Legends of Lust

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Legends of Lust Page 6

by Autumn Bardot

  “Ah!” she squealed. “Again! Again!”

  I was busy at my task, one hand caressing her breasts, the other gliding between vagina and anus, my tongue sucking her cherry. When Bright Jade began summoning the ancient gods, I knew her fireworks were about to explode.

  I pushed three fingers inside her and scratched the rough skin that catapulted her orgasm.

  Bright Jade twisted my hair around her wrists. “Don’t stop, Snow Blossom. Fuck me, again!”

  She would let me suck her all day long if she could, but I wiggled away and spread my thighs. “My turn.” Bright Jade snaked her body over mine and thrust her tongue in my mouth. “Mmm, I taste delicious.” She bit my lower lip. “Men taste bitter.”

  “How do you know? You’ve never been with a man.” “I listen to the women with children. They all say the same thing, that men taste like oversalted and sour stew.”

  I nipped at her small pointy chin. “It can’t be that bad. If men smell so bad and taste that awful then our island would be crowded with women.”

  Bright Jade squeezed my breast.

  “Ow!” I flinched.

  “That’s how a man will touch you.” She squeezed again.

  I swatted away her hand. “I don’t want to hear any more about men. I’ll tell you all about them when I come back from the Walk.” I pushed my hips into hers.

  Bright Jade’s hand rested between my legs. “You don’t have to Walk this year. Or next. Moon Song did not Walk until she was twenty-five.”

  I pulled away. “I don’t want to hear about Moon Song.”

  “Oops.” Bright Jade scrunched her face in regret.

  Before Bright Jade and I had found happiness with each other, she and Moon Song had been lovers. They had broken up when Moon Song slapped Bright Jade for sticking a finger up her backdoor. Bright Jade explained that Moon Song was a boring, predictable lover, content with mouth fucking only. This made me wonder whether I had to agree to all of Bright Jade’s desires to keep her love. So far I had, and I’d enjoyed them all.

  “Get busy.” I guided her head down.

  Bright Jade stretched wide my garden. “Like a beautiful flower glistening with morning dew.” She smiled, then crisscrossed my petals with a pointed tongue.

  I arched my back and sighed. This was heaven. One I had never known before the devilish Bright Jade had made me smoke the sacred herb of the shamans until I was too woozy to resist her advances. By the end of the night, my nipples were chafed and my virgin lock penetrated by her persistent fingers. Since then we met almost every day.

  Bright Jade lifted her chin, a shiny strand of my honey attached to her lip. “Do it.”

  I obeyed her command; she knew my needs better than I. My hands kneaded my own breasts, my fingers rolling and tugging at the lengthening nipples.

  “You don’t need me, you have yourself.” Bright Jade flicked her tongue over my clit.

  “I need you, I do.”

  “Lick them.”

  I stretched my neck and licked my nipples while Bright Jade flicked her tongue back and forth.

  “You want a man’s cock, do you?” Bright Jade thrust two fingers into me. “Like this?”

  “Yes. But for babies not fucking.”

  Bright Jade thrust again. “You want a man’s ugly little cock in your perfect cunt?” She fucked me with her fingers, her mouth wrapped around my aching clit. “You’re a dirty little whore. I will tell your mother.”

  I groaned loudly as the pleasure rose inside me, coursing through my body, all joy radiating from the pleasure core below. My ass tingled and my hips tilted up as Bright Jade made sucking sounds. Her noisy licks and slurps sent me over the edge and I screamed, ecstasy releasing all inhibitions.

  Bright Jade didn’t stop; she kept eating, slurping my juices, and sending another wave of happiness through my loins and down to my toes.

  I screamed again.

  “Hush, little whore. You want your mother to hear you?” Bright Jade moved like a crab over me and lowered her twat over my face.

  Together we brought each other to happiness again, my third scream muffled by her dripping cunt. We rolled off each other, sweaty and panting, smelling of sex, and listened to the low bleating of sheep in the fold.

