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Jackal Page 12

by Harley Wylde

  I’d introduced her to the Devils who would be watching over her today. Scratch was in town but wouldn’t be with us today. We’d decided he might be too recognizable as often as he hung around the Reapers. So Havoc, Phantom, and Renegade were on Josie watch today, as well Flicker, Johnny, Savior, and Coyote with the Reapers. Hades Abyss were so damn well-hidden even I couldn’t see them, but Bear, Diablo, and Marauder were lurking somewhere nearby. We weren’t taking any fucking chances with my woman and kid. The other Reapers and Scratch were back at the Reapers’ compound keeping an eye on the other women and children.

  “He brought backup,” Tank murmured, not turning or even so much as blinking. “I see at least four Demonic Reign members with him. I don’t think he’s seen any of our men yet, though.”

  My gaze shot up and I saw what he was talking about. We could see the entire street in the reflection of the signs over the counter. Josie’s dad approached her, even sat down like he was coming for afternoon fucking tea and not to kidnap her. She sipped her drink, but I noticed her hand tightened on the cup. She was scared, even though she’d insisted on doing this. I hadn’t decided yet if she was incredibly brave, or crazy. It was probably some mix of the two because it took a set of brass balls for her to dangle herself in front of her dad like that, but I didn’t think anyone who wasn’t at least a little insane would ever risk themselves and their unborn child for a bunch of strangers. At least, no one I’d ever met would do something like that. But then, Josie wasn’t like other women in my life, and that’s why she’d stood out.

  The asshole reached across the table and grabbed her arm. When he stood and tried to pull her with him, I knew it was time to make our presence known. Tank and I headed out the door and approached Josie’s table. Abraxas had managed to drag her around the table and toward the street by the time we reached them.

  “Hey, asshole! Get your hands off my fiancée!” I moved faster, my boots pounding on the sidewalk with the force of my fury.

  Abraxas sneered at me over his shoulder. “She’s my daughter. We’re just going for a little ride.”

  “Right. To the airstrip? I know all about your plans for Josie. Let her the fuck go,” I said.

  Abraxas looked over at Tank. “Tell him, son. I just want what’s best for your sister.”

  “You’re not my dad, and you’re sure as fuck not hers,” Tank said. “You can let her go, or we can do this the hard way. Personally, I’m hoping you choose the hard way, so I can kick the shit out of you.”

  Abraxas smirked. “You really think I’d come here alone?”

  The other four Demonic Reign members closed in. Tank shrugged.

  “You really think we’d come here alone?” he countered.

  Abraxas’ smile locked in place as his gaze darted around. Like shadows, the Reapers, Hades Abyss, and Devils all moved in, forming a circle around us and Demonic Reign. I looked at Josie, trying to decide if she was in distress, but mostly she looked pissed. While her dad was distracted, she stomped on his foot, jammed her elbow into his ribs, then spit in his face. Before the biker had a chance to retaliate, she moved away from him, but another Demonic Reign member grabbed her.

  I didn’t know who he was, but he’d just sealed his fate.

  “You like having fingers?” I asked him.

  His brow furrowed, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Because if you don’t let my woman go, I’ll fucking break them to the point they’ll never work right again.”

  He sneered and pulled Josie tighter against his body, grabbing her breast and squeezing. Before I could react, Josie leaned over and bit the man through his T-shirt before shoving the heel of her hand up against his nose. The way he screamed and his eyes watered, I figured she’d broken it, and I couldn’t help but smile at her spirit.

  Tank charged forward, going after his dad, and I went after the asshole who had just copped a feel. That fucker didn’t get to touch my woman without an ass beating. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Johnny grab Josie and pull her to the side. They cleared the ring of bikers and disappeared from view, but I knew he’d keep her safe. Torch vouched for him and that was good enough for me. After that, it was complete chaos as Reapers, Devils, and Hades Abyss all kicked the shit out of the Demonic Reign members.

