On Location

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On Location Page 4

by Jen Calonita

  "Hey, Matty, what's up?" I grab the script hanging off my bed and pretend to be reading.

  Matt looks exhausted. The white and brown striped button-down he's wearing with brown cords is rumpled and crooked. He eyes me suspiciously. "Were you just on the phone?"

  He points to the receiver that's sticking out from my button-tufted taupe pillow shams. Darn, I thought I hid that.

  I run my fingers through my messy hair. How am I going to explain this? "Uh, yeah, I was just talking to Liz," I answer, thinking out loud. "She was trying to convince me to go out tonight since I've been working like a dog"

  He nods, his green eyes peering into my own. "I hope you told her no," he says seriously. "We should both be on our game when we start work next week. I think both of us should run lines while the house is quiet."

  "Quiet?" I'm confused.

  "Mom and Dad just left to meet the Hiltons at an Animal Rescuers auction at Shutters."

  That's funny. Mom hates furry critters of any kind...WAIT. If Mom and Dad are out, they won't know I'm gone! Well, until the tabloid pictures appear in the glossies next week, but at that point I'll already be at work. I just have to convince Matty who is going over our study plan.

  "...I'm actually quite fluent in the script, having studied it for almost a straight twenty-four hours. The goal is to run the script from start to finish three times. I'll read all the parts except yours. We'll stay up all night if we have to."

  "That's a great idea, Matty," I gush. "But why don't we start tomorrow?" It is sweet of him to want to run lines. "Tonight I think..."--I hesitate, but I know it's the only way--"we should both take the night off and go out."

  "OUT?" he stutters. His blond mop of hair almost stands on end. "We can't. Mom would never allow it." He fidgets nervously with the hem of his untucked shirt.

  "She's not even home," I reply smoothly. "You need a break, Matty. We both do. I mean, once work starts next week, we're barely going to have time to eat cold China Fun let alone have a few hours a night to sleep. You're going to live and breathe that movie set."

  "But I'm only in five scenes--" he protests.

  I cut him off. "Yeah, but I know you. You're so dedicated to your craft, you're going to show up the rest of the time anyway just to watch."

  "That is true," Matty says to himself. He thumbs his own worn script uncertainly.

  "So let's get out of here and party. Xbox 360 is having a bash at the Mondrian and we're both on the guest list," I lie. Well, it's not exactly a lie, since wherever I go, Matty is wel come too.

  "Xbox?" Matty sounds interested. "Okay, but just for an hour."

  I grin. An hour. It will take that long just to get through press. Hopefully Matty will have such a good time, he won't look at his watch.

  Forty-five minutes later, after Mom and Dad have phoned in to check on our studying, and Rodney has happily agreed to help with our breakout, we pull up in front of Austin's brick colonial in Santa Rosita. I quickly double-check the makeup I applied in the back of the car and give my hair a fi nal once over. I didn't have time to shower again, so I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail, slipped on a pair of Mom's Rock &Republic jeans, and grabbed a ivory lace tank I've ac cented with a black ribbon tied around my waist.

  Austin opens the back door to the black Lincoln himself and peers inside. He looks cute in a button-down blue pinstripe shirt and dark denim jeans. "Hey, Burke," he says with a toothy grin. As he slides into the car, he does a double take when he sees Matt sitting on the other side of me, yakking on his cell. "Hey, Matt."

  Matty just waves and keeps on talking. Austin looks at me with large, questioning eyes before leaning in for a kiss.

  "Sorry," I whisper, motioning to Matty. "He was my alibi."

  "Chaz, are you serious?" Matty groans. "I can't believe you're not on the guest list. I hear Mina Burrows is going to be there. You're missing out, dude." His wide smile quickly turns into a frown. "No, I'm not my sister's plus one!"

  "It's cool," Austin chuckles as he puts his hand on my knee. "So is there anything I should or shouldn't do at this thing? Like not kiss you?" I love that he smells like fresh-cut grass tonight.

  "You better kiss me!" I laugh. "Just be yourself." I have to admit I'm nervous about our first joint appearance together too. "And don't let anyone or anything throw you. A lot of the people you meet will just be trying to show off--who they know, where they've been last..." I trail off.

  "Wow." He runs his free hand through his wet hair.