  Bright Jade rolled to her side, her head propped up on her hand. “Men have no stamina. One time—done.” “Nothing you’ve told me matters.” My head rested on my hands behind my neck. “I don’t care if the man’s penis is as skinny as a worm or rough or smelly or quick. It is my obligation to my . . . our people.” I turned my head. “If all the women on our island were like you we wouldn’t be here.”

  Bright Jade set a piece of straw across my belly. “I don’t like sharing you.”

  “You won’t be. I need his seed not his love.”

  “I suppose.” Bright Jade laid another straw atop my belly.

  “What are you doing?”

  Bright Jade added a few more straws to her design. “See? You are my star. No one else’s.”

  I took her hand in mine. “I love you. Nothing will ever change that.”

  “It better not.” Bright Jade stood and pulled her clothes out from under me.

  I reached for my clothes, and brushed off the bits of straw. “No one—man or woman—can replace you.” Once dressed, we looked at each other and giggled. We were two proper young girls again. We kissed, mixing the tastes of each other with our tongues. Nothing tasted better.

  “Tomorrow?” Bright Jade said as she ducked under the doorway.

  I nodded. “I want to get this Walk over with.” “You’re too dutiful.” She patted my belly. “When you’re too busy with your baby I will have to find another cunt to lick.”

  “That’s too bad,” I shrugged. “I was going to let you suck my milk-filled breasts.”

  “Oh,” she laughed. “That would be nice.”

  I stopped when the path split in two, but Bright Jade turned toward her house and kept walking.

  “I hate good-byes,” she said over her shoulder.

  I returned home to the whitewashed stone house with a sloping roof and upturned eaves that had belonged to

  a long-dead ancestor. Mother was sitting on a cushion when I opened the door. And she was waiting for me with a stern look.

  “I do not like Bright Jade.” Mother took a loud sip of tea. “She is too hungry for your love. Love like that flares hot but burns out. She disobeys her mother and she has no respect for the ancient ways.”

  I poured tea and sat across from her. “Tell me about men.”

  Mother shrugged. “What’s to tell? They stick their cock inside, grunt once or twice, and it’s over.”

  “How many men have you had?”

  “Five, until I found a man with strong enough yang to overcome mine.” Mother smiled, her straight white teeth the envy of all the women. “You were born nine months later.”

  I took a sip of tea. “Which way did you Walk?”


  “Then I will go west.”

  “You are a good daughter.” Mother tugged off the thick purple turban decorated with colorful wood beads and set it beside her. She unraveled her braid, fanning out her hair, which was black except for two strands of white on either side. “I will pack some food.”

  “How long will I be gone?”

  Mother shrugged. “One day. Three weeks. That is your decision.”

  That night I lay in bed, my eyes fixed on the ceiling, my mind considering everything I had ever heard about the Walk. Men—young, old, married, widowed, single— were always eager to fuck us. We were exotic, with pale skin, thick long hair, strong lean limbs, and elegant noses.

  The young village wives, however, were not as friendly. They refused to sell us food and worried their husbands would forgo work for pleasure, their crops left untended while they fucked us. The maidens shunned us as well. They were afraid we would steal their boyfriends’ hearts. The old wives treated us much differently. They gave us food and shelter,
and begged us to lie with their husbands because they were tired of servicing them. Many of the women on our island said it was less troublesome to fuck an old man. They were so excited to feel the smoothness of our young skin they would spurt their seed in the blink of an eye. I liked this plan. It meant I would not be gone more than a day or two. Relieved to have come up with a strategy, I fell asleep.

  The screech of an owl woke me sometime during the night and as I drifted back to sleep a wonderful idea came to me. Why hadn’t I thought of this before?

  I rose before dawn, hurried into my clothes, covered myself with a thick wool cape, and ran all the way to Bright Jade’s house.

  I tiptoed into her house and crawled over the bed, my thighs straddling hers. “Wake up.”

  Her eyes flew open. “What are you doing here? Need some morning happiness before you Walk?”

  “You’re coming with me.”