  No one pulled a weapon except the pussy-ass Demonic Reign. Two had guns and the other three had knives. Not that any of that was going to hold us back. They’d threatened one of our women, a pregnant one at that, and the sister of a Reapers officer. The fury of the men fighting at my side was far greater than that of Demonic Reign. They just wanted a paycheck, but we wanted justice.

  My fist collided with the nose of the jackass who had touched Josie, then I hit him again, knocking out two of his teeth. Blood poured down his face and one of his eyes was swelling shut, but the fucker wouldn’t go down. He came at me with a knife, but he was sloppy and missed by a mile. With a kick to his wrist, I not only made him drop the knife, but I heard his bones snap. He screamed out and cradled his wrist, dropping to his knees.

  It was the moment I’d been waiting for. I moved in closer, nailed him in the balls, watching as his face turned dark red, then I reached for him. Twisting his arm behind his back, putting extra pressure on the wrist I’d likely broken, I listened to him blubber and whine like a little bitch, I grabbed his fingers and jerked them back hard. They jutted out at an odd angle and I knew they were broken, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I did the same to his other hand, then ground my boot heel down on all ten fingers, one at a time while he screamed and writhed on the ground.

  “Told you not to touch my woman,” I said.

  I heard sirens in the distance and an unmarked car skidded to a halt. Logan and Drey hopped out and leapt into the fray. They weren’t breaking it up, though. Instead, they both launched into an attack on the Demonic Reign members, throwing punches and kicking out a knee or two. If they were worried about a reprimand from their boss, it didn’t show. I went after another one who was trying to slip away when I heard more sirens getting close. Two more cars showed up, the officers breaking up the fight, and soon the Demonic Reign members were in cuffs and eating pavement. Thankfully, the Reapers, Hades, and Devils weren’t in trouble, thanks to bystanders telling them how we were trying to save Josie from being abducted.

  “Which one of you gave us the intel on these assholes?” a deep voice said from the outer edges. Two Feds came through, surveying the scene.

  “None of us,” I said.

  “Well, you tell whoever it was that we owe them one. And don’t tell me you had nothing to do with it. Logan and Drey can’t lie for shit,” the agent said.

  I smirked and looked at the two DEA agents, who were standing a little too close to Josie for my liking. I went to get her from Johnny, who was protecting her like a pit bull, glaring at the two agents whenever they tried to move closer. I hoped Torch patched that kid in soon because he was a real asset to the Reapers. I’d let him guard my family any day, and from what I’d heard, Torch relied on him heavily to protect Isabella and Torch’s daughter, Lyssa.

  “Now that we have some key players in Demonic Reign, we should be able to dismantle them,” one of the Feds said. “And all that shit your man sent will definitely be looked into and stopped if we’re able.”

  The Feds, Drey, Logan, and the cops all got into their cars and left. I didn’t like the longing look that Logan and Drey gave Josie, but it was obvious they knew she was mine and I could live with that for now. If they came near her again, though, I might not be able to hold back from putting my fist through their faces.

  The Demonic Reign were hauled off, and the rest of us made our way to our bikes and trucks. Josie clung to my arm and I felt her hand tremble. I stopped and pulled her into a tight hug, just holding her a moment. I breathed in her scent and closed my eyes, thankful that she was safe and hadn’t been harmed.

  “That was harder than I’d thought it would be,” she said.

  “It could have
been a lot worse, baby.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I was so stubborn about doing this, but I’m not sorry we might have saved some other women. Do you think they’ll be able to gather up all the Demonic Reign and put an end to their human trafficking?” she asked. “I know they said they would try, but I’m worried they won’t be able to do it.”

  “I’m sure they have enough firepower at their fingertips to make it happen.”

  “Take me home, Eric.”

  “We’ll be at the Reapers’ compound before you know it.”