  "I'm just impressed that you've survived this long without becoming like that yourself," he says softly.

  "DUDE, I'M ON THE GUEST LIST!" Matt barks. "I'm on my way there now! Too bad you can't get in. I'm telling you, this Hutch movie is doing wonders for my rep."

  "Yeah, well, I have my ways of staying grounded." I wink.

  In almost no time I hear Rodney yell, "Kates, Mondrian in three and a half." I look up and notice he's steering with one hand and eating an In-N-Out burger with the other.

  "Three is code for the number of blocks we are from an event," I explain.

  Austin clears his throat. I wonder if he's worried about the paparazzi. I grab the hand he has on my knee. Suddenly it feels clammy. "Just follow my lead," I reassure him as Rodney pulls up outside the hotel. A valet opens the door and Rodney tosses him the keys. After he lets Austin, Matty, and me out, Rodney steers us through the low-lit, minimal ist, modern lobby. Rodney is a big fan of intimate events: without crowds to control, he can just hang back and en joy the Thai chicken skewers after ushering me through the press line.

  A slight girl in a black Xbox t-shirt and a headset sees us and waves us over. She checks her clipboard and points to the elevator. "Penthouse," she whispers, almost in code, so that other guests in the lobby can't hear her. "Burke plus two," she says into her mouthpiece. I notice Austin eye the white draped walls and Tim Burton-esque egg-shaped chair. I smile weakly. What if he hates my scene already?

  When the elevator doors open at the Penthouse, we're greeted by a clone of the girl downstairs. Actually several people are milling about wearing the same black Xbox t-shirts and headsets. I can hear the laughter and music pumping outside.

  "Hi, Kaitlin," one of the girls says with a thousand-watt smile. "We're so glad you could join us. We've already re served you a gaming area on the pool deck. If you wouldn't mind talking to the press before proceeding outside, we'd greatly appreciate it." I look at Austin and he nods nervously.

  "Should I do press too?" Matty asks the girl.

  "I'm sorry who are you?"

  Matt looks aggravated. "Matt Burke. One of the stars of The Untitled Hutch Adams Project."

  "Oh, okay go ahead." She motions to another girl wearing an Xbox shirt. "Tell the press that Kaitlin Burke and Matt Burke are next."

  "Matty you go first," I offer. He doesn't refuse, bounding ahead and practically knocking over the E! Online reporter stationed at the top of the stairs. Rodney shakes his head and follows behind him. I see three more interviewers lined up after the E! one, along with several photographers. This should take about fifteen minutes. I grab Austin's sweaty hand. "Are you ready?" I whisper. He nods slowly.

  When it's my turn, I greet the curly-haired brunette with glasses from E! She immediately looks at Austin, and I panic.

  "I'm Austin." He shakes her hand as he clears his throat again.

  "Are you two together?" She looks intrigued and brings her tape recorder closer to my face.

  "Yes, we are. Did you have any Xbox questions you wanted to ask me?" I answer nervously. "Halo 2 is my current favorite," I add. The girl blinks rapidly. I think she knows I've shut down the invasive Austin questions.

  Austin and I move on to the second and third reporters. Both ask how long we've been dating and I leave out how we met and what our favorite dates have been. I don't want to taint what we have by describing it. I'm constantly remind ing myself that quotes live on forever. If I say Austin and I love going to t
he beach and three months from now we change our minds and I tell another reporter that we both hate the sand, they'll call me on it and think I'm lying No, it's better to keep some details private. Sorry Hollywood Nation.

  I'm in the middle of describing the plot to Hutch's film (as much as we've been given permission to reveal) when I hear "KATIE BEAR!" Next thing I know, I'm being lifted by the waist into the air. I lose my grip on Austin's hand and flashbulbs pop like fireworks. When I hit the ground, after pounding on a pair of well-defined arms repeatedly, I turn to face my kidnapper. Rodney barrels over with a Thai chicken skewer in his right hand.

  Of course, it's Drew. He's wearing a tight silk muscle shirt and fitted jeans. He shoulders Austin aside and puts his arm around me, turning me back to the reporter from Hollywood Nation. I motion to Rodney that I'm okay, but he hangs back with a scowl on his face. He's not a big Drew fan.

  "How cute is my Katie Bear?" he plays up to the excited girl, who motions for her camera guy to get a close-up. "She's my costar in The Untitled Hutch Adams Project."

