Backstage Crush (Infinity Prism Series Book 2)

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Backstage Crush (Infinity Prism Series Book 2) Page 9

by Kylie Walker

  After locking the door, Roman tenderly cradled Chloe’s chin in his hands. “You’re safe with me, beautiful. And if you change your mind, all you have to do is tell me, and we’ll stop.”

  Chloe nodded, her eyes stargazed on him. “I don’t want to stop.”

  “I’ve had feelings for you ever since Hawaii,” he admitted, a confession that was plaguing him. “You never really left my mind.”

  Chloe’s perfect cherry lips curled into a delicious smile. “I didn’t stop thinking about you, either,” she purred. “I am open to the idea of seeing where this goes.”

  It was a confession that made his heart ping with excitement. He led her over to the bed where he gently laid her down, drinking in her beauty. She was beautiful both inside and out. Her heart was pure, and he wanted to make sure she understood how much he respected that.

  He stared at her in awe. She was flushed in the most natural way. He pushed down her jeans to expose her hot pink, satin panties. She propped herself up on her elbows, watching him as if she had to see for herself what tantalizing things he was getting ready to do to her body.

  He heard a hushed sigh escape her lips as he began to plant delicate kisses on her bare, slender inner thighs. Her skin was as soft as silk and smelled like a field of daisies on a crisp spring day.

  A puddle of arousal welcomed him as he inched his way further up her secret region. She gripped the sheets and trembled as his mouth teased her outer lips, tickling her with the tip of his tongue.

  “Does that feel good?” He whispered with a mischievous grin.

  “Yes,” she panted, arousal staining her cheeks in a sexy crimson color.

  “Do you want more?” He teased. His own heart was pounding wildly in his chest. He was thirsty to drink her up and drive her wild with the talents of his tongue.

  “Please,” she breathed and arched her back, looking as if she might explode from desire at any moment.

  Roman wanted her to have a taste of what it could be like to be his lover. He was confident in bed and had a reputation for having a magic tongue. Word could quickly spread around, he soon found out.

  Chloe’s body responded in satisfaction. Her thighs shook on his shoulders. She gripped the back of his head and stretched her fingers out, sexually scraping them back down his back as she dug her heels into his bare ass.

  Her moans were becoming more frequent and heavily desperate as he continued to swirl his tongue around on her throbbing slit. She was trembling with an urgency which fueled him with even further motivation. She was irresistible. Her taste was incredible. He was dangerously skating on the thin ice of temptation with her.

  The sound of her moans was like a song in his ear, sending chill bumps of pleasure up and down his spine as the bulge in his pants grew to massive proportions. She continued to squeeze her thighs on him, wailing with the fury of passion and pleasure mixed with erotic sexual ecstasy.

  “More, more,” she cried out, gripping the sheets with balled up fists of passion.

  He knew by the ragged sound of her breathing that she was close to climax. He decided to help her dive off the cliff into sexual oblivion.

  With his tongue still swirling the alphabet on her clitoris, he pushed one digit inside of her, relishing in how warm and juicy she was to the touch of his flesh. He slipped in and out of her as she continued to form a puddle of ecstasy on the sheets beneath her spread open legs.

  He was hitting her from all angles, and as she exploded into climax, he held her in place, so she could experience the bliss of orgasm. She was breathing heavily, staring up at the ceiling fan as it swirled in enchanting circles around and around above their heads.

  “That was incredible,” she finally managed after several minutes of recovery.

  He smiled at her, admiring the way her skin glowed in the aftermath of her climax. He was intensely turned on by her, and the attraction was undeniable. Sometimes you just found that missing link in the opposite sex, that one person who you have instant chemistry with.

  He laid beside her, radiating in the pride of having sent her over the edge. She’d finished perfectly, screaming in the throes of passion.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” He squeezed her hand and smiled, but he was still staring at the ceiling as he laid on his back beside her.