  She tugged on my arm. “No. Take me to our home. The one you bought for Allegra and me. I love the Reapers, and I’m going to miss my brother, but I’m ready to start the next part of my life. With you. If Demonic Reign comes after me again, then I trust the Devils to keep us safe.”

  I cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. My tongue stroked hers as she parted her lips, but I pulled back before I forgot we were standing on the sidewalk and I lost control. Josie had that effect on me.

  “Think Allegra can handle a car ride today? We’d need time to pack your things, and I brought my bike so if everything doesn’t fit into your car, then we’ll need to make other arrangements,” I said. “And she hasn’t had her appointment yet.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about having to pack. I don’t have much, but most of Allegra’s things will need to go. Some can stay here for when we visit my brother. That way she’ll have familiar things around her,” she said. “As for the doctor, I can make a call and see if they can work her in before we head out of town. She seems to be feeling better so I don’t think they’ll say she has to stay.”

  “You know, I tried to set up her room in Florida so that she wouldn’t need much except clothes and shoes. Maybe we could pack her favorite things and her clothes and shoes? After you get settled in, if there’s anything you want that got left behind we can arrange to have a Prospect pick it up, or invite Tank for a visit and let him bring it,” I said.

  She smiled and leaned into me. “I like that plan.”

  I swatted her ass. “Come on, baby. Let’s go give your big brother the news.”

  “Your club won’t have an issue with him coming to visit?” she asked. “I know Scratch comes to see his daughter and grandson rather frequently.”

  “Nah. Besides, we don’t live inside the compound like everyone does here. Our house is on a nice quiet cove. It’s an older home, but I think you’ll like it. And you can change anything you want. I bought the basics, but I didn’t really do any decorating.”

  A hand landed on my shoulder and I looked over at Renegade. He was the Devil’s Boneyard Road Captain, and close to my age. We were not only brothers, but we’d become good friends. If I had a best friend at home, I’d say it was Renegade.

  “Heard you talking to your woman,” he said. “We’ll give you an escort home, just to make sure no one fucks with you. Just because the Feds arrested the Demonic Reign who were here today doesn’t mean others aren’t lurking.”

  “Thank you,” Josie told him softly.

  He winked at her, then patted my shoulder before he walked off.

  “Let’s go get our daughter, pack your shit, and head home,” I said. “I’m ready to make you mine, Josie, in every way possible. I won’t push you to have a quick wedding, but I will ask you to wear a property patch. Cinder is having one made. I asked Tank for your size so Cinder could put the order in.”

  “I will gladly wear something that says I’m Property of Jackal.”

  I climbed onto my bike with Josie wrapped around me and drove back to the Reapers’ compound. We went straight to Tank’s house, and he was already there with Allegra on his lap watching cartoons.

  “Took you two long enough,” he said we entered the living room.

  “I’m leaving,” Josie said.

  He stared at her hard for a moment, then gave a nod.

  “Tonight,” she said.

  “All right,” Tank said. “Knew it was coming. Need help packing?”

  “No, but if you could keep Allegra entertained that would be a huge help,” she said. “Maybe call her doctor and see if you can get her an appointment while we’re packing up? She hasn’t had her follow-up visit yet.”

  “That I can do. I’ll miss this little angel,” Tank said.

  Josie’s lips tipped up on one corner. “Maybe you should have one of your own.”

  He flipped her off, and Josie laughed as she led me to her bedroom. She pulled a suitcase off the top shelf of her closet and started throwing things inside. I helped where I could, but mostly I felt like I was in the way. It took her a few hours to get all their things together, at least the things they were taking right now, and then came the goodbyes. Allegra had gotten the all clear from her doctor and now she clung to her uncle. She didn’t want to let go of Tank, even when she was told she was going to see her new home. I hated that she was so upset, but I was anxious to get them home, where they belonged.

