind of sore." She smiled up at him, hoping he wasn't going to get all funny about it like he had the night before.

  "You sure?" She nodded. "You don't need anything?" His fussing was kind of cute, but at the same time, she hoped he'd be able to move past it soon enough.

  "Alden, I'm fine. Though I'll take some breakfast if that's what you're making," she answered, half-laughing as she did. He moved back to the stove, lifting a lid off the pot and letting out the most amazing smell. "What is it?"

  "A Spanish dish that my Mum taught me to make," he answered, giving it a stir. "It was about all I could make with what you had in.”

  Rory looked down, almost too embarrassed to admit that the reason her cupboards were so bare was because she couldn't cook to save her life. Ari's home cooked meal the night befor
e was the first non-microwave dinner she'd had in a while.

  "It smells really good," she told him.

  "It is, but you don't have any eggs to serve with it," he said, pulling a baguette out of the oven. One thing she always had plenty of was half-baked bread; even she couldn't go wrong with that. He quickly dished up two portions, and set them down on her small kitchen table. He tore the bread apart and handed Rory a piece as she sat down.

  "We never actually came up with a plan to deal with the rogue last night," she pressed, before taking a bite of her breakfast, and almost groaned in pleasure. Never mind the sex part, why hadn't Ari told her about the advantages of a mate that could cook? Alden looked down and concentrated on his meal, but Rory just waited, knowing that he'd have to answer her eventually.

  "Bjorn suggested one," he said after a pause. Rory tried to school her face into an expression that didn't reveal that she'd already known that.


  "It involves using you as bait."

  "How?" she asked, genuinely interested, but also a little confused as to how she would work as bait. She wasn't human, which seemed to be the type that Dean Winters went for. Alden sighed.

  "We think that Dean probably has an in with your Council. We were thinking you could make out like we have an actual solid lead on Dean, and then, he'll come after you to find out what it is. Obviously, we'd be there the whole time." She could hear the reluctance to tell her in his voice, but she also reckoned he was telling her the truth, and was glad for that. If he hadn't, then she wasn't too sure what that would mean for their fledgling relationship. Well, if a mating partnership could be called fledgling.

  "I think you're probably right. I've suspected the same for a while actually. We should go for it," she said.


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