The Tiger and the Dragon

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The Tiger and the Dragon Page 17

by Stephen Makk

  “Police, get down on the floor, your weapons too.” What?

  A Police Swat team came into the mall, covered in black body armour, helmets and carrying submachine guns.

  ‘You down now.” The man dropped his gun and lay down.

  The swat team didn’t behave quite like a swat team. One of them shot the man twice in the head. Cascades of lead flew toward the men in the Market Mall, within a minute it was over.

  “Tang, Tang, you OK?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” She came down the stairs. One of the swat team shook her hand.

  “Sargent Y, MSS.”

  “Thanks Sargent, that was close.”

  “We’ll take you back now.”

  “No. I want to carry on with my task.”

  “Sure?” May nodded. “Ok, we’ll keep two plainclothes men following you at a distance.”

  She left the Mall and carried on to the Hospital.

  She entered and found where he was from the desk assistant and walked down the corridor. Here it was, room A7. She entered and spotted him quickly.

  “Jin.” He turned and grinned.

  “Tang. Great to see you. I didn’t expect to see you.”

  “How did you get away from them and back to shore?” She had made up a story on the way, he swallowed it.

  “They tell me I can leave here soon, it’s OK, but I’ll be glad to leave.” They chatted on for a while. May knew she had to make the closing.

  “Jin.” She looked at him in the eyes. “What we talked about in Taiwan, about the resistance group to the Party. I must see your Father, he is in danger.” Not strictly true she knew but close.”

  “Tang. Tell me the truth.” She nodded. “Are you involved in this?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am Jin.” He sighed and thought for a minute.

  “Ok, wait here. He comes to visit in about half an hour. We can get a private room, we usually do.”

  Jin’s Father arrived, they hugged, Jin nodded to a nurse. She led them to a private room where they sat.

  “This is my friend Tang, we were in Taiwan together. She’d like a word with you.”

  “Good day Tang, what can I do for you?”

  “What I am about to say to you will probably come as a shock. I just have to say it.” She pulled her NSB card from an inner pocket and placed it on the table.

  “What?” said Jin, you? NSB?” His Father was surprised too but held it in better.

  “Yes I am, I was born and raised in Taiwan. I’m aware, Deputy Long of your involvement with the 7/12 group and I sympathise. Let me tell you about recent events.

  “I decided that the situation was shaping up to a crisis. So I walked into Xiyuan.”

  “You did what?” said Deputy Long.

  “I know, I was desperate.” She told them about the waterboarding and the meeting with Ling Shimming. “Finally, he issued me this, she pulled out and set down her MSS card. He was confident I’d be a double agent.” She grinned.

  “So your real name is May?” asked Jin.

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I truly am Jin. I have sympathies with 7/12. But I’m here to tell you that Ling Shimming is preparing a move, he knows many ringleaders and people lower down the tree. The NSB have confirmed the extent of his knowledge. It won’t be a purge that you can recover from, you’re facing Armageddon, the end of 7/12.

  We in Taiwan don’t want that. Go underground, don’t take any part of this unrest that’s coming. Get away, leave the country if you can.” Deputy Long thought long and hard about the situation.

  “The ROC will not help?” She looked at him plaintively.

  “No, it will become a regional war, something we can’t afford. Political asylum, yes. But that’s it.” Deputy Long sighed.

  “Then we have only one option.” He looked to his son.

  “I’m sorry Jin. The only option is operation Diyu.”

  “Father No.” Deputy Long turned to her.

  “It’s time. I’ll tell you the truth May, we’ve seen increased MSS activity, We captured two and tortured them. They told us similar things to you.

  Jin, help me, we’ll call who we can. We’ll get over to the PLAN base at Qingdao tomorrow.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder briefly.

  “Deputy, what is Operation Diyu?”

  “We’ll destroy the PRC and hope that we can rise from the ashes. We’ll take a Jin class SSBN to sea.” She was shocked.

  “You’re going to nuke the country?”

  “No,” he smiled, “That wouldn’t be enough firepower. We’ll sail the Pacific until we’re in range of many key American cities. We’ll announce that the People’s Republic of China is at war with the USA and unleash the MIRV warheads. San Francisco, LA, Seattle, San Diego, Denver and Chicago will burn in the nuclear fire. The USA will have no choice but to rain down nuclear terror on the PRC. It’s the only way we can be sure. It’s a heavy price, but one day China will be free under the blue star.”

  “No, don’t do it Deputy Long. There must be another way?” May pleaded.

  “Thank you for your time May. I must go now, there’s a lot to do.” Jin kissed her and left too.

  May sat with her head in her hands. “What have I done, what have I done?”

  THE FOLLOWING DAY SHE made her way by train to the base at Qingdao. Her MSS card got her access. She found the submarine dock and spotted the Jin tied up. She’d bought some binoculars and looked. It was taking on stores, ready for sea. An hour later several people showed up in Limousines or cars. There were a couple of trucks, men with assault rifles climbed out the back. All made their way on to the submarine's deck, climbed the sail and entered the boat. She spotted Deputy Long and then. “No God no.” It was Jin following him.