  She propped herself up on one elbow, trailing circles on his bare chest with her index finger. She had a saucy smile on her face, and her hair was sexily matted and sweaty on the side of her temple. He stared at her naked body, resisting the urge to pounce on her again.

  “Do you know what else I’m enjoying?” She laughed.

  “Tell me.” Roman pretended to do a drum roll in the air which Chloe responded to with a fit of laughter.

  She paused a moment, drinking him in with her eyes. “You. I’m enjoying you. The softer side of Roman Davenport. You are my Cadbury egg.”

  He wrinkled his brow in confusion. “Cadbury egg?” He questioned with a chuckle.

  Chloe nodded satisfactorily. “Yep. That’s right. You have a hard shell on the outside, but on the inside, you have a creamy, gooey center that is absolutely delicious.”

  Roman laughed, wanting to fawn all over Chloe and spoil her. “Did you just now make that up?”

  She shrugged as if debating whether to reveal all her secrets. “Sort of.”

  He wondered what would happen if he took her, right then and there on the bed. The fantasy thrilled him. His heart pounded. His fingers itched to run them up and down her naked body.

  He glanced at her and noticed how tired her eyelids were becoming, wilting like a flower. She must be ready for a nap from the intensity of the orgasm. He decided to let her sleep. If anything, it might be peaceful to watch her chest rise and fall gently on his bed. He wanted to take her and ravage her with every ounce of his body, but something told him to hold back. He didn’t want to push his luck with her.

  Hell, maybe he should have touched that magic Irish stone after all. He might need all the luck he could get.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chloe was like a giddy teenage girl with a high school crush. Roman quenched her thirst, but it was only temporary. Every time he went down on her, she became more and more addicted. The craving became stronger, more intense.

  A burning need was brewing and bubbling inside her, and it scared her beyond reason. Things were going faster with him than she had anticipated, but it was understandable. How could any woman not become obsessed with the handsome blond haired rock star who gave her multiple orgasms?

  Neither one of them seemed ready to take it to the next level, which was perfectly alright with Chloe. She didn’t have all her ducks in a row yet. If she could just take a breather to gain perspective on where their relationship was going, it would be more consoling for her.

  She took a deep breath and rapped her knuckles against the wooden door of his hotel room suite. They had recently landed in London for the next venue, taking a day off from the whirlwind of the tour. Everyone was feeling the effects of jet lag, and the travel from city to city was beginning to take its toll. Chloe was relishing in the prospect of having some time to catch her breath. She was looking forward to some downtime with him and doing something other than roaring with pleasure as he licked the swollen slit between her legs.

  Roman swung the door open with an eager grin stretched across his lips. “Good morning,” he chimed with whimsy. “Are you ready to be a tourist for the day?”

  Chloe chuckled. “Aren’t we tourists every day, in every city we go to?”

  “Maybe?” Roman shrugged and plucked his wallet from the table. “But we have extra time in London.”

  “Well that’s a good thing,” Chloe grinned as they wandered down the hall together towards Asher’s room. He was going with them on the quest to get to know the city. Chloe had privately wondered whether he would be the third wheel, but as Asher opened the door with a red nose and puffy eyes, she knew that he probably wouldn’t be joining them today.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Roman frowned in disgust as he took one good glance at his buddy.

  “I don’t know, I woke up with this killer cold,” Asher shook his head and sneezed.

  Chloe winced, inadvertently scrunching her nose and holding her breath. She wasn’t a germaphobe, but Asher had unintentionally sneezed all over her.

  “Maybe you should hang back and rest then,” Roman slapped his shoulder. “You look like hell, man.”

  Asher smirked begrudgingly. “Thanks, buddy, I appreciate your support.” He sardonically rolled his eyes.

  “I aim to please,” Roman quipped as Asher closed the door.

  Chloe glanced up at Roman with a smile. Butterflies pelted her stomach. They were alone again, but she was thrilled for the quality time to get to know him today. If Asher had been tagging along, Roman’s demeanor towards her would probably be different.