  When we were ready to hit the road, Renegade rode at my side with Josie behind us in her car, and Phantom and Havoc rode behind her. Scratch was remaining behind to visit his family, and to lend an extra hand if Demonic Reign did reappear and cause trouble. It wasn’t an overly long trip home, but it did take a few hours, and at least three stops for Allegra. By the time I pulled into my driveway with my brothers stopping on the street out front and Josie pulling up next to me, I was more than ready to get them inside, settled, and see Allegra’s face when she saw her room.

  I also wanted to break in the new bedroom furniture I’d bought before heading to the Reapers’ compound, if Josie was up for it. There were dark circles under her eyes, and I knew she had to be exhausted after the day we’d had. My brothers helped unload her car, and I carried our daughter straight back to her room.

  Allegra’s eyes lit up when she saw the pink walls and white furniture. I set her down and she went straight to the wooden toy box and began pulling things out before she spotted the bookshelf and decided to check that out too. Josie leaned against me, a smile on her face as we watched our daughter. I heard my brothers leave and knew they would give us some space for a few days. After that, the entire club would want to meet Josie and Allegra, and I couldn’t wait to show them off.

  “She’ll be occupied for a while,” Josie said. She pulled out her phone and took a short video along with a few pictures. She tapped on her phone, then smiled at me. “I figured Tank was missing her by now, so maybe that will hold him over for a bit.”

  “So what do you want to do while she explores her room?” I asked.

  “You could show me the rest of the house,” she said. “Help me put everything away. And after Allegra goes to sleep, you can show me how comfortable the bed is.”

  I winked at her, then led her on a short tour. And she was right, by the time we put our clothes away, Allegra looked about ready to drop. I ordered a pizza so my girl wouldn’t go to bed hungry, and after dinner, I put my angel to bed before leading my woman to our room.

  As loud as she screamed every time she came, I’d probably have to soundproof the bedroom at some point. Hopefully, the neighbors wouldn’t think I was killing her. That would be a fun conversation with the police.

  No, officer. I wasn’t killing my fiancée, unless you count death by multiple orgasms.

  As I twisted the lock on our bedroom door, I let my gaze roam over Josie. She was fucking perfection, and she was mine. My woman, my old lady, the mother of my children… and my soon-to-be wife. I didn’t know what I’d ever done to deserve such a great family, but I was going to make sure they knew they were loved. Which meant I should probably tell Josie that sometime soon. She deserved to hear the words.

  I just didn’t know if this was the right moment.

  The heat in her gaze promised a night filled with passion, and my cock stood at attention as she began undressing. I pushed away from the door and started toward her, removing my clothes along the way. When we were both naked, I couldn’t help but sta
re at her. Ever since the first moment I’d seen her, I had thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I still felt that way.

  Fuck it. She needed to know.

  “Josie, there’s something I need to say.”

  “What? It can’t wait until we’re panting, sweaty, and cuddled in bed?”

  “No, it’s important.” I reached for her and pulled her tight against my body, my cock trapped between us. “Remember when I told you I was falling for you?”

  She nodded.

  “I lied. I wasn’t falling. I’ve already fallen. I think I fell for you those three amazing days we spent together when Allegra was conceived, but I was too blind and stupid to realize it. I love you.”

  She smiled and happiness shone in her eyes. “I love you too.”

  I kissed her long and deep, wanting to remember this moment forever. When I was eighty and riddled with arthritis, unable to get it up without a blue pill, I wanted to remember the look on her face when I told her I loved her, and I wanted to remember how amazing it felt when she said it back.

  Whatever it took, I would give her and our kids the best life I could. They were my entire world, and I was pretty sure I’d die without them.

  I eased her down onto the bed, then knelt on the floor between her splayed legs. I spread her pussy open and admired how pretty and pink she was, before I leaned in closer and breathed in the musky scent of her arousal. I licked and sucked at her clit until it was hard and standing up. Her thighs squeezed me as I took my time tasting her. Every time she got close to coming, I’d back off, then build her back up again. Her hands clenched the bedding and her hips lifted, silently begging for more.


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