Sovereign Sieged

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by Sarah E. Burr

  Sovereign Sieged

  ~A Court of Mystery Novel~

  Sarah E. Burr

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Sarah Burr

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First Printing, 2019

  Other books by Sarah E. Burr

  The Court of Mystery series

  Paradise Plagued

  Burdened Bloodline

  Sovereign Sieged

  Crown of Chaos

  The Ducal Detective Mysteries

  The Ducal Detective

  A Feast Most Foul

  A Voyage of Vengeance

  A Summit in Shadow

  Throne of Threats

  Centuries ago, priests of the Ancient Faith lorded over the continent, building their empires on fear and greed. Poverty and sickness ravaged the world, forcing a faction of rebels to rise and overthrow these tyrants preaching in the name of silent gods. The leaders of this movement, known in the annals of history as the Rebirth, proclaimed the realm would no longer answer to nameless demons and gods, but to the virtues of bravery, humility, kindness, and intelligence. Sealing their pact, these newly anointed leaders drank the dew of the fabled kingsleaf flower, marking them and their offspring forever as destined rulers of the realm with their royal eyes. Under their care and guidance, the dukedoms flourished for over five hundred years. Now, greed and oppression have seeped back into the Realm of Virtues, as the ruling dukes and duchesses of each region lust for more and more power. Fearing the duchies are going the way of the all-but-extinct Ancient Faith, Duchess Jacqueline Arienta Xavier, the self-appointed protector of the realm and ruler of Saphire, has put a plan into motion to secure the freedom and prosperity of the world, despite growing opposition to her cause.


  Principal Characters

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Note from the Author


  Principal Characters

  Duchess Jacqueline Arienta Xavier – our heroine, “Jax”

  Duke Percival “Perry” Pettraud – Jax’s husband

  George Solomon – Captain of the Saphire Ducal Guard

  High Courtier Jaquobie – Jax’s senior advisor

  Lady Uma – Jax’s lady-in-waiting

  Vita Bellarose – Jax’s lady’s maid

  Master Charles Montivarius – the Saphirian court physician

  Lady Sabine – Perry’s second cousin

  Sir Olavo – Duchess Tandora’s private secretary

  Lord Thanasis Brunovaris – the former Duke of Isla DeLacqua

  Bernard Hoftstead – the Lord Chamberlain of Galensmore

  Carriena Brunovaris – Jax’s friend from the Academy

  Mistress Ellamae – the Galensmore cook

  Martán – the Galensmore steward

  Julian – the Galensmore valet

  Corporal Archibald Highriver – the commanding officer stationed at Galensmore

  Chapter One

  “I don’t want you to go. I can’t do this on my own.”

  Duchess Jacqueline Arienta Xavier’s heart wilted under her husband’s pleading stare, but her resolve remained firm. “I must get back to Saphire and begin preparations of my own, dearest.” Grasping the newly crowned Duke of Pettraud’s hand, she pulled him close, his bare chest warm against her skin. “If we are to survive this War Council, I need to get my court in order.”

  With worried lavender eyes, Perry held her royal gaze a moment before sighing. “Then let me come with you. If there’s the slightest chance that you’ve been betrayed by your advisors, I can’t stand by and let you walk into their clutches alone.”

  Stroking his smooth cheek, a tired smile graced her lips. “You make it all sound so dire.”

  Her attempt at humor did not appease his mood, so she resorted back to seriousness. “I cannot fathom a member of my court betraying our plans to visit Ogdam Oasis to Duchess Tandora and her cronies.” Leaning into Perry’s embrace, Jax tried to keep her voice from betraying her nerves. “Based on the evidence Sir Olavo has provided thus far, the more likely scenario is that the Duchess sent spies to intercept the communications I had with my grandfather about the trip.”

  Perry’s biceps tightened protectively around her. “You don’t think Duke Mensina provided the information to Duchess Tandora directly?”

  Jax’s nose wrinkled. “No. Grand-Père and I may have had our differences in the past, but he would never risk Mensina’s alliance with Saphire to assist someone as weak as Delphinia. Besides her picturesque beaches, the Duchess of Tandora has little to offer someone like my grandfather.”

  Brushing a stray lock of long caramel hair away from her face, Perry surveyed her a moment before speaking. “Is that your head talking, or your heart?”

  Despite the tenderness in his tone, his words caused her to bristle. “You will soon learn, my love, that a leader must listen to both.”

  Perry’s pale cheeks colored with embarrassment. “I’m sorry. That was out of line for me to say.”

  Cupping his chin, Jax held his weary gaze. “Nothing you say to me will ever be out of line. You are my husband, and you are the Crowned Duke of Pettraud. You are my equal, Perry. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  She watched as his throat bobbed with emotion before continuing. “You know how much I’ve struggled to trust others. After Aranelda’s betrayal, how could I not?” Even after all this time, saying the name of the woman whom she had loved like a sister made her skin crawl with painful memories. “But you broke down the walls around my hardened heart and showed me that not everyone is out for power…out for my crown.” Her lips found his, and they stood in a passionate embrace for a long moment. Pulling away, she smiled as hot desire ran through her limbs. “I truly believe that I have Grand-Père’s support, his respect, and most importantly, his love.”