  “So,” Roman said, slapping his hands together with an enthusiastic smack. “What do you want to see first.”

  Chloe placed her hand on her hip and glanced at the ceiling. “Hmm,” she pondered. “That clock? Big Ben?”

  Roman grinned with devilishly handsome flare. “That sounds like a perfect place to start to me.”

  It was a beautiful day in London. The sun was shining; the skies were blue. White fluffy clouds drifted by on occasion. The atmosphere was cheery, but as Chloe and Roman stepped out into the bustling city sidewalk to enter the already waiting car, things catapulted into a different direction quickly.

  Flashbulbs pinged with bright lights in her eyes. She shielded them, not used to the attention of the cameras. Media roared Roman’s name. Fans tried to push through the security guards in a frenzy of bumping shoulders and flailing hands.

  “Sign my autograph book!” One lanky girl shrieked and then professed her undying love for him.

  “Roman Davenport, tell us about the extortion scandal!” One paparazzi flared, aggressively pushing the bridge of his camera lenses up to Roman’s face as they made a quick dive into the door, slamming it behind them.

  Chloe exhaled sharply. “Oh my God.” She shook her head and pushed her hair back down. “How the hell do you stand it?”

  “The attention?” To her surprise, Roman looked absolutely elated. “I love it.” His eyes were passionate and wild as if he was riding a wave of adrenaline.

  Chloe pondered his reaction, glancing out the window at the sea of swarming paparazzi and fans, hoarding around the car as if they were bees trying to get to their hive. “You really love it?”

  “Hell yeah!” Roman exclaimed. He leaned back in the seat and pushed his blond locks to the side. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because it’s overwhelming.”

  “I mean sometimes they can get a little annoying, but for the most part I love the fans,” he admitted. “As long as we are popular, we’re making money. As long as we are making money, I still get to love what I do, which is writing songs and performing them for adoring fans night after night.”

  Chloe stared at him in wonderment. He was amazing. His outlook on the situation and the herds of followers was positive. She could roll with the punches. She just wasn’t used to joining him on public outings or becoming his sidekick, sharing in the spotlight.

  Not that any of them cared about her, specifically. No, it was Roman they were after, through and through. However, she supposed that her face would be displayed in some of the photos in magazines in the coming days. Would they call her cheap? A floozy? A whore? Would they be kind? These were scenarios she had to mull over in her mind when it came to exploring a relationship with Roman in general.

  He was famous, and along with fame and fortune came media scrutiny. She had thick skin; she could handle whatever harsh words were spewed her way or written about her in the papers. They didn’t know the truth.

  Or, she could sidestep the entire matter altogether by ignoring the press and their biased opinions on who she was. As long as Roman was taking it all in stride, so would she. Chloe knew that being in a relationship with Roman or being spotted out in public with him would make her subject to inspection by those out there in the abyss of the media world, but she would just have to learn to deal with it, especially if she wanted to keep her options open with him.

  “Big Ben, please,” Roman instructed of the driver.

  “Yes sir,” the driver spoke with an adorable British accent, nodding as he pressed the gas and scurried out of the frenzy of onlookers.

  Roman sighed and pressed his back against the cream leather seats of the Range Rover they were riding in. “What a rush, huh?”

  Chloe laughed and glanced at her lap. “I suppose it will take some getting used to, but if you can do it, so can I.”

  Roman chuckled and placed his hand on her knee. The touch of his skin on hers made her burn with desire. “We are going to have a great day, I promise you that much.”

  “Oh, I believe you.” A grin cracked at Chloe’s lips. Adventure was part of her wiring.

  A few minutes later, the driver pulled up next to a park lined with a sidewalk around the perimeter. “We are here sir, madam.” He tipped his hat when Roman shoved some pounds in crisp bills at him.

  “Thank you,” Chloe smiled kindly as they stepped out into the sidewalk, seemingly alone for the moment.