  Bright Jade rubbed her eyes. “Is your brain disabled?” “No, but yours is.” I smoothed back her silky tresses and kissed her forehead. “There is no law that says two women cannot Walk together.”

  “No, but . . .” Bright Jade yawned.

  “It will be fun, an adventure.”

  “Will we share a man?”

  “I don’t know.” I leapt off the bed and ripped off the blanket. “But we will be together and both doing our duty.”

  Bright Jade put on her best skirt, ruffled tiers of red, orange, and white, then donned her best jacket and warm embroidered pink vest. “Perhaps, I will just watch you.” She wound a red turban around her head.

  “I think men like that.” I tossed her the rucksack.

  Bright Jade let loose a loud guffaw then clamped her hand over her mouth. Once we were certain her mother had not woken, Bright Jade stuffed a few more clothes into the rucksack.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this. This is crazy.” Bright Jade crept into the kitchen. “Your craziness makes me love you more.” She kissed me deeply, then rummaged about for dried fish and boiled potatoes. “How long will we be gone?”

  I shrugged. “As long as we want.”

  Bright Jade opened the front door. “Won’t my mother be surprised.”

  The first hint of dawn was lightening the sky as we hurried down the footpath to my house.

  The fire was blazing and Mother was packing a food basket when we came through the door.

  Mother looked up from tying a satchel of buckwheat. “Why is she here?”

  “Bright Jade is going with me.” I stood tall, my voice confident, my eyes meeting hers.

  Mother set the satchel next to the chickens’ feet. “Is that so?” She gave Bright Jade her most withering stare. “Just last week your mother told me you refused to make your zou hun. What changed?”

  Bright Jade chose her words carefully; no one wanted to anger the chieftess. “Snow Blossom’s obedience to our ways made me realize how important it is to follow tradition.”

  Mother cocked her head and narrowed her eyes. “Did you tell your mother you were leaving?”

  Bright Jade shifted on her feet. “I decided late last night.” She flicked her eyes at me. “I didn’t want to wake her.”

  “I will tell her.” Mother thrust the basket of food into Bright Jade’s arms.

  Mother’s slight was obvious, a way to remind her that my rank was superior to Bright Jade’s.

  “You have my gratitude.” Bright Jade clutched the basket to her breast.

  Mother reached under her collar and pulled out a long strand of gems, which she lifted over her head. She untied the cord and slid off a handful. “Only spend what you need.” She pressed the currency into my hand.

  After I tucked the gems into the inside pocket of my vest, Mother accompanied us to the shore where the lake was aglitter with the sun’s first rays. Our destination lay across the large lake to where dark blue peaks rose in the distance.

  A shiver ran through me, and Mother’s face softened into an expression of compassion.

  “Don’t cross the lake after the first winter wind. It’s too dangerous,” Mother said.

  “We won’t be gone that long.” I set my rucksack in the rowboat.

  “Find a man with strong yang.” Mother gathered her cape about her. “Look for a man with broad shoulders, strength, good teeth, thick hair, a symmetrical face, and a deep voice.”

  “That’s a long list.” I stowed the basket of food and Bright Jade’s rucksack near mine.

  Something resembling a smile crossed Mother’s face. “Do not lie with an old man unless you have seen with your own eyes that his children have pleasing traits. A handsome noble is best. They eat well and their minds are strong.” She tapped her head. “I want a beautiful intelligent granddaughter.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  Bright Jade and I climbed into the boat, and Bright Jade picked up the oars.

  “I’m glad she’s not my mother,” said Bright Jade when the little rowboat was too far from shore for Mother to hear.

  We took turns rowing, our pace unhurried. The lake was calm and a light breeze blew in our direction, which we regarded as good fortune. Everywhere we looked were shades of blue. Above, the sky was brilliant cobalt. Below, the lake was a deep shade of indigo. Ahead, mountain peaks were a gray-blue.

  “Which village should we choose?” asked Bright Jade as the mainland grew closer.

  Villages speckled the countryside, some near the shore, a few scattered across the foothills.