  Perry buried his face in her long hair. “Still, the thought of you setting off for Saphire alone terrifies me.”

  “An envoy of forty of Saphire’s finest guardsmen is hardly what I’d call setting off for Saphire all by my lonesome.” Chuckling, she pulled him closer to the canopied bed that took up a vast amount of space in their chambers. “I’m more worried about you, dearest, and whether or not one of your brothers is going to come for your head.”

  Scratching his mess of curls, a lazy grin swept across Perry’s face as Jax’s nightgown fell to the cold, stone floor. “Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.”

  An hour later, a knock on the door jolted Jax’s heart into her throat as she struggled to untangle her naked form from the mountain of sheets lining the bed. “Just a moment!” she called breathlessly across the vast room, hoping whoever stood on the outside of the chamber heard her.

  Perry hopped out of their nest,
tossing her a dressing robe as he climbed into linen trousers. “I guess our presence was missed at breakfast.” His grin was boyishly coy.

  Jax’s amethyst eyes flew to the window. The morning sun struggled to emerge through a curtain of fog. “Virtues, I didn’t realize it was so late. I must get going.” Clinching the silky robe around her slender waist, she hurried to open the door.

  Uma, her lady-in-waiting, stood patiently waiting with pink cheeks. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Uma’s brown-eyed gaze flitted past Jax to Perry’s half-naked body, and a smirk danced on her lips.

  Jax rolled her eyes, ushering the woman in. “George must be pleased with me,” she said, sarcasm coating her words.

  Uma twirled a strand of mousey brunette hair. “That’s putting it mildly. You said you wanted to leave at dawn.” Taking a pointed look out the window at the gloomy day, she snorted.

  Their easy banter relaxed the tight muscles in Jax’s shoulders. She so enjoyed having a female companion to joke around with, one who knew when she needed to be treated like a human being, not a Duchess. Uma had been her lady’s maid since she’d gone off to study at the Academy over a decade ago, and with her promotion to lady-in-waiting, their friendship became part of Jax’s lifeblood.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, dear one.” Jax went to the wardrobe to retrieve the only remaining gown that had not been packed away the previous night.

  A coy smile curled on Uma’s lips. “Oh, you’re not the one I was sent to fetch, Duchess.” Uma’s brown eyes flickered to Perry’s disheveled form. “Apparently, Duke Pettraud is missing his first review of the Ducal Guard.”

  Perry’s face went slack. “Oh, no. I totally forgot Ivan scheduled that for today.” Hastening to his wardrobe in search of his formal attire, he added, “He thought it would be good to keep me preoccupied after your departure this morning.” He sheepishly grinned as he slipped a silver and emerald tunic over his head. “Only I kept you preoccupied from leaving.”

  Jax tossed a pillow at her cheeky husband. “I won’t waste our final moments together reprimanding you about the importance of supporting and respecting your personal guard.” She raised a pointed eyebrow. “I’m sure Ivan will do that for me.”

  A crestfallen expression saturated Perry’s face. “You mean, you won’t wait to leave until after I’m finished?”

  “As much as I’d like to,” Jax said, casting a mournful look out the window, “I must return home.”

  “I’ll give you two a moment to say goodbye.” Uma backed out of the suite without another sound.

  The ache in Jax’s chest seemed to reflect in Perry’s lavender eyes. “Be safe, Duchess,” he managed, his voice tight with emotion.

  She reached out, stroking her quivering fingers along his smooth cheek. “We will be together soon, my love.” A few stray tears broke through her normally stoic barrier. “Know that I will be thinking of you always.”

  Perry clasped her hand and kissed her palm. “You’ve brought such light into my life, Jax. How am I supposed to survive what lays ahead without you by my side?”

  “Because you are strong, and you are good,” Jax whispered in reassurance. “Because I believe you can do this, Perry. You are no longer alone in this world. You have your brothers by your side to support you.”

  Perry’s smile struggled across his face. “Leave it to you to herald peace among the Pettraud brothers.”

  She batted the notion away with her hand. “I did no such thing.” She kissed him once more, her chest already burning with the ache of missing him. “Now go, or that peace won’t last for long if you keep Ivan waiting.”

  Perry lingered in the doorway, his eyes hesitating to break their locked gaze. “May the Virtues guide us back to each other,” he said before vanishing from her life.

  Jax stood alone in the spacious royal chamber, locking away her sorrow behind the emotional barrier she’d formed long ago to survive in her role. She had to be strong. Not only for herself, but for Perry. He’d never be able to focus on his new dukedom if he knew the pain their separation caused her. She had to stay strong…for herself, her husband, and their duchies.

  “I requested the banquet hall be kept open for you to take a late breakfast. Shall we?”

  Jax’s watery gaze found concern written all over Uma’s face as her lady-in-waiting reentered the room and spoke to her. Pushing her emotions aside, she smiled. “I think one—or five—pastries would do me some good.”