  “Jin, no don’t do this.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, she sobbed, until she was sore.

  “It was a phone call she wished she’d never have to make, she took out a cell phone and dialled.

  After a few minutes she was put through.


  “Nikki, it’s May. The shit’s about to hit the fan. I’m in Qingdao. A Jin class SSBN is about to sail, it’s going to nuke the US.”


  May told her what had happened the MSS, the Hospital, Operation Diyu.

  “I can’t believe it May.”

  “You have to, I swear it’s true. Stop it. Please stop it. Tell Nathan, get him to believe you.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Get out. Somewhere, I don’t know. I might see you in Guam or the US.”

  “Take great care my friend.” May cut the connection.

  May looked out over the docks and wharves, grey warships filled the scene. She’d told Nathan long ago, she was frightened about what he may do. Now she knew.

  He was going to try to kill her love from the PRC. What a mess she’d made. What a mess.

  Chapter 19

  USS Stonewall Jackson.

  NIKKI HAD CALLED A meeting of the war committee. The three of them sat around the table in the Wardroom.

  Larry looked at her with a sceptical gaze. “You know how fantastical that is. I mean I met her she seems to be wired up right, but an SSBN on its way to nuke the US?”

  “She is NSB,” said Nikki.

  “I know. I’ll accept this 7/12 thing, I’m not too surprised at that.”

  “It is a lot to take in I agree,” Nathan rubbed his temples, “can we obtain any proof apart from this call?”

  “I don’t see how, said the XO.

  “Wait,” she said, “what about Big Bird passes? They could show a Jin class in port.”

  “Yeah, that would go a long way to proving it, I’ll get on to COMSUBPAC.”

  Nathan stepped into the control room. “Lemineux get a message out to Pearl now. He dictated the message. “Ok Planesman,” said Lemineux, “speed four knots. Float the communications buoy.”

  “In the meantime, I want us up alongside Bellerophon, I want to talk to Pike on Gertrude. Get us
alongside XO.”

  “Aye sir.” About an hour later the XO came to Nathan’s station.

  “We’re alongside the RN SSN, six knots, 250 feet, 200 yards apart.”

  “Thanks. Lemieux get Gertrude in contact.” After a minute fiddling, he made contact and handed the handset to Nathan.

  “Hello Frank.”

  “I’m here, go on.”

  “I can’t give you all the background, with this thing, but the NSB agent we’ve been working with tells us that a Jin class SSBN is leaving Qingdao. Its mission is to nuke the USA.”

  “Bloody hell.”

  “I’m waiting on confirmation from Pear Harbour and Big Bird passes to confirm this. If it’s true, it will have probably a Shang class and maybe a Song class escorting it out. I’m going to periscope depth to wait the confirmation. I’ll head towards twelve miles off Qingdao. If it’s rubbish, I’ll come back down and explain. If you see me dive to below four hundred and set off for Qingdao, then it’s on. I’d like you to wipe away the escort’s, so we can go after the Jin.”

  “Nathan. You know you can count on the Billy Ruffian.”

  “Thanks Frank, Jackson out.”

  Nathan smiled the escorts would be lucky to see the surface again.

  “Planesman, trim for periscope depth. Heading... Nikki?”

  “Two nine three, sir.”

  “OK, you heard the lady.”

  “Aye, aye sir.”

  “Chief wants to run the diesels and charge sir,” said Larry.

  “Go ahead.”

  Nathan went to his cabin to try to sleep. Another three hours went by, there was a knock at the door.

  ‘On my way.” He walked back into the control room.

  “Message from Pearl sir.”

  “Send it to my workstation.”


  R 231347Z MAR 9Y ZY10



  PACFLT// ID S072RQ81//







  MSG END://

  “Nikki, Larry. We have our confirmation. Jin and escorts left between 09.30 and 17.18.

  Planesman trim for descent, make your depth five hundred feet, 15 knots, maintain course.”

  The boat tilted down to the bow, she slid deeper into The Yellow Sea followed by the Bellerophon.

  “Weaps warload?”

  “Sir, tubes one to four MK 48, five Harpoon, six Stimpy.”

  “Load Ren in tube five.”

  “Sir.” He looked over Nikki’s shoulder at the chart, she’d marked up the chart with a pencil.

  “You do like these old charts, don’t you?”

  “Keeps me in contact with the sea sir.” He looked at the enemies’ possible route. The obvious one is south of Kagoshima. But they may try around Jeju South Korea and up the Sea of Japan. Worse for the long ocean transit and out through a choke point north of Japan.

  They wouldn’t be expecting any opposition, so he’d plumb for Kagoshima, That’s a south east heading, right towards them, well almost.

  “I’m looking at a south east track for the enemy. We’re a way off yet, but stream Lucy. Enjoy your favourite toy Benson.” He walked over to Lemineux and handed over a paper slip.

  “Lieutenant Commander, use these contact details, put the communication through to my cabin.”