  As she walked alongside with Roman, absorbing the sights and taking pictures, she heard a rush behind her. As she spun around, she realized that they were getting ready to be the unknowing victims of a fan ambush.

  “Oh my God it’s really him,” one girl with sandy hair screamed, pointing at Roman as she enthusiastically jumped up and down, tugging at her friend’s sleeve to pull her attention to Roman.

  “I think you have some followers,” Chloe murmured, tensing her muscles to brace for impact.

  Roman glanced around. For a fleeting second, his features shadowed with brief annoyance and protectiveness. He grabbed Chloe’s hand and squeezed, making her heart race. Would these little birds flock to him and be jealous of her? Jealousy made people do all sorts of terrible things, and the last thing she wanted was a pissed off a mob of young women throwing their shoes at her or something.

  “Hey ladies,” Roman respectfully nodded as a group of chattering and bubbly females approached him.

  “Can we have your autograph?”

  “You are so cute,” another one squealed.

  “Thanks,” Roman chuckled, taking the pen from one girl in order to scribble his autograph across the corner of an 8x10 photo of himself behind a drum set.

  Chloe stood there, proudly soaking up the engaging attention just like Roman did. She could get used to this. If she followed his lead, these little situations could be fun.

  “Thanks for coming ladies,” Roman said with a wave as they departed, shrieking like giddy children in a candy shop as they wandered away.

  Chloe shielded her eyes with her palm and stared up at her handsome, dreamy hunk. His blond hair was even more accentuated and highlighted in the sun. “Thanks for coming? Do you own this parcel of land or something?” She teased.

  “Hey now,” Roman tossed her a jubilant grin. “Respect the celebrity like the rest of the world, will ya?”

  She feigned affront. “If you prove yourself worthy, I just might.”

  Roman leaned his neck to whisper in her ear. “I’d say the amount of orgasms you’ve had in the past few days more than proves my worth.”

  She was floored with a fresh boost of desire rushing through her. Her cheeks were sore from smiling so much with him, her heart carefree. If this was what life was supposed to be like standing next to a rock star, she was enchanted by the concept.

  They walked along, repeatedly ambushed by adoring fans and the occasional paparazzi flashing cameral in their faces. So much for being discreet.

  “Thank goodness I look half decent today,” Chloe joked, pushing a strand of her blond hair off her cheek.

  “You always look gorgeous to me,” Roman smil

  “Thanks.” Chloe blushed. “Should we go to Buckingham Palace and see if we can get those guards to crack a grin?”

  “I would love that,” Roman chuckled. “Come on,” he said. “I’ll call for the driver.”

  “It must be nice,” Chloe mentioned casually. “To have a driver who brings you around town.” She sighed and then laughed. Never in a million years had she figured she would get the royal treatment, galivanting around a foreign city in style.

  “Yeah and guess what? You get to reap the benefits of it today.”

  She beamed. She was having a wonderful time with him, sightseeing through London, getting to know him. Every time a woman swooned over him, she had a rush of euphoria because she was ultimately the one that he was giving attention to, buying her things and treating her like a princess. She loved this softer side of Roman, and never wanted to see it stray from his demeanor. He was kind, down deep, all the way to his bones. No man she’d been within the past could come close to treating her this way.

  The way he stared at her, it was so tantalizing and intoxicating. Her heart flipped every time his skin or his clothes brushed up against her, sending a tingle between her legs. She didn’t even recognize her lightened emotions, tried to rationalize it and failed. Maybe this was one of those instances where she just had to go along for the ride and see what happened.

  Maybe there wasn’t an explanation except that this was the right time, and he was the right man. They may never get farther than these fleeting moments, and she was going to enjoy each one of them. She was independent and strong. She didn’t need to gush over a man to make herself feel important, but that was just part of the trick. Roman gave her that warm and fuzzy feeling that she never wanted to fade. But if it did fade? She’d stand on her feet and be fine.

  She’d be just fine.

  After a while, the walking and the crowds began to get a little daunting. Roman glanced at her with a concerned frowned.


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