  "They know that, Drew," I answer through clenched teeth as I gingerly remove his tight grip. "I've already been interviewed. It's your turn."

  Drew talks directly to the Hollywood Nation crew. "You guys probably want us to answer some questions together, right?" I turn around and look for Austin. He's stepped back and is standing next to Rodney. He's staring straight at Drew with a look of annoyance on his face. "I'm sorry," I mouth. He cracks a weak smile. "Two seconds," I add, thinking of Carol Ingram and her plea for production publicity. Hope fully a few questions with Drew will fit the bill.

  Drew and I talk about the film again and I play the part of perky adoring costar as well as I can, the whole time worry ing more about Drew's hands, which keep creeping back onto my waist or over my shoulder, than about what I'm say ing. After Drew suggests the nearest paparazzo snap a few shots of us together--Matty begs his way into one of them--we're finally through the press line. As soon as we're out of earshot of the reporters, Drew's over-caffeinated per sona shifts into low gear.

  "Can I get you a drink, Katie Bear?" he offers, his eyes trailing a willowy blond model walking past us.

  "No, but you can come with me," I grab his arm and steer him over to Austin. As we approach, I try to size up Austin the way Drew will. Gap threads, a barber haircut...GOD, Drew is going to rip him to shreds. "Drew, this is my boyfriend, Austin." Against my will, my voice trembles.

  Looking less than thrilled, Austin sticks his hand out to shake Drew's. Drew eyes Austin up and down with a venge ful grin.

  "Drew is my costar in Hutch's new movie," I add miserably.

  Drew smiles slyly as he holds out his hand. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Katie Bear."

  "That's because we didn't have a chance to catch up at the table read with all the script changes," I blurt out. My heart pounds.

  Drew shrugs. "Whatever you say." He starts walking away backward. "I'll catch you later, Katie Bear. Nice meeting you Arnold."

  "It's Austin," my boyfriend grumbles.

  As soon as Drew is gone, I pull Austin over to the deck railing. It's romantic overlooking the Los Angeles skyline, but at the moment I need to do damage control. "Listen," I begin.

  "Don't sweat it," Austin murmurs, taking in the scene around him. The deck is packed with beautiful people, many scantily clad, blond, and holding martini glasses. There are TVs set up in every corner where people can play the latest games and a DJ pumping tunes from a platform they've placed over part of the pool. "I've already got his number."

  I exhale deeply.

  "What was with him being all over you though?" Austin glares at the memory.

  Rodney gives me a scolding glance. "If you don't need me, I'm going to head over to the buffet with Matty," he says gruffly I ignore him and laugh nervously.

  This is definitely not the right time to bring up my past with Drew. "Drew's like that with all girls. He's just your typ ical player."

  "That's for sure," Austin adds dryly still looking around. "He's going to be a great costar."

  Austin's kidding, right? It's so hard to figure boys out sometimes. Thankfully Liz and Josh arrive seconds later to rescue me from awkward conversation hell.

  "Hey man," Josh says, shaking Austin's hand. Josh's straw berry blond curly hair is almost to his shoulders and he's wearing jeans and a red polo shirt that shows off his toned arms from the daily kickboxing classes he takes with Liz. That's where they met.

  "A week and counting," Liz groans, referring to my movie start date. "I'm going to miss seeing you practically every day" She looks so pretty tonight in a pale blue peasant dress that accents her curves and looks great against her olive skin. "At least when we were in class together, I had someone to laugh with over Principal P.'s goofy morning announcements."

  "You've only got a few more weeks of school," I remind her. "We're filming most of the movie in Los Angeles so when you're done with finals, you can hang out in my trailer with me every day like last summer. I need you to keep Sky off my back." And Drew. But I'll fill her in on that part later.

  Liz grimaces. Her curly brown hair blows in the light wind and she pushes it off her face. "I've been holding off telling you this because I didn't want to stress you out, but I won't be on set much this summer."

  "Why not?" I ask, surprised.

  She rolls her dark brown eyes. "Daddy wants me to have a job this summer. Something about getting a taste of the real world." Josh and Austin burst out laughing.

  "Poor you," moans Austin. "A real job." Liz frowns at him.