  “You going deep sir?” Larry smirked.

  “Not yet, let’s stay out here streaming Lucy, see what we can hear. I think Frank will go in closer. Drop the revs, nine knots XO.” He retired to his cabin.

  Not long after the intercom buzzed. “Call for you sir,” it was Lemineux.


  The accented voice came into his cabin. “Admiral Nakata.”

  “Thanks for taking my call sir. I’m in the Yellow Sea hunting a Jin from Qingdao, he’s on his way to nuke the US.”

  “I see.” There was a pause. “You are certain of this? PRC will not do this lightly.”

  “I can’t be certain, but it looks a very strong possibility. Let me explain Admiral.” Nathan explained about 7/12 group and other things.

  “I see, very complicated, I was aware of some of what you said. Commander Blake. Monitor JSDF channel 8BR, you will be Dark Fish, your contact will be Shadow Diamond. Good hunting Commander, Nakata out.”

  “Thank you, sir.” The connection cut. He walked back into the control room. “Lemineux. Monitor this encrypted channel, call signs are on there.”

  “Yes sir.”

  It was now time to wait and listen. He looked to Benson, his screen a mess of dripping colours, his head filled with the symphony of the deeps. He was in his world, the place he knew best.

  After an hour or so Benson sat up. “Sir, two issues good and bad.” Nathan rolled his eyes.

  “Go on Benson give me both barrels.”

  “The good news is that I’m pretty sure I have the Jin. Faint and long way back but I’ve been tracking it several minutes and I think we have it.”


  “The bad one sir is that I’m detecting sonobuoys dropping in advance of the boat, a zig zag pattern clearing the Jin’s way.”

  “Bastard.” An ASW aircraft, it must be. It’d carry lightweight torpedoes to drop on a contact, it’d be over their area before the Jin got anywhere near.

  “Commander aren’t you forgetting something,” smiled Larry.

  “No. I suppose we can go deep before the Jin gets here.”

  The XO stood closer, “Vulture’s Stare.” Nathan grinned.

  “You’re right, damn it. Benson where are the sonobuoys going in?”

  “About seven eight miles west of us sir.”

  “Make heading west ten knots.” After five minutes.

  “Planesman trim for ascent, periscope depth.” The boat rose to the bow, then levelled. He set up a 180 scan high to the west. The picture appeared on Conn monitor, he carefully scanned back and forward. Larry, look.” He zoomed in.

  “Weaps come over here, what do you make of this.

  Weaps asked for another view as the aircraft turned. “It’s a four-engine turboprop, high wing sir. Let me look at the idiots guide.” He walked back to his station.

  “Yes sir, that it. A Shaanxi Y-8 ASW bird. It probably carries the Yu-11 lightweight torpedo.”

  “Let’s do him. Weaps raise the mast most feared and zoom in.” Weaps did so and piped the display to Nathan’s Conn monitor, Larry stood by watching.

  “Range 6.3 miles, I’m focusing on the wing roots, should be a fuel storage area. The area around the wing roots grew very bright, the stabiliser kept the beam on target despite the sea swell. Seconds went by and Nathan caught glimpses of threads of grey smoke and what looked like shredded paper streaming away from the aircraft. Then it started to turn in their direction.

  “He seen us he’s coming down the line turning to get a bomb on us.” He was getting closer and ever closer, he’d soon have to call emergency dive. Then the bomb bay opened. Just after this a fireball erupted around the wing roots, then another. a wing tore off and the ASW aircraft fell to the sea.

  “Lower mast. Trim for descent, depth 400 feet, seven knots.”

  “Four hundred, seven knots aye sir.” The boat commenced her dive.

  “Awesome thing sir,” said the XO.

  “Yeah, Vulture’s Stare, you don’t want that thing after you. Benson, no more sonoboys, get those ears twitching.”


  “SIR, I HAVE CONTACTS to the north nine miles. Multiple boats Confirm one Jin, a Shang, the others a diesel electric boat not sure of type.”

  Pike sat at his Conn. “Wel
l done Mercer, additional info?”

  “Yes, depth spread between 300 and 500 feet, 14 knots, heading south west.”

  “Let’s see if we can get some attention.” He took down the intercom. “Chief, I want to send you a party to the engine room. Give any who need it a stick, spanner or a bar to give whatever big chunk of machinery you decide a good banging. I want you to put on a spurt of full revs, about 15 seconds long, get them to hammer something to buggery. Then repeat twice more. Then we’re back to normal operations. Ok with that?”

  “Yes sir.” He set down the intercom.


  “Yes sir.” It was the Chief of the boat.

  “Get a group of ten or so crew, get down the engine room and do as the Chief Engineer says.” The Chief went aft, he heard him going through the crew cabins. “You lazy tosser’s get up and follow me, bring the rest of the bilge rats. You in there, Linda fucking Suckalot, get the bitches up and come on aft.”

  Pike smiled. “Melanie, you may wish to take your fancy head set off for a few minutes.


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