  “It’s all right to be sad, Jax.” Uma put a hand on her friend’s arm. “No one would fault you for it.”

  “You’d be surprised,” Jax answered dryly. Her enemies in the realm would only be too thrilled to spread rumors about her wallowing in helpless sorrow.

  “I’ll arrange for someone to do a final sweep of your chambers to ensure everything has been packed away.” Uma escorted Jax out of Perry’s ducal apartment, strolling arm-in-arm through the gaping, gray palace halls. “I must say, I am ready to go home.”

  The gloomy atmosphere of Castle Pettraud, carved into the peak of the Caisleán Cliffs overlooking Loch Ionotch, was something Jax would not miss. “It will be lovely to see the sun again, even if the winter months are vastly approaching.” She paused, giving a covert, sidelong glance to her lady-in-waiting. “But what about Hendrie?”

  Pink petals of discomfort unfurled from Uma’s neck, working their way into her cheeks. “Hendrie is where he belongs. At Perry’s side.”

  Jax’s hopeful heart deflated. “Oh dear. I take it you two didn’t have a very fond farewell.”

  A storm of emotions blew across Uma’s pretty face, settling into an annoyed glare. “He couldn’t even muster up the words to tell me if I meant anything to him.”

  “Perhaps he’s just shy?”

  Stopping in the middle of the dark hall, Uma tossed her arms up in the air. “I asked him directly if he wanted to court me while we are apart, and all he could do was stutter and look at his feet.” Shadows danced over her features, heightening her anger.

  Jax’s lips pressed in a thin line. As much as she valued Hendrie’s loyalty to Perry, Uma’s happiness meant more to her. “What a prat.”

  The Duchess’s biting retort stunned Uma for a moment before the young woman burst into laughter. “I suppose you’re right,” she managed after a time, wiping tears from her eyes.

  “If Hendrie doesn’t see what a treasure you are,” Jax said, looping her arm once more through Uma’s, “then be done with him. There are plenty of men in the realm who would trip over themselves just to get a look at you.”

  Uma blushed at the compliment, and when she opened her mouth to protest, Jax shushed her. “Why, half of the Pettraud brood are in love with you. Or haven’t you noticed?”

  “Now you’re just being ridiculous.”

  Jax snorted, happy to be discussing such a lighthearted subject. “Oh, please. Kaul nearly falls over himself every time he sees you, and Galahad has made it a point to always sit beside you during meals. Who did you dine with at breakfast this morning?”

  Uma’s face turned the color of a ripe cherry. “Galahad and Elias.”

  “Elias!” Jax’s barking laugh echoed around them. “Goodness, you’ve even bewitched the most sullen of them all.”

  “Yes, well, you may have a point, but you’re forgetting one thing.” Uma’s deafening sigh made her visibly shrink. “None of them are Hendrie.”

  Jax wrapped a comforting arm around her star-crossed friend, wishing she could alleviate the pain reflected on Uma’s face. “I’m sorry, dear one. Heartache is never fun, but you will come out the other side of this only stronger.”

  Uma narrowed her eyes. “What do you know about the trials of courting? Perry fell head over heels in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you.”

  Jax opened her mouth to respond when a shadow appeared in the hallway, informing her that she and Uma were no longer alone.

  The piercing chocolate eyes of Captain George Solomon, head of t
he Saphire Ducal Guard, rooted Jax in her spot. “Our escorts have been suited up since dawn, Duchess…when you requested we depart.”

  She responded with her head held high. “I’m sorry for the delay, Captain. I got sidetracked.”

  The Captain’s stoic composure crumbled. “Please don’t tell me we are delaying our trip another day. We need to get you back to Saphire, Jax.”

  Examining the tired lines etched into George’s tanned skin, a cloud of guilt descended upon Jax for making his life difficult. “I’m just grabbing a quick bite to eat, then we’ll be off.”

  George scanned the hallway. “Where is Perry?”

  Just the mention of her husband caused a lump to form in her throat. “He’s reviewing the Ducal Guard. We already said our goodbyes.”

  Her clipped reply made George wince. “I’m sorry you have to go through this, Jax.”

  Her heart swelled with affection for her oldest and most trusted friend. “Thank you,” she murmured, reaching for his arm to find support. As difficult as life would be without Perry by her side, it comforted her greatly to know she was not alone.

  As if sensing she needed their presence to keep her feet moving, George and Uma flanked their Duchess the remainder of the walk to the banquet hall. Their silent reassurance that they would stand by her side lifted Jax’s spirits immensely. She had much to accomplish in the upcoming weeks—the War Council looming over all other tasks—but knowing she would not be facing those challenges alone gave her hope the world would be set right.

  Lost in her brewing concerns, Jax didn’t even notice they had company as the trio entered the massive dining room.

  “Duchess! I’m so glad you haven’t left yet.”

  The melodic voice demanded Jax’s attention, and she looked up to greet the petite figure gliding toward her. “Good morning, Sabine. Of course I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”


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