  "You don't understand," Liz protests. "I've been on all of Kaitlin's summer shoots. I help her run lines, organize her fan mail, and bring her hot tea..."

  It's true. Liz and I had the best time while I was shooting Off-Key. She was around so much people mistook her for Nadine!

  "You're like my second assistant," I realize suddenly. "I should just pay you and then you wouldn't have to get a job."

  "I don't need the money," Liz says dismissively Liz's dad is loaded. He's the top entertainment lawyer for half of Holly wood, including me. He works at the same firm as Sky's dad.

  "But that would get your dad off your back," I suggest ex citedly. "And we'd still get to be together. On location, a lot of people have more than one assistant because there's more to do than just the regular stuff. I'm sure Nadine would love the help. And besides, you always said you wanted to learn about producing movies. When you're not busy, you could shadow Hutch's producing partner, Daniella Cook."

  "You think so?" Liz taps her pale blue clutch thoughtfully. "I would like the chance to do that."

  "And Rodney could pick you up on our way to the set and take you home so you wouldn't--"

  "I think she gets the idea." Austin laughs, putting his hand over my mouth as a flashbulb goes off nearby. Great, I can just imagine the Us Weekly caption for that photo.

  "I'm in." Liz grins. I grab her and the two of us jump up and down and squeal as someone takes more pictures. Josh and Austin look amused as they move back to give us room. In the middle of the commotion, Rodney and Matty walk over with plates piled high with Szechwan beef and lobster eggrolls. An Xbox girl with a clipboard follows them.

  "Kaitlin, do you and your friends want to go over to your gaming area?" she asks. The four of us look at each other.

  "Let's go," Josh suggests, looking at Austin.

  Liz and Josh take the lead. I grab Austin's hand and, as al ways, feel comforted to hold it in mine.

  "So you can pay Liz to hang out on set, but you don't want me around?" he asks.

  My mouth drops. I didn't even think of asking Austin. "Of course I want you to visit. I just thought--" I gasp.

  "I'm kidding." Austin chuckles. "It would be weird to be employed by my girlfriend. And besides, I think the less I'm around Drew the better."

  My stomach twists. "I'm sorry about earlier."

  "Forget about it," Austin says good-naturedly. "But if you really feel
bad about it, I know a way you can make it up to me."

  "How's that?" I ask.

  He gives me a mischievous grin. "Is that Carmen Electra over there?"

  I follow his gaze and see the beautiful brunette in a tight mini. "I think so," I reply meekly.

  "If you could get me one game of Madden with her, I think I could forget all about Drew what's-his-name."

  I guess that's worth seeing your boyfriend flirt with a professional model. "It's a deal," I say trying not to sound jealous.



  Movie starts in 1 week!!!

  Accent class--10 AM, Mon.

  EW Interview--3 PM, Tues.

  Stunt training w/Drew--6 PM, Tues.

  Final Wardrobe fitting--Wed. 11 AM, after Capoeira session

  *Lunch with Laney, Mom, Dad--Thurs. @ 1 PM, Wilshire's

  FIVe: Wilshire's

  It takes me almost ten minutes to drag my bruised, battered, and completely exhausted body from the curb in front of Wilshire's restaurant, where Rodney's dropped me off to the patio. Every step is agony and all I can think about is having Nadine book me a deep tissue massage after lunch. Maybe it's because principal photography's only four days away but my already hardcore trainers have become ultra-hardcore, and this morning's sessions were killer.

  I slowly wind my way around Wilshire's patio and scan the crowd of beautiful people for my parents and Laney. The organic eatery is one of Laney's new favorite restaurants. I'm not sure if the draw is the delicious food or the garden dot ted with real fireplaces, candles, and canvas sails connecting one tree to the next, but the atmosphere here is serene even during a business meeting.

  "Hi, Katie-Kat," Dad greets me as I approach the table. Mom and Laney are so deep in conversation, they don't re alize I've arrived till Dad announces me. Mom quickly slides the magazine they were both looking at off the table and into her new Gucci tote.

  "Hi, sweetie!" She sounds almost too happy.

  "What was that?" I gingerly lower myself in the chair.

  "Would you like a drink, Ms. Burke?" A cute blond waiter saves Mom from answering.

  "Chamomile tea with honey, please," I request. "And make it a pot."


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