  I stopped rowing and let the boat bob in the water. “I don’t know.”

  “Look.” Bright Jade pointed. “Do you see the wide valley between the two tallest mountains? See the hamlet in the middle?”

  The mountains on either side were steep, and the

  valley between greener than the lowlands near the lake.

  “It looks like the whole area is enclosed by a wall.” I began rowing again. “You want to go to that village?”

  “It should only take an hour to walk there.”

  “Why there? Why not some place closer to the lake?”

  “It looks peaceful and it’s closer to heaven.” Bright Jade dipped her hand in the water. “If we don’t find any men meeting all your mother’s criteria, we’ll go someplace else.”

  “We’ll be gone for months!” I said and we burst out laughing.

  We came ashore not far from a small fishing village and pulled the boat up the narrow rocky beach into a thicket, where we concealed it under branches. Then we trampled through the grove until we found a footpath that took us to a wide dirt road.

  “More good fortune,” said Bright Jade. “This road leads to the hamlet.”

  “Too bad it’s not straight. It winds like a snake. We’ll eat all our food before we get there.”

  We walked onward, past the rocky fields, straggly scrubs, and withered weeds. Eventually we came upon a tall boy dragging a reluctant donkey across the road.

  The boy narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

  “We come from across the lake,” I said.

  He looked us over from head to toe, his brow creasing with disbelief. “It takes many months to walk around the lake.”

  “We come from the island in the middle of the lake.” I pointed to the lake, although our island was too far away to be visible.

  “The middle . . .” The boy’s eyes grew wide. “Are you from the Women’s Kingdom?”

  Bright Jade and I nodded in unison.

  The boy stood tall and lifted his chin. “I’m your man.”

  Bride Jade gave him a hard look. “How old are you?” “Twelve. My cock is always hard, and I have so much cum it leaks all over my bed every night. Enough for both of you.”

  Bright Jade and I exchanged a quick glance.

  “You are too young,” I said.

  The boy threw back his slender shoulders, his dirty torn shirt hanging loose over his thin frame. “You don’t look much older than me.”

  “I am a woman. You are a boy.” And too scrawny for my liking,
I thought.

  Bright Jade had kinder words. “This is not our destination, but when we return home I will tell all my friends of your gracious offer.”

  “You will?” He smiled wide, all his teeth crooked. “My name is Pengfei. Tell them to ask for Pengfei. I will provide services all night long.”

  “Thank you, Pengfei,” I said.

  We continued on our way, the slope of the road increasing.

  This time we came across an old man, his walking stick leaning against a boulder. “Pretty girls, rest a bit with me and tell me where you are going.”

  “We’re headed up the mountain.”

  His crooked, toothless smile tripled the wrinkles webbed over his weathered old face. He squinted at us, then grabbed his walking stick and ruffled the hem of my skirt with it. “You pretty girls are not from here, are you? I am not so old I don’t remember the distinctive style of your clothes. You are from the Women’s Kingdom, eh?”

  “We are.”

  The old man smacked his lips as though anticipating a tasty meal. “It’s zou hun time, eh? Look no further. Here I am.”

  Bright Jade and I giggled.

  “Don’t let these wrinkles fool you. My cock is like an ox and will plow both your fields.”

  “Thank you, uncle, but we must decline,” I said.

  “Don’t believe me, eh? Let me show you.” The old man tugged down his pants and wagged his limp worm.

  “Very impressive,” said Bright Jade. “But I don’t think that thing is hard enough to enter our tight gardens.”

  “It’s resting, pretty girls.” He stroked it. “Let me wake it up and I’ll show you.”

  We hurried away and laughed until tears ran down our cheeks.

  The sun was overhead by the time we climbed the road’s steep slope and reached the entrance to the village in the valley.

  “I guess they don’t mind visitors.” I gestured to the open gate.

  The fields within the compound were far different than the ones we had just passed. These were green and well tended. Men were scattered about, harvesting, hoeing, and weeding. The air was warmer as well.


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